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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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revamped, I actually kept my turncount intact:


I do a Battle Save on Turn 4 after Edward decimates all of the Brigands. He gains Strength on his first level up, gets hit by the boss. I had to proc a critical (10% chance, more or less) so end this in 5 turns.

Used unit stats:

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       2   10   16    3    8    8    7   11    3    5
Edward        5   94   19    8    0   12   13    8    6    0

Turns: 5


Without my shoving strategy I'm only minorly inconvenienced; Micaiah doesn't kill the Fighter that I don't want her to kill and all the eastern fighters are dead by Turn 3.

It basically starts with Micaiah as far north as possible and nolan attacking the soldier guarding the village. He actually gets three lucky dodges here, I'm not sure how, but Micaiah doesn't end up killing what I don't want her to kill which is a plus.

Micaiah visits the village on Turn 4 and I use Edward/Leonardo to chain trade the hand axe over to Nolan so I can take out the enemy fighter really quickly. Micaiah occupies the spot below Nolan on Turn 5 so she can kill off the Archer that Nolan weakened, and on Turn 6 shit kills the northern Fighter so Nolan can reach the boss quickly and off him on by Turn 7, so Micaiah can Escape on Turn 7.

I do the same thing I did before with the Hand Axe so I can off either the Fighter or the boss depending on circumstances. It ended up being the boss

Used unit stats:

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       3   13   16    4    9    8    7   12    4    6
Edward        5   94   19    8    0   12   13    8    6    0
Nolan        11    8   31   14    1   12   12    8    9    4

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 12


Turn 1: Nolan attacks the fighter, Micaiah blocks the chokepoint. Leonardo rescues Laura.

Turn 2: Nolan has 11/31 HP so I bring him up to 31. Nolan is brought to the north of the Javelin soldier with the Hand Axe equipped to get the Chest Key by Turn 4 and open them on turns 5&6.

Turn 3: I heal Micaiah with an Herb (second turn) and now unequip Light so the Soldiers don't ream her. Heal Nolan with Herb and move him one space south (not in that order obvs) so Sothe can handle all of the enemies that are in the corner and Nolan doesn't have to worry about them. I proc a hit on Enemy Phase.

Turn 3 EP: Nolan misses. Whoops.

Turn 4: As soon as I checked the hitrate I don't need to proc. It'll go down to 45% at worst at enemy phase, and he hit the Myrmidon for 19/20 damage (lol -_-) I am definitely proc'ing this next hit though. I also only have to blow through 2 uses of Kard -- better than I expected. One of the Soldiers has 9 Def but it's a later soldier, and a million units won't be coming at Sothe so it's fine.

Turn 4 EP: Only thing notable that happens is that Nolan kills the Myrmidon and gets the Chest Key. Leonardo dumps Laura 5 spaces behind the arrive square.

Turn 6: Nolan has both items in his invetory (both are traded to Edward) and Micaiah kills a soldier, Sothe kills another Soldier, and Laura arrives.

I'm *extremely* thankful that all the soldiers have 8 Def right now. 8 Def is enough to kill with an Iron Dagger, and I want to save Kard for the later chapters so it doesn't break; last time it got down to like 9 uses at the end of this chapter.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       3   65   16    4    9    8    7   12    4    6
Edward        5   94   19    8    0   12   13    8    6    0
Nolan        11   87   31   14    1   12   12    8    9    4
Sothe         1   21   35   18    4   20   20   15   14    9

No boss kill, no Strength Drop. Oh well.

Turns: 6

Total Turns: 18


Basic strategy is to send everyone east (Edward rescues Laura, Leonardo rescues Ilyana). Kurth isn't guarding a chokepoint but theres enough on his dick to keep the enemies busy and away from my units.

Sothe opens the door on Turn 3. Nothing noteworthy really happens until the boss attacks on Turn 6; I had to proc a 10% critical on a soldier so he wouldn't kill Micaiah and to get him out of the way. I also proc'd another 10% critical on EP for an armor knight so I could clear on Turn 7.

