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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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Currently trudging my way through part three, but I'm going to be gone on vacation without a Wii for the next week, so don't expect any updates.

Also, Ring Wraith, you have Ike listed as 2 Strength and 30 Mag gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

EDIT: Never mind, just realized you forgot to put in HP Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Edited by GreenOyster
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Haha, oops. Will edit and update it once I'm done with 3-7. Which isn't likely to be soon, if the Black Knight keeps getting Eclipse against Ike...

WOOT! Finally. Ended up bexping Ike one level so he would have 26 speed, then he gained a level (he's now at 20) and got +1 speed. First time I tried, he got Eclipsed by Black Knight, but tried again and he survived.

3-8: 8 Turns.

3-9: 6 Turns.

3-10: 8 Turns. Not happy with this one. Stupid Crimeans didn't do their job.

Unit		Lv	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Sp	Lck	Def	Res
Ike		20	--	50	27	2	30	27	16	26	10
Søren		7	9	47	17	32	28	28	20	20	29
Øscar		9	36	52	31	13	33	29	29	22	19
Kieran		1	0	49	28	11	26	25	19	26	18

Team Disambiguation finally has Kieran on their team! I still have 16549 BEXP left...not sure what I'll do with it just yet probably save it for Meg. Kieran still has the Paragon.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Question: Can flying units be used to get around pitfalls, so long as you aren't using them in combat or rescueing/dropping with them?

Yes. As a general rule, undrafted units can do pretty much anything that only involves standing on a tile and waiting, the exception being finding buried treasure.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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3-11: 7 Turns. Really happy with this one (probably will be until I see what everybody else did on it...Soul's clear will probably be 4 turns or something ridiculous like that). Gave Oscar pass and he rescued/dropped Ike the whole way.

3-12: 8 Turns. Could have been 6ish if the enemy wasn't a coward and if my units were any good.

3-13: Can't kill Ike. I'm starting to think I should have grabbed Nolan instead of Volug...I'll be taking a 12 turn on this one.

EDIT: Actually, if I hardcore BEXP abuse, I should be able to kill him with Volug. I'm hardcore bexp abusing. That's a LOT of turns I would lose otherwise.

101 Turns right now for Part III. Wow.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Yes. As a general rule, undrafted units can do pretty much anything that only involves standing on a tile and waiting, the exception being finding buried treasure.

Dragons can't give out skill bonuses.

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yeah, I only had enough bexp to get him to 38.87. I got him +2 spd, will have to work that out. Also, I am trying to forge Marcia a Silver lance, and I've hit the raven card 13 times in a row. I'm starting to think it's not so random after all...

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I kept hitting the Vine card. Then I looked it up. It's not random. It's the same every time.


Check the note. I suggest you use it on an iron sword, or something cheap, and then try again. Depends on how much cash you have to spend.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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yeah, I only had enough bexp to get him to 38.87. I got him +2 spd, will have to work that out. Also, I am trying to forge Marcia a Silver lance, and I've hit the raven card 13 times in a row. I'm starting to think it's not so random after all...

It's not random. The Coin list is set, probably from the moment you create the file, and doesn't change.

As for getting Cain Spd, he already has Skl capped and Def caps in one level, so abusing it for it after that won't be too hard if you have the BEXP to do it with.

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3-13: 4 turns. BEXP abused Volug to level 30 so he maxed strength and gave him Resolve, Wrath, Adept, and Pass. Let him get hit once untransformed, but then he was physic'd. Got hit again, ran down and transformed, attacking a Tiger that would bring me down low. Resolve was able to work, but had to be attacked by another to get Wrath to activate. Then I ran up to Ike and Resolve/Wrath'd him to oblivion. Probably a huge waste of BEXP, but I saved 8 turns, which I wouldn't consider a waste. Plus, Volug has max strength now and will be a killing machine. Sothe got Paragon and pwnt with a beast killer, Meg got Beastfoe and pwnt with a Steel Sword and a Silver Sword, when needed.

3-P: 8

3-1: 11

3-2: 4

3-3: 13

3-4: 12

3-5: 2

3-6: 10

3-7: 12

3-8: 8

3-9: 6

3-10: 8

3-11: 7

3-12: 8

3-13: 4

3-E: 6

Part I: 79

Part II: 38

Part III: 119

Current Turncount: 236

My goal was to get below 300. I should be able to do that...

