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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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The hug coming out of nowhere, she blushed a little. <i>Whoa... I didn't expect...</i> She was about to embrace him back before he pulled back and started apologizing. "No, no, I understand... And really, you're welcome, and I guess I should say thanks as well. I feel pretty good about helping someone out, especially a friend... It's made me feel more confident about confronting my brother now." Wondering what they could do until she was ready to talk, Aiduen smiled. "Care to catch a meal with me? I'm pretty famished as is. I'm sorry Adrian, but I'm not letting you out of this building until she's talked to you. Sucks to be you, I know, having to stay here with me. I'm sure you can manage to endure the torture~." Smiling, she patted Adrian on the shoulder as she motioned him to follow her downstairs. "Come on, it's on me, and I'll get her something too if she comes down. Seriously, just put everything aside for a moment and pay attention to food right now!"

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"I'm certainly growing older, and ever since the injury Anastasia's given me, I've been far from my prime."

"Don't worry, I've seen you can still put up a fight, remember when that tournament got out of hand? I'm bettin' that I probably couldn't take you down."

He laughed. Adano may not be quite as young or mobile as he was in the past, but he was no frail old man.

"Maybe there'll be someone in Pravna who you help you out. I don't really understand that magic stuff, but there's got to be someone who could fix you up a little."

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"Don't worry, I've seen you can still put up a fight, remember when that tournament got out of hand? I'm bettin' that I probably couldn't take you down."

Adano smiled, he remembered the fight. Although it wasn't a pleasant experience, he did prove both to himself and to others that he could still fight. Nonetheless, he was running on almost pure adrenaline, and he did suffer a strong injury when fighting one of the soldiers. Nonetheless he remembered when he first awoke, how he could barely move. If it weren't for Sevan he would probably still be bedridden, or probably dead at that point.

"Maybe there'll be someone in Pravna who you help you out. I don't really understand that magic stuff, but there's got to be someone who could fix you up a little."

"Believe me, I've tried." He said, almost grimly. "When I was in the coma, after Anastasia stabbed me, Sevan brought many healers from around the continent to try and save me. While the wound itself was healed, my mind was still hurt from the shock of the event. I had to re-learn how to walk." He paused and turned away for a moment, not wanting Aurelio to watch him cry. Adano enjoyed having someone look up to him--Aurelio was almost like a son to him. While he loved Lucretia dearly and wouldn't trade her for anything, but having someone like Aurelio around always lightened Adano's spirit. He didn't want to disappoint him...

"I eventually learned again," he said finally, regaining most of his composure, "but it was different...changed. I couldn't walk with the spring in my step I could when I was in my prime as a swordsman... So I was forced to walk the way I do now, which is why Sevan gave me this spear. It helps me walk, and if I ever need it in battle, I can use it. That's why I learned how to fight in heavy armor. When I was just a swordsman, I never had more than a shoulder guard. Now, I've got heavy armor because I can't move as much."

He stared into the fire, avoiding eye contact. "The point is, they can't heal me, Aurelio. I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life."

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"The point is, they can't heal me, Aurelio. I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life."

He noticed that Adano seemed pretty down about it. Anastasia must have mutilated him. But still, to have the determination in order to re-learn how to walk was astounding.

"That must'a been tough on you, sometimes a single event can change everything."

He stood up, looking at the sky - almost as if it were listening as well. He felt like he'd be better off telling somebody.

"Bandits had been causing trouble in Keyes for ages, the army never did anything about it. They took everything they could, and then some more. I managed to band some guys together and we started to fight them. Things were starting to look good until people began to die, run away or turn on us. I kept on fighting, I managed to rescue my mother and Lunaria, but in the end I lost. When I woke up, I found myself in the woods, everyone had gone. There was no way I could have beaten them all, but there are times I wonder what would have happened if I did..."

All that had happened long after his father had left, Lunaria was right, something was up. Something she was going to tell him. Why hadn't he been there to help?

"Some Astartean soldiers were near by, I had hoped they'd come and help out. I was wrong. They laughed, turned out my old man - one of their own, had been killed off ages ago and nobody had told us. I kinda started a scuffle, and well... here I am today. I'm really glad Lucretia has a father like you. You spent so long looking for her, but in the end, you were reunited. The only time my father came near Keyes was when he didn't feel like paying for a room."

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Distractions deserve more credit then you think.