Turn 7, Sothe kills the Longbow Archer and Micaiah escapes.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       3   88   16    4    9    8    7   12    4    6
Edward        5   94   19    8    0   12   13    8    6    0
Nolan        11   87   31   14    1   12   12    8    9    4
Sothe         1   59   35   18    4   20   20   15   14    9

No bosskill or Aran. Hell I didn't even attack the boss -- it would've actually been far too much to proc because I have to evade a 40 something percent shot from the Wind Edge and then I had to risk him blocking Sothe's killing the archer. Really wasn't worth trying in the end.

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 25

Compared to my previous run, Micaiah has 2 more Def, just as much HP, the same amount of Mag, more Str, less Skl and like... 3 less Skl (who gaf) and 1 less Resistance (yes Mages are SO COMMON RIGHT NOW).

BEXP: 646


-- Giving Shade to Micaiah

-- Giving Sothe Cancel and Wrath

-- Using Dracoshield on Sothe

-- Using 22 BEXP to get Micaiah to 3.99

-- Forging a 7 Mt 80 Ht 15 Crit Iron Knife for Sothe

-- Bought Beast Killer

Units used: Sothe, Micaiah

My strategy is Sho's strategy. I had to modify it a little bit so it took an extra 3 turns (because of the fact that there was a beast that was following Micaiah and wouldn't really stop -- I took three extra turns because a couple Tigers blocked me to get back into the area I needed to be at (I was hoping for 2), as well as wanting to get the Seraph robe so Micaiah at least doesn't get OHKO'd by everything. The extra turn I ended up taking also lead one of the laguz to the east to untransform meaning that I could've actually finished this on Turn 8 if it weren't for those little (unavoidable) things that got in the way.

Cats tink Sothe, and Micaiah's pretty useless overall. I had Micaiah do random Sacrifice healing just so she could get EXP.

On Turn 4 I proc'd for a Beastfoe. I think it was something like a 60-70% chance of finding it. (Normal Biorhytm)

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       4   50   16    5   10    9    7   13    5    7
Sothe         4   56   36   20    4   22   21   16   17   11

Turns: 10

Total Turns: 35

I accidentally saved my clear file over this... somehow. Otherwise I would've redone it for better results. I'm sorta satisfied with the way it turned out, though.

BEXP total: 1074

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Gave Meg the energy drop.

Chapter 4: 7 (Special thanks to Sho for thinking of this strategy. I modified it a bit so Meg could get a kill...)

Gave Micaiah the Robe and the Spirit Dust.

            Lvl  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah    7   24   2    14      11   11    14   5    10
Sothe      4   36   19    5      23    21  18    14    9
Meg        5   23   12    1      8      10  9    11    6

I'll figure out coding later, hahaha.

Chapter 5: 6 turns (obviously). Got the Master Seal, but not the concoction. Or the boss kill. Archers blocked my way. He did 22 damage to Volug even with a Pure Water. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I'm at 40 turns right now.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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-- Forged two +5Mt +15Ht +15Crit Iron Knives.

-- Sold a bunch of Swords/Spears/Vulneraries/Herbs/Keys to buy a Spirit Dust (for Micaiah)

-- Gave Micaiah two levels of BEXP then another 99 for an almost level. Micaiah is Level 6.99 with 14 Magic.

I'm not that bothered about this chapter because it's a Survive chapter. I still await the pain in the ass it will be, though.

Units used: Volug, Micaiah, Sothe

Notable things:

Turn 3 EP, Micaiah got two kills on Mages (she weakened them earlier then retreated to take a Vulnerary).

Turn 4 EP, Sothe killed the boss (and other things)

Turn 6 EP I had to proc Jill surviving two hits -- once against a Fighter and once against an Archer. Had something like a 60% chance of survival.

