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[FE11] (H...5?) FE11 Draft the Next


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Chapter 5: 8 turns clear = 91 turns total

geh. Got Wendell for an extra meat shield. Trim got some shit levels. Marth and Castor and Ogma got better ones.

Chapter 6: 19 turns clear = 110 turns total

Shorter was EASILY possible, but everybody got good levels in the final few turns before the boss (wolf: +2HP, +2STR, +1DEF) so I took the boss REALLY slow. Like, five turns slow. Also got all the treasure except the Killing Edge.


Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

Unil I, Chapter 4: Took two Cavaliers off of Marth to let him reach a Fort.

Dua I, Chapter 4: Took a Pirate off of Ogma and got crit in the face.

Matthis, Chapter 4: Met Marth's Rapier. Or, in this instance, Rapiim.

Navarre, Chapter 4: Oops. Dammit. Accidentally aggroed two Archers with him instead of one.

Merric, Chapter 5: Distracted a Pegasus away from Jagen.

Roshea, Chapter 5: Deliberately suicided to start to make progress towards Duadexa.

Hardin, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Vyland, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Cord, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Lena, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Barst, Chapter 6: Pulled the final Knight + Archer in the throne room out.

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Awright, 6x time. Seraph Robe to Marth.

Chapter 6x: 20 turns clear = 110 turns total

Took a detour to grab Athena for an extra body next chapter. Plus, extra pirates = extra XP. Marth is such a baller. Wolf got ANOTHER +2 STR level. Nobody died.

Chapter 7: 15 turns clear = 125 turns total

Took an extra turn because Marth got the boss kill and couldn't Seize immediately. Wolf got ANOTHER +2 STR level. I cannot make this shit up. Marth also got his first point of RES. Ignored the right entirely.

Chapter 8: 7 turns clear = 132 turns total


Wing Spear crit (abused via map save) ended it. At least the crit was ~25%. Radd even chipped something!

Chapter 9: 7 turns clear = 139 turns total



Cain, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Abel, Chapter 1: Distracted some Pirates off of Marth and Jagen.

Bord, Chapter 2: Thief and a Hunter.

Darros, Chapter 2: Same Thief and Hunter.

Gordin, Chapter 2: Total accident got him oneshotted by a Pirate.

Draug, Chapter 2: Valiant sacrifice to save Caeda and let her recruit Castor AFTER HE SHOT HER.

Unil I, Chapter 4: Took two Cavaliers off of Marth to let him reach a Fort.

Dua I, Chapter 4: Took a Pirate off of Ogma and got crit in the face.

Matthis, Chapter 4: Met Marth's Rapier. Or, in this instance, Rapiim.

Navarre, Chapter 4: Oops. Dammit. Accidentally aggroed two Archers with him instead of one.

Merric, Chapter 5: Distracted a Pegasus away from Jagen.

Roshea, Chapter 5: Deliberately suicided to start to make progress towards Duadexa.

Hardin, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Vyland, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Cord, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Lena, Chapter 6: Suicided to make progress towards Duadexa.

Barst, Chapter 6: Pulled the final Knight + Archer in the throne room out.

Quatro I, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to make progress towards Duadexa.

Athena, Chapter 7: Suicided on the boss to raise the party's average level. For Duadexa.

Roger, Chapter 9: Died in the spawn to the first two pirates. He sucked anyway.


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It's that time again.

. Reclassed Jagen to Paladin... because archers. Reclass Matthis to Cavalier... because long expanses of terrain. Sell useless Iron Weapons to acquire money. Decide not to forge. Fuck up initial successful run where Marth is terrain penalty gate tile away from seizing, rage and redo. Recruited Roger to block a choke, expected him to die but in the final successful run he didn't. Bought Blizzard, Silver Lance, 5x Javelin, Rapier.

5 turns.

88 turns total.

MIA: Lucer, Rejek.

Name:         L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:        8.39 24  9  0  4 12 13  9  0   C  -  -  -  -  - B From Sheeda
Sheeda:      10.63 23  7  1 13 20 15  8  6   -  B  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Cain:        15.14 31 13  0 12 15  8 11  0   C  C  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Draug[HN]:   10.72 24 11  0 10 16  4  3  0   - (C) -  C  -  - B From Marth
Jagen[PL]:    5.73 21  7  1 13  9  1 10  6  (D) A  E  -  -  - B From Marth
Wrys:        10.26 20  0  2  8  8  6  3  9   -  -  -  -  -  C C From Marth, C From Sheeda
Bord[FT]:    11.09 28 15  0 10 11  5  9  0  (E) -  B  -  -  -
Matthis[CV]:  8.90 24  8  0  4  8  0  9  0   E  D  - (D) -  -
Rickard:      1.11 16  4  0  2  9  0  3  0   E  -  -  -  -  -
Bantu:        1.39 20  2  0  3  4  1  3  1   -  -  -  -  -  -
Auffle:       9.09 19  0  6  1  5  0  2  4   -  -  -  -  D  -

