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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"Listen, the both of you, just fuck off! Leave us alone for the rest of the God damn day, alright!?"

"...I wish I could and keep a clear conscience..." Teis sighed, the amount of shit that had happened during the day beginning to catch up to him. Before he could complete his thought, Danyon tapped his shoulder and beckoned. "...forgive me." The knight obligingly left, although he spoke over his shoulder.

"Guard yourselves for tonight. We will speak of this again in the morning."

Once he went downstairs, Teis faced the horseman.

"Do we have a plan?"


"What? You don't like the show, girl? An' don't talk t'me about shows, ye, you've got more than enough t'put on your own show. Why don't you come over here, I'll give you a hand!"

Ah, he was a slick one. Therese gave him a coy smile, throwing her hair back over her shoulder. "Sure, sweetie, why not?" Without ever taking her finger off the trigger, she took a few steps towards the man, making sure to swivel her hips back and forth a little while she walked.

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"Do we have a plan?"

He walked over to the counter and ordered 2 ales, one for himself and one for Teis.

"Depends. We can stay here and protect them, or we can go find that assassin and interrogate him abit. Obviously the first option is easier, but the second would be more productive."

"It's up to you, really. It'll be hard to find Horatio, but if we go together we miiight be able to."

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Carrion couldn't see so sit still, and it was a tad annoying, but it was still somewhat cute. "Let's just go eat then. Are you sure you told them to send it up here? Because it's taking forever! Oh whatever, I'm jumping around here." "Calm down, Carrion, ha ha. I never thought you'd get this antsy over something small like this. Yes, I told them to bring it up, but if they haven't yet, we'll just go get it." At least she's feeling better. That's better than nothing. "We go eat, we go ask the Magus for a favor if we can, then we head to the library either way, and then we come back her and relax for a bit. Sound good?" "Sounds grea--" "Also, jumping one more time here, I really don't think that Danyon guy deserves most of the yelling and hate we've been giving him." Of course... but I have been being harsh on him. If you can get over Zwool, you can get over him. Quit worrying, Adrian. "He's done nothing but oblige and help us for the most trivial of things in return... I can't force you to like him, or even to respect him, but I think I'll have to ask you to rethink who you yell at next time, OK? Just for convenience's sake here, Adrian, I'm not angry or anything..." He nodded, smiling because he'd realized how silly he was being. "No, I should stop being rude to him. Honestly, I've been being rude because 'oh look, here comes another man who Carrion might want to run away with', but I've gotten over that before, so I'm going to get over it now. I'll apologize to him later, alright? For now, we're going to try and find some food, or at least find out where the heck that food's gone to." He took her hand, giving it a little squeeze, and started walking with her out of the room.


The water was clean, and refreshing, probably the best shower he'd had in a long time. '...Andy? You in there?' And then it stopped being that, turning off the water and grabbing a towel as quickly as he could. "Y-Yes, It's me! Sorry about not asking, I just really couldn't resist taking a shower!" I hope she's not upset with me... Oh, that would not be good. He started drying himself off, wanting to get back into his clothes as soon as possible. She might have needed to use the washroom as well, and it wouldn't be fair for him to take that away from her. It was her house.


"See?" "Mmmmmm!" She simply stuck her tongue out at him and made a noise, giggling after it all. He was right, and she was just playing stubborn about it. "Your idea of having fun is reading the contents of books to me while I sit and listen?" "Oh! Oops... Sorry, Gideon. That... really did slip my mind," she smacked her head lightly, shaking it, "pay attention to these things, girl. Seriously..." She hadn't realized she'd begun to think out loud, but it probably wouldn't have bothered her if he'd heard that. Maybe some other things, though... "I appreciate that, but that can't be all we do today. If anything - anything in town catches your eye, tell me and we'll take a look at it." "Mrrrrrr... Fine! You're really lucky I like you, or I wouldn't be agreeing to any of this," she joked her anger while smiling, realizing that she wasn't going to get anywhere without putting on clothes. "Alright? Library, then we wander. That sound fair?" At this point she was sliding into her older skirt, wanting to not show off as much, this time. "Alright, works for me. But you have to promise me that if you're getting really annoyed at something in the fair, you'll tell me, 'kay?"


Now, she was either playing around with him, or she was just slutty, because she went along with his joke. "Sure, sweetie, why not?" He wasn't about to let his guard down enough to notice she was still holding her finger to the trigger, so he grasped one of his own knives. She was making it pretty difficult for him to stay serious, as she moved her hips around, Horatio catching himself starring for a moment. Rrrr, not goin' to keep fallin' fer that, miss. Don't care how sweet your body is...

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"Awesome." Locking up the room after they left, she went with Adrian and then the counter at the inn, wanting to ask a few questions. "So like... my boyfriend here ordered some food to be brought up to us a while ago, I was wondering what happened to that."

"Oh, see, we don't do that here! We don't like our rooms getting too messy!"

"... Are you serious? Forgetting the fact that you didn't bother to correct this, you're concerned for that rather than, oh, I don't know, customer service?"

"Look, ma'am, I don't make the rules here. I'll see if I can get you a discount for the misunderstanding on your part there."

Angry at that final jab, she simply nodded. As the receptionist left, Carrion turned to Adrian. "For the record, did you know about that before you ordered...? Because that's complete bullshit."

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"Well, that really depends on whether you think we can count on the others." Teis grabbed the tankard and laid down a handful of coins on the table for the bartender.

