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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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With a slow thought at his response, her own mind quite tired, she nods at the suggestion to stay and she thinks on who she wants to meet. Yet as he leaves upstairs, she glances into the living room. Something is weird but she couldn't quite place it. It’s something slightly eerie.

She walked into the living room and thought quietly on what might have bothered her. Yet it was something that she couldn’t quite see, something feeling off within the room. The clocks ticks continued, metronomic and on cue and she glanced out the window.

She freezes a moment as she thought she saw someone ghostly white standing outside, smiling. But as she blinks her eyes once, opening them, the person had vanished from view. She coughs once or twice, a small edgy glance around and she darts upstairs, a slight fear building. She doesn't know why but whatever that was, be it trick of the light or something else, frightens her. She heads into her old bedroom, casual drawings, an empty scabbard, some clothing strewn around her and she darts into bed, closing her eyes.

It takes about an hour for her to calm and fall asleep.

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"Are you waiting for someone, sir? Pardon my intrusion if you're simply waiting for someone who's late, and pardon any offense you might take, but you look... out of place, standing around here like that."

Who the hell...? A lady in relatively large armour was standing there, and he wasn't really sure how to handle this without appearing too suspicious.

"This isn't your business to ask what I'm doing here, is it?"


My goddess, if they don't come down now, I'll have to find them myself.

He trudged up the stairs before shouting, "Adrian? Carrion? I need to talk to you two."

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When he touched her, she turned red almost immediately. It was less than encouraging for him - she was talking a big game, but she didn't seem to be able to back it up. He wanted to pull his hand away. Even with that cute little moan she had given him, he could tell she didn't want this right now. It remained there for another moment as she talked, though.

"U-Uhm... I don't really have one, other than I d-don't know if I'm really ready for something like that... I'm sure it feels great, and I'm sure th-that we'd enjoy... it..." she mumbled, blushing more deeply. Gideon's taunting expression softened significantly, and he pulled his hand from her butt, moving it up to her waist as he reached with his other hand to scratch her ear a bit. That seemed to calm her down. "You aren't ready," he said softly, knowingly, as he nuzzled her forehead. "That's okay. We don't have to." He pressed his lips to her hair and grinned. "You did ask, though, so don't freak out on me now." Even with her barely clothed and on top of him (why did her shirt have to be so low-cut?), he wasn't losing his mind. When he saw this side of her, it just sort of felt like she was a cat napping on him. Well, a buxom cat who insisted on teasing him, but a cat all the same.

He just lay there with her in his arms for a bit, scratching her ear gently and enjoying the attention; she was more affectionate than most girls he had met, and he didn't mind that. "If you still want that nap, we can take it," he offered. "Or we could go into town again. There's still a festival going on..." The enthusiasm he had hoped to display and the enthusiasm he actually displayed (or rather, didn't) were worlds apart, but he was trying. Now wasn't the time to admit that he hated shit like that.

"Adrian? Carrion? I need to talk to you two." Gideon didn't know the voice that had called for them, but he scowled anyway and glanced over at the door for a moment. "Gods above, the noise today..." Can't people keep quiet?

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About to go in for a long kiss with Adrian, her ears were assaulted by yelling.

"Adrian? Carrion? I need to talk to you two."

Closing her eyes and gritting her teeth for a moment, she smiled again at Adrian. "I love this fucking world, don't you?" And then she got up and went outside, looking for whoever called them. "Yeah, whaddaya want? We're kind of trying to relax in here!"


Sitting up again, he shook his head and looked at his leg, noticing that it had grown a lot since he last remembered. "Ha... At this rate it'll be back in a few days!" He would've jumped for joy, but that would have resulted in pain for him. Instead, he went out, locking up his room as he left. His spirits were up as he exited the inn and saw the crowds, simply smiling as he began to walk about with his crutch. It feels nice to just try and enjoy life for once... Maybe... Maybe I should give up on my chase? No, out of the question... As long as her power is unchecked, I... SOMEONE has to do something, and if it costs me my life to bring her down, so be it. Life's overrated anyway...