Chapter 9. Reclassed Jagen to Wings. Reclass Matthis to Archer, because I thought he'd level. Reclass Bord to Merc, for sword rank. No $, no forge. Rickard pilfers chests, Jagen kills a thief, I escape by the seat of my pants a couple of times.

6 turns.

94 turns total.

MIA: Radd, Roger, Caesar, Wieklin.

Name:         L.XP HP  P  M Sk Sp  L  D  R  Sw Ln Ax Bw Tm St Support
Marth:        8.48 24  9  0  4 12 13  9  0   C  -  -  -  -  - B From Sheeda
Sheeda:      11.31 23  8  1 13 20 16  8  6   -  B  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Cain:        15.49 31 13  0 12 15  8 11  0   C  C  -  -  -  - B From Marth
Draug[HN]:   10.88 24 11  0 10 16  4  3  0   - (C) -  C  -  - B From Marth
Jagen[DK]:    6.11 21  9  1 13 10  1 12  3  (D) A  E  -  -  - B From Marth
Wrys:        10.94 20  0  2  8  8  6  3  9   -  -  -  -  -  C C From Marth, C From Sheeda
Bord[MC]:    11.84 24 14  0 17 14  5 11  0   E  - (B) -  -  -
Matthis[AR]:  8.99 22  8  0  5  6  0  8  0  (E)(D) -  D  -  -
Rickard:      1.11 16  4  0  2  9  0  3  0   E  -  -  -  -  - C From Marth
Bantu:        1.39 20  2  0  3  4  1  3  1   -  -  -  -  -  -
Auffle:       9.36 19  0  6  1  5  0  2  4   -  -  -  -  D  -

Random: I'll use that Robe eventually, just need to figure out who on. Also, as tempting as that Silver Bow looks, I'm pretty sure going in there is a death trap... Will obviously need to nick the Master Seal somehow though.

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So, H5 huh? Doesn't look too bad, in fact it looks kinda like early Do5 except Kolbane's on horseback and there's two of him. 6 speed pirates abound, well, I can do alright against 'em, I says to meself. 10 speed Gazzack, well, that's dicey, sure, but- JESUS H. CHRIST A 15 SPEED THIEF


So I spend about five minutes thinking of how to best kill him. Eventually, fuck it, I Silver Lance him in the face and Abel almost misses him with a Javelin.

RIGHT. One enemy down. One Silver Lance expended. At this rate I'll get to about a third of the way through Chapter Two.

I manage to kill a simply epic two more brandits before Jagen and Shiida die on the same turn (and Gordin the turn before, although he scarcely counts). Only the brave knights of Altea can manage a heroic 1:1 kill ratio with buccaneers. On land.

This time I decide that the thief can go fuck himself while I go west with everyone. Gordin can die, and we'll pretend it was for a good cause, it'll be brilliant.

Then he decided to ignore my burnt sacrifice. This angered me into moving one fewer square with Shiida than I'd intended, and visiting a house instead of lobbing stuff. The thief met a pointy doom at the hands of ... me. Shiida was so angry about failing last turn she decided to crit with her javelin this time around, rather conveniently I might add. And Cain, when Death himself was glaring at his ferretty little face, bitchslapped him, stole his scythe and spraypainted his skull pink. The hit rate was...um. Whatever 72 is minus the WTA. So like...87? 92? I dunno. So thrilled by his exemplary service was I that I got him killed the very next turn.






. . .

. . .

. . .


and just as I typed those words


he was crit

he was crit back.

The Pirate had a rate of two.

I think Jagen has one luck.

I also think I'm going to kill myself. In any case, I'm not finishing Chapter One today.

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Barst is ridiculous.

Here's current stats:

Marf      03.84     Lord         19   5    4    9    9    7    0   D Sword
Jeigan    03.48     Pally        22   8   11    8    1   11    6   B Lance D Sword
Gordin    02.94     Archer       19   5    4    4    5    6    0   D Bow
Shiida    04.79     Peg. Knight  18   4    8   15   12    8    6   D Lance
Barts     07.10     Fighter      28  11    9   10    5    7    0   D Axe
WRYSSSSS  04.40     Curate       17   3    5    7    4    3    7   D Staff
Athos     06.00     Cavalier     21   6    4    6    0    7    0   E Sword E Lance

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Lena - Chapter 3, fail movement, wanted more generics




.... I drafted Lena ...

