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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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The Witch and the Knight

"Life, I'm talking about life. We just have to take what we're given and that's that. We can do whatever we want with it, whatever 'it' is, after we get it, but... Gah this is dumb, I can't even think straight right now." Wanting a little comfort, she pushed herself into Adrian, wrapping his arm around her. "Well... given the circumstances, I'd say life's overrated wouldn't you agree? Anyway, let's hurry up. We should probably be there before the others, it'd be kinda stupid if they were waiting for US before we even got there, right? So let's go get a wagon or some shit and be on our way." Dragging the, let's be honest, whipped kid along, Carrion brought them to the stables. Looking for the owner, she quickly pulled out her pouch and threw it on the table with a loud jangle of coins. "We need a wagon."

"Do you now? Lucky for you, we've got just one left." A smile on the man's face, he began to quickly count up the gold, shaking his head after a few moments. "Sorry miss, you're fifty short."

Jaw dropping, she stared at the man who only shrugged. "You've got to be kidding me..."

"I wish I were, but prices keep going up with news of yet another war coming here to the jungles of Shuthra. Taxes go up, you know how it works. I'm sorry to be the one you found this out on if that's the case..."

An armored man walked in on the scene, almost gleeful to be there. "Fifty short you say? Why I can spot that if you'd be willing to let me hitch a ride."

The voice was all too familiar, his armor as well. "You... does it make you feel good to try and humiliate me?"

Grant could only laugh at her assumption, though he wasn't denying her claim either, "Eh, I just need a wagon as well is all. It'd be much nicer than walking everywhere, and I'd be at my own pace. Thing is, if you need it more... I'd be willing to go in on it with ya and keep an eye on you."

The stable owner watched the scene unfold, simply wishing to stay out of it, "Look, I've got things to take care of, I'll come back when y'all done squabbling." Hobbling away, Carrion simply glared at Grant.

"Why won't you fucking believe I'm innocent? I've done absolutely nothing to you, can't you just leave us alone? Gods be damned, we're just trying to do a job here and then just... Just..." Carrion had begun to cry, though her anger still shone through. "We just want to live a happy life, is that so wrong?"

"Whoa whoa, calm down, I'm not after blood here. Not your blood anyway, unless you've got the ability to be in two places at once. I just need a ride south, and I need a wagon there, and I've stated why I could use it anyway. I'm offering you the money to buy it, and if you don't take it, I'll just buy it myself and you'll be down a method of transportation from here and will probably have to wait for them to either grab new ones or make one from scratch. It's your call. As for keeping an eye on you, I won't deny I'm still skeptical, but I'm not made of stone."

"If I take your offer, I'm going to demand that you do what I say. I'm not taking any chances. After I'm done with my job, you can take the wagon and run off to your life, I won't bat an eyelash, deal?"

Wide eyed and shaking from laughter, "You're honestly making demands of me after all of that? That's uh..." Grant looked to Adrian, "Is she always this bossy? eh whatever..." Looking back to Carrion, coughing to compose himself, "As long as I deem it reasonable, sure. I'm not gonna risk my neck for either of you until I'm positive you're the real deal. Even then, only if it'd actually accomplish something. But who am I kidding, even if I did help you, you'd just be bitter about it, wouldn't you?"


A sickening crunch sounded out as the foot connected with the burnt man's face, the pain too intense to take. With one final and desperate attempt at justice, the man summoned up all the mana he could and blasted it towards his assailant, dying in the process from exertion and bleeding. Farewell... Though I may die, others will take up my standard and bring justice to this world...

Hearing a loud sound not too far from him, the pretty boy turned his attention at the wrong time, his opponent bashing him in the side of his head, sending him reeling back and dizzied from pain. Regaining his bearings, he took one glance at the man, the man who was the source of all that was wrong in this situation, the one thing that could serve as an immediate outlet for his rage, and let out a battlecry as he went right back in. The sound of his own voice was all the man heard, And he was satisfied that it might be the last thing he'd ever hear.

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He didn't really want to interfere with Carrion and Zwool, instead walking off to the side. When Carrion began bargaining for a wagon, Danyon only bothered to catch 2 things from the conversation. The first was that the... mercenary knight thing from yesterday was coming along, but Carrion seemed to have him under control. The second was that Shuthra was going to war again, and Danyon pretty much knew who was behind this.

"War here again, you say? What else is known about the invading force this time? The lords and dukes behind this? Pardon my questions, but this topic... probably has to do with me more than you, at least."

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For the moment, Obelia just watches Ken. She thinks of growing up and smiling with her mom, of learning of her father, her mother's wariness and reluctance to see her go and of course the journey she's been on the past few months, feels like years now. That dream of her parents together, that idealistic yet foolish fantasy seems paler in her mind then when her journey started. But she watches him a moment and just smiles, blinking as she realises something to her own surprise.

'Oh, I haven't even told you my full name yet. Obelia Arianne Natarle.' Obelia even manages a grin, revelling in the slightly 'eccentric' nature of her own name. 'My mother wanted me to have a unique name and sure enough, she got that wish.'


It's hard to see at this point for the rather tired woman slumped in the chair. She lazily blows at her hair, realizing it's grown a bit wild, and the fringe nearly coming down in front of her eyes. She grumbles, murmuring she must get it cut at some point even as her mind tries to calmly reassure her it's too close to a jelly like substance at present to actually devote more time to this though. She thinks wistfully of Andy, smiles at a thought of Noel being happy with her, ignores a pang and yet for some reason feels herself shiver, sit upright. Something cold feels close, she can't quite place it but it induces a wary glance around her. That same feeling from the night before?


She doesn't barge in, Noel has spent too much of her life shy of others to just breach another's privacy like that. But she does touch the door a moment, unsure herself why until her brain reminds her of what she wants to say. About this whole mess, about making Andy feel so unsure of things over the past few days. It's all she can offer she realises, curling the blanket tighter around herself but with a slightly tried but also, ever so slightly cheered look to not the door, but past the door, she murmurs.

'I like to cook. I dunno why I'm telling you this, but… something special about myself for you to know. I don't know what it is, but just cooking, it feels… like magic I guess crafting something beautiful from base ingredients. I guess I'm telling you this because… everything that's happened over the past day or so has been so quick, so much so that maybe I and you and Langley, we didn't have the time to just sit and take it slow, talk about things. That's maybe why she came back. Why I'm glad she's back. And why I'm glad I met you.' She leaves a lingering touch along the door handle, almost wanting to tug it open. With a slightly hesitant sigh, her fingers though trace off it, knowing now, speed is not what any of this is about. She turns and begins to quietly head back to her room, smiling slightly and glad she said what she came to say.