"You're right, it's none of my business, but I'm curious. Last I checked it wasn't illegal to ask someone a question, nor was it seen as some affront, but hey, you keep doing whatever you want, sir. All I'll say is if you keep loitering about here, the guards around this place will begin to get suspicious." With a nod, she turned and left the man. "What a weirdo..."

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Y'jus' won't leave me alone, will you, knight? Alright then... Looks like I'm goin' t'have to take drastic measures with this, aren't I? He slipped into the closest herb shop he could find and petitioned the person there for some purple hair dye. "Oh, sure... hey, wait... oh, you fit that description. There's this knight looking for you, sir. Just thought I'd let you know." What? So... so that's how he's goin' about this. I see, I see... "Well, thank ye kindly, gimme that hair dye now, would'ya?" The clerk was a bit put off by his urgency, but just assumed that it was because he wanted to go a bit crazy for the fair. "Right, here you are, sir. Eight gold, please." He still had some left, and he was a bit against parting with that much, but he threw it on the table, and took his dye. Now, new cloak... Finding a cheap cloak was easy, grabbing himself a green one for only five gold.

There was no place for him to effectively put the dye in his hair, except for a fountain in the main plaza. It was a pretty awkward scene, a few people stopping to watch the cloaked man shove purple dye into his hair and then use the fountain to wash his hair off. But he did it, most of the dye sticking in, giving him red and purple streaked hair. He hadn't seen the knight for a while, so he smirked, and went about trying to enjoy the festival. Good luck pickin' me out, now.


Gideon suddenly seemed less adamant about all of this, which both upset and relaxed Amera, "You aren't ready" "I know that! I know that, already..." She'd gotten a slight bit agitated at Gideon pointing out the obvious, if only because of how embarrassed she was. "That's okay. We don't have to. You did ask, though, so don't freak out on me now." "I did, but... I only really did because I keep teasing you, and I keep teasing you 'cause I'm trying to get over this," which was partially a lie, but she wasn't going to tell him the other part of it, "and it's not really fair for me to tease you like this over and over again, without you getting anything from it, y'know? I kinda... feel like a bitch." He scratched her ear either way, and she relaxed against him.

"If you still want that nap, we can take it," That nap does sound nice, though I'm not very tired anymore. "Or we could go into town again. There's still a festival going on..." She could hear the obvious disdain in Gideon's voice about going back into the fair, and she laughed, rolling off of her comfortable man pillow. "You hate festivals, don't you, Gideon~?" She didn't know why she found that so amusing, but she did, giggling madly on her side of the bed. until someone ELSE bothered Carrion and Adrian, which made Amera shove her face into the pillow, "Gods above, the noise today... "Everyone just can't leave those two alone today. Even us, actually. But still!"


About to kiss Carrion, thinking to himself, this is going to be a great day, they were interrupted once again, "Adrian? Carrion? I need to talk to you two". Possibly at the limit to his patience, he groaned as loud as he could, not even bothering to respond to the man calling them. The fact that it was Danyon was even more annoying to him. "I love this fucking world, don't you?" He smiled back at her, enjoying the sarcasm, "Yes, I love this fucking world. It's so fucking great." Danyon, kindly go away, please. I seriously want to sleep, or at least nap, with this beautiful girl, so please give me that chance.

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"I know that! I know that, already..." Yep. Definitely not. Her agitated tone was enough to confirm his suspicion. "I did, but... I only really did because I keep teasing you, and I keep teasing you 'cause I'm trying to get over this, and it's not really fair for me to tease you like this over and over again, without you getting anything from it, y'know? I kinda... feel like a bitch." Gideon just laughed softly. "I didn't realize you owed me anything," he replied, eyes closed. She didn't, obviously - that wasn't how this worked.