"I can give you two plans. The first plan is, as you say, to simply wait it out. Guard the two of them until we can leave." The knight paused, averting his eyes before continuing. "Alternatively, we could try to draw them out into the open. I have no doubt that this man Horatio can be found if we were to expend many resources searching. On the other hand, I do not believe that, in the end, an expense of that magnitude would be worth it.

"So I propose that we try to draw them out, into attacking us on their own time. From what I've heard about Grant from Carrion and the others, he is not a man to let his prey escape. If we could find a way to let it be known that Carrion is leaving, they would not waste any time in assaulting us. Even if they do not do it in the middle of the festival where there are guards and powerful magi who will interfere, I believe that the odds are in our favor during a fight outside these walls. Or, if I am wrong and he does not take pursuit, then we shall be gone, forcing them to search for us again.

"The only uncertainty in this plan is Carrion. We must convince them to leave. Tonight, they are obstinate, but tomorrow, they may not be as such. Perhaps if we both insisted, they might be swayed."


Therese may have been acting like a slutty airhead, but that was all- an act. The guy, she wasn't so sure about. At first, it sounded like he was just joking. Now, though, she noticed him just staring at her, though he caught himself. As she neared, it was hard to miss the fact that he was clutching one of his own knives. Well, that was fine. Worst case scenario, she'd just clobber him with her own weapon. Just to be safe, though, she made sure to stop before she was within arm range.

"So, what's up? Why's a cute guy like you changing his hair in a public fountain? Get a new hair color ev'ry day?"

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Well, that's pretty ridiculous. The person at the counter earlier said that the food would be sent up shortly. Guess they just weren't paying attention, were they? This clerk seemed to know what they were talking about, but they were being terribly smug about it, which was annoying Adrian. "Look, ma'am, I don't make the rules here. I'll see if I can get you a discount for the misunderstanding on your part there." "Tch." We're going to get a discount, at least. Guess I can overlook how rude you're being for that. Carrion turned to him in a huff, seemingly both confused and annoyed, "For the record, did you know about that before you ordered...? Because that's complete bullshit." "The person here before said it would be fine, but I guess they weren't really pay attention. I don't think we should get that upset. As rude as they're being, we're getting a discount. And, after paying for all of the stuff we have, we should try and save what we've got left." If he could avoid her getting upset, that would be good. They were going to get the food still, and he wanted to just eat.


She continued to swivel her way towards him, stopping just out of reach of his knife. Smart girl... "So, what's up? Why's a cute guy like you changing his hair in a public fountain? Get a new hair color ev'ry day?" He chuckled, sitting down on the edge of the fountain, not close enough to get himself more wet. Cute, am I? "You want t'know? Because this ridiculous knight won't leave me th'fuck alone! Gods, I didn't even do anythin' to him, and he's out here chasin' me. It's nuts, I tell ye. So I decided t'do the best thing I could, which was change my hair colors, an' hope he'd miss me in the crowds. What about ye? Make it your business t'bother strangers and call them perverts on occasion?" He could play her game as long as she wanted to, hoping she'd keep it civil.

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Damn, Teis was good at this.

"The thing is , Carrion will probably think she can handle this by herself - which she can't. It's not like we can leave in the middle of the night either, because the gates will be locked."

When he saw Adrian and Carrion coming down the stairs, he began talking in a quieter tone. "Can we trick this Grant guy? If he has any sense at all, he'll search the inns for the two of them. If we spread some rumour or something that they're not at the inn, he'll search elsewhere."

"Of course, this is going to be hell to accomplish, but it gets more done. I say we find the assassin first - Does that sound like a good plan?"

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Obelia's eyes are suddenly wide and seeing the bolt, she doesn't hear him a moment. Obelia instead grabs her knife from the side drawer and acting as if on automatic pilot, she runs with armour clanking, her ankle still sore but not really mattering at the moment, adrenaline driving her to leap downstairs, pushing past several angry and startled customers of the inn as she pushes the door yo the garden open, running over to Ken. Her eyes are narrow and as she reaches the priest, she is unusually firm, grabbing his arm and glancing over him, a once over for injuries. She then exhales slightly, Ken unharmed. But she glances to the bolt in the grass, taking it by the shaft and tugging it out, looking over the arrow. She notes the angle at which it had been buried before and glances to the roof.

'...Ken, get inside. Right now.'

Her eyes are rather cold a moment, knowing that now is not the time to embellish anything she needs him to do.


Langley's eyes blink tiredly once or twice. She sighs, rubbing her forehead as she hears his nervous voice, slightly cursing herself inwardly. Does she really just make him nervous? Well, regardless, she shakes her head yet realising after a moment he couldn't see that due to the door being in their way, she hastily calls out to him.

'No, no, Andy it's fine! I just... I needed to know it was you in there. Take as much time as you need, I'll be downstairs checking for food.'

With a slight hesitance, remembering the events of yesterday, she just heads to the stairs, rubbing rather messy blonde hair, taking the steps warily.