What exactly am I doing? That's still a thought dancing its way within Carrie's mind as she feels herself slip her jacket off, her clothes trailing to the floor after a moment as she steps within the shower. Heated water pushes against her skin, across her face as her eyes remain shut, thinking on what's happened, how far she's come. It's no longer just talking with the local girls or helping her mother out, but brawls, knives, Crimson Witches and finding herself clinging to a honourable but still rather rough around the edges sorta guy. She opens her eyes a moment and then her hand traces over her heart, surprised to find the beat has accelerated. So much, so fast. She knows she wants to go help Horatio, he seems like, no, and actually he's acted like a good man. She is hesitant, blushing at the thought but she somehow 'knows' he didn't take advantage of her last night. So it's with that thought, she nods, albeit she is still rather confused. Crimson Witch sounds so familiar to her. For a brief moment, she stands still, thinking to herself back to Amera, Ignatius and Gideon that time in the forest. She doesn't know why, but a small tug to say hi to them again latches inside her, even as she just sighs for the moment, washing the water into her skin lightly.


Let's say you were within some sort of, shall we say, 'hearing distance' of Carrion and Adrian's exchange. Let's also say the words 'Beggars can't be choosers' is a phrase that can be easily miss-interpreted and maybe taken in such a way that a girl, however supposedly 'angelic' she appears, is just as normal at heart as any other being with emotion, may believe that it's being implied that either as a beggar or chooser, you are being portrayed as some sort of desperate who can neither afford to take or find a good person to go out with. If I may say, if you've grasped this so far, then you may understand why Ellandra, now walking in the opposing direction, waving to Zwool absently, just casts one, quiet look to the couple before blinking herself back into sense. The island isn't too far, the reason why she's walking with them being she was already ready to go out, a slight satchel at her side enclosing minor foodstuffs, drinks, the usual things yet maybe more for a picnic. So she wonders why it is she maybe acts on automatic, following at a distance to the stables for a moment, before observing the scene with the knight.

Ellandra finds herself drawing a light sigh, annoyed that even angry at the woman, Carrion's tears make her want to console her, glad for the moment Adrian fills that role as she guesses his boyfriend. For the moment though, she just stands, arms folded, wings flicking off and on at a slight distance behind them, determined that if her own promise and their determination to do this today is going to change her plans, they'll get their dang guide. She doesn't understand what it is about the knight that makes her cry but it is a curious affair indeed.


Zwool sits upon a bench, doing his best to practice his new 'I'm trying not to care what Adrian and Carrion think' technique. So far, it's not working too well, his form fidgeting off and on while seated along the wood, though his eyes close halfway, wondering a bit on what it is that he should do. He sits still a moment and glancing over his own, slightly bulky hands, his gauntlet, he ponders the right thing. It's the idea, he realises with a slight surprise, that two people not only dislike him, but will continue to dislike him, that makes him keep thinking on it, making him lean back into the chair, slightly stunned by that realisation. He realises that he will not get along with everyone, after all, his track record so far has been… anyway, shaking his head, he just sits for a moment, hands on knees as he glances upward, to the sky. What's the right thing to do? What if Ellandra is in danger? What little he wants to remember of his obsession with Carrion makes him think back to her reputation as the Crimson Witch and those who will hunt her. Adrian keeps her safe, but what if those who seek to hurt her will hurt her through those she meets? What if he's obsessing again?

With a worn out sigh, he rubs his forehead and just watches the quiet streets for a moment. This day is going to be a confusing one indeed.


…Can I open an eye? A thought, an actual coherent thought crosses Lucinda's mind a moment. The fighting has ceased. And luckily, or maybe unluckily, her personality comes back rather quickly as well, chastising her thought within a moment of thinking it. What a ridiculous idea, of course I can open my eye, it's MY body. I just have to open it. Though what am I going to see? Am I still in the forest? No, I'm far too comfortable to be there. Maybe I'm home? No, I feel no massage… hm. Well, one does not experience things with sound alone.

Her eye opens a crack, a want to shut it immediately as light cuts into her vision. For the moment, everything is white. She almost wants to cry she's blind but luckily, is stopped, maybe her trial giving her a bit more sense then before she began it. Maybe I'm dead? Or maybe not. But after a moment, as light begins to filter, a wooden roof forming in her vision, the light fading to the side as it streams in from a… a broken window? Where is she, a hovel? All Lucinda can do is just open her lips, feel slightly surprised to hear a croak echo her throat at weeks of unused vocal chord coming into action and wonder if any are here.

'Hello?' It is indeed a croak, but it's one which may vary in the response that it gets, or lack thereof.


'Ahhh…' It's a sigh of relief when after so long a journey, you find the destination you've… well, not been searching for but to be honest, are glad to see as it may involve food and drink at the end of it. Seilynda casts a tired smile and looks around a moment, curious about something. There looks to be some sort of… island? It's odd really, she's always thought from stories and maps there wasn't really an area for one around but an island is within sight at this distance from the capital. She doesn't know why but something's funny about it. It looks kind of like where you'd take a prisoner, drop them off and leave to die if it wasn't for the fact that most are probably able to swim. It's something odd that tickles her curiosity. But it's also what makes her gently urge her horse to the side, even a bit tired, curious about it. It's not like, she notes rather dully, she's got anything else going on, her horses pace quickening as she heads for the landmass among water in the distance.


It'd probably be easy to just go and accomplish what she was sent her to do right now, but for the moment, Giselle's not really too bothered. She smiles, a slight grin edging into it as she finds herself determined to at least spend a day or two enjoying this city and enjoying herself. She wanders along the streets for a few more moments, a slight boredom there however. She admits to herself, with a grumble at that, it's always slightly better with others. Memories of her childhood try to tug at her thoughts but she pushes them aside for now and keeps walking for a bit, glancing around for anyone in particular. It's not a big thing, but she would like someone to even just casually flirt with. Casually, though. So she for a moment, she just wanders in any direction, not really minding where her feet take her.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"See? He's still alive. Because you helped him. So... don't cry, alright?"

Wiping her eyes, she looked to see the recovering Reynor. Overjoyed, she leaped on top of him, getting perhaps a little too close - subconsciously making sure that the others knew he was hers. Her arm wept slightly onto his clothing, her wound hadn't quite stopped bleeding yet.

