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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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You know what? I'm bored, so I'll take a look-see at my team:

Nolan, Mia, Marcia, Brom, Lethe, Skrimir, Astrid, Giffca, Bastian.

Nolan - Handles part 1 very nicely. Quickly becomes a powerhouse that can solo maps. I look forward to him wrecking part 3 especially.

Mia - I'll admit, I'm a bit worried as to how she'll perform in a draft with her limited range options, but her overkill Spd and relatively good stats overall should serve me well.

Marcia - My flier, and a great help for every map she's in. She's going to the desert for sure.

Brom - Part 2 and 3 help. Not too great for the most part, but having him in combination with Marcia definitely makes him a worthy pick.

Lethe - More part 2 and 3 help. 2-2 ought to be (and in fact, was) possible penalty-less now considering Leanne is free and I get one more free unit. I hope her Cat gauge and mediocre stats won't screw me over too badly later on.

Skrimir - More good desert and part 4 help in general. I've used Skrimir before and never been disappointed. One wishes he had stuff like Canto and 1-2 range, but he's pretty amazing for a Laguz. Will save a Speedwing.

Astrid - Wow, more part 2 'help.' Drafted mostly for part 4, though, so I just need to get her ready by then. She ought to be fine with Blossom on for a map or two and BEXP.

Giffca - A good endgame unit, because that's all that was left.

Bastian - Final pick. He was the only one I've never used and at least usually gets picked before Oliver and Kurthnaga, so I figured I might as well try him out.

Overall - I planned out part 4 in advance, so that much ought to be fine. 4-5 is the only odd one there since I'm not entirely sure how I'll do it quickly just yet. Part 1 can be handled nicely even with so few units (and has been already), I ironically have at least one unit drafted for every part 2 map and won't need to be taking any penalties there and part 3 should to have enough units to suffice.

Units I've never had drafted before: Nolan, Mia, Bastian. So much for new material. Lethe I've drafted before but not gotten there yet, and Astrid I've only used in a HM draft, so those are technically new for me, as well.

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have fun with LEthe and Astrid I find them very useful ^^' in drafts, Lethe is spectacular in 4-E-5 too due to natural doubling.

ive never used Mia or Nolan in a draft and i;m curious about them, though adept should be fine with Mia if she has plenty of wind edges I think.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Finally done with Part 1: The RNG-fest. If the guy with Haar can get 62 turns in Part 1 then ~80 turns isn't very good at all.

[spoiler=Part 1]Prologue - 5/5

Had to reset a couple times to get Edward to dodge, not dodge and Wrathcrit everything he needed to. Both Edward and Micaiah ended the map at 1 HP due to Sacrifice (or Micaiah getting attacked once, I don't remember).

Chapter 1 - 6/11

I'd be very skeptical about finishing this in five turns without both Nolan and Edward, since Nolan needed to dodge a few fatal hits as it was to finish in six. Micaiah dodging one of two 60% attacks allows her to get the Hand Axe for Nolan to use next chapter.

Chapter 2 - 6/17

Nolan goes up the ledge while Micaiah tanks the eastern Soldiers. Edward rescues Laura and is shoved by Leonardo so he can drop her in range of the Arrive. I manage to get both Thani and the Wind Edge along with the Energy Drop, due to a lucky dodge on Nolan's part allowing him to get down there faster.

Chapter 3 - 6/23

I use Red Fox's strategy for Sothe and Micaiah's first turn placements, but deviate after that. Sothe heads north to clear the Armors while Ilyana and Micaiah follow picking off enemies in the way. Sothe also ends up critblicking the boss, but I'm not sure if it was necessary or not. Aran dies to counters from Ilyana and Micaiah.

Chapter 4 - 5/28

I buy the Beastkiller, and sell my useless weapons, Guard and Fortune. I then forge a max might/hit Iron Knife, and a max might/+10 hit Iron Sword and Thunder. Meg got the Energy Drop, Dracoshield and two levels of BEXP.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - none

Ilyana - Shade

Meg - Cancel

Sothe heads around the west while the others clear the east. Pain rushes my units untransformed for some reason, so he's easily dispatched. Micaiah finshes the last Cat with a Wrathcrit. I make sure to grab the Master Seal since I'll probably miss the one in 1-7, but I miss the Seraph Robe.