He was a bit relieved when Amera rolled off, if only because her near-nudity was making it harder and harder for him to be patient with her. For the first time, he was thankful she was laughing at him; it was a distraction. "You hate festivals, don't you, Gideon~?" "With a burning passion," he shot back quickly, looking up at the ceiling. "They're so fucking loud, and there's so many ways to waste time it's unreal. Always puke up the food, too." He rolled onto his side, leaning on his elbow, and grinned at Amera - it was kind of a funny thing, even if it frustrated him. "Without fail. Something always gets to me." His mind immediately went back to the festivals in Albion. They had called it everflesh, or godflesh, or something dumb like that, and sold it to him saying it'd purify his soul. All it did was purify his stomach when he realized an hour later that he had eaten a bit of shaved, charred bear hide. His stomach turned at the memory, and he sighed. "If you want to go, though, I'll endure it. You seemed like you were having fun yesterday," he told her, forcing a smile. "No more scrying though. I don't want any more bad news."

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"I didn't realize you owed me anything" "Well, it's not very fair for me to just keep on teasing you like this without you getting something from it, is it? You've gotta tell me this one, because it's way too much fun to tease you, but I don't want to end up pissing you off..." A mite worried about all of that, she went back to literally rolling with laughter at Gideon and his hate of the festival, "With a burning passion. They're so fucking loud, and there's so many ways to waste time it's unreal. Always puke up the food, too." "B-But... ha ha... but you like, like hanging around in the inn's bars, and they're ridiculously loud. I don't get that. What's the difference there?" She wanted to know, because she couldn't stand the inn's bars. "Without fail. Something always gets to me." "Well... we can always just come back here when you get super annoyed, and I can make you feel better about it~" There was that teasing again, mentally slapping herself to stop doing that so often. Though, maybe it was for the best, because it would get Gideon's mind off of dealing with the fair. He seemed really against it, "If you want to go, though, I'll endure it. You seemed like you were having fun yesterday. No more scrying though. I don't want any more bad news." "Thaaaaaaaaat..." she started as she climbed back onto him, "doesn't really seem fair, does it?" She slipped her finger onto his lips, smiling. "So. Until you think of something we can do together that we'll both enjoy, I'm not moving."

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My goddess.

"There's a guy who wants you dead, and you can only think of slouching in your room the entire day. It's not to find you either - You're not just a random girl on the street. Keep your guard up, at least - an inn's not a good place to hide."


He would have responded, but that woman had already left.

Then again, I should get going... He went back out into the plaza, mingling amongst the people. While his father probably wouldn't come here, of all places, it was the most crowded area in Chaldron, and the best place to start.

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"...and that's the end of that."

Therese stood in the doorway of a bar in Pravna, the counter covered in a mixture of vomit, blood, and assorted alcoholic beverages, as well as a good ten tough guys with broken noses, black eyes, sprained ankles and the like. At her feet was the unfortunate man who tried to cop a feel under her skirt. The woman calmly bent over and plucked the dart out of his neck, prompting the appearance of more than a few sharp metal objects. "Relax, he'll wake up in a couple hours. Now, where's that money I asked for?"

Behind her, Rina was huddled in the back-alley, attempting (unsuccessfully) to hide behind a trash disposal. The entire episode had started because Therese had decided to bet 40 gold coins (or, their savings from basically the past four months) on whether or not she could trash the barkeep's entire rack (roughly 20 bottles) with one dart. When she had successfully done so, (hitting a drunk guy with a blunt dart and ducking behind the counter while he attacked was a legit maneuver, apparently) the men figured that it was much easier to teach the girl a lesson than to cough up. They were wrong.

A few minutes later, Therese had a much heavier sack over her shoulder. The two walked around, trying to find their way back to the inn when Therese spotted a (pretty good-looking) guy dying his hair purple in the middle of a public fountain.

"Hey, pervert, can't you get a room or something? I mean, there's gotta be a better way to get some cash around here than posing as a portable freak show!"

While she said this, the woman slid a dart into her gun* and placed her finger on the trigger. Probably not necessary, but better safe than sorry.

Rina just slipped away, wishing her sister wouldn't enjoy pissing people off so much.

