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I have postoned this for too long!


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How can you not like pizza? I kid, since it makes sense that someone out there doesn't, just first person I've met who actually dislikes it. Then again, haven't asked everyone I've ever met if they like pizza or not.

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I'm reading everything you post in Bender's voice. I like it.

Any who. Welcomings and all that good stuff.

Glad to be here.

Heh. Well, still, just an interesting thing to see. And really interesting to hear you like lasagna but not pizza. Wonder if it's something about the dough.

It may have just been like a childhood dislike, but I have not eaten a Pizza since I was around 5-6 years old. Sounds like I gotta put my old dislike to the test. cool.gif

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I recall it was at a Chuck-e-Cheese's, and many friends of mine aren't too fond of their food. I think that one particular instance ruined my whole view on the whole Pizza party, so to speak.

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