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[FE10] The "Does Haar Need to be Banned?" RD NM draft.


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Thanks ^_^. Poor pelleas though. First i forget hes in my team and then he gets sacrificed while carrying rafiel. XD he shaved me a turn there though thanks to that since he died to ashera's aoe after the spirits ganged up on him which made rafiel free to move in turn 2.

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Thanks ^_^. Poor pelleas though. First i forget hes in my team and then he gets sacrificed while carrying rafiel. XD he shaved me a turn there though thanks to that since he died to ashera's aoe after the spirits ganged up on him which made rafiel free to move in turn 2.

That is actually a really good idea and I might try that when I get there with Bastian. Thanks for mentioning it, honestly. Normally I don't like letting my draftees get killed, but if it saves a turn to do so, well, he served his purpose.

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@Rfof- yeah its awesome u should do it too :p. Btw what is bastian's base staff rank? Ive never checked.

My 1st in kills was nephenee with 178. I guess the main part 3 battler will always be the mvp.

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@Rfof- yeah its awesome u should do it too :p. Btw what is bastian's base staff rank? Ive never checked.

My 1st in kills was nephenee with 178. I guess the main part 3 battler will always be the mvp.

I'm not so sure. My Edward has been doing most of the work in Part I, and I can't imagine Gatrie will catch up with Soren and Ike sharing with him.

Oh, and congrats on finishing with such a good turncount. That's in the top 3 for RD drafts, according to the "drafting explained". And one of those had Haar.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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4-E-1 4/38

Ike gets a hammer+pass. Janaff and ike get vigored by rafiel and kill sleep staff users in turn 1. Rolf silences the double bow sniper and sends silencer to convoy. He then proceeds to orko like 10 enemies (mages and generals). Miccy received a wing before the chapter so she could orko generals.


4-E-2 1/39

Got wishblade for neph by meteoring levail with calill. Kyza tries to reach SS but fails. Ike hammers boss on pp then ep bk sd's.


4-E-3 1/40

renning blessed wyrmslayer. Sanaki blessed meteor. Calill and pelleas C. Janaff volug ike and rolfie team up on boss coming 1 hp short. But calill meteor'd boss after a smite from sothe. 2 rescue uses and rafiel were needed.


4-E-4 1/41

I tried so many combinations and its all fuzzy. Hammerned rescue with pelleas used it on rafiel and he diamond'd. Shove and kill some spirits and then mic rescues nasir who shoves the last one. Celerity 39 spd neph and parity janaff team up on boss.


4-E-5 3/44

Do as much dmg as posible with my characters. Which is a lot thanks to nasir and rafiel. After rafiel diamond he got rescued by pelleas and died to ashera's aoe after getting ganged up on by the spirits. R.I.P lol. I do as much dmg as posible in turn 2 but came up short by 2 auras. Turn 3 i finish them up and gang up on ashera then ike doubles ashera.


Unit Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Strike
Ike 20 65 37 7 40 36 19 32 13
Micaiah 12 48 13 40 30 31* 40 22 40
Calill 20 50 21 38 34 32 30 23 38
Volug 40 70 20 6 23 18 35 15 10 SS
Neph 20 58 34 20 35 34 30 33 30
Rolf 20 60 36 11 40 34 30 32 23
Tauroneo 18 58 35 17 34 31 23 34 30
Janaff 40 65 19 5 23 21 35 16 9 SS
Kyza 36 73 23 3 18 15 26 21 10 S
Nasir 34 base
Lehran 20 base
Pelleas R.I.P



Pelleas- severely wounded in part 4 endgame 5.

Nasir- 0

Kyza- 42

Tauroneo- 47

Micaiah- 75

Janaff- 85

Calill- 86

5th Rolf- 108

4th Sothe- 116

3rd Volug- 126

2nd Ike- 156

1st Nephenee- 188

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Sorry, forgot to post that.