There's not much to say in this chapter. It's 6 turns regardless, may as well milk it for everything it's worth :newyears: Though, I know of no greater pain in the ass so far as making the NPC units stay alive. Christ, man.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       8   46   23    5   16   11    8   15    5   10
Sothe         5   42   36   20    5   23   22   16   17   11

Turns: 6

Total Turns: 41

BEXP: 868


Put Resolve on Micaiah. I'll see how much I like Resolve Micaiah; I doubt I will but it's worth a shot.

Brought BEXP down to 125, Micaiah is now Level 10 with 18 Mag/17 Lck. Hopefully I can max out Magic and then her Speed will receive more favor; it's what I'm counting on.

Forged nothing, but I gave Tauroneo the two Hand Axes in my inventory.

Units used: Zihark, Micaiah, Volug, Tauroneo, Sothe

Generally I just had Zihark take care of Pegs and reinforcements in the corner. On Turn 6 EP I had to proc a 17% critical rate with the Iron Knife, otherwise the game would've gotten slightly more complicated due to the fact that there are enemy pegs that come from the south. I'm not getting much out of those Pegs that I won't really care about since Wind Edge Zihark would just take care of them anyway.

Interestingly enough, Resolve Micaiah doubled a Steel Lance Pegasus and killed it. Still doesn't convince me though, because her 8 Spd really blows.

Turns: 6

Total Turns: 47

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      10   98   23    5   18   11    8   17    5   12
Sothe         5   99   36   20    5   23   22   16   17   11
Tauroneo     14    5   38   24   12   22   20   18   21   15
Zihark        3   34   30   17    6   22   23   11   13   11


I am forging the fuck out of some Iron Knives next chapter. -_-

Units used: same as last chapter

Thanks to Sothe support Micaiah managed to OHKO the northern Archer on Turn 2. Zihark, Sothe, and Tauroneo took care of every single unit that was in the vicinity on Turn 1, save that Archer in the Ballista.

Nothing special really happened here, to be honest. Micaiah managed to get Speed and Defense on the same level up (as well as 19 Mag/18 Lck). Tauroneo got the boss kill on Turn 5, and out pops one nice Paragon scroll.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      11   26   23    5   19   12    9   18    6   12
Sothe         6   32   37   20    5   24   23   17   17   12
Tauroneo     14   52   38   24   12   22   20   18   21   15
Zihark        3   64   30   17    6   22   23   11   13   11

Turns: 5

Total Turns: 52

BEXP: 3683

Quick question Radiant Kitty: How do penalties with 1-8 work? It's really REALLY difficult to not make those units attack someone cause there's so many forced units. A penalty on like Nailah, Vika, and Muarim wouldn't be a bad idea, to be honest, but I'll leave it to you to decide.

I'm currently making some 1-7 adjustments and then I might just eat something and watch TV. I like this draft, it's really fun to try for low turn counts.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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No Volug penalties ^_^ I can even take a photo to prove it -- Volug stood out of combat every single chapter he was deployed. The "Units used" refers to people I brought into the chapter, including forced units.

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No Volug penalties ^_^ I can even take a photo to prove it -- Volug stood out of combat every single chapter he was deployed. The "Units used" refers to people I brought into the chapter, including forced units.

To be honest, that is kind of misleading, especially since you use the word "used" as opposed to "deployed."

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Quick question Radiant Kitty: How do penalties with 1-8 work? It's really REALLY difficult to not make those units attack someone cause there's so many forced units. A penalty on like Nailah, Vika, and Muarim wouldn't be a bad idea, to be honest, but I'll leave it to you to decide.

I'm going to stick with no free units in 1-8 for this one, sorry. Send the LEA and the Wolves to the center island at the earliest opportunity, and you should be able to keep them safe.

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Figures :P I'm running it through in my head right now and it doesn't seem too bad so long as I send Zihark south and Sothe east (with Micaiah support on the eastern front obviously). I may end up using Nailah + Micaiah (Micaiah would love some EXP, and it'll boost my killing by 1.5x) because the turns I'd be saving far outweigh the turns I'd spend trying to avoid penalty. I'll just do two (polished) runthroughs and compare my results on each.