"You're alive! I was so worried! Don't worry, when Aurelio comes, he can help you stop those bad people!"

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Ignatius' question got into her as she tried to "make herself comfortable" on the mountains. The giant was reliable, at least, and he'd protect the girl until the long trip is over. "He's right, the sun is there. I don't even think they'll follow us at this time, but if they do...", she pondered, while trying to relax. "I'm always amazed by humans, able to do so much with your tiny frames... So much potential, potential I wish I still possessed.". "Potential? What kind of potential could he be talking about? I'm so weak, yet...".

Annoyed with his affirmation, she objected in a less bossy and rude manner. "What do you mean? I can't do anything, just try to survive and warn the others about his doing. I can't fight like you, and I'm an easy target to any enemy. Tell me which potential you are referring to.".


The southern wall could be seen by afar, but it would take him a long time to reach it. Being the capital had it's disadvantages, such as the immense size of the city. Maybe this had nothing to do with being a capital at all, but the fact is, the city is big and the heat was annoying the wind mage. He thought about using his wind magic powers to cool himself, but it wasn't as practical as it looked like. "Aww... I want to stop, but I can't. If I lose my sight on the Crimsom Witch, then I'll never be able to find out the truth. She didn't seem evil, but maybe the couple will attack me. If that happens, then I have to be ready.".

His reasons weren't clear. Why did he have such an interest in the Crimsom Witch? Of course everyone knew about her and had fame, but she was feared by most of the people. It should be considered as madness to follow such a dangerous entity, but he wasn't scared. Rine trusted his talent and would be most honoured if they get to clash at some point. But if the girl he saw earlier was really the Crimsom Witch, something was wrong. "I want to get to the bottom of this. I can't stop now.".

Pondering about it, he kept moving towards the wall.

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Reynor was beginning to come to again, trying to sit up, but still too weak to manage that, laying back down. His rest was to be disturbed fairly quickly by Lunaria jumping onto his tired body, the air leaving his lungs in a surprised yelp. This girl he had just met, this girl he had been sent to bring back for whatever reason, was now molesting him with her own body, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. But without the energy to make any real protests, he gave her a shy smile, and tried his best to not seem ridiculously embarrassed. She was being rather... forward, with her body. "You're alive! I was so worried! Don't worry, when Aurelio comes, he can help you stop those bad people!" "Y-Yeah..." he forced out, struggling to speak with her weight on him.

Beatrice and Alison

Bea wasn't too sure of this girl, but her like of Reynor seemed genuine. A bit too genuine, as she pounced on him. Bea stifled her laughter, walking over to them a bit. Alison simply crossed her arms and scoffed. "Listen girl, he needs to heal, so... please remove yourself from him. At least for a little bit." She smiled, wondering if Reynor really knew what he was getting into. But she quickly noticed the wound on Lunaria's arm, grabbing her staff and aiming it at her, now. "Honestly, you kids... Always out getting hurt. Sit still, I guess. I doubt Reynor minds. It'll only be a moment, anyway..." Alison chuckled again as she began to heal Lunaria.


He hadn't expected this, assuming that the man could only cast magic from his wand. He did his best to roll out of the way, but his arm was caught in the blast. "Hrrrrrg!" His arm from the elbow down had been charred to a crisp, only still attached because the bone inside hadn't snapped under the heat. Staggering to gain his balance, the pain intense and overwhelming, he let out another groan. Keep it together, Alfred... You've been through things just as bad, and you're still here! So get through this too! He straightened up, still shaking and sweating from the pain. He hoped that Alison had it in her to take care of this.


Jake was through with this man. He'd gotten his release from the pain, still smiling at all the blood pouring out of his face. Of course, losing that much blood can be a pretty large damper on your balance. And your awareness. But Jake wasn't worried, this man didn't seem too aware either. So as he was charged, he simply side stepped the man, and drove his elbow into the back of his head. He smirked, coming off of the high, and finally realizing that he hadn't fully sidestepped this attack. He had taken a slash to his stomach, nothing super deep, but something he couldn't afford after having lost the blood that he had. "Oh... shit." He stumbled to his knee, looking up to see if his elbow had done enough to take this guy down.


"Life, huh? Pretty heavy subject to just be thinking about. And I don't think it's that overrated, but maybe just a little. Can't say I'd prefer death over it, though." Carrion mentioned the obvious, them getting to the gates first, and they walked-- as he was dragged into the stables, not minding being tugged along at all. Being submissive was something he was good at. Adrian didn't pay much attention to the man at the counter while Carrion spoke to him, rather looking around the stables. There wasn't much there, and it seemed a bit run down. Maybe business is bad? "Sorry miss, you're fifty short." And now he perked up to the conversation. "You've got to be kidding me..." Oh, crap. I spent too much, didn't I? "I wish I were, but prices keep going up with news of yet another war coming here to the jungles of Shuthra. Taxes go up, you know how it works. I'm sorry to be the one you found this out on if that's the case..." About to mention something about just waiting a few more days, and taking some smaller jobs, an annoyingly familiar voice chimed in. Adrian could do nothing but sigh.

And so Grant and Carrion went at arguing, Carrion acting extremely defensive, and Adrian couldn't blame her. He wanted nothing more than to walk away with Carrion, and ignore the man he still considered to be a giant buffoon, but they didn't have any other way of paying for the cart. Hearing Carrion break into tears was enough for him to finally join in, though. "Grant, please, could you just leave us alone? At this point, we might as well call the city guards on you for harassment... " There was no point in getting accusatory or angry, that would serve to do nothing but get them both thrown into jail. But it bother Adrian to no end that Grant still didn't believe that Carrion hadn't done what the rumors had said, and he clenched his fists. What else could he do? Try to set him on fire? That wouldn't go over well, and he knew it.

"If I take your offer, I'm going to demand that you do what I say. I'm not taking any chances. After I'm done with my job, you can take the wagon and run off to your life, I won't bat an eyelash, deal?" Grant laughed a bit. Adrian almost smirked, but he didn't really know why. He figured it was just how Carrion would continue to act like she always did, even in a situation like this. "Is she always this bossy? eh whatever..." "Even in bed." And y'know what, if I've got to spend my time with him, I might as well try to put up with him. So he cracked his joke, wondering how much of a beating Carrion would try to give him for that. "As long as I deem it reasonable, sure. I'm not gonna risk my neck for either of you until I'm positive you're the real deal. Even then, only if it'd actually accomplish something. But who am I kidding, even if I did help you, you'd just be bitter about it, wouldn't you?" "Alright, alright, come on." He walked in between them, shaking his head a bit. "We'll take your offer, alright? Just, no more petty shots at one another," he looked back at Carrion, and back to Grant, "because I don't want the two of you going at it halfway into this. And yeah, I was an idiot yesterday, as well, so I'm sorry for that." He held out his hand to shake Grant's, looking him in the eye with a surprising amount of resolve. "So can we put up with each other until we're done with this?"