For far from spending a moment slightly awed by the usage of magic, something that surprisingly, seems rare to Obelia’s sight or actually guffawing at the sight of a small fireball missing, Obelia decides to timeshare the moment effectively. The time part being timing her arm right so, as the clawed, metal clad arm takes that moment, banking on the two she’d pushed back gazing in either a dumbfound state or slight confusion at the fire Ken has thrown, to move down and across, straight as a pole, to try and take their legs out from under them, she flicks her other arm with a casualness born from using her blade so often, a small pause that may have given the other third a second to much, but moving the flat of her blade so it swept upward, to not cut but bash into the third mans chin, a slightly quiet thank you nodded back to the rather helpful despite all things priest.



She doesn’t have much else to say, raising a brow at the shovelling of food that could make her dad’s eating look like the dining of a noble born gentlemen. So with a curious glance to his smile, looking more pained then pleasant, she asked with a rather blunt tilt of her head, not exactly oblivious but nor hitting the nail quite on the head.

‘You okay, before you go running off? Eating food like that, the way you’re trying to smile not looking anything like when you’re actually happy...’

She tilts her head further, narrows her eyes and leans down, indeed, perhaps reinforcing her role of ‘big sister’ to him while trying in her heart to not believe that could be a possibility.

‘You have stomach problems, Andy?’


Sleeping is not always too good a thing for those who have not had much to dream well about for a while. For example, in the dreams of Noel Isamu Santru, her mind is quiet and her form curled on a path in her head. There is not sound but merely two signs, one saying ‘L’ the other saying ‘A’. This dream is fresh, as fresh as the turmoil of this morning, nor is it hiding the meaning in subtly, hitting her heart again and again with the simple question, to risk friendship over love with another or to put a crush aside for a bond that has existed for so long.

It should be easy, it’s just a crush. But for the curled, glancing form of the dream-Noel, it is never such an easy thing when the object of said crush is the first to call her words that make her cheeks burn and her heart beat faster. To look past fur and see something that does not repulse you.

She sits in that path, in reality, equally slumped, curled against the corridor wall, slumbering on choices that she wishes she had no choice in making.



She feigns an annoyed expression, yet the twitch of a smile is unconstrained, the corners of her lips curling into them as she folds her arms quite casually, a small and rather playful wide eyed look at the expression of his age.

‘Why, I guess I should be shocked such an elder gentlemen has taken a fancy to me.’

With a slightly softer smirk, she sits back but indeed, the serious tone has lifted, the dinner maybe becoming what it could’ve been from the start. Light, cheerful and indeed, as Carrie’s lips opened-

‘So, are you planning to woo me into your bed?’



Oh. Approval. That’s… she’s smiling, that’s good. I’m doing good and everything! And… she isn’t angry like Carrion was. She looks happy.

Find your own happiness. That’s what he had to do, right? So with a hesitant glance, he rubs the back of his head yet smiles a bit too, seeing how bright eyed Ellandra is. And taking a chance in that moment as well.

‘I wanted to- well, if you wanted, would you like to…? Well, go out sometime, as a thank you? Or maybe just… to go out, you know. Because that would be amazing. Really.’

Smooth indeed.

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He felt better. And to say he felt just 'better' would be an understatement. Aiduen had magically brought up everyone's mood by being herself, and Adrian couldn't be more thankful for it. But he remembered that he had wanted a snack before the event had happened, and Aiduen brought up exactly what he wanted. "Sure, I wouldn't mind. And I don't have any plans to leave; you're right. I'll be here for her when she's ready..." Aiduen's joking cheered him up even more, as he walked downstairs with her. "Oh, woe is me, I have to spend my nights surrounded by beautiful women. Ah, what a cruel life, ha ha ha." He smiled, but he felt a bit guilty enjoying himself when he figured Carrion had to be still struggling with herself upstairs. It made his laughing stop, even if he was still smiling, a bit. But Aiduen seemed fixated on that food, so as they came downstairs, he nodded and walked over to what seemed to be a relatively empty dining area, taking a seat for himself.

Ushering her over, he sighed, giving her a warm smile, "I know I must sound like a broken record, but this really does mean a lot... though, it does make me wonder, why go through so much for me and her? You've only really talked to me twice, you know..." He finally realized how nice she was truly being, helping out an acquaintance and pretty much a complete stranger. It made him pretty curious. "I mean, that's just not something that people normally go about doing. What, d'you like me, or something? That's why you're being so nice? Ha ha ha..." He joked again, trying to keep a smile as his thoughts lingered on Carrion. Adrian, leader of his own impressive harem... get real, kid. She's just being friendly, it's who she is.


