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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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Yaaay drafting is finally done... I'm pretty sure the last person to pick always gets Lyre lolol

Lyre turns out fine for Part 4 if you have a good/decent Part 3 team. What you don't want to have is someone that joins late and is worthless... Like Kurth.

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Lyre turns out fine for Part 4 if you have a good/decent Part 3 team. What you don't want to have is someone that joins late and is worthless... Like Kurth.

Actually, I have found Kurth valuable for two things:

1. Shoving. May be necessary for 1 turn clear of E-3 and E-4.

2. Keeping Rafiel alive from Ashera's AOE attack.

But I still wouldn't draft him over most characters.

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Chapter 1-3 Turns: 11

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   		

Miccy 		4   	15   	2   	9   	9  	8    	12 	4   	6 	

Eddie 		7   	22   	8   	0   	13 	13   	11 	9   	1
Sothe Base Stats

The first couple of turns were difficult. Sothe held off the chokepoint while Miccy and Eddie went right. I sent Aimee and Kurth to go distract some of the archers, as well as lure away the boss and the reinforcements. They both bit the dust however. Sothe got a wlvl up, and I was unable to grab discipline, but I think i'll survive.

Chapter 1-4 Turns: 9

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	6   	15   	2   	11   	9 	10   	14 	4   	8 	

Eddie     	8   	23   	11  	0   	14 	13   	11 	9   	1
Sothe Base Stats

Eddie eats the energy drop, and I rearrange the skills, giving Miccy Shade, Eddie Cancel, and Sothe a randome Fortune. Miccy randomly turned beastly on this stage, critting the 1st tiger with a 4% chance, as well as doing heavy damage to the other laguz. Eddie got an almost perfect level up (no mag.), and WLvl to B. Gave the Seraph robe to Miccy as she has gained no HP in 5 levels :(. And of course Sothe+ Beast Killer= death. Eddie did grab the Beastfoe too, after only about a BILLION TRIES

Edited by Nytefahr
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-- Celerity + Savior to Sothe (I plan on making him Rescue one of the Civilians)

-- Paragon + Cancel to Zihark

-- Resolve to Micaiah

-- Bought a Wyrmslayer

-- Micaiah to 15.0; +2 Skl, +3 Spd, +2 Lck, +2 Res

-- Zihark to 6.0; +1 HP, +1 Str, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Res

-- Sothe to 8.0: +1 Str, Skl, Lck (maxed Strength)

I proc'd two dodges on Turn 5 EP for Micaiah -- I actually didn't proc, since she dodged them both.

The general strategy was that Sothe took the east, Micaiah (with her powers of Resolve) took the west, and Zihark took the south. that plan actually had no problems working. A ridiculously straightforward chapter; my first time through was 14 turns with using Nailah, but then I wisened up and gave Micaiah a bunch of goodies. What ended up happening was Muarim saved one of the villagers (the Brigands didn't kill another one) and I got them all the fuck out of harm's way for a quick and easy 5 turn clear.

Seraph Robe used on Micaiah.

Bosskill: Sothe, Turn 4 EP

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      17   58   30    5   20   16   13   22    7   17
Sothe         8   91   37   22    6   25   24   18   17   12
Zihark        6   48   31   18    6   25   25   12   13   13
Rafiel       12   31   base

Turns: 5

Total Turns: 65

BEXP: 2673


-- brought Micaiah to 17.99

That's about it. Thani #1 has 15 uses left, but that should be enough for this chapter.

I'm using a modified version of Oval's 8 turn to get Micaiah some exp; I feel like I can make use of the fact that Oval's strategy relies on Micaiah NOT getting combat, so I'm easily a turn ahead. Boss kill is on Turn 7 with the black knight, obviously, since the trigger for Jarod is routing the enemies until you reach the top left corner.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      19   50   30    5   20   17   14   24    8   19

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 72

BEXP: 5304


-- Forged a +5 Mt +15 Crit Iron Knife for Sothe

-- Brought Sothe to Level 10, +1 Mag, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, +3 Lck, +1 Res

-- Micaiah to Level 20, +1 Skl/Spd/Lck

-- Zihark to Level 7, +1 HP/Skl/Spd

12 BEXP remaining

units deployed: Volug, Micaiah, Sothe, Black Knight, Zihark, Rafiel

Also a pretty straightforward map. On Turn 1 I had Sothe rescue Micaiah (he has Savior) for fast transport, since he has both Savior and Celerity.

