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Well, I don't have any smaller icons since I personally don't mind having my swords really long. What I don't like is how overly WIDE your icon is.

lol it's Durandal's brother.tongue.gif

It looks like I did get carried away with the width, since you mentioned it. That lance, I don't know what the **** I was thinking. I guess it's one of those things that looks cool at first, and then after a while it's like, "I did THAT?!".

The axe I really don't know how i'm gonna fix that, I guess if I tried to pass it off as a hammer it would work, but as an axe, it would need the curve in the blades. I don't know what you mean by it breaking after one use, because i've seen hammers in other games with small handles and bigger heads. Unless you mean the handle doesn't look like metal, in which case I do see a piece of wood or whatever snapping after a few uses. hey, maybe it could be super strong but with 5 uses!biggrin.gif

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Alright, so here's the deal. I haven't worked on the portaits yet, because i'm still not sure about how I want to go about changing them (aside from the obvious), but I can work on the icons for now, as they are smaller and easier to deal with.

I made the sword smaller in every way, stopped the dithering, and added some extra color to the blade. I say it still looks too bland, but it has to look somewhat better now.

For the lance, I changed the whole gigantic blade part in favor of a smaller tip, but I didn't fully get rid of the part between the blade and the handle (the orange and yellow part), as I actually like it, and nothing was really said about it, but I did shorten it, which helped to shorten the entire thing.

The axe, **** that thing. Axes are like the worst weapon type to even consider making icons for. I tried my hardest, and referenced every icon I could, but I can't seem to get that blade to look curved, and it's pointy for whatever reason. I couldn't get it any smaller either. So, yeah, before you say anything about the horrendous color scheme of the blade, I did that on purpose just to say "**** it", because i'm never going to attempt another axe ever again. And it still looks like a goddamn hammer.dry.gif So please, don't even waste your time making any suggestions about it, i'd rather get better at swords and lances for now.

Edited by Scott Pilgrim
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Axes are annoying, I'll give you that.

The sword is really too bland. That hilt has no flavor whatsoever.

And the head of the lance is still too wide. If you stab someone with that, you're either going to get A) a broken spearhead or B) death.

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Axes are annoying, I'll give you that.

The sword is really too bland. That hilt has no flavor whatsoever.

And the head of the lance is still too wide. If you stab someone with that, you're either going to get A) a broken spearhead or B) death.

That's what I was saying about smaller icons. There's less room for adding details. Granted, that hilt is a little small if I was going for a specialty weapon, but would it not work as just a basic weapon?

I really don't get what you're saying about the lance. Any smaller, and it'll just be a stick with a pointy tip like all the rest of IS' spears.

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Generally speaking, lances are meant to pierce your opponent. Hence why IS's lances are very slim at the tip. Right now yours looks like an old school fishing spear more than anything to me. Not something that could pierce the human body with ease.

You can also add a surprising amount of detail in that 16x16 box. Just look at some of the higher rank weapons and you'll see there's a good amount of detail. Also, have you read Lord Glenn's tutorials on making weapon icons? It's pretty helpful.

Edited by Primefusion
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That's what I was saying about smaller icons. There's less room for adding details.

You'd be surprised. Go look at Lord Glenn's shit.

I really don't get what you're saying about the lance. Any smaller, and it'll just be a stick with a pointy tip like all the rest of IS' spears.

The bolded bit is called a lance. What you have is called a piece of metal that is useless as a weapon.

Edited by CT075
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  • 1 month later...

Update. I was hoping I could get some help/advice for this map.


I've already read Primefusions tutorial on maps, but something about mine just doesn't seem right.

And just so this update isn't just one image:




I'm not as worried about the icons as I am with the map, though critique on anything will be fine.

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The hall way in the middle has a height inconsistancy at the stairs, the bottom part of it's two walls should be 2 high. Also, I'm pretty sure you're missing wall shadows in some places. Entrance carpet seems weird to me. Walls sticking out alternatingly looks cool, though maybe overused in this map. It looked good at first, but needs some work. The icons look pretty cool.

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Rainbow time:


Red - These pillars need bases. They're cut off right now.

Green - Shading issues. Walls and chests need to be shaded on the bottom as well as the right side. For walls and wall caps next to pillars, use a shaded tile.

Purple - Major height problem. Your 4 tile walls somehow are connected to walls that are only 1 tile high in the throne room.

Yellow - Using the vendor tiles on a castle map skews the perspective.

White - These just make me scratch my head emo13.gif Up top you're using floor tiles as wall tiles. The floor tiles in the grass seem kinda odd too.