A crash of blades is followed by a pant from the girl of this piece, twisting her body out of a rather firm stab from the elder guy. Girl and guy is a simple term for the two, both more then just that. The girl has long, tied back hair, dark yet she also has a muzzle, her lips squared as she guards a swing from the side, while her rather jagged blade takes the hit exceedingly well. Her form is clothed in a set of red clothing, loose and form fitting as she lets out a cry, twisting the blade under his, pushing the guy, a tall, elder wolf, his fur tinted with slight signs of gray, back slightly. His face goes quickly from surprise to determination and he suddenly launches his leg out, knowing her blade may not have enough time to shoot down and strike the clothed fur. But her eyes almost glint, having seen him try this move before. She notes his leg twist, trying to differentiate, to attack her waist with the hit and send her whole body to the side but she suddenly lets her whole upper half go slack, bending herself backwards and letting her blade fall away from his. His leg passes right over her, her back arched fully and as he tries swing forward, his sword heading for her stomach, she brings hers up to a curved arc, reaching his own. The tips slightly press into each others fur and her stomach hurts slightly, the blade not piercing the skin too deeply. Aret's control is too good to allow himself to clumsily kill his student in practice but luckily for him, Noel is not so clumsy as to stab him through the stomach, more control in her poise then there was at the beginning. So both wince rather slightly before with a rather drawn out chuckle, Aret just draws the blade back and tilts his head, amused. He rubs his hand over the touched spot on his stomach, himself just wearing a rather large pair of ragged brown overalls and pants and slightly sighing, Noel stands straight, touching the contact point o her stomach, ears flicking once or twice in annoyance.

'Getting sloppy, Noel.'

Her eyes flashes angrily at the man next to her yet as his eyes seem softer then his words, she just rubs her head, asking with a weary tone.

'Well, next time I'll make sure to perform a riposte on you instead of adopting a fancy position or something, Aret.'

'Master Aret.'

She raises her eyebrows with a slightly firm glare at the man, a look summing up the phrase 'are you serious'. He sighs and lightly puts the blade of his away in a scabbard attached to his back, the rather worn but sturdy metal fitting it's holding place easily.

'Youth of today, no respect.'

'When I'm feeling in the mood, maybe I'll call you sir. IF I'm in the mood.'

Noel's eyes are slightly more tired, weary. Aret doesn't fail to notice, asking on it as she sheathes her blade.

'Something up?'

She snaps her eyes upward as if the question is a trigger for her anger. He however has lived too long to let simple anger deter him from a line of questioning, standing his ground with her. After a moment, she just rolls her eyes, a slight rub of the back of her furred head.

'I heard a rumour, spreading fast. Rumour that a girl with blonde hair was sighted entering the town. With a boy in tow. Didn't believe it for a while.'

Yet her eyes sadden slightly, a pain in her features.

'Well, I didn't till I took a walk 'bout midnight or something close. And saw her. Langley's back, Aret. And guess she got a companion or something.'

It's then Aret blinks once or twice, realising what's troubling her. A long time ago, Noel was distraught because her friend thought she wasn't strong enough to come along with her on Langley's adventure. Yet now, another is in tow with her, making her feel secondary, feel less then what she was. He just sighs once or twice and lightly glances to her.

'First off, you have grown stronger then you were, but your strength may just have no been sufficient back then. You know as well as I that if that same decision had been made now, it could have been different or possibly exactly the same. You dwell on the decisions of the past too much; you will push aside your future, Noel.'

Noel slightly growls, a slightly more authentic one from her lips, but she soon sighs after a moment, hugging her own arms with a slight glance away. Her eyes don't want to look to him as she might acknowledge his point.

'…Fine. Just.. it still hurts, you know? However good a reason you have for it...'

'I said first off, so I have another reason for you Noel.'

With an absent glare, wondering why he paused for her to respond if he was just building to another reason, she folded her arms, watching him smile slightly at her response. Maybe he was just toying with her, a prime past time of his as she'd grown.

'The second is something you now have a chance to examine. You wonder if you're now strong, strong enough to go on an adventure.'

She blinks once or twice, glancing to him in confusion.


'Then go ask her. If she thinks you're strong enough. And whatever happens, know it is shaped by your choice.'


She opens her mouth to speak. But his stare is oddly sombre. For a moment she just glances to him as if this might be a goodbye. Then she just nods, turning and leaving across the grass, their training ground the back of the blacksmiths. He watches her go and wonders on what will occur next. He smirks slightly, knowing the unknown can bring a trifle large amount of new things, before stretching and heading to the back door of his shop, glancing after the now vanishing Noel.


Carrie, tired from her walking, wonders silently where she could be. She had thought on waking the hooded man yet at the last instance, had decided against it, an odd feeling taking her in that moment. She'd wanted moreover to head for somewhere new, somewhere where she can make a name for herself. She is silent as she walks, having taken an opposite direction to where she had been headed, her feet taking her across worn dirt paths and hand touching battered, young and elder trees. She wonders why she's limping after a time but hazards a guess at a rock she was unawares of her, sending her sprawling to the dirt. Her hooded top is covered in worn brown across it's light purple and her glasses seem smudged. She sighs once or twice and finds that the pieces of food in her bag have dwindled to nothing. She knows silently that food isn't the worst thing to be without, but also finds no water is present within her satchel, something that determines her to keep walking ahead, eyes tired and trying to see civilization ahead.

So she's rather surprised to see a tall city, a large dome of energy glowing above it. It is almost beautiful, like a snow globe that's been made for all seasons. She recognises it from stories of Shuthra and of its capital. Pravna, the city of magic. She grins slightly and with a small cough, limps quickly ahead, however far it may be, its existence motivating her to try and reach it before night fall.

She's certainly feeling happier now.


It stings, like a denial of something needed but cannot have. At least, that's how Zwool feels. He just doesn't know why he couldn't be hers. It's a confusing feeling, not sure what to make of it. Did he consider her someone to hold? Does he consider her someone close to a mother, to hold onto him when he is saddened or someone like a love, to hold his hand through times bad and good?