On Turn 6 I have Sothe unlock go to the same floor area as the boss.

On Turn 8, BK breaks down the door and Zihark goes forward. Also, on Turn 8 EP I have to proc a couple things so Zihark survives when he goes forward. such as a 60% hit missing (that's more or less it, the rest are below 40). On Turn 9, I have to get 57%, 27%, and 44% hits to miss Zihark to ensure his survival there -- this actually would have been a lot easier had I given him Resolve but to be perfectly honest I'm satisfied with 10 turns here. But I need him to survive so I can have Micaiah seize on Turn 10 due to Rafiel being exactly one space below where I want him (and the BK lacking the move to shove him that one space that I need him to be shoved).

Boss kill occurs on Turn 9 by Sothe (13x2 damage against him, Sothe is extremely powerful in Part 1). I move Sothe back to put Micaiah in range of Rafiel on Turn 10, then the BK two spaces beneath Micaiah; Rafiel Vigors them both, BK rescues Rafiel and Zihark shoves Micaiah. This gives Micaiah *just* enough to get to the throne.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      20   --   30    5   20   16   13   22    7   17
Sothe        12   73   38   22    8   26   28   21   17   14
Zihark        8   47   33   18    6   27   26   12   13   13
Rafiel       13   12   32    1    6    1    6   31    4   13

Turns: 10

Total Turns: 82

BEXP (Micaiah): 3762

I didn't get any treasures; if I had gotten any, I probably would've wasted a turn because I don't think the Mage would move out of its place to attack Sothe (and getting into that place puts me in Jarod's range). I'm not sure where I could've shaved off a turn or 2, but if I had Volug I would save a bunch of turns.

Part 1:

1-P: 5

1-1: 7

1-2: 6

1-3: 7

1-4: 10

1-5: 6

1-6: 11 (6 each)

1-7: 8

1-8: 5

1-9: 7

1-E: 10

Tot: 82

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      20   --   30    5   20   16   13   22    7   17
Sothe        12   73   38   22    8   26   28   21   17   14
Zihark        8   47   33   18    6   27   26   12   13   13
Rafiel       13   12   32    1    6    1    6   31    4   13

The only chapter I'm not particularly satisfied with is 1-4 which I accidentally saved over. Sho's strategy honestly didn't quite work here because one of the Tigers kept stalking Micaiah, so an alternate route was what I needed in the end. I could've shaved a turn or two off of the endgame, and Micaiah with Celerity could've actually saved a turn in 1-9 but then I wouldn't have gotten Sothe to the east side as quickly in 1-8 if I had done that. 1-7 could've actually lost a turn or two if I had remembered to give Sothe Savior, but overall I'm satisfied with the results. Part 2 later.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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-- brought Micaiah to 17.99

That's about it. Thani #1 has 15 uses left, but that should be enough for this chapter.

I'm using a modified version of Oval's 8 turn to get Micaiah some exp; I feel like I can make use of the fact that Oval's strategy relies on Micaiah NOT getting combat, so I'm easily a turn ahead. Boss kill is on Turn 7 with the black knight, obviously, since the trigger for Jarod is routing the enemies until you reach the top left corner.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah      19   50   30    5   20   17   14   24    8   19

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 72

BEXP: 5304

For the future, your Micaiah was good enough that you may have been able to pull off the 4 turn clear, or at least 5 or 6.

1-6: 11 (6 each)

There's something wrong here.

The only chapter I'm not particularly satisfied with is 1-4 which I accidentally saved over. Sho's strategy honestly didn't quite work here because one of the Tigers kept stalking Micaiah, so an alternate route was what I needed in the end.

Yeah, I keep saying it needs to be edited (there's a way to make it work), but then Soul always comes in and say "NO IT'S FINE."

I should just make a new topic for it, honestly...

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Chapter 1-5 Turns:6

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	8   	22   	2   	13  	10 	11   	14 	5   	10 	

Eddie     	10  	25   	12  	0   	16 	14   	12 	11  	2

Sothe     	3   	35   	19  	6   	21 	20   	17 	15  	10

Forged Miccy a max MT/CRT tome and Eddie Max MT/CRT sword. The hardest things about this chapter were trying to keep Volug out of the action, and Sothe getting hit by every attack ever. I did get the master seal tho :). I had to restart once since Jill died -.-. Also I have a weird Edward. Spd screwed, but Def blessed?