To be honest, that is kind of misleading, especially since you use the word "used" as opposed to "deployed."

Sorry about that, i'll change it for the next updates.


-- Got the Wind Edge in the Shop and sold a shitload of things to afford three forged Iron Knives. 2 have +15 Crit +5 Mt and 1 has +5 Mt and +10 Hit.

-- Gave Paragon to Micaiah, and Resolve to Zihark. Will not allocate any BEXP until Micaiah maxes her Magic stat.

-- Got Micaiah to 11.99, Sothe to 6.99, Zihark to 3.99. 1921 BEXP remain

units deployed: Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark, Volug

Note: I will not recruit Tormod/Muarim/Vika. I will allow the end-of-chapter to take care of that so they can wipe out some enemies.

I get to the boss around Turn 5; Sothe attacks on Turn 5 and on the EP he kills both Archers. Boss kill happens on Player Phase Turn 6 by Sothe. Recruited Tormod&co on Turn 6 also.

I tried this chapter twice and I got 8 turns each time with a completely different strategy both times. Micaiah's 5 move and the fact that I can't use Volug to rescue her is kind of a snag in this playthrough.

Seize on Turn 8.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      12   97   23    5   20   13    9   19    6   13
Sothe         7   79   37   21    6   24   24   17   17   12
Zihark        4   72   30   17    6   23   24   12   13   12

Turns: 8

Total Turns: 60

BEXP: 3437

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I'm just going to put it out there now that I literally am unable to recruit Pelleas in my current position (I didn't use a clear file) in case no one takes him.

... do we HAVE to recruit drafted units?

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I'm just going to put it out there now that I literally am unable to recruit Pelleas in my current position (I didn't use a clear file) in case no one takes him.

... do we HAVE to recruit drafted units?

Shouldn't be a big loss, all things considered.


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Kurthnaga then. Defence and Physical Attack. I'll start my thing tomorrow though.

He doesn't give Atk. Unless you were referring to his offense, which always sucks and is irredeemable at that point.

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He doesn't give Atk. Unless you were referring to his offense, which always sucks and is irredeemable at that point.

I was referring to the bonuses I'll get from tides. I also have Ena drafted, you know.

Edited by Elmer
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Chapter 1-P Turns: 6

Units: Miciah/Edward

Fairly generic, Edward did most of the work, while Miciah picked some guys off. Eddie didn't get the wrath crit on the boss, so Miciah got the boss kill.

Chapter 1-1 Turns: 5

Miccy: 15/2/8/9/7/11/3/4

Eddie: 20/7/0/11/12/9/6/1

Eddie ate the draco shield. Nolan (my free unit) and Eddie went north and took out some enemies while Miccy stayed out of reach. Eddie has a case of never dodge anything....itis. I didn't get the Hand Axe/Vulnery/Steel Sword from the boss so that I could 5 turn it. Eddie WLvl up.

Edited by Nytefahr
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How do u make the stats look so nice?

Note, i have like a 5 year old's knowlege of coding

[code ] Unit		Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support		Strike[/code ] 

NOTE: Remove the spaces from the [code ]

Note2: All things are spaced with the TAB button, after UNIT, also 2 tabs between support & strike. Rest is 1 Tab.

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Chapter 1-2 Turns: 8

 Unit            Lv 	Hp      Str 	Mag 	Skll    Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   		

Miccy 		3   	15   	2   	9(+1)    9(+1) 7        12(+1) 4(+2)  5 	

Eddie 		6   	21   	8(-1)  0      12(-1)  12(-2)  10(+1)  9(+4)  1

Good Enough!


This is the last chapter I can use Nolan :(. Eddie climbs up the ledges while Nolan and Miccy go right. Leo and Laura stay put like the dead weight they are. Sothe arrives and proceeds to destroy everything :P. Miccy and Eddie clear out the chest room, and I could have 7 turned it, but instead took 1 extra turn 2 get the Wind Edge and Thani.

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