"What? No, really, I'm fine," he managed without stuttering this time. As he neared the door, he noticed Noel out on the floor in the hallway, wondering if she should be left like that. "Uh, Langley, you might want to help Noel into a bed, or something. I don't think that sleeping in the hall is the best of plans." He pointed voer at her as he opened the door, a nice breeze blowing into his face. "Really, Langley, I'm only stepping out for a walk. I'll be fine, trust me. Just want some fresh air, is all." He took a few steps onto the porch and sat down on the steps, suddenly not wanting to go very far. It was early as well, so the porch would suffice. Mostly, he was just lazy.


"An elderly gentleman, am I? I doubt that, just trying to be nice." The small talk was enjoyable, as she seemed to be out of her shy shell, now. And there wasn't anymore serious discussion going on, which he was thankful for. He hated being serious, even when he was on the job. ‘So, are you planning to woo me into your bed?’ And with this, he laughed once more, trying to contain his amusement. "Now, why would I try t'do that, and on the first date too. I think that'd be a bit forward of me, don't you think? Unless..." he leaned over the table a bit, chuckling, "you want me to. Since it's apparently on your mind."

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"Oh? You think I'm beautiful huh?" Flattered, she smiled and blushed slightly as she took a seat with Adrian. It was an odd feeling, trying to joke around with a guy she just met, especially under the circumstances. Of course, it just so happens that Adrian brought that up to an extent. "Why am I doing this...?"

"What, d'you like me, or something? That's why you're being so nice? Ha ha ha..."

Smiling and blushing a deeper shade, she fidgeted in her seat. "Y-Yeah, uh... Am... am I that easy of a read?" Looking at Adrian across the table, she bowed her head, "That's... I'm just..." Shaking her head, she decided to just say it. "Umm... What would you do if I said yes? I mean, I-I'm not... I'm not trying to interfere or anything, I really am trying to help, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't actually quite jealous. You're like the first guy I've met who's nice, honest and genuine... not just some stupid infatuation with me. But that's the worst part of traveling all over, I don't really get to know people, but you... I apologize, this is just about the worst thing I could be doing now, confessing this when I know you're in quite the committed relationship already... Ugh..." Covering her face in a hand, she sighed. Why the heck did I just go and say all of that? He's got enough to worry about right now, and and.... THAT isn't going to help!

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"Some Astartean soldiers were near by, I had hoped they'd come and help out. I was wrong. They laughed, turned out my old man - one of their own, had been killed off ages ago and nobody had told us. I kinda started a scuffle, and well... here I am today. I'm really glad Lucretia has a father like you. You spent so long looking for her, but in the end, you were reunited. The only time my father came near Keyes was when he didn't feel like paying for a room."

"I'm just glad she didn't turn out like Anastasia." Adano sighed heavily, as if to try and exhale part of Anastasia out of him. "I loved Anastasia, don't get me wrong; but, that changed... I didn't see inside her. She's not... She wasn't right in the head, Aurelio."

Looking to his sleeping daughter, he smiled for a moment. She looked so peaceful. It was hard to believe that she was Anastasia's daughter--despite the spitting image and sword skill, their personalities were so drastically different. He was thankful that this was the truth.

"I don't know what Anastasia's done to Lucretia... I almost fear the truth. For Lucretia to kill her... even in self defense..." He choked up. "I can't fathom the horrors that have happened to her."

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"Yeah, you're pretty attractive. I hope you don't mind me saying that, I mean... I was just answering your joke, but maybe I should've joked along too." Those words would have a lot more meaning as Aiduen answered his own joke with a serious tone, making him stop his laughter. "Y-Yeah, uh... Am... am I that easy of a read?" "Uh... what?" he asked, an almost incredulous smile plastered onto his face. Aiduen, please jut be joking, please... To his own misfortune, she wasn't. And she continued on with her reasons as to why, and even though he had his doubts when she'd mentioned it, it began to make sense as she kept talking. He was never very conscious of how others felt towards him, mostly because he rarely felt good enough about himself to think people would feel anything for him. But Aiduen apparently did, and once she'd finished, he had nothing to say. Wow, how do I even begin to react to that...

"I'm..." he finally began to start, hoping to show that he wasn't annoyed, right away, "I'm not upset by this, if you're worried about that at all. I just... I guess I can say that I'm flattered, and... wow, this is really awkward now, isn't it?" He tried to chuckle, but it felt way too forced, so he stopped quickly. "What can I even say to that, Aiduen? You know that I love Carrion, so... heck, it's my fault, isn't it? I made that joke, I shouldn't have even..." he rubbed his cheeks a bit and sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I like you. You're a nice person, and if we'd met before I met Carrion, maybe... it could've worked out, but... agh, this is going to make being friends really awkward, isn't it? If you even want to be friends after this, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't want to." In truth, his own self esteem had gotten a nice boost from this. Aiduen's an attractive girl, really nice, she's a lot like me, great conversation holder... but Carrion's so sweet, she's really caring on the inside, and she's been there for me like I've been there for her, not to mention that she's, other than a bit missing up top, beautiful herself... I guess I can count myself lucky to be hit on by so many gorgeous women, at the very least.