*((I'm going to call it a gun for my own personal ease, for all intents and purposes it's a modified crossbow))


As he headed back to the inn, the knight heard snatches of gossip about some cloaked guy dyeing his hair purple in the middle of the fountain. ...shit. No way around it, then. Teis hurried back, making his way up the stairs leading to Carrion's room.

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"Well, it's not very fair for me to just keep on teasing you like this without you getting something from it, is it? You've gotta tell me this one, because it's way too much fun to tease you, but I don't want to end up pissing you off..." Gideon stopped her talking with a kiss and looked at her, his expression a bit more serious. "I'm a big boy, Amera. I can handle a little teasing," he told her, half-smiling and scratching her ear a bit more quickly - it wasn't like he had no options to tease her back...

He wasn't terribly happy when she started laughing at him again. "B-But... ha ha... but you like, like hanging around in the inn's bars, and they're ridiculously loud. I don't get that. What's the difference there?" His scowl faded for a moment. That's actually a good point... "You can leave an inn or go to your room to escape all that, though," he said finally. "So you sort of control how much it affects you. Festival-goers are everywhere, and they always whine and yell and shit and you can't go ANYWHERE without hearing them." "Well... we can always just come back here when you get super annoyed, and I can make you feel better about it~" She really liked doing that, didn't she? One of these days he'd have to punish her for being such a tease... "Thaaaaaaaaat...doesn't really seem fair, does it?" "I was going to - " She stopped his lips with her finger, and he just looked at her. "So. Until you think of something we can do together that we'll both enjoy, I'm not moving."

Gideon sighed and took her hand from his face, squeezing it as he put it back at her side. "We aren't going to find out what I'd enjoy out there unless we go and look," he told her, arching an eyebrow. "And at the rate we're going, we'll be stuck in this room until we leave Pravna. There has to be something in a city this big that we can do." A thought hit him, and his face lit up. "Wait, wait," he said, a bit excited at his idea. "You know how you used your knife to make that fire in the woods? Could you teach me to do that?"


She stood up and wiped her brow, trying to catch her breath as she looked at the piece in front of her. It was a shiftsteel shoulder pad, the first of many parts of Grant's armor. Still, it had cooled, so Mel figured it was time to check its properties. Slinging it over her shoulder and strapping it hastily to her, she began to move her arm around, and was pleased to see that she had full range of motion despite the plate's thickness. "Flexibility seems okay," she said to herself as she pulled it off, setting it plate-up on the anvil. She took her wrench and swung as hard as she could at it, grinning when it didn't dent. "Durability too. Just gotta treat this and I'll be set..."

Satisfied with the morning's work, she glanced at her pile of metal - and frowned. The pad had used more than it should have; she could tell from eyeballing it. "Shit...I'll have to get some parts off of the old man to recycle for the boots and stuff, probably," she grumbled. "Hey, old-timer, I'm gonna go out 'n get some food! Be back in an hour, 'kay?" Hearing a muffled reply from the front, she grinned widely and opened the back door, marching out proudly towards the festival tents. Gonna get me some sweet, sweet junk food.

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"Look. I appreciate your concern, but you know what? I just don't care right now. I just. Don't. Care. come what may, I want to fucking rest with my fucking boyfriend. I know the man after me. He's headstrong, through and through. He almost got me once, he won't get that chance again, you know why? Because I have faith in friends here who will give a shit and warn me if this guy comes for me." Rubbing her forehead, trying not to explode at least once today, "Look... I've been on the run for years, probably before you were even born. I've had no time to rest. None at all. Please, just do me a favor and let me have just one day to me. One day for me to just... not be a spotlight of attention, anguish, pain, suffering, annoyance, frustration, torment, agony, and all around ill will. I know... I know I'm asking yet another favor from you, and you know what? I sincerely apologize for that. I wish I could stand on my own two feet, but metaphorically speaking, I've fallen down here and I can't run anymore. I need help, and you can provide that, just... let me rest." She wiped her face, fixing her gaze on Danyon, hoping he'd comply.

And then of course, Teis walked up the stairs, making an already on edge Carrion a little bit more on edge. She didn't visibly change anything, but on the inside she hoped he wouldn't be asking her anything for the moment.