He is walking as if on automatic, mechanical. He wants to hit something yet finds Adrian is absent, the source of his troubles, correct? But when he thinks of their happiness together, how they look together, it's not anger he's feeling anymore. More a lament. They have something precious and even as he brushes past others, who've shown him kindness, Ellandra being one.

So soon he's outside, in the forest. He's just trying to think despite emotion wanting to urge him to hit something, to cut something. He wants to understand what it is that love is meant to be but Carrion said to just live. He doesn't understand. Is he not meant to, is it automatic? He doesn't really know. So he just sits there after a time, leaning against a tree and quiet.

He realises one thing after about a half hour and as he does, his eyes half close he curls slightly and rubs an eye of some fluid that had escaped. He's cut whatever bond he's built and that is probably what hurts the most. He thinks.

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Surprise, surprise, they ended up finding each other in the plaza. Elune was the first to speak.

"Any luck?"

"Nothing, except for some woman who told me to not look suspicious. You?"

"'Course not. You stay here and do your waiting game, I'll go look elsewhere." Before Adonis could stop her, she was already running off to another part of the town.

Maybe he's in one of those higher-class residential areas? Or the opposite... higher-class wouldn't be a conventional place to hide, which means I should head for there first.

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'...Ken, get inside. Right now.'

Ken returned to the inn compliantly. Whilst she took him in, he glanced her over for injuries. Other than her ankle, she was probably fine. A couple of weeks ago, an event like this would have terrified him. However, now, he knew that he needed to do. Abandoning Lady Lucinda was not an option, so he'd have to hold his ground. Somebody was out to do him in, and they seemed to be in a hurry. An attack out in the open did seem odd. Didn't assassins normally sneak around?

"Obelia. It seems I have somebody after me, and they want to get it done quickly. As long as I take care in where I go, there shouldn't be a suitable opportunity for them."

He wondered about his assassin's motive. Perhaps they held a grudge? The problem was that he couldn't think of anyone he'd upset too much. It remained a mystery to him.

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"Heh, you really surprised me with that. Thank you."

"You weren't going to just give your axe away like that. Don't worry about it." Lucretia responded as the horses began to gallop in the direction of Pravna.



He left the restaurant in high hopes. With this new turn of events he had received a group of people who would be supporting him, despite the fact that they'd probably forget him in a day or two. The waiter gave Julius his full and undying support, and a kiss before he left, which made Julius quite pleased. His goal was to make his way towards Albion via a side route he'd taken when he fled. It was in the open so he wouldn't need to worry about any attacks from unwanted visitors, and it was fairly even land, so if he had a quick pace, he'd make it to Albion within the next few days.

"This is it," he muttered to himself, as he walked along the path.

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"You weren't going to just give your axe away like that. Don't worry about it."

And he didn't worry about it. Following after her, they had a reasonably long ride ahead of them.

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"You want t'know? Because this ridiculous knight won't leave me th'fuck alone!... ...which was change my hair colors, an' hope he'd miss me in the crowds."

Therese frowned, but only on principle. This guy might actually be useful after all. "Aww, yer a big strong guy, couldn't you scare him off on yer own?" She giggled a little. "This guy wit' this huge axe was askin' about for someone like ya, like he jus' want'd t' talk f'r a while."

"What about ye? Make it your business t'bother strangers and call them perverts on occasion?"

Yep, he's a slick one, alright. "Nah, only when I'm bored. Tell yeh what, let's find a bar or sum'thin' and talk abou' it ov'r a glass of ale, kay?" Therese made a point of leaning over and striking a hand-on-hip pose while she said this, and ended the sentence with a wink and a smile.


"The thing is , Carrion will probably think she can handle this by herself - which she can't... ... because the gates will be locked."

"It is a valid concern, yes. On the whole, however, I do not believe that Carrion would refuse our assistance in a fight, especially if Grant and his goon decide to face her together. The gates I shall admit I hadn't considered, but the curfew should not pose a problem. If we were to exit the city shortly before the gates closed, our assailants would be forced to confront us within plain sight of the guards or wait till morning, by which time we shall be long gone."

Teis noticed Carrion and Adrian coming down the stairs, apparently having some argument with a server.

"Can we trick this Grant guy? If he has any sense at all... ...some rumour or something that they're not at the inn, he'll search elsewhere."

"That would only delay them. A rumor like that may convince him to redirect his efforts temporarily, but I wouldn't count on it. A man with sense enough to hire such a callous assassin is not one to take much stock in hearsay. It may work to buy time, but sooner or later he would check the inns anywhere, I'm sure you or I would do the same in such a situation."

"Of course, this is going to be hell to accomplish, but it gets more done. I say we find the assassin first - Does that sound like a good plan?"

Teis grinned mirthlessly before downing the rest of his ale in one gulp. You get right to the heart of things, don't you?

"Indeed, this may be an appropriate course of action. I have been tailing him for a while today, though he has thrown me off his scent. He knows we are searching for him. According to a clerk at an apothecary, a man fitting his description bought a vial of purple hair dye in a bit of a rush. There is gossip of a cloaked man hurriedly changing the shade of his hair in a public fountain. All in all, I cannot go asking about for him any more without arousing suspicion. Hopefully, you will find more than I." He raised his glass, refilled by the bartender. "To our mutual success."