Chapter 1-6-1 Turns: 8+4 (Tauraneo)

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	10  	22   	2   	15  	11 	11   	15 	5   	12 	

Eddie     	12  	27   	14  	0   	17 	15   	12 	12  	2

Sothe     	4   	35   	20  	6   	21 	20   	18 	15  	11

First off, soes Shade do anything? Cuz it sure didnt stop a single enemy from attacking Miciah! After 6 or 7 tries I took the Tauraneo penalty. Sothe and Miccy took out the North reinforcements, while Toro and Eddie swept the east

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It's kinda sad when you see Zihark at a lower level than Sothe at a draft.

I'd call that natural considering how much better Sothe is than Zihark in part 1. Come part 3 things should change, though.

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Not really, considering forged Iron Knives with 7 Mt >> Wind Edge, on top of the fact that Micaiah support really bolstered his Strength massively.

There's something wrong here.
I meant 6 for part 1 and 5 for Part 2... LOL
For the future, your Micaiah was good enough that you may have been able to pull off the 4 turn clear, or at least 5 or 6.
I'll keep that in mind and play through it in my head -- I can't see how it'd end up being four turns because I need to still go in the corner. But 5-6 seems more viable, yeah.

Does 2-P count as 8 turns or 9 turns? It ends at the end of enemy phase. Or are we not counting turns like we would in a ranked run?

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I'll keep that in mind and play through it in my head -- I can't see how it'd end up being four turns because I need to still go in the corner. But 5-6 seems more viable, yeah.

4 turns is the minimum possible and I've done it myself. I have the strategy written down, which takes some figuring out because the positioning is pretty specific. It requires a competent Micaiah that can double with Resolve (she'll get MVP for the map) and some luck on dodging, but it's very possible.

Does 2-P count as 8 turns or 9 turns? It ends at the end of enemy phase. Or are we not counting turns like we would in a ranked run?

I never do personally unless it's explicitly stated, but yeah, that's not a question for me to answer.

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I'd call that natural considering how much better Sothe is than Zihark in part 1. Come part 3 things should change, though.

The "natural" is having Sothe at lvl 7/8 by the end of Part 1. Zihark should've been fed BEXP.

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Chapter 1-6-2 Turns: 6

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	11  	22   	2   	16  	12 	12   	16 	6   	13 	

Eddie     	14  	29   	16  	0   	19 	17   	12 	13  	3

Sothe     	4   	35   	20  	6   	21 	20   	18 	15  	11

The Marado knights are lolterrible. Rushed Sothe left, while Miccy and Eddie cleaned up the guys at the start. Had to proc. for Sothe to dodge a sigle damn attack. Also, I hate enemy archers and Bowmen in this game. Soooo much

Chapter 1-7 Turns: 8

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	13  	22   	2   	18  	12 	12   	18 	6   	15 	

Eddie     	16  	30   	17  	0   	20 	18   	13 	13  	3

Sothe     	5   	35   	21  	7   	21 	21   	19 	15  	11

My units are getting blessed in such random stats, says MAG blessed Sothe. I forged Sothe a knife, which he tore people up with. Got my last DBer, Vika, in this chapter. Also, Miciah finally got her 1st HP level up! (after only 7 chapters)

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The "natural" is having Sothe at lvl 7/8 by the end of Part 1. Zihark should've been fed BEXP.

... not when he did most of the kills with forged Iron Knives. That made things go by a lot faster with OHKOing Mages, ORKOing Fighters, Soldiers with Javelins, etc. Wind Edges, despite there being about five of them, don't have the critical rates that Iron Knives have and Micaiah support (as well as having a +2-4 Str advantage, with Micaiah adding 2 more Atk on top of that) made him far better for attacking. Zihark did help quite a shitton, but Sothe was simply a lot more useful.

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The "natural" is having Sothe at lvl 7/8 by the end of Part 1. Zihark should've been fed BEXP.

He can just as easily get it in part 3. In my recent draft run Zihark was, like, 6 by the end of 1-E, and Sothe was 8 or 9.