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"Hey, pervert, can't you get a room or something? I mean, there's gotta be a better way to get some cash around here than posing as a portable freak show!" Never. Goin'. T'end. This day is never goin' t'end! More than annoyed at everything that was going on, he turned to the insult, surprised that it had been such a buxom girl that had said it to him. Did he not look intimidating with purple hair? It wouldn't surprise him if that was the case, and he'd be changing his hair back as soon as that damned knight left him alone. "What? You don't like the show, girl? An' don't talk t'me about shows, ye, you've got more than enough t'put on your own show. Why don't you come over here, I'll give you a hand!" If she was going to call him a pervert, he was going to be one, and she had a body that would making it more than easy enough.


He gave her a quick kiss, and she assumed he was happy. She really did like it when he did, at least now. "I'm a big boy, Amera. I can handle a little teasing" She smiled her smile and pressed up against him, kissing him for a bit, "good! Because it's too much fun." Gideon wasn't appreciating all her laughter though, making her shut herself up, and just smile at him, his scowl fading fast. "You can leave an inn or go to your room to escape all that, though, so you sort of control how much it affects you. Festival-goers are everywhere, and they always whine and yell and shit and you can't go ANYWHERE without hearing them." "There's got to be some quiet part of the festival we can go to enjoy, right? Riiiiight? Like... the library, or... or..." embarrassed, she fell against him, "... or never mind. There really aren't any quiet places during a festival."

He ruined her finger fun pretty quickly by shoving her hand away, which made her put on a fake pout. "We aren't going to find out what I'd enjoy out there unless we go and look, and at the rate we're going, we'll be stuck in this room until we leave Pravna. There has to be something in a city this big that we can do." She was less embarrassed and just blushing as he said that, happy, but agreeing with him. "Right, right, we have to do something other than flirt with each other all day. We can do that tonight..." Apparently Gideon had an idea, as he freaked her out a bit, "Wait, wait," "Uh, wh-what? You sound pretty excited, there..." "You know how you used your knife to make that fire in the woods? Could you teach me to do that?" Again embarrassed, she rubbed the back of her head and chuckled nervously, "I doubt it, I really do. I can barely control that myself, and it's not very powerful..." and then it hit her, "well, you want to know that, and you want some place quiet. Let's hit the library!"


Carrion unleashed hell on Danyon, and Adrian smiled like a giddy little child. He'd rolled over so that Danyon couldn't see his glee, but inside, he was laughing and smiling wider than he had all day. Serves you right for bothering us like everyone else has! Geez, Carrion's right. It's like it's illegal for her to have a normal life. Almost ready to shut the door and bit them all adieu, he heard another pair of steps coming up the stairs. He turned over to see Teis, and that was just too much. He got up and walked over behind Carrion, "Listen, the both of you, just fuck off! Leave us alone for the rest of the God damn day, alright!?" He slammed the door, not even letting them get a word in. "Ugh, I'm sorry, but... too much. Just too much." Collapsing back onto the bed, he threw his hands up and groaned, wondering why everyone wanted to bother them today.


He's slept in pretty late, waking up with the sun already shining high in the sky. It wasn't noon yet, by his reckoning, but it was still much later than he'd expected. I must have been really tired... oh well, time to find Langley and see if she has a shower in this house. He stretched, he yawned, and he made his way out of the guest room, trying to find hers.

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Unfortunately for Obelia, Ken had taken a step outside. Being cooped up for two weeks couldn't have been healthy. Thankfully the inn had a small garden, and Ken took the chance to sit for a while and enjoy nature. A pair of eyes were still watching him from the inn's roof, waiting for something.

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If that's how you want it, fine. He didn't bother replying to her, instead just turning back down the stairs. On the way down, he tapped Teis on the shoulder, and beckoned for him to follow. Hopefully, he'd get the hint.