"I, uh... I doubt I can ask if this will ruin us being friends, but I'd still love to be your friend... There aren't many people out there that I meet that are... like me. It'd suck to have to lose someone I can talk to, but... I can't force you to want to hang around. Man, I shouldn't have made that joke..."

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"Adrian..." A somber look on her face, her eyes were welling up slightly. "Honestly, I didn't mean to spring that on you. It just... came out. Maybe I read the sarcasm wrong, but I shouldn't have said that either way." Smiling, she continued, "It's wonderful to hear that things could have been different if you hadn't met Carrion, but at the same time, I wouldn't wish that to be so. You're heart is already taken, and it was just so darn stupid of me to even mention that." Her expression more resolute, she sighed. "Forgive my audacity in what I'm about to say, but I think I like you too much to interfere like that. It'd be rude to you, and especially to Carrion. She seems absolutely enthralled with you, something I'm having a very hard time trying to match here, and all I can really say is that you really are lucky, Adrian. Her only concern when I was talking with her was if she had done irreparable harm to you in any way. She cares about you so much that she was only concerned with how you were dealing with it all, and from what I was seeing, it was tearing her up. I just... I can't match that. And I think..." Wiping her face dry, she put on a friendly grin, "I think I won't try to match it. I'd love to be your friend, her friend as well, I think that'd be the best option for me, if you're OK with it. I'm not... I won't try anything, I seriously just want to help you two I guess..." She was puzzled now. "Actually... I'm confused as to what exactly you two are trying to do now."

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Her reaction was pretty favorable, perking himself up as she mentioned Carrion, "She seems absolutely enthralled with you, something I'm having a very hard time trying to match here, and all I can really say is that you really are lucky, Adrian. Her only concern when I was talking with her was if she had done irreparable harm to you in any way. She cares about you so much that she was only concerned with how you were dealing with it all, and from what I was seeing, it was tearing her up." Wow... that makes me both happy and even more worried than I was. I only hope she's okay, if she even comes down tonight... A quick glance outside revealed how late it actually was, and that sort of surprised him. But he turned his attention back to Aiduen, glad that she seemed to want to remain friends, her comment about such bringing him back to the endearing level of enjoyment he was at moments before this little outburst. "Of course I'd be fine with that. You're a great person, who wouldn't want to be your friend? I'm just... really glad that this isn't going to be a problem. I'd hate for things to get uncomfortable between us." He sighed a bit, and Aiduen popped a question that he wasn't sure he was even allowed to answer.

"I, uh... I'll let Carrion answer that, if she comes down, and if she wants to. I know I sorta roped you into this earlier, but... I'm not sure I can tell you that. I do have a question for you, though," he started, leaning forward in his chair, "what about your brother? I've got no qualms about having you hang around, and I'm sure Carrion would appreciate having another girl to talk to that isn't bubbly and boisterous, but... I can't just ask you to abandon him, and I don't know if he'd want to follow us... heck, I'm already presuming too much, I don't even know if you want to come along. So, answer me that first, before I start worrying about your brother," he smirked a bit, sort of embarrassed for jumping the shark, but after all that had occurred, he didn't feel he would ever be properly embarrassed again.

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With an almost lazy blink to the direction Andy points, she suddenly sighs and her palm touches her forehead, dragging down her face with a slow sigh echoing from her lips.

‘Ah, geez. Why can’t she just sleep like a normal person for a change…’

With a slow sigh, her hand absently waves to the leaving Andy, too tired to remain in her ‘heart-rending crush confusion mode’ for now and with a slow sigh, her arms wrap around the back and lower half of her best friend, tugging her up to her chest…


‘Lan… A… An…’

Noel’s words come in small, rather shaky whispers, trying to say a name but finding her voice box refuses to finish either, her body reacting with her heart and mind. She curls into the rather confused looking Langley’s arms as she still sits at that crossroads, curling tight on herself, disrupting herself in her sleep with a decision she still has no want for.