Final turncount: 244 turns

Turncount in every chapter:

Part 1: 68 turns

1-P 5

1-1 6

1-2 6

1-3 7

1-4 7

1-5 6

1-6-1 4

1-6-2 2

1-7 6

1-8 9(5+4 penalty)

1-9 4

1-E 6

Part 2: 33

2-P 8

2-1 6

2-2 9(5+4)

2-3 5

2-E 5(1+4)

Part 3: 99

3-P 8

3-1 10

3-2 4

3-3 11

3-4 8

3-5 2

3-6 9

3-7 12

3-8 6

3-9 4

3-10 6

3-11 7

3-12 4

3-13 3

3-E 5

Part 4: 44

4-P 3

4-1 5

4-2 7

4-3 7

4-4 9

4-5 3

4-E-1 4

4-E-2 1

4-E-3 1

4-E-4 1

4-E-5 3



1-P: Edward

1-1: Nolan

1-2: Sothe

1-3: Sothe

1-4: Sothe

1-5: Volug

1-6: Sothe

1-7: Sothe

1-8: Sothe

1-9: Micaiah

1-E: Micaiah

2-P: Marcia

2-1: Nephenee

2-2: Nephenee

2-3: Geoffrey

2-E: Elincia

3-P: Ike

3-1: Ike

3-2: Nephenee

3-3: Nephenee

3-4: Nephenee

3-5: Nephenee

3-6: Volug

3-7: Ike

3-8: Nephenee

3-9: Calill

3-10: Nephenee

3-11: Ike

3-12: Volug

3-13: Volug

3-E: Nephenee

4-P: Calill

4-1: Ike

4-2: Janaff

4-3: Calill

4-4: Ike

4-5 Janaff

4-E-1: Rolf

4-E-2: Ike

4-E-3: Calill

4-E-4: Janaff

4-E-5: Ike??? Doesnt say

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Actually, you posted it right here:

Pelleas died protecting rafiel in 4-e-5. But i finished so i didnt care. He served his purpose. Whenever i have free time ill post endgame and my character opinions. Final turncount is 244.

Finished Part I.

Prologue: 5 Turns

Straightforward Edward/Micaiah with a Wrath Crit on the boss.

Chapter 1: 5 Turns

I've done this one the same every time, but I ended up switching Edward and Nolan so that Nolan defends right while Edward goes left, which got Edward way more exp, and Micaiah could clean up the right side after Nolan had fought them off. I even got the hand axe, as I need it to get Thani on Chapter 2.

Chapter 2: 5 Turns

Wooooot. I thought I was going to have to take an extra turn to get the energy drop, but Edward had much better stats and could take on some more guys. Nolan attacked the axe guy and Edward went to his right to lure a soldier and fighter. Miccy blocks. Fighter kills himself on Edward, Soldier lets Edward use Wrath. Nolan then goes over and attacks the guy below the ledge, while Edward finishes off the soldier. Fighter suicides on a wrathful Edward, two soldiers attack Nolan, and the ledge guy kills himself on Nolan. Edward and Nolan take both soldiers, Sothe kills a soldier. Had to proc a hit with a hand axe to kill the Myrmidon on EP Turn 4. Shoved Laura with Leo. Do some other stuff. Grabbed the energy drop, arrived!

Chapter 3: 6 Turns

Edward got waay more exp and I cut off a turn from last playthrough. Good thing I restarted. Went to the right. Pretty self explanatory from there, although I had to dodge a steel lance with Edward...that wasn't fun.

Chapter 4: 4 Turns

Took some battle save abuse, but finally got 'er done. No Angelic Robe. Oh well...

Chapter 5: 6 Turns

Ran around and killed stuff. I'm really glad Volug was free. Edward jumped up on the ledge to kill some stuff.

Chapter 6: 4 & 2

Took a lot of resetting that fourth turn. Miccy had to dodge the three armors and two pegasuses, one of which had the best biorhythem. All the others had 50% hit, so it was just a matter of them all doing it at one time.

Chapter 7: 6 Turns

Savior to Sothe who runs off with Micaiah. Didn't bother wasting a turn to recruit Tormod.

Chapter 8: 4 Turns

Celerity on Sothe, who proceeds to take out the east side while Edward goes Northwest, Tormod hangs out near the south, and Miccy takes the middle.

Chapter 9: 4 Turns

RFOF, you weren't kidding about battle save abusing to dodge those soldiers. Took me forever.

Endgame: 6 Turns.

Sothe had Savior and sped up to the throne room, where he dropped Micaiah right before and busted down the door so she could LOL at the armors. Got the speedwing by having Tormod shove Edward so he could kill the Thief reliably. Micaiah only got to level 19, but oh well.