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Langley's bedroom is just across from the guest room yet the doors been left ajar, as if unnoticed or not enough time was put into simply closing it. Her room is a rather soft blue in colour, the light colour layering all the walls and not too chipped as compared to outside the house. However, the wall itself was covered in drawings. Some were ones from when she was small, child's drawings. But others showed her growth in both self and style, landscape sketches and drawings of people with correct proportions.

Langley herself is curled tightly into a rather raggedy looking bed and seems either asleep or hidden. However, come close enough and the fact she's shivering becomes rather audible. She is still in exactly the same clothes she wore last night, not having bothered to change either.


Obelia glances around and while she is hesitant to move, she stands slowly, moving to the room's window and glancing outside. She eyes the outer area looking for him, wondering if he is just relaxing outside a moment.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"Let's go see whose they are, maybe we can strike up a deal or something."

With that they headed outside towards the direction of the horse. Sure enough, there was a stable, and there were more than enough horses for them. Lucretia approached the man who seemed to run the stable, a well-built and attractive young man who looked only a few years older than she.

"Sir? How much to rent a horse? My friends and I need to get ourselves to Pravna."

"Pravna, eh?" He replied. "Quite a ways from'ere. 'nd from th' looks o'it, the ol' man's seen better days." He indicated towards Adano.

"I have seen better days, yes, but it doesn't mean I can't ride a horse." He shot back almost coldly. Keeping polite was the name of the game.

"Eh, th' best horses'r twenty gold a horse." The man replied. "That includes food for a week an' for an extra ten I'll throw in a saddle per horse."


He saw the edge of Coryngols, smiling. "Almost there." He muttered under his breath as he approached the city's gates. He stopped at a restaurant near the edge of the city and sat down at one of the tables. The waiter, a young and well-built man who had a beautiful accent. Julius couldn't help but enjoy talking to him, wanting him to say more.

"Your meal," he said, giving Julius a plate of vegetables and fruits. Julius smiled at him, breaking character to smile greatly at him.


I wonder, how is the festival going? She finished her meal and headed outside towards the festival's activities, wondering where things would be taking her next.

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Sighing with a slight shudder, she moved herself to the bed, laying down."You didn't need to yell like that, you know... Though I do appreciate the sentiment." Sprawling herself out slightly, she spoke up again. "So I guess you're set on doing nothing today, Adrian?" It was certainly a nice thought for her, something she really would like to try, and yet... "I don't know if I can take it though. I'm afraid I'll get antsy or something, maybe a panic attack, I don't even know." In a lighter tone and mood, "What I do know is that I need to get changed! These clothes are kinda blegh for me now..." Getting herself up again, she went and changed her clothes right there, putting on another pair of shorts and a shirt and then plopping herself right back down on the bed again, her head in a pillow. "Much better."

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"Eh, th' best horses'r twenty gold a horse."

Twenty? He didn't have that sort of money? In fact, he didn't have very much money left at all, even the saddle cost far too much. There was no way he'd try to mooch off of Lucretia, he'd have to abandon extortion as well as stealing. He looked over to the other two, then turned to the owner.

"Dang, I don't have that kind of money, I dunno about the other two. How about takin' my axe for payment?"



Sitting peacefully, he took in the scenery. Even with all the fighting that went on in the world, places like this could still exist. That made him happy, it was good to remember that happiness was everywhere. Well, except for the figure on the roof. Ken was almost in the perfect position...

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He'd walked around upstairs for a bit before realizing that the only door that was open was the one across from the room he'd walked out of. Sighing to his own stupidity, he creaked the door open just a little bit to peak his head in, a motionless lump (from what he could see) of Langley, huddled on the bed in the room. "Oh, she's still sleeping..." he whispered, keeping his voice low as to not disturb her, "I should try and find the washroom myself." Slipping his head back out of the room, he didn't shut the door, as the sound might wake her up, continuing to search for the showers.

It didn't take him long to find one, though he didn't know if there were any others. Maybe I should wait until she's awake. I don't know if she'd appreciate me rummaging through her house without her permission... but a nice shower would be great, right now... I can apologize if she gets upset. He decided he would, letting his robes sit on the counter as he stepped into the relaxing waters.