Chapter 5 - 6/34

I bought the Spirit Dust for Ilyana, and got her to .97. Meg also got a level of BEXP.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - none

Ilyana - Shade

Meg - Cancel

Sothe and Micaiah went east to get the Master Seal and deal with the boss area, while Ilyana and Meg hung back a bit and let the enemies come to them, eventually clearing out the west. The Other units handled themselves well enough when Jill wasn't busy dying.

Chapter 6-1 - 5/39

I sell a bunch of stuff to afford 3 max might/hit Iron Knife forges, and BEXP Meg a level before giving the rest to Micaiah.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - Adept

Ilyana - Shade

Meg - Cancel

I couldn't do this in 4 turns becuase neither Meg or Ilyana could double Javelin!Pegasus Knights (Meg couldn't 2HKO with a Wind Edge anyway). Sothe went west, soloing all of the enemies there. Meg and Ilyana went north to handle the reinforcements, and Micaiah killed the last Pegasus Knight (8 Speed doubles nothing even with Resolve active). Resetting for Sothe to Adept everything he needed to was annoying, though.

Chapter 6-2 - 2/41

Resetting for Sothe to Adept or crit the boss got tedious pretty quickly, due to all of the enemies that moved before him. Micaiah got me the Red Gem though, which was nice.

Chapter 7 - 6/47

I sell the Red Gem and Fiona's weapons to forge another max might/hit Iron Knife for Sothe. I BEXP Ilyana for the Speed necessary for her to double most of the enemies in this chapter, get her to 20, and Seal her.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - Adept, Savior

Ilyana - Shade, Paragon

Meg - Cancel

Sothe rescues Micaiah, and runs west then north for the Seize point. Ilyana clears the Fire Mage blocking the gap, and Sothe drops Micaiah in range of the Seize on turn 5, 2RKOing the boss thanks to their support. Meg stayed in the bottom to get some CEXP and I didn't bother recruiting the LEA until the last turn.

Chapter 8 - 5/52

I sell Nailah's Guard and Shriek to forge a max might/+10 hit Fire tome for Ilyana. Meg gets 3 levels of BEXP, then Micaiah gets the rest and Rafiel's Seraph Robe.


Micaiah - Wrath

Sothe - Adept, Savior

Ilyana - Shade, Paragon

Meg - Cancel

Nailah - none

Rafiel - Celerity

Meg needs to be able to 2RKO Bandits with a Wind Edge to pull of a 4 turn clear here. I don't think that's feasible in this playthrough. Regardless, Sothe heads north then loops around the east towards the boss, Nailah clears the west with help from Rafiel to kill Mages and the Priest, and Meg heads south to handle the reinforcements there. Ilyana and Micaiah hang out in the middle with the LEA so Ilyana can kill the Dracoknight on turn 4. I rig a level up for Speed on Micaiah on the first turn, to help next chapter.

Chapter 9 - 4/56

I rig four BEXP levels for Speed on Micaiah.


Micaiah - Resolve

Credit goes to Red Fox for the general strategy, and my patience because you have no idea how long it took for Micaiah to survive turn 3 EP.

Endgame - 6/62

I sell the Ashera Icon to forge a max might/hit Iron Knife and Steel Sword. I also BEXP Meg to level 20 and promote her, before giving the rest to Micaiah. Ilyana will be ferrying: Thunder forge, Fire forge, Brave Sword, Speedwing, Concoction, Blue Gem, Pass, Shade, Celerity, Savior.


Micaiah - Resolve

Sothe - Adept

Ilyana - Shade, Celerity, Savior

Meg - Cancel, Paragon

Nailah - none

Rafiel - none

Thanks to Rafiel, Sothe is able to kill the Archer blocking the gap so Nailah can rescue-drop the Black Knight in front of the Armor blocking the next gap. Then Sothe rescues Micaiah and drops her neart the door. Nailah decimates the top, killing Jarod on turn 5 before heading back down to help Sothe and the Black Knight shove Micaiah in range of the Seize. Ilyana heads north with the main group to help clear things out of the way and get the Speedwing, while Meg clears the south and kills the southern reinforcements.