Andy smiles and listens, a bit surprised by her hobby of choice, as she seemed like a rather... built girl, someone who would enjoy fighting. Nevertheless, he listens, still smiling at the end, and continuing to sport that ever present blush. "It... it has been fast," he says, surprised by the lack of stuttering in his speech. "I, uh... well, I don't have much for hobbies, myself. But..." He thought for a moment, trying to remember what he used to do as a kid. "Right... I used to be into gardening. I know, pretty expected from someone like me, all frail and meek, but... I guess that's just fine, isn't it?" He continued to speak without stuttering, wondering how he could keep this up. Maybe it's because I can't actually see her... maybe. "But I'm glad I came along, too. It's been... an adventure. Something fun, compared to all the boring days I spent at the church. Thanks, Noel..." He heard her walk off, sighing and falling back onto the bed. I've gotten myself into something fun, but it's also something terrifying...


Horry finally heard the shower turn on, wondering how long it would actually take her. His mind had a rather perverted idea to keep him occupied for a moment, as it imagined what she'd look like, with the water running down her. But he quickly shook that thought away, as he hated when his mind did that. Can't start treatin' women like they're objects, or anythin' like that...

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'My mother wanted me to have a unique name and sure enough, she got that wish.'

"I agree. I don't think I have even come across another Obelia, let alone your other names."

It was a slightly unusual name, yet it was very elegant. Most the names Ken had come across derived from the scriptures, his entire family included.



The elephant lady started complaining. Lunaria wasn't really listening but she climbed off of Reynor. Was it so wrong to get close to him? She felt a strange sensation in her arm, the elephant lady was pointing something at her. It was making her arm better but she didn't like the feeling...

"Lady? When are we going home? I don't like this island very much..."

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Carrion and Grant plus a salesman

Angry wasn't nearly a good enough word for how she was feeling after Adrian's interloping. "What? Why would you even dare to... to... RRRGH!" Grasping her head and taking a deep breath, Carrion forced a smile to the two of them. "Fine. Fine! Just... don't slow me down. Slow me down and I will make you both regret it." Holding out her hand for Grant's portion, she honestly felt entitled to it now.

Slightly unnerved, Grant did get the message fairly quickly as he forked over fifty pieces of gold in a flash. "O-Ok then. I'll just take care of the actual directing portion then since I doubt either of you want to..."

"Damn straight you will." She said to no one in particular. She wasn't paying too much attention now that she had the money for it. "Now fuck off, both of you. Adrian, you may talk to me after I'm done here."

Wow, he must be whipped pretty hard. Though something tells me he doesn't mind in the slightest... As for Adrian's handshake, Grant returned it. "Uh... yeah, I'd say you were an idiot, but you can't learn if you don't mess up in the first place, am I right?" As he looked into Adrian's eyes, he couldnt' help but feel a pang of guilt as he remembered the day they met. Hectic, frantic, it all happened so fast and he couldn't keep track of everything that happened. Letting go, the knight smirked. "Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be burned to a crisp so I'm just gonna wait this one out outside." Patting the kid on the shoulder, he couldn't help but feel weird during it. This is the Crimson Witch of legend, and her boyfriend....? So weird. I guess... it doesn't make sense for her to be as horrible as she is in the stories if she actually has a boyfriend.

Looking up from the counter, a rather dashing fellow had begun to ask him questions. "Huh? Lords? Hell if I know sonny, all I do know is the usual crap is going down. If I had to hazard a guess, if we DO end up goin to war, it'll be over something silly like the purging of twenty years ago.' Beast men are still just beasts on the inside! ' is what they was complainin about there, and all the while, I'm just sitting there, thinking to myself, ' Well, who gives a damn? ' but that's just me, sonny boy. I'd say more but... I don't know more!"

Islanders... wait, Islander

Kneeling over in pain and suppressing his crying as hard as he could, he had to bite his tongue and scream, an odd combination. His head throbbed like nothing he'd ever felt before, seeing stars and blurred shapes of what was the island around him. He flailed his dagger around wildly in every direction, looking far from competent in doing so. "Ah... make the paaain stop! Stop it! AAaaaAAAAGH!"


"Ahahaha... Child, don't sell yourself short. You survived, didn't you? Maybe not entirely by your own doing, but I wouldn't have found you if you weren't nearby, and you had to get there." He turned his head to the east, sniffing the air for any pursuers. "And you haven't given up yet, have you? Hmm... Perhaps it's not just potential, but persistence as well. You see..." The old wolf plopped himself down next to a wall, "I've gone far past my prime. Call it jealousy if you will, but I wish I had your youth again. Something to squander or to nurture, but now? I've no such luxury. I'm trying to find a... solution to a problem I caused long ago. This body, which you may see as powerful, it is... well, you get the picture."

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"Ha... It's the usual suspects again, then. Thank you for your information, though."

Off to the sides, Carrion was having a little scream at both Grant and Adrian. Danyon snickered before walking away. He considered himself lucky he wouldn't need to be in that wagon; Carrion looked pissed, and he didn't exactly want to find out what she could do when she was that angry.

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‘I’m not sure, Ken. Obelia is the kind of name that maybe some sort of high-class noble wanted to name their daughter to make sure everyone knows that their from a higher-class background. I’m not even a noble; I just have a mom who thought it sounded good on me.’ Obelia says it with not much hesitation in her tone, as if flattery is something she finds hard-pressed to accept. She does however smile once more after a few moments, settling back into her seat with a smile on her face. ‘Now, Ken Van Liro, that’s the sort of name a dashing count or something would have as a name. It suggests aristocracy, yet you seem far too… I’m not sure, sweet-natured to want a position of power Ken.’ With Obelia, while she finds flattery isn’t something she takes well, she finds flattery in her head is only flattery when it’s a lie. She honestly believes Ken is indeed quite sweet-natured, after all with everything that has happened with them both so far, how can she not?