Re-doing chapter 3, but not redoing the video. You'll see why it's easy enough to save them.


Chapter 2.

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Chapter 3, in 10 turns

Stats to come, as they are slightly different.


Marf      04.12     Lord         20   5    5   10   10    7    0   D Sword
Jeigan    03.63     Pally        22   8   11    8    1   11    6   B Lance D Sword
Gordin    02.94     Archer       19   5    4    4    5    6    0   D Bow
Shiida    04.59     Peg. Knight  18   4    8   15   12    8    6   D Lance
Barts     06.47     Fighter      27  11    7   10    5    6    0   D Axe
WRYSSSSS  03.89     Curate       16   3    5    7    3    3    6   D Staff
Lena      03.17     Cleric       16   2    7    8    8    2    7   C Staff
Athos     05.00     Knight       18   6    3    0    0   12    0   E Lance

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter

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Chapter 4 was done in 8 turns. Wrys got one of the horseman kills :facepalm:

Marf      04.26     Lord         20   5    5   10   10    7    0   D Sword
Jeigan    04.21     Pally        22   8   11    8    1   11    6   B Lance D Sword
Gordin    03.04     Archer       20   6    5    5    5    6    0   D Bow
Shiida    06.51     Peg. Knight  19   4    9   16   14    8    6   C Lance
Barts     08.19     Fighter      29  12    9   11    5    7    0   C Axe
WRYSSSSS  05.03     Mage         17   6    6    6    5    2    3   E Tome
Lena      03.95     Cleric       16   2    7    8    8    2    7   C Staff

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - ORKO'd by a Thief


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Chapter 5 was done in 5 turns.

Video to come. All I know is Mage!Wrys is awesome.

Marf      04.53     Lord         20   5    5   10   10    7    0   D Sword
Jeigan    04.51     Pally        22   8   11    8    1   11    6   A Lance D Sword
Gordin    03.44     Cavalier     22   6    4    7    5    7    0   E Lance E Sword (D Bow)
Shiida    06.71     Peg. Knight  19   4    9   16   14    8    6   C Lance
Barts     08.86     Fighter      29  12    9   11    5    7    0   C Axe
WRYSSSSS  05.22     Mage         17   6    6    6    5    2    3   E Tome
Lena      04.17     Cleric       16   3    7    8    8    2    7   C Staff
Roshea    03.10     Cavalier     22   6    5    7    4    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Hardin    06.10     Cavalier     24   9    7    8    3    8    1   B Lance D Sword

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army

Total turns - 53


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I don't know what's gotten into me today, but I'm tearing through this.

Chapter 6 was done in 10 turns. Damn Bal and his bulky and fast Cain...

Hardin got a shit level up. Rickard almost levelled up somehow.

Didn't bother to record 6x, as it's just farting around and heal spamming for 7 turns until turn 20.

Here's stats after:

Marf      06.00     Lord         22   6    7   11   11    8    0   C Sword
Jeigan    05.48     Dracoknight  20   9   11    8    2   13    3   A Lance E Axe
Gordin    04.52     Archer       20   7    5    5    6    7    0   D Bow
Shiida    07.72     Peg. Knight  19   4   10   17   14    8    6   C Lance
Barts     12.00     Fighter      31  13   10   14    7    7    0   C Axe
WRYSSSSS  07.08     Mage         17   8    6    6    6    2    4   D Tome
Lena      08.56     Cleric       17   4    8    8   12    3   10   B Staff
Roshea    05.27     Cavalier     24   7    6    7    4    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Hardin    09.12     Cavalier     25  10    8    9    4    8    1   B Lance D Sword
Rickard   01.69     Thief        16   4    2    9    0    3    0   E Sword
Athena    10.08     Myrmidon     25   9   12   13    6    7    0   C Sword
Dirfys    07.09     Mage         18   3    4    4    0    3    3   E Tome
Delos     07.00     Mercenary    19   7    9   11    0    5    0   E Sword

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer

Barts thinks he's a Merc. And Wrys might use Excalibur effectively someday. DAT MAGIC.

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Fuck I lost my chapter 6 video when I was cleaning out folders :facepalm:

Chapter 7 was done in 7 turns. Barst ORKO's everything. This was the first chapter in a while where there was no luck involved. The highlights of this chapter were Gaggles OHKO'ing Minerva, Jeigan looking for like, 2 exp for chipping a merc, and crit killing him on the last turn, and Shiida getting Strength (finally).