Laughter. A most gratifying sound if there ever was one. With his lean and his words, she responded with a more confident in tone lean of her own, eyes meeting his with a slightly wry smirk back to him, arms folded calmly as her finger reaches, poking his nose with a calm whisper back.

‘Just wondering how long you could keep it in your pants, Horatio~’

She smiles though. She hasn’t felt this cheerful in a while. This guy… he’s a good guy indeed.

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‘I wanted to- well, if you wanted, would you like to…? Well, go out sometime, as a thank you? Or maybe just… to go out, you know. Because that would be amazing. Really.’

She smiled, flashing her teeth at Zwool. No one had ever really made her smile this brightly. Oh if only I could speak...

She instead managed to wrap her arms around and hug him in a friendly yet warm manner.


His mind racing with questions, he moved what little he had into the guest bedroom Gabriel designated for him. It was of a moderate size, nowhere near the size of Gabriel's room, but it was comfortable enough and had everything he needed. He even had his own private bathroom. He laid in bed, hoping to understand what was going on.


As he left the manor, without looking back, he wondered where he'd go next. He didn't want to go to his parents; the story was too embarassing for him. He'd have to divert his focus elsewhere for the time being, away from Gabriel and away from Lushira. Now independent for the first time, he figured heading north was his best bet--he didn't know what he'd encounter, but he figured it would be better than just waiting around.


Composing himself, he went into his room and noticed that Cameron had left--nowhere to be seen in the house.

"Where--where did he go?!" He asked himself. He prayed that Cameron hadn't gone too far.

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"My brother? As long as you're traveling and there's the possibility of fighting, he'd be for it without a hitch." Sighing, she smirked at Adrian. "And besides, he'd be kinda lost and lonely without me there to keep track of food supplies, spare clothes, money, all that stuff. Anyway..." Leaning back in her seat, she groaned audibly, still a bit disheartened but not wanting to think about it. "If that question is personal, I'll just ask another. Where are you two headed? And if that's going to be an iffy one, how long are you two staying here?"

Unfortunately, her question was put on hold as a waitress finally arrived at their table. "Good evening you two, sorry for the wait. Not too many people come down here this late, so we're a bit unprepared. Again, sorry for the trouble. Can I start you off with a drink?"

"Oh, sure, uh... Hmm..." She was thinking on what to drink, when an idea came to mind, one that made her beam. "Adrian, wanna share some wine? Or something else, I don't mind, I just kinda want to... let loose, you know? Just a little?" She hoped he would oblige her in this, but she could never tell who liked to drink and who didn't.

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He chilled on the porch and he brooded, his mind going this way and that over his predicament. He didn't want to leave them, but he didn't want to make them upset either, but there was no way to stay and complete that. He shook his head and groaned, wondering how to go about doing this...


"Haaaaaaahahaha!" He kept his laughter as quiet as he could, as to not draw any more glaring eyes. He seriously could not believe that Carrie had gone there, and it was amusing him to no end. "Carrie, let me tell ye, if you keep actin' like this I might not want t'keep it in my pants. But I'll be a gentleman as long as yer a lady, deal? I wonder how long this'll last, ha ha..." It would last long enough for their food to show up, which it just had. Horatio had his soup, and Carrie her steak. Wonder if she can eat all of that, it's rather large... He mused something small as he began to eat, smiling at the taste. He hadn't eaten high end food in a while, and he probably wouldn't be able to after this night, his gold running a bit low.


"Thanks, and uh... we're headed down to some islands to the south." He leaned in a bit, not wanting anyone else to hear this bit, "you know how Carrion's the Crimson Witch, right? Well, there's apparently some other witch down there impersonating her, and there's a bounty on her head. The magus here helped remove Carrion's seal, and as payment, he wants us to go down there and bring this girl back. So... that's what where we're going. And we're leaving tomorrow morning, if you did want to come along." Suddenly Adrian got the bright idea to ask Aiduen if she wanted to share a room with him and Carrion, and maybe they could talk for the night, but then he remembered that their room only had one bed, and the idea slipped away. Maybe next time...

Before anymore conversation could be had, a waitress came along. He gave her a quick smile, not wanting to seem rude, especially at this time of night. "A drink? Sure, some wa--" but Aiduen had something else in mind, "Adrian, wanna share some wine? Or something else, I don't mind, I just kinda want to... let loose, you know? Just a little?" "Uh..." Alcohol? Alone? Like this-- wait... Adrian, why are you getting worried? She already said she wasn't going to pursue that, just trust her. And besides, it's just a little wine. He turned his small amount of worry into a smile, "sure, some wine would be nice." He nodded it at the waitress, and she smiled at them, trotting off to fetch them some wine. "I haven't had wine in... I can't remember the last time I had some, so, sorry if I don't drink much."