The fully carpeted room looks really flat. Shrink the carpet by 1 tile on all sides (You can leave the North part as is) so that you can properly shade/make it look right.

All in all though, it should be pretty good once you fix the things that need fixing.

More people are reading my tut than I had ever anticipated blink.gif

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Purple - Major height problem. Your 4 tile walls somehow are connected to walls that are only 1 tile high in the throne room.

This is the only one that will give me trouble. How would you suggest I fix this?

More people are reading my tut than I had ever anticipated blink.gif

Dude, you don't wanna know what my maps looked like before I read your tutorial.

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This is the only one that will give me trouble. How would you suggest I fix this?

Honestly, I would just redesign that whole section. Something to add a little pizazz to the map. Right now everything is pretty symmetrical.

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OK, I think I hit everything you pointed out Prime. How's it look now? I'm really trying to keep my throne room the same and fix the height issue, but I think I just made it worse.sad.gif

The Castle Floor tiles look odd, IMO. Try using a xyx pattern in the main hall. It just looks weird to have three rows of tile.

For example:




Also, you missed some shading where prime pointed out. Light comes from that (->) \ direction in a map.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ V

Thirdly, why is there a random "ruins" cross thing in one of the treasure rooms?

Edited by Bryan
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The Castle Floor tiles look odd, IMO. Try using a xyx pattern in the main hall. It just looks weird to have three rows of tile.

For example:




Noted. Will do.


Thirdly, why is there a random "ruins" cross thing in one of the treasure rooms?

You'll find out.wink.gif

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Red - Height errors. Make sure you're counting your wall heights.

Green - Shading issues. There's tiles that have shading in the upper left corner. Use those for the bottoms of pillars.

White - What happened to the joint?

Blue - Copy/pasta into the appropriate spot.

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Red - Height errors. Make sure you're counting your wall heights.

I'm not really sure what to do to fix this.

White - What happened to the joint?

I smoked it. Sorry, I didn't know you wanted any. Fixed. And fixed pillar shading.

Blue - Copy/pasta into the appropriate spot.

Not sure about this either, but I think I did it right.

I'll post it again once I know about how to fix the height.

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If you're going for pure-FE style for the sword blades, you've got a problem. The "top" edge (the part above (going towards the upper-left of the icon's box) the diagonal center line of the sword) is correct with the white color, but the "bottom" edge should not have any of the white on it (it's the shadowed side, basically) and should be primarily a darker shade. So, for the top-right sword, I'd change all of the light grey pixels to be the darker color and replace the white on the bottom edge with the light grey. Personally, I'd probably reshade the bottom right sword's blade entirely, since I'm not sure why it's shaded as it is.

The other icons pass basic muster, I guess. The only things that I could point out on them would be stylistic things, but for the most part, I'd consider those to be personal opinion, so...

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If you're going for pure-FE style for the sword blades, you've got a problem. The "top" edge (the part above (going towards the upper-left of the icon's box) the diagonal center line of the sword) is correct with the white color, but the "bottom" edge should not have any of the white on it (it's the shadowed side, basically) and should be primarily a darker shade. So, for the top-right sword, I'd change all of the light grey pixels to be the darker color and replace the white on the bottom edge with the light grey. Personally, I'd probably reshade the bottom right sword's blade entirely, since I'm not sure why it's shaded as it is.

I try to not always follow the usual when it comes to spriting, but alot of people don't seem to like that. After reading a tutorial (which I think was yours), there's alot of things that IS does with their icons that seem to be contradicted by what people have told me to do, such as: missing parts of the border, thick handles, colors other than the dark green and dark purple being used for borders, etc. So I tend to just roll with whatever seems to look good. Not saying I don't do some the correct way, but I don't see why every single icon has to follow the same rule.

The other icons pass basic muster, I guess. The only things that I could point out on them would be stylistic things, but for the most part, I'd consider those to be personal opinion, so...

I'd love to hear what you would suggest to make them better. I am looking for some critique after all. I have noticed that most icons look somewhat different when they're actually in the game, so perhaps you would just need to see what they look like inserted to tell if they still only barely pass. Not to mention most of the weapons i'm posting are for my hack, so there's going to be replacements for every weapon in the game, not just legendary/S-Rank.

If it helps (from left to right), the first is a replacement for the rapier, the second is my version of Hrunting, portrayed as a poison-secreting sword in some castlevania games. Third was just something I did for kicks, though I might actually use it. The tomes IDK, but the second kind of looks like a fire wave. Next, a double-edged lance with the devil effect. That next thing is my pitiful attempt at a bow, and the last is a modified version of the third one.

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