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"Oh! Oops... Sorry, Gideon. That... really did slip my mind," she said, hitting herself in the head. Gideon just sighed and kissed her forehead right where she hit herself. "We're still going," he told her, closing his eyes as his head fell back onto the bed. Her ear was soft... "If reading doesn't work, we'll just ask someone. It's probably something basic anyway, right?" His eyes barely open, he smirked up at her. "Don't worry about it."

"Mrrrrrr... Fine! You're really lucky I like you, or I wouldn't be agreeing to any of this." As she spoke, she sat up and began to dress herself. Gideon sat up behind her, propping himself up with his hands. His fingers brushed against hers briefly, and the contact made him smirk a bit. "I thought you loved me." She had said it, so he figured he'd ask.


Her face lit up and she nearly began to drool as she saw the first treat of the day - fritters. The sign was big and colorful, and she could smell the dough cooking, and that was enough to attract her to the tent. Please, please have that sugary sprinkly stuff on them... "Two, please," she chirped sweetly to the vendor, slamming a few coins on the counter. Within seconds, she had a fritter in each hand, and sure enough they were covered in powdered sugar. Grinning widely, she darted out of the tent carrying her treats with her. A few children passing by eyed them, but Mel didn't care - I paid for 'em, they're mine!

As soon as she had cleared the crowd near the tents, she found a place to sit down near one of Pravna's inns. It probably looked silly, a little girl with two fritters sitting on the curb and eating, but she was hungry enough not to care. Quickly she bit into one, and her face lit up. "Omigod apples!" she exclaimed as she chewed, looking at the fritter she had ripped into. The apples inside were coated in what appeared to be some kind of syrup, and they were warm and chewy in her mouth. I loooooooove these~ She hummed happily as she continued to eat, downing one fritter in seconds flat and moving right on to the second. As she bit into it, though, she looked up to see a familiar face.

Sketchy guy? What the hell's he doing here? And who's his whore? Her eyes went wide as she realized she was in plain sight, so she darted right into the bushes behind her and eyed...Harry? Hyram? The fuck's his name? carefully. If he was gonna try anything with this girl (or, Goddess forbid, on her), he'd get a wrench to the face. No, wait, crap, I have to get back to work! Um...okay, think, Mel, think. Just watch him for like...ten minutes, and then go back. "You get off easy this time," she grumbled under her breath in his direction, biting into her fritter again. "But I'm watching you."

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"Sorry about all of that, sir and ma'am." The owner, a rather well dressed one at that, came out of the back with a smile and their food. "We seem to have had a miss-communication problem here on our end, so I do hope you'll accept this free meal."

"Oh... um... yeah! Thanks, sir." Carrion was taken aback by the sudden generosity and forwardness. "It's really not all that big of a problem, we really should've done something about this a while ago but we... got interrupted you could say."

"No no, I understand, but the thing is that we actually DO serve meals up in people's rooms now, it's just a relatively new policy we've picked up. Some of the older staff we have here haven't picked up on it, so I apologize for the inconvenience. So please, accept our apologies, ma'am."

"Fair enough. Everyone makes mistakes." Taking the food over to a random table herself, she set it down than sat herself down, motioning Adrian to hurry up. "Come on, you're hungry, right? Have some deer meat, have some of that bread and butter, eat some FOOD, kid!" And she began to chomp down on a particularly large piece of meat ferociously.


His wandering brought him nowhere in particular, something he didn't mind. However... There was one thing that caught him. "The library..." It can't be coincidence that I got a job here, can it? Either way, Mel wanted some books from there, so I guess I could go and look around. A slight smile on his face, he took off back towards the library. It looked much bigger than when he was still half asleep and searching earlier in the day, which made him whistle lowly at it. "And they expect me to get around this place, huh...? Oh well, can't complain at the price they're paying I suppose..."

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Still worried about how she'd react, he calmed down once her reaction turned into something favorable. 'No, no, Andy it's fine! I just... I needed to know it was you in there. Take as much time as you need, I'll be downstairs checking for food.' "Oh. Alright. Thank you, Langley!" He called his gratitude through the door, but he'd already gotten himself dried, the shower off. Well... I guess I should ask her about breakfast. Or lunch, at this point. He stepped out of the washroom after putting his robes back on, and noticed Langley walking downstairs, and caught himself staring at her for a moment. He didn't really blush, or get embarrassed, only smiled and went after her, calling down the stairs, "Langley, what do you have for food? Would you like me to make something for us?"


She frowned, and Horatio grasped his knife, but she continued her... he didn't know if he could even call it flirting. "Aww, yer a big strong guy, couldn't you scare him off on yer own?" So first I'm cute, now I'm a big strong guy? You're pretty bad at flirtin'. "I'd rather not cause so much fuss over something that simple... though I guess this isn't very simple either, is it?" She even went as far as to giggle, and Horatio held back a sigh, "This guy wit' this huge axe was askin' about for someone like ya, like he jus' want'd t' talk f'r a while." "Yeah, he wants more than a fuckin' talk. He wants to see how long I can try and dodge that axe of his." He made a small scoff, wondering why that knight would go around asking things like that. People'd be more willin' t'help you if they knew I was an assassin. They'd get the town guard on me, or somethin'. "Nah, only when I'm bored. Tell yeh what, let's find a bar or sum'thin' and talk abou' it ov'r a glass of ale, kay?" Yer tryin' to trick me, girl, I can feel it... It was then that he noticed a sort of ruffling, or at least he thought he had, glancing over at a bush. Did that bush... must've been the wind-- no, Horry, you can't think like that. Don't think it was anythin', but... keep an eye on it. Upon bothering to notice the bush, he hadn't realized the girl had bent over, almost getting a startle when he turned back to her. "Yeah, sure," he said, standing, "lead on, lass."