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"Oh don't worry about if you don't drink much. I'll just get a bottle and keep it for later. Much better than water, in moderation of course!" She giggled at this, if only to forcefully try and lighten the situation. "But seriously, you're on a man, er... woman hunt now?" A grimace spread across her face, the displeasure obvious. "Sorry, that doesn't sit well with me... I've spent the last few years trying to free anri slaves, so seeing someone, even hearing about them being hunted in any capacity... it makes me feel weird. I hope you're not just doing it for the money or because it's a simple favor, right?" So focused was she that Aiduen didn't see Carrion walk up to them at all, the surprise on her face evident when she did notice finally.


(Moments before!)

Taking a deep heaving breath, the witch picked herself up off of the bed and wiped her tear soaked face. Sniffling, she went to the bathroom and took her time cleaning her face, splashing some cold water on her weary and worn face, making her smile. Feeling ready to talk to Adrian, she slowly went to the door, taking a deep breath as she exited. The sounds of a few people talking down in the lobby and the dining area caught her attention, but she quickly scoured the immediate area to find Adrian, but to no avail. Where is he? He didn't run out on me, did he...? Rubbing her face out of frustration, she groaned. "No you idiot, he said he was hungry, so he's probably there..." Steeling herself again, she was about to round the corner until she heard Adrian and Aiduen discussing something, and the more she listened, the more she wanted to run out and glare at Aiduen. How dare you... I thought you were a friend, but no, you're just trying to steal my- No... no, calm the hell down, Carrion. She wouldn't be that bold and stupid, just... talk about it later with her. Hammer out the details. Of course, as she was thinking about that, Adrian and Aiduen's conversation got too quiet for her to eavesdrop on, so with no other choice she took a deep breath and walked in on the duo, a slight tremble overcoming her as she approached Adrian, a worried expression plastered all over her face.

"Um... Hi Adrian... Do you... mind if I sit with you?"

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"I can't fathom the horrors that have happened to her."

"Don't worry, she's survived. I'm sure you're the first person she'll tell when she's ready."

Looking back, Anastasia was a monster. Aurelio didn't even want to imagine the nightmare it probably had been.

Ken and friends

Even though his attack had failed, it seemed that Obelia had used it as a distraction. She had knocked the two men behind them down and was already going after the third. The two men behind her showed signs of getting up. This time he needed to keep them at bay, lest they attack again. He needed to protect her, if even only a little bit. She had done so much for him, couldn't he return the favour? He could feel the warmth in his hands!

At that range, it would have been impossible to miss. It hadn't been very powerful, but it had connected - and given them something to think about. One of them had been knocked out, the other struggled to get to his knees. The third had been sent flying into a wardrobe, Ken greatly appreciated her restraint. He turned to the kneeling man;

"I don't know why you're here. Who has sent you? Those burns shall heal without a problem, but for now, I insist you surrender."

His foe didn't feel like talking.

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<sometime in the middle of the night>

Damn, it was getting late... She tried to fight her eyes from closing, even as she rode. She could vaguely make out a town in the distance, but she wouldn't be able to go further that night.

Upon reaching a small cluster of trees, she tied her horse to one of the trees before lying on the ground underneath the other trees. She didn't even bother to find a good backing for her head, immediately drifting off into sleep.

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"Well, no, it's not just that... this person's parading around calling themselves the Crimson Witch, and Carrion can't let someone use her name like that, especially when she's doing some pretty terrible things, or so I hear. I wouldn't hunt down someone for just money, or a favor, I promise you. I didn't mean to get into such sensitive territory, either, but... we sort of have to, unless you can give us some three hundred gold to give to the magus as payment for what he did. We'd still head down there anyway, but we wouldn't be on some hunting mission." He tried his best to justify what they were doing, making sure to hammer down that they weren't going to be doing it for fame, fortune, or favors. "If it makes you uncomfortable, I won't ask you or your brother to help us with it. Again, sorry." But Aiduen's face seemed terribly surprised after he had finished, a bit worried that he'd said something to set her off again. "Aiduen, did I say something...?"

"Um... Hi Adrian... Do you... mind if I sit with you?" Now he understood why Aiduen looked so surprised, but he only smiled. Slowly turning his head, he couldn't stop himself from smiling more, Carrion standing behind him, trembling a bit. "Sure, Carrion. I'd love for you to." He gave her his brightest smile, and stood to pull a chair out for her, wondering why she was trembling. She can't think there's anything going on with Aiduen, can she? No, if she heard any of that, she knows there's nothing... "You feeling better now? We just ordered some wine, if you'd like some, too. Or I can get you some water, if you don't think alcohol's a good idea." He really just wanted to jump her with a hug, but he didn't want to freak her out. I'll just... play it safe, for now.