Video is uploading now, stats in a sec.


Marf      06.00     Lord         22   6    7   11   11    8    0   C Sword
Jeigan    05.48     Dracoknight  20   9   11    8    2   13    3   A Lance E Axe
Gordin    06.02     Archer       20   7    6    5    7    8    0   C Bow
Shiida    08.11     Peg. Knight  20   5   11   18   15    8    6   C Lance
Barts     13.28     Fighter      32  14   11   14    7    8    0   B Axe
WRYSSSSS  07.41     Mage         17   8    6    6    6    2    4   D Tome
Lena      09.49     Cleric       17   4    8    9   12    3   10   B Staff
Roshea    05.87     Cavalier     24   7    6    7    4    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Hardin    09.38     Cavalier     25  10    8    9    4    8    1   B Lance D Sword
Rickard   01.69     Thief        16   4    2    9    0    3    0   E Sword
Athena    10.31     Myrmidon     25   9   12   13    6    7    0   C Sword
Delos     07.50     Mercenary    19   7    9   11    0    5    0   E Sword

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.


Chapter 01 - 15 Turns

Chapter 02 - 15 Turns

Chapter 03 - 10 Turns

Chapter 04 - 8 Turns

Chapter 05 - 5 Turns

Chapter 06 - 10 Turns

Chapter 6x - 20 Turns

Chapter 07 - 7 Turns

Total - 70 Turns

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Chapter 8 was done in 5 turns. I planned on Barst killing the boss (surprise!) but it turned out I needed him to KO an archer, so he was only able to contribute hand axe chip, while Athena chipped with the armourslayer, and Shiida finished with the win spear. I need Athena to proc speed on her next level so she doubles all non Merc enemies.

Video uploading, stats are in a minute.

I am dreading chapter 10 and 13.

Marf      06.00     Lord         29   6    7   11   11    8    0   C Sword
Jeigan    06.26     Paladin      23   8   11    8    2   11    6   A Lance D Sword
Gordin    06.49     Archer       20   7    6    5    7    8    0   C Bow
Shiida    08.88     Peg. Knight  20   5   11   18   15    8    6   C Lance
Barts     13.74     Fighter      32  14   11   14    7    8    0   B Axe
WRYSSSSS  07.68     Mage         17   8    6    6    6    2    4   D Tome
Lena      09.87     Cleric       17   4    8    9   12    3   10   B Staff
Roshea    06.07     Cavalier     25   7    7    7    5    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Hardin    09.90     Cavalier     25  10    8    9    4    8    1   B Lance D Sword
Rickard   01.69     Thief        16   4    2    9    0    3    0   E Sword
Athena    10.41     Myrmidon     25   9   12   13    6    7    0   C Sword
Roger     05.00     Hunter       22   7    5   11    2    5    0   E Bow
Delos     07.50     Mercenary    19   7    9   11    0    5    0   E Sword

[spoiler=Turncounts]Chapter 01 - 15 Turns

Chapter 02 - 15 Turns

Chapter 03 - 10 Turns

Chapter 04 - 8 Turns

Chapter 05 - 5 Turns

Chapter 06 - 10 Turns

Chapter 6x - 20 Turns

Chapter 07 - 7 Turns

Chapter 08 - 5 Turns

Total - 75 Turns


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Fuck manaketes. Seriously. This fucking boss ORKO'd every single one of my units, and I don't like RNG abusing for stats, and Barst didn't proc speed. Oh well.

Chapter 9 was done in 7 Turns.

[spoiler=Turncounts]Chapter 01 - 15 Turns

Chapter 02 - 15 Turns

Chapter 03 - 10 Turns

Chapter 04 - 8 Turns

Chapter 05 - 5 Turns

Chapter 06 - 10 Turns

Chapter 6x - 20 Turns

Chapter 07 - 7 Turns

Chapter 08 - 5 Turns

Chapter 09 - 7 Turns

Total - 82 Turns

Marf      06.00     Lord         29   6    7   11   11    8    0   C Sword
Jeigan    06.48     Paladin      23   8   11    8    2   11    6   A Lance D Sword
Gordin    06.69     Archer       20   7    6    5    7    8    0   C Bow
Shiida    09.26     Peg. Knight  20   6   11   19   16    8    6   C Lance
Barts     15.10     Fighter      34  15   12   15    8    8    0   B Axe
WRYSSSSS  08.09     Mage         17   9    7    6    6    2    4   D Tome
Lena      10.78     Cleric       17   4    8    9   12    3   11   B Staff
Roshea    06.37     Cavalier     25   7    7    7    5    7    0   D Lance E Sword
Hardin    10.32     Cavalier     25  10    8   10    4    8    1   B Lance D Sword
Rickard   01.69     Thief        16   4    2    9    0    3    0   E Sword
Athena    10.69     Myrmidon     25   9   12   13    6    7    0   C Sword
Roger     06.20     Hunter       23   7    5   11    3    5    0   E Bow
Delos     07.80     Mercenary    19   7    9   11    0    5    0   E Sword

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 8, just because.