Pulling her shirt on, and sitting back on the bed, she got some more enjoyable affection from Gideon, smiling. "If reading doesn't work, we'll just ask someone. It's probably something basic anyway, right?" "You don't want me to read to you, Gideon? I could. I'm not the best reader, but I did pick up on how to back when I was... well, yeah. But I'm not going to get into that, not right now." She shook her mind free of the thoughts, going back to today. You're done with all that, you don't have to worry about it anymore... "Don't worry about it." "Aaaaaaaalright! I can do that." She stood to leave, Gideon's hand touching against hers, which just made her feel good, knowing he was there for her. "I thought you loved me." She blushed, but chuckled at him, sitting down "I do, silly. Don't you start worrying about something like that." Getting back up, she grabbed his hand and tried to pull him off the bed, letting a good laugh out. "So, come on, let's go!"


"Sorry about all of that, sir and ma'am." Looks like the owner... did the clerk really make a mistake? "We seem to have had a miss-communication problem here on our end, so I do hope you'll accept this free meal." Free? Alright! Wow, this day just got better. Maybe this is karma for putting up with that crap earlier... The clerk had goofed, and they were getting free food, which instantly brought up Adrian's mood. Carrion's explanation did as well, and it made him chuckle a bit, containing his laughter, "... we really should've done something about this a while ago but we... got interrupted you could say." "Yeah, we were 'interrupted'." Adrian couldn't help but joke, since, other than get bothered by that man and Zwool, they'd sat up there and cuddled the entire time.

"No no, I understand, but the thing is that we actually DO serve meals up in people's rooms now, it's just a relatively new policy we've picked up. Some of the older staff we have here haven't picked up on it, so I apologize for the inconvenience. So please, accept our apologies, ma'am." So, wait, we really could have just sat up there and relaxed some more? Dang! I was beginning to enjoy that... "Fair enough. Everyone makes mistakes." "Yeah, nothing to worry about." He contently followed after Carrion and the food, happy to have both of them there. "Come on, you're hungry, right? Have some deer meat, have some of that bread and butter, eat some FOOD, kid!" "Of course, ha ha. I can't believe you're this hungry." He went the civil approach and ate small bits with the utensils, amused at Carrion's rabid eating.

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"You don't want me to read to you, Gideon? I could. I'm not the best reader, but I did pick up on how to back when I was... well, yeah. But I'm not going to get into that, not right now." Gideon didn't like it when she mentioned that. She would be past it someday, but it still bothered him. "I do, silly. Don't you start worrying about something like that." "Not worried. Just making sure," he said, grinning at her. "So, come on, let's go!" she said, giggling. "Alright, alright, just give me a minute," he said, stretching and getting out of bed after her. His hand left hers for a moment so he could grab his jacket and fasten his axe to the back of his belt - if the brawl that morning had been any indication, today would be a bit more tense than usual.

Once he was ready, he glanced over at her and smirked. "Ready now."


Mel froze when the sketchy guy looked at the bush she had hidden in. Crap, crap, did he see me? Um...okay, don't panic. Maybe he's looking past the bush. Maybe... Then he was looking away. Sighing in disappointment (she was totally ready to make a daring escape), she bit into her fritter again as she watched them. What the hell's he doing? Does that girl even realize what kinda guy he is? I have to warn her... The look he was giving the girl he was with sickened Mel. "Pervert," she growled through the chewed apples in her mouth.

"Lead on, lass." Mel watched them like a hawk, prepared to follow them. It couldn't have been ten minutes yet...

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Therese noticed the guy looking past her, at something that rustled. She took the chance and looked. It was just a bush, probably just the wind, not worth worrying about.

"Yeah, sure, lead on, lass."

Therese drew her head back, winking again. Well, if yeh wanna play this game, let's go a little further.

"Le's go, then~"

As the guy stood up, she took two steps forward and curled her arm around his, pulling him away, towards the nearest bar*. She leaned her head over and whispered into his ear, "No har' feelin's or an'thing, bu' I don' trus' ya behin'd me, so let's jus' walk side by side, hmmmm?"

*((No, it isn't the one she just trashed))


Rina took refuge in a nearby bush while Therese was off being herself. Not that the woman was a bad person to have around, Rina just didn't want to be involved while her sister was putting on her slut act. About five minutes in, though, another girl burst into the bush, seemingly not noticing Rina.

"Um... excuse me?"

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"Ready now." "Then let's go~" The held his hand tight and dragged him down the stairs, out of the inn. She handed a friendly wave to Adrian and Carrion along the way, probably the only one who didn't think there was a problem with Carrion's eating. She would've stopped to say hello, but she'd already lazed most of the day away with Gideon, and wanted to get on with it all. "So, Gideon," she started to ask once they'd passed through the inn's doors, "d'you know where the library is? 'Cause, as adamant as I was about us going there, I haven't the slightest where it is. So, I guess we get to wander before we go to the library, huh?" She felt kinda stupid about that, glancing around to see if there was anything she'd enjoy watching. She did find something, controlling the urge to run off to watch. It was a mage, she presumed, and he was flinging around water in way too many directions for her to watch entirely: making shapes, patterns, displays; a show, and she couldn't help but start dragging Gideon off to watch the rest of it, her eyes bedazzled by all of it.