Langley stands for a second, glancing around the room. You’d see the rings around her eyes, suggesting the tired nature of before but bar that, the slumped and rather sleepy looking girl from before is gone, replaced with an agitated woman, body shivering every so often from that cold feeling that seems to be radiating from the hallway. She glances at the door, a quiet moment offered before she begins to walk towards it, a quiet glance cast to the now closed door. Something feels off about this, something that’s been getting at her since seeing… well, whatever ‘that’ was which appeared to her that night she came home. Her hand reaches for the handle. And when the handle moves by itself, her breathing goes quiet, a slightly pallid expression across her face. The door opens…


Noel’s form pauses a brief moment, to just listen to Andy talk for a few moments. She smiles a moment, even a tiny grin at the mention of his former hobby. She rests against the wall a moment, halfway down the hall, but talking once more to him before she heads back, a quiet smile cast to the door which Andy lies through.

‘Maybe it’s cliché Andy, but that doesn’t make it any less sweet. Flowers are rather beautiful you know. And by the way.’ Noel smiles back at the wall, slightly amused she is smiling to a wall but standing as well, glancing back to the door from whence she came. ‘I don’t think being frail or meek is what defines you Andy. Because I’ve all I’ve seen of you so far… is the want to help others, even maybe at the cost of you own sense of calm. Thank you, Andy.’ She heads back to the door, opening it slightly and then blinking rapidly at the rather pale and now standing form of her best friend, a quiet glance over her. ‘Langley?’



‘Mm.’ It’s not much, but Carrie’s mind under the heat of the water, the soft evaporation of the heated flow that caresses her skin, feels probably the most at peace she has since she left home. For a moment she smiles, even taking a slight moment to think something that quietly amuses her. He’s imaging me naked isn’t he, she ponders, but after a moment shakes her head, determined to believe he can’t be THAT perverted. The doors still closed for one. So it’s after a few moments that she smiles, switching the water jet off, climbing from the shower and drying herself down. She muses a moment on how far she’s come yet quietly acknowledges how far she needs to go as she reaches for her clothing.


Observation is a skill you find comes with difference contexts and different time frames allowing. Ellandra isn’t the talkative sort, as you may have guessed yet this means not many choose to talk to her. So this frees up a lot of her time to simply observe the dynamics of others, even when her own mind is a bit pissed at the present moment. She is silent as she observes Adrian, Carrion and the new, knight man who from the exchange appears to have erred Carrion in some way previously. While Carrion has been crying, eliciting some want to help from the dove anri, she admits that it isn’t as high it might usually be, still refusing to get over her gripe over her day plans not going according to, well, plan. But she sighs, inside knowing, maybe; just maybe, ever so slightly… she isn’t being mature about this. She sighs again, barely noting the arrival of the slight ‘pretty boy’ to the side that seems like he’d be more suited to a manor setting then the stables of a city of magic. But for now, she glances around, before thinking to herself, moving over to Carrion and tapping her shoulder for a moment. Before the woman can turn, she takes out something she’s been practicing with off and on, a relatively easier way of communicating with others that she is unused to, but may help her out in the long run. One item is a pencil, which she scribbles on the other item with, a slightly scribbled in book with the pages nearly all blank. She holds it up for the other woman to see, words slightly messy but still large enough to be legible.

Are you okay? Can I help you at all, Carrion?


So what do you do when you have an entire day ahead of you and you’ve made a promise to stay in one place? Well, this is, dun-dun-DUN! …where the powers of observation come into play. So for now Zwool watches the streets curiously, wondering who will come along, what they’ll look like, why they might be here, that sort of thing. He sights one or two scruffy looking people who glance around conspicuously, as if they might have some sort of ‘underhand’ business in the capital, a few rather well-dressed people, such as a familiar looking long-haired blonde guy heading the same direction Ellandra went, raising his eyebrows. He glances along the street, sighting a woman, a rather… okay, a rather ‘prominent’ in features woman grinning to herself, just walking it appears, before she pauses in the street and then glances to the same direction Ellandra and the blonde guy went, before heading in the very same direction. He blinks a bit, rather confused at the sudden popularity of that very same pathway. For now, he stays seated, knowing if he goes down that same way, the only thing that awaits him is how has been throughout this entire journey. He sits, watching quietly.


Lucinda’s not quite used to asking something and no one giving her an answer, even if it’s validity can be called into question. So she almost seems to growl a moment, before moving rather quickly upward, without much though and calling out a bit louder… well, shouting really to no one in particular.

‘HELLOWWWW?!?’ She flinches a bit, finding her shoulders almost spasm with a light pain. Her pain stems from the stiff nature of her body, having not moved in several weeks, even if her body hasn’t been physically harmed. She consciously grumbles to herself, making a mental note to purchase a massage therapist at some point, someone to tend to her muscles in a most gratifying manner. But for the moment, she just blinks her eyes a few times, rubbing them hastily with the palms of her hands, eager to see the environment around her in a more clear-focused manner, for the moment her trail at the far, far back reaches of her mind until she wants to ‘deal’ with what happened to her.


Her horses pace quickens and even with all that’s tackled her own self-confidence over the past few weeks, Seilynda keeps calm, still wondering what it is that’s drawing her to the island ahead but gently patting the sides of her hose, head down to gain some speed as they draw and closer. She swears just in the distance, she can see a landing point for boats but it could just be an over-active imagination. Still, she aims her horse for that said point, quiet for the moment. What if that island is some sort of prison…? And if so, how do you keep people prisoner who just have to swim in order to get to safety? Her mind puzzles over this even as she draws closer to the waters edge with every gallop of her steed.


Walking along the streets centre, she glances ahead; sighting a slightly open area between buildings, a slightly curious glance at what she thinks is the city gate dead-ahead. She tilts her head a moment; sure she even sees’s a man with dragon wings sitting on a bench, quite a curious spectacle indeed. But for now she blinks once again, sighing a rather… she admits, dashing looking gentlemen heading down to said gate. She wonders on if she should follow him for a moment, but after said moment, just grins a bit, a slightly mischievous one passing over her features as well. She did say she was going to enjoy herself today so, might as well. With that in mind, she walks onwards, heading to the south gate and whatever it is that awaits her for today. After all, it’s at least guaranteed she might meet someone to talk today, right?

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"It suggests aristocracy, yet you seem far too… I’m not sure, sweet-natured to want a position of power Ken.’

That may have been true to some extent. Initially he was relieved when Rafael had been chosen to be next in line. Ken would have been able to continue as a regular priest.