"You didn't need to yell like that, you know... Though I do appreciate the sentiment." "I know, I know, I really shouldn't have, but after that assassin and Zwool and... I just didn't have any patience left. I don't think Teis deserved that as much as Danyon might've though, since Danyon's been bothering us for most of this entire trip. Teis probably just wanted to check on us..." He sighed again, almost groaning as he shoved his face into the blanket he'd just picked up. "So I guess you're set on doing nothing today, Adrian?" "You seem pretty set on it yourself, Carrion. I'm not against heading out, though. I'm not in a very relaxed mood after everything that's happened. You said you might want to check out the library?" And then Carrion seemed against it, which didn't surprise him much, "I don't know if I can take it though. I'm afraid I'll get antsy or something, maybe a panic attack, I don't even know." "Right then, library it is. We can relax a bit there, but we can still do something." He realized he was still wearing that horribly bloody shirt, throwing it off as quickly as he'd realized. Carrion seemed to have the same idea.

"What I do know is that I need to get changed! These clothes are kinda blegh for me now..." And she began to change right in front of him, which spurred on blushing, but he didn't mind it. How could he? He grabbed his own new shirt and threw it on as she did, stretching himself off of the bed. "Much better." "Looks good on you. So, I guess we're heading out-- oh, that's right, the food. 'Spose we could just go down and eat it there?" I wouldn't mind that food, now. Haven't realized how hungry I'm seriously starting to get...

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"Dang, I don't have that kind of money, I dunno about the other two. How about takin' my axe for payment?" Lucretia turned to him.

"Absolutely not! I'll pay for the horse and saddle." She handed over the gold. She was running low but she had enough to get by. She could always sell the horses later for some of the money. Adano likewise paid the man as well, and he brought out three horses with fine leather saddles.

"These'r three great horses, they'll get ya wherever y'need." He handed the reigns off to each individual, then tossed a sack of meal to each. "Don't be too hasty with that food. They just ate so they should be good for a bit." Lucretia and Adano nodded thanks to the man and got onto their horses, Adano having a bit of trouble but the man helped him on. Lucretia got onto hers with ease.


As he ate, the waiter kept coming back to him and asking if his food was all right, more than the other guests. His head ran a bit with scenarios. Finally, after his food was finished and the waiter came with the bill, he looked at Julius oddly. "I feel like I know you from somewhere."

If there's any time to name drop my position, it's now. "Uh, well, I'm headed back to Albion, to reclaim my title." A few restauranteurs perked up at the mention of a title. "Yeah. My uncle was murdered and our houses burned down, and I fled into the night, afraid for my life."

The waiter appeared shocked. "You... You must be Lord Kilmore!" He immediately bowed with courtesy. "Sir, I used to work in your uncle's household! We were all afraid you perished in the blaze as well."

No suspicion on me, good. "No, I'm alive and well. After running I decided to come back home and take my title back."

The patrons immediately became flustered. A noble in their presence was one of the closest opportunities they'd get to meet someone famous. It was surely an event when a noble was in the same room as them.

"It's sad that my dear uncle has passed. I only learned of the news when his prized sword was sent to me by a mysterious person who related the news to me." He placed the sword on the table for proof. "I just hope I can reclaim my title and place my family's esteem back into the mainstream of society." The place erupted in cheers and hollers of "Long live the Kilmores!" and "Lord Julius has returned!", even though none of them had ever met him before. Julius was thrilled at this new turn of events. He'd gotten a small but firm backing in his quest, and it was going to make the final stretch of the journey that much easier.

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"Let's just go eat then. Are you sure you told them to send it up here? Because it's taking forever! Oh whatever, I'm jumping around here." She started listing the things off on her fingers. "We go eat, we go ask the Magus for a favor if we can, then we head to the library either way, and then we come back her and relax for a bit." Looking at Adrian, she cocked her head. "Sound good? Also, jumping one more time here, I really don't think that Danyon guy deserves most of the yelling and hate we've been giving him. He's done nothing but oblige and help us for the most trivial of things in return... I can't force you to like him, or even to respect him, but I think I'll have to ask you to rethink who you yell at next time, OK? Just for convenience's sake here, Adrian, I'm not angry or anything..."