Name     Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Micaiah 15/01/--  29^ 07  20  14  16  19  07  15  | A Sothe
Sothe   --/08/--  38  21  05  26  23  19  15  10  | A Micaiah
Ilyana  20/02/--  29  12  20^ 20  19  10  07  13  | B Meg
Meg     20/03/--  33  20^ 03  13  22  23  20^ 14  | B Ilyana
Nailah        33  66  17  05  23  19  35  16  13  | 

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I'm surprised because even though you lacked the "stronger"/"superior" picks of the DB (Nolan, Eddie, Zihark, Aran, etc) you managed to do really well :^_^: though you have Nailah soo 1-endgame was a breeze. I hate 1-E I can never do a 6 turner :lol: but I'll try.

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Wow. I only beat your part 1 by 3 turns. That is pretty good. I'm not sure if I could have saved myself any more turns, either, at least with my team. With Ilyana I could have likely done 1-4 a turn faster and with Nailah I could easily have done 1-E 1 or even 2 turns faster, but that doesn't really matter. Everything else I can't imagine being faster unless I have, like, everyone at my disposal.

I really ought to post my logs, ugh.

Meanwhile I'm at 3-P and this has to be the most RNG-reliant thing ever. Either that or the intense luck I need from the NPCs just makes it so frustrating that it seems that way. I'm sure 7 turns is possible, but God dammit, it is killing me.

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I'm surprised because even though you lacked the "stronger"/"superior" picks of the DB (Nolan, Eddie, Zihark, Aran, etc) you managed to do really well :^_^:

That's what I've been saying all along...

though you have Nailah soo 1-endgame was a breeze. I hate 1-E I can never do a 6 turner :lol: but I'll try.

Yeah, I'm not sure 6 turns is possible without her.

Wow. I only beat your part 1 by 3 turns. That is pretty good.

Thank you. I think I may have been able to shave off 3 turns: One in 1-6-1 (Meg only needed one more point of Strength and Speed, which she could've gotten), one in 1-8 (I didn't bother checking what Meg's stats needed to be to 2RKO Brigands with Wind Edges, though), and I could possibly have gotten the 4 turn in 1-4.

Meanwhile I'm at 3-P and this has to be the most RNG-reliant thing ever. Either that or the intense luck I need from the NPCs just makes it so frustrating that it seems that way. I'm sure 7 turns is possible, but God dammit, it is killing me.

I'm not sure I even want to try to get 7 turns there with just Ike.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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62 turns, that's fucking crazy shit. congratz on the win here.

Thank you.

Red Fox, would resetting for Nephenee to dodge Yeardley twice (PP + EP at 62% displayed) be considered 'too much'? I want to know before I spend the time doing so.

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Thank you.

Red Fox, would resetting for Nephenee to dodge Yeardley twice (PP + EP at 62% displayed) be considered 'too much'? I want to know before I spend the time doing so.

Especially considering you can do both individually, I wouldn't say so. That's almost a 30% chance to dodge, which really isn't so bad. What I'm trying to do right now on 3-P for a 7 turn clear I can guarantee is crazier.

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Especially considering you can do both individually, I wouldn't say so. That's almost a 30% chance to dodge, which really isn't so bad. What I'm trying to do right now on 3-P for a 7 turn clear I can guarantee is crazier.

I don't know whether to be happy or not that this is okay. As for 3-P, do you think 7 turns is possible there with just Ike?

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I don't know whether to be happy or not that this is okay. As for 3-P, do you think 7 turns is possible there with just Ike?

Well, it's been in the rules the whole time. The idea is that some people will do this anyway because everyone has a different idea of how far is reasonable. And I believe 8 turns is the minimum possible just Ike. I've been on this map for hours now and even though it's just Mia and her fairly mediocre offense (I even gave Adept to Ike), without her some of this would not be possible to do.

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I've been on this map for hours now and even though it's just Mia and her fairly mediocre offense (I even gave Adept to Ike), without her some of this would not be possible to do.

What exactly has been holding you back? The Laguz's AI focusing on killing nearby enemies instead of moving forward/Arriving?

Yeah they are haha, I would never have the patience for this.

I'm losing mine pretty fast, but I'm trying to prove a point.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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62 turns in part 1 and has haar. Do i even have to bother finishing? I already know who won...

We all knew (or at least, should have knew) that I was going to win before we even started drafting. That didn't seem to stop people from signing up, though.

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