Part I Final Turncount: 57*

*Providing I counted right and that the endgame counts Chapter 5 as 6 turns, and not 7. It was a survive, not a defend, so I'm not sure if that changes things.

Part II:

Prologue: 8 turns? Survive again...realized Elincia will only gain exp by using Mend, so I stopped giving her kills and just used her as a Healbot.

Chapter 1: 6 turns. Got Heather and Wrath Crit'd Ludveck.

Chapter 2: 6 (+4) using Lucia. I don't know if I'll keep this one...is it possible to shave a turn off? I really hope so, since I saved over my Part I Endgame Battle Save, and didn't recruit Haar, which I was really considering going back and doing. Ugh.

Chapter 3: 5 turns. Standard fair, except it took me forever to finally charge with my allies instead of trying to keep Kieran alive the last enemy phase. He had 34 health! It couldn't have been that hard...

Endgame: 1 turn. Standard.

Part II Final Turncount: 30

Current Turncount: 87

Dang. Tied with the RD at this point, who has Haar. Part I couldn't make up for it. And RFOF had massive amounts of Part II characters...

Edited by Ring Wraith
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I feel pretty bad about stressing getting this done and then leaving it like this...I suppose I burned myself out over the last few months because I haven't played FE at all for a few weeks now and haven't had any desire to, either. I'll definitely finish this since I'm at part 4 as it is, but I can't promise it'll be done fast, especially now that I'm in school.

Also a reminder for others who haven't finished this draft.

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Do you know how annoying it is to kill Ike when he's in Best bio and your Brigadier is in Worst? Especially when your weapon of choice is a Steel Greatlance? Regardless, Part 3 has finally been completed.

[spoiler=Part 3]Chapter 7 - 12/135 turns

I don't have any real information about what I did here, since I lost it when my laptop crashed. Thankfully it was a Survive chapter, so I know what the turncount was. Notes: Ranulf failed to get S Strike, I recruited Jill for the DB's Master Crown (I think... I couldn't find it anywhere), and Haar killed a lot of Brigadiers.

Chapter 8 - 5/140 turns

I promoted Ilyana, and forged a Hand Axe for Haar. I don't know what else I did, if anything.

Ike - Blossom

Ranulf - Quickclaw, Wildheart

Ilyana - Shade, Wrath, Daunt

Haar - Cancel, Celerity, Vantage

Reyson - Blessing

I wasn't able to figure out how to kill all of the stationary enemies near the boss in 4 turns, but I guess that's why you don't play FE so late at night. After allowing Ranulf to fight on turn 2, Reyson follows Ilyana around, letting her Vulnerary and attack in the same turn. Haar goes down towards the boss through the east, Ike kills the General in the center, and the others go west. Ilyana and Haar finish the southeastern area on turn 5 EP.

Chapter 9 - 5/145 turns

Geoffrey is BEXP'd to level 20 and Sealed. I buy the Adept and give him Astrid's Steel Bow.

Geoffrey - Paragon

Makalov - Paragon

Geoffrey charges for the boss, while Makalov helps a little and gets the Speedwing. I needed Sol or a 5% crit to finish the boss on turn 5, and I got the critical first...

Chapter 10 - 4/149 turns

Haar is given 2 more forged Hand Axes, and Ike is capped off at level 20.

Ike - Smite

Ranulf - Quickclaw, Wildheart

Ilyana - Shade, Wrath, Daunt

Haar - Cancel, Celerity, Vantage

Reyson - Blessing

Reyson lets Haar clear the center area on turn 1, allowing him to reach the boss area turn 2, then goes back to get Ranulf to finish a last Bishop that wouldn't suicide onto Haar on the last turn. Ike Smites Ilyana on turn 2 so she can kill the stationary Generals and Paladins in the south, then she went for the Bishops. Ike killed the reinforcements and the Crimeans got a kill.

Chapter 11 - 4/153 turns

Makalov is BEXP'd and Crowned to 20/2. Ranulf gets to level 30 and gets Rend. I forge Hand Axes for Makalov and Haar, as well as a Steel Axe for Makalov.

Ike - none

Ranulf - Quickclaw, Wildheart

Ilyana - Shade, Daunt, Miracle, Vantage

Haar - Cancel, Celerity, Savior

Makalov - Paragon

Leanne Vigors Haar on turn 2, allowing him to drop Ike in range of Seize on turn 3. The others' roles are to help the Hawks clear out the enemies that would threaten Leanne. She also covers a hole on the last turn, letting them cross and get in some more EXP.