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After his dream, Rine couldn't bring himself to sleep, no matter what. It didn't take a long time for him to give up and pick the book his master gave to him before leaving his home-town. "If I'm going to stay awake, I better do something useful. And it's not like I want to leave this room, soo...", he thought, before flipping some pages, clearly looking for the one he's been studying. It was about "How to envelop something into a ball of wind - Part II: Lifting and Moving Around Objects". He was skilled enough to create the ball of wind and envelop something in it; he even managed to do it with a person, although the wind was stronger in that day and they were on the plains. It was easy to lift objects like a ruby, an amulet or a clean cup, but the same couldn't be said about his backpack, a book, a pinneapple, or a vase (he decided to leave it alone until he could lift the other three).

Rine put his other book on the table and tried lifting it. He opened his right palm, closing it slowly as the wind around the book envelopped it, and then tried it. For his surprise it was easier than before; he could even move it around, although not much. As expected, he had a harder time with his backpack, a much harder one, but in the end he managed to lift it 1 feet away from the ground before releasing it and thus making a big noise. "Ok. I -definitly- should stop this.". There was a vase close to him, but he chose not to risk it. Bored, he laid on the bed again, flipping more pages and reading through them. "How to focus the wind in one point, and then release it as a piercing object", "How to envelop something into a ball of wind - Part III: Lifting and Moving Around Bodies", "How to enchant an object", and a lot more. Those subjects just intimidated him even more, "How the hell am I going to pierce someone with the wind? That's just madness! And lifting people is so hard... Moving them is much worse. Well, I'll figure it out..

He put the book in the backpack again. Without anything else to do, he decided to leave the room and go eat something. But he didn't do it, his laziness stopped him before he lift from the bed. "What should I do in times like this? I'm bored, but I'm too tired to do anything else... Yawn...".

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‘Allow me to try.’

With a raise of her leg first, her armour clanking ever so slightly to the man embroiled within the clothing and wood of the cupboard, she delivers a suprisingnly swift kick to his stomach, to keep him down for a moment. With a smooth turning, Obelia’s blade moves with an abrupt cut, the blade inches from the mans throat as she holds it steady, tapping the side of his neck with the flat of her sword.

‘Answer him. Now.’


‘Yeah. Bed. Dang, Noel…’

Langley sighs as her form heads upstairs, quiet as she looks over the sleeping yet somehow very restless form of her friend. Noel’s eyes flicker beneath the lids and she hesitates, but rubs the back of Noel’s ears, hearing her purr ever so slightly in her rest. She chuckles once and yet pauses on the mid step, the words coming from Noel’s lips, as Noel herself is quiet, her dream shifting. A boy walking away, afraid. No one to call her that word again…

‘Andy…don’t…please don’t go…’


Langley gazes with a small freeze at her friends mumbling lips, a hesitant glance to the fearful expression of her friend within the nightmare. She is silent for a second. But the words meaning are not lost on her. And as she stands there, she is silent, the dawning sense of sadness at what she must decide coming to bear.


‘I’m not good practicing this ‘lady’ shtick, but I’ll try, good sir.’

She grins wide to him, her heart far calmer then it had been only a few moments ago and her mind relaxed enough to just enjoy the steak as it came, a bow of her head to the waiter, some small apology still whirring in her head for earlier. Yet with a grin, she dives her fork and knife into the steak, cutting it to pieces surprisingly quickly, tossing small chunks into her lips, chewing rather happily. But with a smile to Horatio, her mood soaring for the moment, she tilted her plate a bit towards the guy.

‘Want some? I know I’m hungry, but soup won’t fill ya up all the way.’



A hug. A smile too. She is actually very… sweet, her softness making his cheeks flush, her smile making him mumble once or twice. His arms, careful of the gauntlet, wrap around her too in a small, but none the less, tight hug as he murmurs.

‘I hope I can make you smile some more, Ellandra...’

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Aiduen and Carrion

"Please, it's on me if you want anything to eat tonight."