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I'm trying to get as much as I can done before tomorrow -- my cousin comes tomorrow and therefore I won't really be playing video games for the next week or so.

Now's Part 2! I'll probably end up getting a penalty somewhere, but I don't mind. I can think of one place where I'll be getting a penalty, and that would be 2-2 due to using Lucia.


A side note: I fucking love On Glory's Wings and Proud Flight. I'm turning on animations for this chapter just for that.

There's not much to say here. Haar didn't receive any combat or anything so no penalty there, and Leanne was only caught once. No bosskill, and Elincia has 27 EXP with all base stats.

Turns: 9

Total Turns (Part 2): 9

Total Turns (W/Prt1): 91

BEXP: 1000


My original thought was going straight east, but as I have learned repeatedly that this is probably not the best way to do this. The fact htat Brom gets like 11RKO'd would be fantastic if he didn't get hit like 8 times per turn. I'm going to have Brom get a Steel Axe from the village and Nephenee goes around South.

Nephenee gets into the Wrath zone at the start of Turn 3. I proc a Wrath crit on the Mage that got her to that HP level.

Heather is recruited Turn 6.

Turn 7 I place Nephenee in front of the boss and try to proc a wrath crit on EP (she needs around 9 HP, one hit gets her to 7 HP from her current 25 HP). Bosskill on Turn 8 with another Wrath crit.

I'm not sure where I could've saved a turn. There was a myrmidon that I couldn't kill but I think Heather killed it. Still though, I like my 8-turn; 7 turn could've been done but I had to manipulate a 7% critical and then avoid the shot that came afterwards, then manipulate a Wrath crit right afterwards as well as evading one hit (which would've been extremely irritating for me). 8 turns was most practical.

Turns: 8

Total Turns (Part 2): 17

Total Turns (Overall): 99

BEXP: 3900


Now let the penalties begin! I plan on using Lucia for this, so I fully accept my 4 turn penalty. My outfitting consists of giving Lethe a Laguz Stone; she'll be my backup. I also gave the Talisman to Heather to transfer to the Mercs. I have to finish by Turn 6 or I get a fuckton more penalties which I won't like.

So Lethe goes through the North to -- not take anyone out, so to speak -- but to attract the ranged enemies. Reason for this is that my first time through, the ranged enemies directly blocked Lucia's path.

Basically, Lethe's meatshielding up north and popping Olivi Grass (and a second Laguz Stone) until Turn 5, when she gets an opening -- I move her a space behind the General in front of the boss. I move Lucia in front of the General (she does 9x2 damage so she essentially kills him -- he has 35 HP). I want to proc a crit against the boss, but that doesn't happen -- instead, Lethe kills the boss on the first try (thank God) so Lucia Arrives on Turn 6.

In retrospect, I should've moved Lethe after I got a critical on the general (so I could one round the general); then I could've switched Lucia's equipment and make use of the Wind Edge to damage the boss, therefore not relying on the critical to kill the boss. Alas I was too lazy to redo the chapter (I needed to proc one critical somewhere on Turn 3 or 4 if I wanted to go through the chapter again, but that's not a big deal) but thankfully Lethe got an 8% crit on my first try through it so I wouldn't have to worry about anything else.

Turns: 6+4 penalty = 10

Total Turns (Part 2): 27

Total Turns (Overall): 109

BEXP: 7150

2-3 is going to be really fucking easy. Geoffrey and Danved have got it.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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... not when he did most of the kills with forged Iron Knives. That made things go by a lot faster with OHKOing Mages, ORKOing Fighters, Soldiers with Javelins, etc. Wind Edges, despite there being about five of them, don't have the critical rates that Iron Knives have and Micaiah support (as well as having a +2-4 Str advantage, with Micaiah adding 2 more Atk on top of that) made him far better for attacking. Zihark did help quite a shitton, but Sothe was simply a lot more useful.

I did that too the first time I drafted Zhark, but he still got at lvl 12 due to BEXP.

He can just as easily get it in part 3. In my recent draft run Zihark was, like, 6 by the end of 1-E, and Sothe was 8 or 9.

I had him do Sothe's job in one of my latest ones. :(:

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I didn't like his BEXP level ups. You can't soft reset for BEXP level-ups either.

Remember I had Tauro drafted too; Tauro did most of the killing in 1-6-2.

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