"Le's go, then~" She's makin' this too easy, and I'm a complete stranger. She can't be interested in me just from watchin' me dye m'hair, so what's up? "Right..." Her next move completely threw him off, as she grabbed his arm with hers and began to pull him along. He'd almost stuttered trying to ask what she was doing, when she gave him an answer, "No har' feelin's or an'thing, bu' I don' trus' ya behin'd me, so let's jus' walk side by side, hmmmm?" Alright, that's enough..., "what's your deal, girl? No one picks up strangers and acts like this with them, you must want somethin', so I expect a damn good explanation at that bar you're talkin' about." He whispered right back at her, hoping to not make a scene. He couldn't afford another bout of publicity if he wanted to keep away from that knight.

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It was a pretty nice feeling for Carrion, getting a meal for free. Good food at that. As she chewed, she caught sight of Adrian's amused face. Swallowing it quickly, "What, something in my teeth?" A simple joke to cover up her slight embarrassment of her terrible manners while eating in public. It never sank in, etiquette. It never really mattered when she was out and about on her lonesome, so she never cared to practice it much. She got a few looks from some of the other patrons, causing her to blush ever so slightly. "Ahehe... Sorry." Wiping her face with a napkin, she sighed and waited. "So... What makes you think he won't let us have access to the top floor, eh? If worst comes to worst, I could try pulling a little sob story on the guy. It'd be true too, I do just wanna bring my brother back, and the key may be in that room..."


"If I were a book on alchemy, where would I be hiding...?" The answer escaped him as he wandered around in the first floor, simply perusing the books by title alone. "It's definitely a magical process of sorts, but... what would it be under?" He found himself mumbling out loud, making one of the nearby workers give a quizzical look towards the one legged man.

"Finding everything alright, sir? I can direct you to a section on this floor if you need help!"

"Oh..." Caught in thought he hadn't noticed the man walk up to him. "Well, actually yeah. I was wondering if there'd be anything on alchemy in here? Just... basics I guess, nothing too technical."

"I see... Hm..." It seemed he hadn't gotten this question very often, so the man had to take some time to think of where it would be. "Well... I think your best bet would be in the Applications section. That's the place we keep most of our learning material anyhow. If it's anywhere, it's there."

"Awesome. Thank you very much, sir." A smile and a nod and he hobbled away towards said section, again perusing books. "Alchemy, alchemy, alchemy... aha!" He spied one book that looked promising, a book by the title of Alchemy for dummies Alchemy's beginnings. Upon further inspection, he frowned. "This is just... a history of it, why is this here? Wait.... wait a second, here we go." Upon even further inspection, it actually seemed to be going through some simple processes of how to alchemize certain objects into metals and such. "Perfect, she'll love this... I hope." And then he began the long walk home... or so he thought. Wait a minute... Maybe they'll have something on the crimson witch here... Or maybe not, but that's besides the point. I have to try something. I need to try and figure this whole thing out for myself... "Sir? Sorry to bother you again, but I was wondering something else. I realize this might not be the exact place for it, but do you have any books on the fabled Crimson Witch in this library?"

"Oh, her? Yeah, actually we have a lot. Her stories have provided a lot of breakthroughs in the knowledge of magic, you know. A lot of mages couldn't do nearly anything as powerful as she was rumored to do until recently I might add, too. Why, if she were here right now, I'd quite frankly ask her for an autograph! But of course, a fable is just that... a fable. So sad, wish she was real..."

Must... resist... urge... to laugh. "Y-Yeah... Anyway, where would that section be, for her?"

"Oh, my apologies! If you want something on her, it's in the Theories section, sir."

"Alrighty, thank you again sir!" Yet again, he hobbled off, this time towards the section under the Theories label. He was quit surprised at just how many books were in this place, and this was only the first floor. "I'd hate to have to reorganize THIS place..." Step after awkward step, he looked at book after book, nothing really catching his eye, until, "What's this...? 'The Devourer Unveiled'?" He picked it up and began flipping through the pages. He noticed it was a rather thick book, so he'd have to take a while to read it. Grabbing a table, he sat down and began to do just that.

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"Then let's go~" With that, she grabbed his arm and dragged him out the door. They passed Carrion and Adrian, and Amera waved to them - Gideon was a bit too caught up in being dragged. "So, Gideon, know where the library is? 'Cause, as adamant as I was about us going there, I haven't the slightest where it is. So, I guess we get to wander before we go to the library, huh?" Gideon made a face. "Now that I think about it, no, I don't. It can't be hard to find, though." She wasn't listening; she seemed enthralled with some street performer. "Okay..." he said to himself, following her over to the hack throwing water around. You told her you'd be patient. Give it a moment...He was wholly unimpressed by the little sideshow, and it took all of his patience not to drag Amera away from the man.


The sketchy guy looked a bit angry with the whore-girl. Mel couldn't hear either of them, but they were mad about something...

"Um... excuse me?" "Wah!" Mel nearly fell over when she heard this, scrambling quickly back up. There was a bit of dirt on the rest of her fritter, and that made her scowl. "You ruined my food," she whined softly to the girl who had just talked to her. Wait... "How long have you been there?" she demanded in a hushed voice, glaring at the girl. This chick's totally ruining my spy work! How am I supposed to be stealthy right now with her here?!