"Thanks... both of you." She sat down, still incredibly nervous as she looked back at Adrian. Questions flooded her mind, ones she wanted answered and others she was afraid of what the answer might be, but she decided to ask one anyway. "Adrian... are you still mad with me? I uh.... I understand if you are, but please hear me out." Rubbing her face, she went on. "I know what I said, I even know why I said it, but it shouldn't have been said... I didn't mean half the crap I spewed, I just get depressed and angry easily. I know I keep trying to just explain it all away, but it's true... Can you forgive me?"

Aiduen sighed, looking at Adrian. Don't screw it up, kid....

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*Brooding Brooding Brooding*


"Riiiiight, I doubt that'll last too long, Carrie. No offense t'ye, just mentioning..." He chuckled before continuing to eat, enjoying every spoonful. Gourmet food was always good. Carrie seemed to be ravenous, as she almost engulfed her food. The act surprised him, but he didn't mind; he'd eaten like that before. As if it was the first meal of his entire life, or he hadn't seen food on weeks. His soup, almost finished (the bowls always small at these places), he glanced over at Carrie, who was no extending her food to him. ‘Want some? I know I’m hungry, but soup won’t fill ya up all the way.’ The act made him smile just a bit, but he shook his head. "No, you eat. I'll be fine, and if not, I'll get somethin' later. Don't you worry yerself with me, alright?" He went back to finish his food without another word, hoping she'd eat hers without pressing the issue.


"I... no, I'm not mad at you," he paused, trying to think of the right thing to say. I can't let her off completely, that was still so... "Not mad anymore, at least. Even if you didn't mean most of what you said, it still hurts, you know? Especially when I've been doing all that I can to help, even though I guess that's not really much, huh?" He scoffed at himself a bit, the beginning of a smile creeping onto his face. "But could I ever stay mad at you? I... I love you. There's no way I could, as upset as I might get. Just..." he sighed through the smile, trying to not sound annoyed, as he wasn't, "try not to be so harsh, please. I know what I'm doing for you isn't much, but I hope it'll turn into something. And I'll keep trying until it does. You got that? There's no way you're getting rid of me." He gave her a playful pat on the shoulder, before deciding it was finally time to crack a joke.

"As for you getting mad easily... well, as long as you're not shouting your head off, you look kinda cute when you're upset." And so he chuckled, hoping that she'd be a lot more calm now. If not, well... we'll have to do something fun, or something. Anything to calm her nerves. "Cute enough for me to keep smiling when you are. So don't change."

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Gideon, Melanie

"Oh! Uh, right, steak. Rare, please. I want it still bleeding when I bite into it...I mean, uh, I... just prefer it tender...?" She quickly recanted her request, turning a deep shade of red. Gideon just grinned at her. "Rare's fine," he said knowingly. "Long as mine doesn't have flies on it, that's fine." In his periphery Gideon saw what appeared to be the waiter standing a few tables away; a glance to the left confirmed it. "You get that? One rare, one however you think I'll like it." Might as well. He doesn't seem busy. The waiter nodded, scribbling a few notes on a piece of paper, and glanced at Mel, who seemed a bit distracted. "Hmm? Mel, what's up?" "First tell me what you want," Gideon interjected as Amera leaned on his arm. "We've got time."

Mel's train of thought had already derailed, so she wasn't too distracted to hear the monkey this time. "As well-done as it can be without it being leather," she said rather quickly. That isn't weird, is it? I just like stuff that's chewy... "That's fine, right?" she asked the waiter, who smiled and nodded. He isn't saying anything...why isn't he saying anything? As soon as he ducked into the kitchen, though, Mel's thoughts began to wander. Why didn't he say anything? Why didn't...Grant. Fuck, we're back here. Taking a deep breath, she looked right at Amera, since the monkey was still a bit scary to trust as she talked about something like this.

"Amera, you...um, you know Carrion, right? Like, pretty well?" she asked, fumbling with her words a bit. "You...you know her prob'ly better than Grant does. She doesn't seem like a bad person to you, does she?" I can't be the only one who doubts that she's evil. There's no way. "I won't, like, get too far into it, but it's really bugging me and I just gotta know."

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In a pleading tone, "I'm not trying to be that condescending! Honestly! I just take... things the wrong way often. Like you're mocking me with your optimism." Laying her head on the table, she sighed dejectedly. "Sometimes I think it'd be easier if you just outright hated me, I don't know how to react to you, Adrian..." Smiling was all she could handle at the moment, too tired, scared and burnt out to really go on. "But it's a nice feeling, I won't deny, just so awkward. I expected a slap to my face, literally or figuratively for what I did but nothing happened... Hahaha... ha...." Nervously laughing, she closed her eyes and tried to rest in her seat, Adrian's touch making her twitch and tense up, however she made no move to shove him away.

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