"In the past, I never really thought that I would ever be in a position to command people. Our entire family expected Rafael to take the lead. However, now he has left this world, I need to take his place. There might be people who won't listen to me, but I hope that I can help as many people as I can."

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Reynor's lungs filled with air as Lunaria removed herself from him, and he coughed a little. It was certainly something different, having a girl like her force herself onto him. He was never that lucky with women, but this one seemed to have been handed to him. Then the thought crossed his mind. This girl... we're supposed to bring her back, for who knows what. Can't get too attached, as much as I'm... enjoying the attention. Of course, he looked at her. Her small frame covered in tattered rags of what was once a dress. It was rather revealing, as he'd finally noticed. So he blushed and turned his head, shaking any ideas away. She asked a question, but he was going to let Bea and Alison answer it. He was still trying to gather himself.

The girls, once again

Alison, happy with her job, had taken a seat on a rather close piece of driftwood that was washed onto the beach. Being rather large, she didn't have the stamina to stand for long. Beatrice was up to answer Lunaria's question. "Lady? When are we going home? I don't like this island very much..." "I don't know about home, but we'll leave on the boat we sailed in on as soon as Alfred and Jake get back. They shouldn't be too long... whatever fight they've gotten into, I'm sure they'll finish it soon." She sat down on the beach, sighing. "Just want to get back and sleep. Haven't really done anything, but seeing Reynor show up like that was enough. I can't imagine what shape the other two are in..."

Jake and Alfred, wounded and shit

Alfred staggered over to Jake, holding the boy up with his good arm. The man Jake had been fighting was going hysterical, and Jake was laughing because of it. "Snap to it, Jake! We can't have you doing this every time you get into a fight, dammit..." Alfred's arm sent a wave of pain through him again, making him shake for a moment. "We've... got to go, right now." Dragging the injured boy along, he made for the trees, Jake slowly starting to go hysterical himself.


"What? Why would you even dare to... to... RRRGH!" Adrian braced for impact, expecting some sort of punch, smack, or even fire to be launched his way, but Carrion... stopped herself. That was even more alarming, as she snatched the fifty that Grant had been offering. Grant, you'd better be happy that was all we got... seriously, we both just got off lucky. Even though it was very apparent that he could've gotten a lot worse than what he had, as she continued to get pissed at them. "Now fuck off, both of you. Adrian, you may talk to me after I'm done here." "Yes ma'am." He wasn't about to argue anything. Whatever she said, he'd listen to. At least for a while.

But as she left to deal with purchasing the wagon, there was still Grant to deal with. "Uh... yeah, I'd say you were an idiot, but you can't learn if you don't mess up in the first place, am I right?" Adrian glared at him, just a bit. "Yeah, guess you are." Grant looked at him, and there was something up with him. Something in the way he was looking. What? Is there something on my face? Something wrong with my hair? Quit looking at me like that. There couldn't have been a more awkward situation, and Grant seemed to be feeling it as well, as he made to leave. "Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be burned to a crisp so I'm just gonna wait this one out outside." "Sounds like a good idea." Adrian kept a rather monotone voice while talking to Grant, not wanting to talk to him that much. If Carrion doesn't, I will... I hope you don't fuck anything up, Grant. So he shrugged off Grant's hand, and walked over to Carrion at the counter. "Sorry about that... gimme a nice, hard punch, if it'll make you feel better. Went a bit too far there."


He continued to smile as Noel spoke, wondering why he was even bothering to hide behind the door anymore. So as he stood, he slowly opened the door, a bit worried about suddenly popping out, but a strange sight hit his eyes. Noel had gone back to her room, covered on that blanket, but Langley was standing there, pale as a... ghost... I don't think that's possible, but... that is a frightening shade of white. "Langley?" he asked, walking over to the door himself, keeping some distance. He held his staff out in front of him, just in case. He didn't know much in the form of offensive magic, but he could do some small things with wind magic. "Are you... a-alright?" Crap, there's that stuttering again. He could feel his legs beginning to shake a bit. Get a hold of yourself, Andy... come on.


He was getting a bit tired of waiting around, wondering if all girls took this long to get themselves ready in the morning. Tired enough, as it were, to jump off of the bed and knock lightly on the door, as he asked, "Carrie, don't mean t'be a bother, but how much longer are y'gonna be?" He leaned against the wall outside the bathroom after asking. I heard the water turn off, so she can't be much longer, right? Just gotta dry off and get dressed, or somethin'.

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Twitching as Adrian spoke, she spoke softly through her teeth. "Why... are you... still here... talking to me?" Rubbing her eyes, she continued, "I give one simple direction, one... one direction and... and..." Sighing with a shudder, she turned her attention to whoever had poked her, only to find Ellandra right there, holding a message up for her to read. "Am....... am I ok?" Shaking her head, she had to restrain herself from lashing out at Ellandra. She wasn't the problem, and Carrion still needed her. "No, haven't been for... a while now, I doubt that's suddenly going to change with you holding up notecards. Look, I'm leaving here as soon as I get this goddamn wagon, so just go get ready. Or at this point if you really don't wanna come along with me, I won't tell him, I just don't care anymore, especially not right now."

Practically yelling at the salesman, she was in a hurry. "HEY there, I'm just gonna leave the money here, I'm taking that goddamn wagon now, I'm in a hurry. If you're that miffed if there's gold missing, take it up with the Magus." Putting the rest of the gold on the counter, she walked to the back and got in the last wagon, urging the horses with it forward and out the back entrance. Maybe we can just get going now...?

Arcen and Aiduen

"Much nicer..." Sniffing the air, he was pleased to not have the stench of trash and refuse all around him

"Yes I know, now can you hurry up? Last thing I want is being late with her after all my promising. Now, you don't have to go, bu-"

"I'm going with you. I mean, you're after the witch, right? I've always wanted to fight a for real legend, ya know?"

"Uh... Yeah, I suppose you have wanted that... Whatever, just... bring a few snacks or something, I think this'll take a few days at best. And I'm sorry... for earlier."

"Enough of that, you know it's not your fault and that's the end of it. I was just being me, now if you'll be you, let's hurry up and not keep her waiting like you said."

Unaccustomed to such forwardness from her brother, Aiduen was caught off guard and simply kept quiet as she went off towards the southern gate. "... We didn't miss her, did we? We did, didn't we? Oh... Dang it!"