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Chapter 3-10 Turns: 8

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	20  	49   	27  	3   	30 	25   	17 	25  	7
Rhys      	1   	44   	16  	27  	24 	23   	35 	18  	32`
Nephenee  	3   	50   	28  	12  	29 	30   	22 	26  	23
Kyza      	24  	59   	12  	4   	13 	12   	20 	13  	6
Reyson    	17  	41   	3   	5   	5  	11   	31 	7   	17
Ulki      	29  	60   	14  	3   	17 	19   	26 	11  	10

Promoted Rhys biggrin.gif Rhys and Kyza are actually becoming pretty good, while Neph, Ike, and Ulki are just amazing in general. Ike and Rhys took the southern enemies, and between daunt and an Ike support, no enemies could touch Rhys, lol. Neph and Kyza rushed up north to take care of those archers that Elincia loves to suicide on. Ulki just went around the map picking people off. Also, lol moment: Rhys w/ a heal staff proc.ing disarm. That was quite humorous.

Chapter 3-11 Turns: 9

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	20  	49   	27  	3   	30 	25   	17 	25  	7
Rhys      	2   	44   	16  	28  	24 	23   	35 	18  	32`
Nephenee  	4   	51   	28  	12  	29 	31   	23 	26  	24
Kyza      	30  	65   	14  	4   	16 	14   	23 	16  	6
Reyson    	17  	41   	3   	5   	5  	11   	31 	7   	17
Ulki      	30  	61   	14  	3   	17 	20   	27 	11  	10
Calill    	15  	34   	9   	22  	23 	23   	21 	13  	22
Marcia    	1   	44   	21  	10  	19 	29   	21 	20  	21

Forged Calill a fire tome. My original plan was to have Marcia savior Ike across the bridge, but she is far too weak right now and dies to everything. I was able to bexp and satori sign my laguz this chapter and they were amazing. Kyza is a defensive beast, and Ulki procs Adept/Tear constantly

Chapter 3-12 Turns: 6

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	4   	30   	6   	24  	16 	19   	24 	12  	24 	

Eddie     	1   	44   	26  	6   	32 	32   	22 	22  	12

Sothe     	11  	36   	22  	8   	26 	26   	23 	17  	14

Eddie is a Trueblade! I just had eddie rush down south, while Miccy/Sothe took care of the pegs.

Chapter 3-13 Turns: 3

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	4   	30   	6   	24  	16 	19   	24 	12  	24 	

Eddie     	5   	48   	30  	6   	35 	32   	23 	22  	12

Sothe     	11  	36   	22  	8   	26 	26   	23 	17  	14

Eddie got Pass, while Sothe got Beastfoe. Sothe went around killing beasts, while Eddie destroyed Ike

Chapter 3-E Turns: 6

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	20  	49   	27  	3   	30 	27   	17 	25  	7
Rhys      	3   	45   	16  	29  	24 	23   	35 	18  	33`
Nephenee  	5   	51   	28  	13  	29 	31   	23 	26  	24
Kyza      	30  	65   	14  	4   	16 	14   	23 	16  	6
Reyson    	17  	41   	3   	5   	5  	11   	31 	7   	17
Ulki      	30  	61   	14  	3   	17 	20   	27 	11  	10
Calill    	1   	40   	16  	27  	25 	27   	25 	19  	27
Marcia    	2   	45   	21  	10  	19 	30   	22 	20  	22
Leanne    	7   	26   	0   	3   	1  	6    	29 	2   	12

Gave Ike a speedwing (that I wish I had noticed in 3-7). Promoted Calill to and Arch Sage. I gave Marcia blossom, cuz she needs stats, and forged her a steel lance. I sent Ike w/ Skrimir, where he was promtly slept, and Marcia w/Tibarn, destroying the reinforcements with a Horselayer. The other units moved up the middle.

Final Part 3 turncount: 117

Total turncount: 251 (I dont think that's tooo bad for my first ever draft, right?)

Here is how I am dividing my teams:

Silver Army-

Miccy- required

Sothe- required

Leanne- required

Rhys- Useful in the desert

Ulki- Useful in the desert

Nephenee- Useless in the desert, but a monster in 4-P

Hawk Army-

Geoffery- required

Reyson- required

Marcia- Useful against Izuka, also I need at least 1 flier in 4-2, cuz its a big map

Kyza- High move, tough defense against the beast laguz in 4-5

Calill- Meteor against Izuka, plus bringing a mage to fight laguz is just smart

Greil Army-

Ike- required

Rafiel- required

Vika- required

Eddie- Helps Ike clear 4-1 even faster, and I needed someone strong for 4-4

I usually have the hardest time in the desert, so that's why there are so many there.

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