Also, Delos dodged like 7 attacks in a row or somethink ridiculous.


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If you're having a tough time with the dracoknights, reclass a scrub to a high movement unit, and send them north on turn 1, both if not all the flying enemies will follow Minerva along the north, and the only enemies you will have to kill are the four cavs at the start, the boss, and the knight by the boss.

I wanted the exp, so I killed all but one of the flying units (I think I skipped one Peg, because it went after Caeser). Gaggles did 31 damage with a steel bow forge :awesome:

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Chapter 11 was done in 11 turns. That fucking killer bow archer, and Khozen blocked the path to the throne, along with that Ballistae on the fort. Marth was 2HKO'd by any combination of enemies on the map (except two hits from the ballistae).

I did end up killing Khozen, and Barst will be promoting next chapter (after he levels up, he should with a single kill).

UNIT         LEVEL   CLASS             HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL
Marf         06.89   Lord              29   6    7    11   11   8    0   C Sword
Shiida       10.67   Peg.Knight        20   6   11    20   17   8    6   C Lance
Jeigan    ??/07.40   Paladin           23   8   12     9    3  11    6   A Lance D Sword
Gordin       07.42   Archer            21   8    7     5    7   9    0   C Bow
Wrys         08.29   Mage              17   9    7     6    6   2    4   D Tome
Barst        16.83   Fighter           35  16   12    16    9   8    0   A Axe
Lena         13.99   Cleric            17   5    9     9   13   3   13   B Staff
Roshea       06.47   Cavalier          25   7    7     7    5   7    0   D Lance E Sword
Hardin       13.11   Cavalier          27  11   10    12    5  10    1   A Lance D Sword
Athena       11.85   Myrmidon          25   9   13    14    6   7    0   C Sword
Roger        06.70   Hunter            23   7    5    11    3   5    0   E Bow
Rickard      01.69   Thief             16   4    2     9    0   3    0   E Sword

KIA List:
Abel - Chapter 1, can't quite remember how
Cain - Chapter 1, can't remember either, but I think he died by distracting a pirate south.
Cord - Chapter 2, distracted a pirate so Shiida could blick a cav
Castor - Chapter 2, as an enemy for exp
Bord - Chapter 2, died to the boss saving Jeigan's life (probably)
Draug - Chapter 3, died heroically clogging up Navarre and his fighter buddies
Ogma - Chapter 3, same as Draug
Darros - Chapter 3, luring in a hunter
Athos I - Chapter 4 ORKO'd by a Thief
Matthis - Chapter 4 Just sacrificed for no apparent reason
Vyland - Chapter 5, Luring stuff away from main army
Wolf - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army
Sedgar - Chapter 5, luring stuff away from army 
Julian - Chapter 6, killed by an archer
Dirfys I - Chapter 7, I can't remember if he was getting a savepoint, or was a sacrifice to the peg knights.
Radd - Chapter 9, just because.
Caeser - Chapter 10, to draw a peg away.
Delos I - He was getting OHKO'd by Silvers, so I sacrificed him

Edited by General_Horace
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I broke the first wave without any lucky crits. I only need one crit (from a killing edge) to drop the Sniper and his gang. THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN GODDAMMIT.

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Problem is, now I have to salvage Castor for three turns while Marth makes the run to the throne. Got Maria and Minerva, though AND all the treasure (Jags landed a stupid% crit on the thief with a Javelin. I was just going to give it up).


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Yeah but they're not causing any trouble. My main problem right down is Castor, Ogma, Wolf and Wrys in the chokepoint before Maria (with all the pillars) being chased by 3x Cavs and 3x Horsemen. I think some positioning can overcome it (if I could get that motherfucking horseman to shoot Wolf we'd be golden...) but we'll see. I kept the old map save too just in case.

EDIT: Radd got a kill this map, too. Guess what he rolled? +1 LCK. Yeah. GO RADD.

Edited by Integrity
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