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[FE10] Mega Awesome NM Draft (The ninth one)


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Okay, so I have no clear data available. I have a save at like 4-F-1, but I don't have Pelleas or Lehran, so it doesn't matter.

1-P 7/7

Edward smash. Micaiah cleans up. Normally, I give the shield to Micaiah, but Edward is gonna get it. 6 HP is appearently not enough for Edward to enter Wrath, but he does get Strength Level up, so that's good. Micaiah's is ok too. I take the 7 cause Edward leveled twice and got strength both times.

1-1 8/15

Nolan give Mic the Vulneary. Wrath really isn't that useful when you can't dodge. I forgo the church, since I have no one that uses axes. Fucking Javelin. More strength for Eddie though. Nolan carrying Leo escape for a little extra BEXP. Eddie and Micaiah escape the turn after, but Micaiah gets some speed on her level up. All in all, really good.

1-2 10/25

I decide to do something different. Mic, Laura, and Ed go right, Leo and Nolan block the ledge. Sothe arrives! He goes and grabs the drop and clears the corner for Laura to climb up, while Micaiah and Eddie run to grab the other two chests. Not great, but I get Thani and the drop. Plus the Edge for Eddie.

1-3 9/34

Ilyana~ And more strength for Eddie. I figure if I give him a few more levels, the laguz should be able to have Edward promote in 1-5 with a little BEXP. We run through the right. Aimee dies though. :P: We don't get Aran, but I do nab Discipline. Nolan, and Leo carrying Laura also manage to escape.

1-4 9/43

Edward finally gets a chance to take the drop. He also gets Cancel, and Ilyana takes Discipline. Sothe takes Nihil, and I sell Fortune. I forge a +5 Might, +20 Hit Knife for Sothe and give him the Beastkiller.

Edward either dies to Tigers, or misses, or ends up Wrathing one letting another take the choke. But I get a 9 without Sho's strategy and I get the seal, robe, and cash. I could have pulled an 8, but it would mean ditching the seal and robe.

1-5 11/54

I'm loving Ed's strength. I give him the robe, buy the dust for Ilyana, and then give her the other Elthunder just cause. But then I realize his HP caps at 30, wasted the robe, and restart. Except I saved. So I can't. Shit. It was only 3 HP wasted, but still. I don't buy the Arms Scroll cause I can get one in 1-6. With it, it lets a lovely little trick occur for Ilyana, but presumably Meg can take advantage with it too.

I decide to take a Volug penalty to help out, since it's not too bad. I'm really just worried about Ilyana and Myrmidons. I send everyone North, and have Sothe head East to nab Ilyana's seal. Stupid Micaiah gets doubled enough for me to rage and send her east. She gets oneshotted by everything. But I have seen the miracle that is Guard. I steal the Shine Barrier for the lulz.

Char      Level  HP  Str Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Micaiah   8.26   18  5   13   10   9    17   3    9
Sothe     4.35   37  20  5    23   21   16   14   10
Edward    15.17  30  17  0    17   18   14   10   3
Ilyana    15.20  24  7   16   14   13   6    3    12

Edited by Psykitty
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In other news, I kind of wish I'd taken Skrimir right now instead of Fiona, or even the damned Black Knight. I wonder if IS realized just how terrible they made Fiona. It's amazing to have a unit who:

1. Can't hit

2. Can barely damage when she hits

3. Dies to everything

4. Has all advantages she may have had removed by map penalties

I feel like I wasted two perfectly good stat boosters on her.

And 1-E really sucks.

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In other news, I kind of wish I'd taken Skrimir right now instead of Fiona, or even the damned Black Knight. I wonder if IS realized just how terrible they made Fiona. It's amazing to have a unit who:

1. Can't hit

2. Can barely damage when she hits

3. Dies to everything

4. Has all advantages she may have had removed by map penalties

I feel like I wasted two perfectly good stat boosters on her.

And 1-E really sucks.

That's why I prefer Lyre. 8[ At least she has availability and BEXP/Blossom to use as soon as she arrives.

Javelin Laguz chip?

In a swamp.

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In other news, I kind of wish I'd taken Skrimir right now instead of Fiona, or even the damned Black Knight. I wonder if IS realized just how terrible they made Fiona. It's amazing to have a unit who:

1. Can't hit

2. Can barely damage when she hits

3. Dies to everything

4. Has all advantages she may have had removed by map penalties

I feel like I wasted two perfectly good stat boosters on her.

And 1-E really sucks.

Yes. 1-E does suck. I wish I would have drafted another P1 unit or a good 1-E unit, like Aran, Nailah or BK. Vika was kind of a bad idea...I hate her piss-poor strenght. Energy Drop was required for her to be good, but it was worth it, she was 1RKOing Dracoknights in 1-8.

1-7 10

1-8 10+6(Nailah)

1-9 8, credit to Oval.

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@ RFOF she'll become solid until late P4 ^_^ her following P3 chapters go from good, bad, and okay.. I recommend giving her two Max HIT, Max MT, and maybe Max CRIT it helps her perform better on P3 chapters.

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I'm actually having fun with 1-E due to free Rafiel and BK, plus level 9 Zihark, and Vika (who is better that I remembered)

1-8 was definitely more annoying.

Level 9 Zihark? In HM? I'm on NM and he's only 4. And he had Paragon for two maps.

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1-6-1 9/78

Edward gets a lovely Killing Edge, and Sothe trades Adept for Nihil. >_> Only Micaiah could use it anyway. I take Resolve off of Taur and save it to give to Ilyana for Neph later~ No one really needs any items, so I just give Edward the BEXP I have to get him to 15.77.

I have to remember to move Taureneo and Volug out of the way of Peg reinforcements, but everything is good otherwise. I actually found a use for Meg. Tank the Killing Edge Myrm at the end. I have to take a Volug penalty again, because Micaiah can't dodge.

I'll do 6-2 when I stop getting trolled by Edward getting hit by 50's and everyone getting one shotted.

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Level 9 Zihark? In HM? I'm on NM and he's only 4. And he had Paragon for two maps.

I don't even see how that's possible. Only one level up in four maps, with Paragon equipped in half of them?

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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I don't even see how that's possible. Only one level up in four maps, with Paragon equipped in half of them?

He also has about 70 something experience. I guess I just had Sothe (and even Micaiah) do most of the work.

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I just checked, and interestingly the Church in 1-1 is indeed labeled 'Visit'.

Are you talking about when you put the cursor over the space or when a character goes up to it and you select an option?

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That...can't be right. I specifically remember this because I knew I needed to mention it. I'm going to check.

EDIT: I see. The actual spot is labeled Visit but the building is Church, so the loophole would still work (the rule was for Visiting Houses specifically), though I may have made a mistake in my wording previously.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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