"Sis, relax, yeesh! It's been like... not... twenty minutes yet, just cool down..." It was a weird feeling, trying to be level headed. He would have been more convincing if he wasn't rubbing the back of his head nervously as he spoke.


Sweating and panting, the pain coursing through his body just wouldn't stop. He felt like he was going to faint any moment, but it just wouldn't happen, and the man cursed at every interval, grabbing his head and rolling around on the floor, running into splotched of his own blood and his opponent's. "This was... th...this was... s... sup... posed to b-be quick... quick... quick a-and easy... Alex... What what happened...? Where did it.... all go wrong? My family... my friends... my women... I'll n-never see them again... Why would you do this to me.... Aleeeex!" His voice left him, unable to do anything aside from try and stay alive, trying to keep on bretahing which seemed to be more and more of a chore as he went on. There was something weird though. He could... feel something... in the air? No, I'm on... "The ground...? Is someone..." He coughed up some blood as he tried to look around, his vision only partially back. "... ... They're still here?"

"I don't know who 'they' would be, boy, but I do know that you're not gonna make it. Good god, what happened to you? Did you get into a fight with a wild animal?"

Being told he wasn't going to make it almost spurred him on to action. "Why you....! I'll make it... I'll... I'll... Ouch ow, Aaaugh... guh..."

"Hm... Actually, it just seems to be some severe head trauma. Unfortunately, I'm not a medical practitioner, so you're out of luck until someone happens to take pity on you and randomly come by and heal you up. and it'd have to be quick, too. Sorry pal, I don't see anyone willing and able..." The pale man knelt down to the battered man and placed a hand on his bloody head.

"Don't touch me... I don't need your pity!" he said through heavy panting.

"What's your name?"

"Huh...? It's... It's Michael. Michael S... Sulden. Eldest son of the family, heir to the Sulden fortune now that my... my old man is dying..."

"Oho, you're royalty on this land? Tell me, what part or country do you belong to?"

"Huh...? You don't... know? How odd... I"m Lushiran... born and raised... From Lushira, beloved land of the Goddess Lushiris... Oh I wish I could see her face just once... Our statues and busts don't do her justice I hear from those who... who've had visions." Michael was smiling now, the pain an afterthought at this point.

"Hmm... a " Goddess " huh?" The odd man began mumbling to himself, "They believe those are gods, huh...?"

"If you can't... cannot help me... can you please... please tell my old man that I'm sorry?"

"Tell him yourself. It just so happens that I'm intrigued by your story so I'll share a remedy I stole with you. Should fix you right up in no time..." Pulling out a flask of bright green liquid, he began to pour it down Michael's mouth. "Now just prepare yourself, there will be a surge of pain but you'll be just fine in moments."

"Wait... whAAAAUGH URRRGHUUHAAAA" He squirmed and cursed and swore as he began to 'heal' and just as quickly as it started, it stopped. The throbbing stopped, his wounds were healed, his vision whole again as he stared up at the oddest looking man he'd ever seen before. Sitting up, he cocked his head, "Who are you...?"

"The name is Kulen, and my arrival is sure to cause some crazy stuff to happen here in a bit. You're my 'tour guide' of the island you live on."

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Rine was on his way to the southern wall, until he noticed that something was attracting the people's attention, or used to attract, since the subject seemed to have been gone. They were speaking about someone, and turns out that someone was the person he was looking for. He approached one of the citizens and asked him "Hey, excuse me, sir. But have you seen where that person that looks like the Crimsom Witch has gone?" ...... "Thanks", he answered, after getting his awaited response. After going through the alleys, he finally found the girl he was looking for, not like he'd not notice her because her presence was shouting out, infact. He arrived just in time to see her yelling and then going to the last wagon, "HEY there, I'm just gonna leave the money here, I'm taking that goddamn wagon now, I'm in a hurry. If you're that miffed if there's gold missing, take it up with the Magus.".

He pursuited Carrion, worried about his next move but also confident about his "skills" (oh so modest) if anything goes wrong. As soon as she closed the door, he opened it and held onto the wall as if he was going to climb it, but he didn't. "Hi, witch! Sorry about the intrusion, however, I need my questions answered. Would you tell me what the hell is happening with that Crimsom Witch stuff? The evidence is contradicting the facts, somehow. You're and yet you aren't the same witch they are talking about. And no, I'm not a damn mercenary looking for a bounty, I just want my answers. Sorry again.".


Asvy heard clearly what the giant had said, but couldn't understand it. Being as big as he is and as strong as he became now, nothing would stop him from getting to his objectives. If she was like him, she'd be able to hunt down her brother, everyone who betrayed her family, and protect what she cares for. "Nothing would stand in my way if that were to happen, that's why it confuses me... His reasons makes no sense".

But the girl forced herself to answer, anyway. "I don't think I understood, but are you saying that you've reached your limit and now you can't go beyond it? Humans aren't perfect, they evolve as their life progresses, but you reached something that humans will never dream about becomming. With your strenght and intelligence, anything could be done. But you seem to deny these powers, I don't understand why".

Edited by Lorddomu
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The scary one started talking, she looked like she wasn't having much fun either. What are they still waiting for?

"I don't know about home, but we'll leave on the boat we sailed in on as soon as Alfred and Jake get back. They shouldn't be too long... whatever fight they've gotten into, I'm sure they'll finish it soon."

"Can we ask them to hurry? I'm really thirsty and they're taking a long time."

It wasn't often she got a chance to drink, she was surrounded by salt water, which she had eventually figured out was bad. Rain water did collect in certain areas of the island, but finding them was fairly difficult. There were so many people around her, were they all helping?

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She offers her priestly friend a slight smile, sitting up a moment with a slight stretch of her form, listening for a second to every tiny tink and quiet Klink of her armour’s bits and pieces against one another. She then looks back to Ken a moment before answering an unasked question.

‘Ken, I wouldn’t worry about people listening to you. You’re so kind to others and all I’ve seen from you is a want to help other people. You got me on board in a quest I knew nothing about, just because… well, you impressed me with you gentility.’ Obelia smiles a bit light at Ken once again before settling back into a slightly more relaxed position against the wagons sides.


‘…’ Langley is quite frozen a moment, even with her friends standing there in worried confusion. After a moment though, perhaps it’s the fear of something worrying the two, Andy looking fearful and Noel suddenly rather hesitant too, tugging the blanket tight around her that causes her to change tact even when un-nerved.