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Almost as soon as he had suggested it, Lucretia responded;

"Absolutely not! I'll pay for the horse and saddle."

He was almost surprised, it had been the first time he'd heard her raise her voice. He let her pay this time, he would make sure he returned the favour. Regaining his usual confidence, he looked over at her;

"Heh, you really surprised me with that. Thank you."

He mounted his horse. How was Halberd doing? Hopefully, he was managing.

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With a slow glance around, her head lifting from the pillow, Langley blinks once or twice to clear hazy vision. But soon she remembers last night, getting home and that... whatever it was. She rubs her forehead and sighs, wondering what it could be yet pushes that aside, a slow cough coming from her as she stands upright and tilts her head to the door, confused at the running water she can hear. She breathes once or twice but stands and realises with a small sigh she hadn't got changed the night before, which had made her clothing feel rather ragged and uncomfortable. She just shakes her head, not wanting to care right now. She moves with small creaks, the rather sturdy boots she wears making slight echoing sounds against the wood. She sighs, this house sturdy but... one that always convinces her otherwise with the amount of worrisome noises it makes. She knocks lightly on the door and calls out, worried for a moment on who it was.

'...Andy? You in there?'


Obelia's body seizes up as for a moment; she doesn't discern the priest among the flowers. But her heart calms down, the rather amiable man quite peacefully sitting down. But this feeling, it’s so hard to shake. She has a small idea, hesitant but leaning her head out the window once she had opened it, calling down to him.

'Ken? I'm sorry to disturb you, but are you all right?'

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"There's got to be some quiet part of the festival we can go to enjoy, right? Riiiiight? Like... the library, or... or...or never mind. There really aren't any quiet places during a festival." Gideon nodded. "See?" he said, smirking. He knew he was right, but it was satisfying to hear her admit it. Her face was still red, though - was what he was saying that embarrassing? "Right, right, we have to do something other than flirt with each other all day. We can do that tonight..." Tease.

"I doubt it, I really do. I can barely control that myself, and it's not very powerful...well, you want to know that, and you want some place quiet. Let's hit the library!" Gideon's grin faded a bit. "Your idea of having fun is reading the contents of books to me while I sit and listen?" he joked, kissing her forehead. "I appreciate that, but that can't be all we do today. If anything - anything in town catches your eye, tell me and we'll take a look at it." His voice was gentle, but authoritative; he wasn't about to listen to her going on about how they both had to have fun. Staying away from the festival couldn't be fun for her, even if it was immensely relieving for him. "Alright? Library, then we wander. That sound fair?"


One of Mel's greatest weaknesses had always been junk food. It was so easy to eat, so convenient - she could keep working as she ate, and it tasted so good, too. She didn't dare ask what was in it, though. Ever. That'd ruin it. Festivals had that kind of food in spades, though, and she would have been a fool not to capitalize. A few coins in her pocket and her hair stuck against her forehead with sweat, she walked through the streets looking back and forth between tents in search of something good. So far, though, there was nothing. It was all the same stuff; magic items, magic books, magic magic - she wasn't paying attention, because she didn't care, but it might as well have been. "Come on, there has to be magic food," she grumbled a bit frustratedly. She had more work to do today, so she needed this break.

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He was just about to fall asleep in his chair when Obelia called from the window above.

'Ken? I'm sorry to disturb you, but are you all right?'

"I am fine, thank you for asking. How about-..."

A crossbow bolt whizzed over his shoulder, which certainly did surprise the priest. He glanced at the roof, spotting a cloaked individual. The man fled up being spotted, exiting down the other side of the inn. Ken watched, doing nothing. Either he was too shocked or he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop him. His face suddenly turned serious, he quickly got out of his chair. The tranquil garden was not the place to be right now. He called up to Obelia.

"Oh my, an assassin. I do think I'll have to be careful. Obelia, this inn is not likely to be a safe place any more."

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