Chapter 12 - 4/157 turns

Meg gets BEXP'd to level 15 and Crowned, to uncap her Speed. I bought the Beaskiller for next chapter, but ended up selling it since I decided to give Sothe Beastfoe, and I needed the cash.

Micaiah - none

Sothe - none

Meg - Cancel, Paragon

Meg decimates the south as quickly as she is able, while Sothe helps the Allies kill the Pegasi on turn 3. They remained on Halt for the rest of the chapter, so they wouldn't get in Meg's way.

Chapter 13 - 4/161 turns

I buy Blizzard and the Storm Sword. Meg gets a level of BEXP so she doubled the 11 AS Cats (there aren't many, though).

MIcaiah - none

Sothe - Beastfoe

Meg - Cancel, Resolve

Beastfoe was to allow Sothe to clear a path for Meg to climb down the ledge on turn 2. He follows her down next turn so he can kill a Tiger in her way on turn 4. Meg had 38 hit on Ike with a Steel Greatlance before Resolve, and exactly 3HKO'd him factoring in Ragnell's defense boost, so I thankfully didn't have to rely on a single-digit Luna proc.

Endgame - 4/165 turns

Forged 4 Hand Axes, a Steel Axe I thought Meg could use, and a Steel Lance once I figured out Meg couldn't use the Steel Axe. Ike used the Talisman I'd been neglecting to give him.

Ike - none

Ranulf - Quickclaw, Wildheart

Ilyana - Shade, Daunt, Miracle

Haar - Cancel, Celerity, Vantage

Makalov - none

Reyson furthered Haar on turn 1, before going north with Ranulf and the Gallians. Makalov went east to help the Hawks, while Ike and Ilyana took care of the central enemies Haar flew past. I had less time than I expected, since I had to finish before Nailah moved on turn 4 and destroyed Haar. Thankfully, I was able to finish in time. I also made sure Ike found Rescue, just in case I need it later.

Stats (^ indicates a used statbooster):

Name		Level	HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res | Support
Ike		T3 01	54  29  07  32  31  18  28  13^ | 
Micaiah		T2 04	30^ 07  22  17  16  21  09  16  | A Sothe
Sothe		T2 14	39  22  06  26  24  22  17  10  | A Micaiah
Ilyana		T3 04	45  22  30^ 26  29^ 14  19  29  | B Haar
Meg		T3 06	49  32^ 07  22  26  30  28^ 28  | 
Nailah		Lz 38	66  17  05  23  19  35  16  13  |
Haar		T3 09	56  35  07  32  31^ 23  32  14  | B Ilyana
Lucia		T2 15	38  19  10  28  28  19  14  15  |
Makalov		T3 03	50  26  11  22  29  27  28  17  |
Ranulf		Lz 30	59  17  06  17  16  25  14  10  | C Reyson

Part 1 total: 62 turns

Part 2 total: 24 turns

Part 3 total: 79 turns

Overall turncount so far: 165 turns

Planned Part 4 distribution:

Silver - Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Ilyana, Haar

Greil - Ike, Nailah, Rafiel, Meg

Hawk - Lucia, Ranulf, Reyson, Makalov


- Going to have to add 3-8 (along with 1-1 and 1-6-1) to my list of chapters that I possibly could have done a turn faster.

- Ranulf is frustratingly still at A Strike. He's a little bit past the A, so he'll hopefully get it in 4-2. At least his Strength is almost capped.

- Went in to Part 3 slightly trailing Red Fox, and came out slightly ahead. I wouldn't be surprised to see her come out on top at the end of Part 4 though, since I suck at low-turning Rout maps.

- Noticed that Red Fox and mine's planned Part 4 distributions are very similar...

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I had Nealuchi carry items so he can find laguz gem and send it to convoy for Vika :facepalm: I didn't notice I had packed him with all the satori signs, now she can't use tear. I do have adept though, do you think thats good enough for a 14 str level 30 Vika?

I'm happy i finished 4-3 in 7 turns ^^' there were 6 enemies left on turn 6 if the two halbs would suicide on BK it could of been a 6 turn completion.

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