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"Nah, don't worry. I'll pay, don't'cha worry 'bout it. 'm sure more th'n a few people would looooove t' be in yer shoes righ' now, so jus' smile an' nod, hmmmmm?"

As soon as they got to the bar, Therese dragged the guy to a table away from the counter before sauntering over to get two mugs. When she returned, she slid into the chair facing the stranger, leaning in while she passed one glass across the table to him.

"Well, hon', what's the deal wit' this knight o' yer's? Sure he's not jes' jealous ov'r a girl or somethiiiiiing~? Handsome guy lik' you, no way any girl would stick with'm~"

She tilted back with a wink and a mischievous smirk. "'sides, din't'cha think tha' stories ov' a guy changin' his hair in public lik' that would make it easier fer 'im to come find'ya? Methink's I jus' did'ya a favor~"


"How long have you been there?"

"Um... well, about... er... five minutes?" Rina retreated. She hadn't expected the girl to react so violently. "I was here... before you came in..." While she was talking, she noticed her sister and the other dude leaving, probably to some bar where Therese would cause some disturbance, or extort money from someone or other. The girl pointed.

"Erm... well... your friend... he's leaving with my sister..."

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It would seem that Carrion had finally noticed Adrian's bemused face, which would only serve to make him laugh a bit more, "What, something in my teeth?" "More like something all over your face, Carrion. Ha ha ha..." You need to get embarrassed more often, you look too cute when you do. A few people gave her a weird look, and Adrian watched her turn red, something he didn't think he'd see for a while, "Ahehe... Sorry." "You don't need to apologize, it's fine. You just must be really hungry, is all. Go ahead and keep eating like that, it's fine." He kept eating his own food, slowly working it down. Deer wasn't something he'd had very often, but he still enjoyed the taste.

"So... What makes you think he won't let us have access to the top floor, eh? If worst comes to worst, I could try pulling a little sob story on the guy. It'd be true too, I do just wanna bring my brother back, and the key may be in that room..." "Oh, uh... Right. He just seemed like the type that only did a favor for a favor. And you could pull that, right, so he may. I guess I just don't want to get my hopes up? It's suck to get them shot down." He thought his way of thinking was fine, but they could try either way. He wouldn't stop her from asking.


The presentation went on for another ten minutes, Amera pointing out things as they went by, not even noticing how bored Gideon looked; and she probably wouldn't have cared if she had. The show ended, and she was giddy as all heck. She clung to his arm and almost jumped, "wow! Seriously, that was so cool! I really wish I knew how he did th-- oh wow, there's another one going on over there!" She immediately began dragging Gideon off to the next exhibit, which was two mages going at it with both lightning and fire, doing somersaults and backflips as they dodged each others' blasts! Amera was mesmerized, forgetting that they were even supposed to be going to the library.


"Nah, don't worry. I'll pay, don't'cha worry 'bout it. 'm sure more th'n a few people would looooove t' be in yer shoes righ' now, so jus' smile an' nod, hmmmmm?" "I'm sure they would. And I'm sure I'm not, but I'll play along for now, just t'find out what you're aimin' for." He didn't offer up any resistance as she dragged him into the inn, simply sitting down and watching her walk around. She's got a body, alright... gonna get myself hurt, or worse, if I don't stop my starin'. Sliding him an ale, his mood was suddenly brought up, taking a quick swig. "Aaahhhh, good to finally get some of this after the what's happened." "Well, hon', what's the deal wit' this knight o' yer's? Sure he's not jes' jealous ov'r a girl or somethiiiiiing~? Handsome guy lik' you, no way any girl would stick with'm~" Yeah, jealous over an omnipotent witch. Right. "Y'could say that, but it's not in the way y'might think. An' quit the compliments, I know you're just playing a game with me. I'm not stupid." He took some more of his drink, finding his eyes wandering a bit too often from her face. "'sides, din't'cha think tha' stories ov' a guy changin' his hair in public lik' that would make it easier fer 'im to come find'ya? Methink's I jus' did'ya a favor~" "... Yeah, I guess y'did. So I'll thank ye for that. Now, uh..." he forced his eyes to look at her face, wanting to try and seem serious about this, "tell me wha'cha want from me. You've dragged me off to some inn, you've bought me ale; wha'd'you want?"

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"Y'could say that, but it's not in the way y'might think. An' quit the compliments, I know you're just playing a game with me. I'm not stupid."

"Awwww, I was having fuuuun~" Therese giggled for a second. The guy was too much. "Alriiiiiight, fiiiiiiine... I'm jus' teasin', yeh know..."

"Tell me wha'cha want from me. You've dragged me off to some inn, you've bought me ale; wha'd'you want?"

Righ' down t' business, then, eh? Therese leaned back and grinned, though the mischievous glint in her eye disappeared. "Nuthin' much, really. Jus' bored, an' I need som'thin' t'do. Pref'rably sumthin' that has a payoff." She'd finally taken her hand off the trigger of her gun, though it was still loaded. "So? Soun's like yeh got yerself a bi' of a problem, eh? Thin' my sis I could tag along?"

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"That'll work. You stay with them, I'll grab a change of clothes and then go." He immediately went back upstairs to change into a slightly darker-colored shirt, hoping this time he wouldn't attract as much attention to himself.

He guessed a smart assassin wouldn't stay in the streets, instead finding somewhere indoors to hide. Somewhere crowded...

If anywhere, another one of the inns or bars in town would work.

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