She strains a smile and lightly forcing herself to sit back down from a rigid position standing up, Langley waves away at the air, smiling a bit tiredly to Noel, whose eyes seem to narrow and Andy, still standing there with her staff out. ‘It’s… alright, guys, I’m alright. Guess was just a bad dream, is all.’


‘Bull.’ Langley’s eyes blink, surprised by her friend’s slightly growled tone and her single word cutting through her defence, but Noel’s eyes cast to the stairwell. And she feels that same chill that tingled at Langley, like a quiet void out of sight, sucking the heat all away. She turns to Andy for a moment and from her blanket, moves a hand to gently touch his shoulder, smiling at him. ‘It’s alright Andy, whatever’s worrying Langley, we can deal with it.’

‘It’s nothing, really-‘starts Langley but finds her friend moves her hand in a upright, palm to her faces direction, eyes clearly hinting for her to quit it. Langley sighs and Noel with a tiny smile knows why. Neither has been able to successfully lie to the other, at least not for long.


‘Hwah?’ The door opens, Carrie not having quite heard, but she is dressed bar her hooded top and her still quite cracked glasses. In actual fact, this may be the first time any outside of her village have seen her face not obscured by either. Her hair is wet and a slightly darker brown for the moment and her eyes are blinking the showers water from them, but she smiles at him, hooded top clasped in her right hand and glasses on the table, while wearing a light white tank top for beneath her hood. ‘Sorry about taking so long, been a while since I’ve had that good a shower. So, we ready to go Horatio?’ She asks with a curios smile, stretching a moment as her body readjusts slightly to room temperature.


Bubbling anger isn’t exactly something so subtle Ellandra cannot pick up on it. If not for the fact that on a slightly subtler note, she even offered a chance for Ellandra to leave, maybe so annoyed that she would rather less distraction from her trip then dealing with more hassle and indeed, stupid questions now the dove anri thinks about it, there’s also the rather obvious note of just yelling at the wagon owner without prompt. So Ellandra hesitates before her next move. She watches the Crimson Witch go and for a moment, it seems so easy. Head back, spend the day with Zwool, eat ice-cream, that sort of jazz. So easy.

I hate being me sometimes, she sighs to herself, wings flicking as with a slight dash, the girl runs with a good speed for the wagon, reaching the back as it begins to leave the back way, tugging herself onto it with her wings beats urging her onward, until she ends up sprawled on the wagons back, dizzy a moment from the rush of the run. She swore to help her; she’ll help her and hopefully overcome her own anger at Carrion. She knows it was probably stupid to not turn back, but maybe that’s why she’s determined to stay now. To make sure it wasn’t an entirely stupid decision.


Heads. Huh. That’s two out of six. So clearly it’s seen that Zwool, however hard he’s trying, is admittedly struggling to find much of interest to do in one spot. Bar, after a moment of searching the ground for something interesting finding a single gold coin, not much bar now flipping the coin into the air, watching it twirl and then fall into his palm, guessing the result and then opening his fingers to gather if said result was correct. So far, not many times he’s noted. He’s seen the woman leave with the rather well dressed man, even seen two, a rather tough looking boy and a rather worried looking girl; head in the same direction and for some reason finds it’s rather popular at the moment. Which is why in his head, all he can say is Focus on the coin, focus on the coin, and focus on the you get the idea.


It takes a few moments of rubbing her back, side, neck and almost all those rather stiff joints that refuse to go straight back into action without some ache and pain, of course. She finds her body somehow chooses to listen to her somewhat after a few moments, the pain of stiffness ebbing after some time just staying rather still. For now, all Lucinda does, with a slightly exaggerated huff to her tone, is ease her body off the bed, finding she nearly falls over with a wobble of her legs. She curses a few times, non-blasphemous ones… maybe, before standing a bit taller, straighter, wobbling ever so slightly her own way to the door, hand gripping the handle for both necessity of advancing and actually finding out where she is, as well as the fact she feels like she’ll collapse a moment later. But she tugs the handle down; glancing out the door as it opens, continuing to call out in tired confusion as to where she might be.

‘Hello? Anyone… alive?’ Not really, again, the brightest question. But for a confused now non-comatic Lucinda, it’s the most succinct she’ll get for now.


The waters edge approaches and Seilynda wonders for a second if this is a bust, if this is all a story in her head she’s just made up to have something to do, something to look for. But then she see’s it. A dock, an odd looking, rather rickety at that, wooden dock. It feels off somehow, she can’t quite place it as she gently pats her horse, slipping from the side to set herself on the rather muddy ground. She glances down, a curious tilt of her head, wondering how this close to the water is wet, yet still it feels like the ground here was swallowed by water, before being returned to surface at some point. So tying her horse a bit away from the odd, wet land, moving forward to the dock, she goes a bit quiet, hesitant as she feels wood creak beneath her and soon, she see’s it. Her eyes are wary of the rather odd boat, so smooth and curved, creaking among the gently splashed water across it’s lower half. She glances over it, something still feeling… off. But at the same time, she now wants to know, know why an island surrounded by water you could swim through requires a boat. So with that odd feeling ringing in her head, she lightly steps down, into the boat, grabbing two, rather clean oars for a boat and slowly, sets the paddles into the water, pushing them and herself in the direction of the island.


It’s a pleasant surprise for Giselle today as things seem to be turning out better then she expected for herself. No sooner has she wandered down in the direction of the south gate, curiosity over the rather debonair looking man that she sights two familiar faces approach after, well, sooner then no sooner really. It seems the guys waiting for something, or someone and there seem to be one or two familiar, somehow, looking faces around here, there indeed seems to be something going down around here. And for Giselle, walking over to the two with a light smile, that sounds like something interesting to participate in. So with a wave of her hand, she smiles and greets the two siblings.

‘Hey you two! I see you made up, or are you just good at putting up a front?’ With a smile, Giselle approaches the two, both of them looking like they’re waiting as well for something.

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They'd be riding for a little while, but Aurelio wasn't sure about the situation in Pravna. Surely all sorts of scum could be after Lunaria.

"Yo, Ormis. What's exactly happening in Pravna? I know there's a festival going down but any mention on any witches? If people start mistakin' her for Carrion, things aren't gonna be pretty."

He wondered how Carrion would handle this, would she go and investigate out of curiosity... or maybe just her ego would compel her.


'Ken, I wouldn't worry about people listening to you. You're so kind to others and all I've seen from you is a want to help other people. You got me on board in a quest I knew nothing about, just because… well, you impressed me with you gentility.'

"I would also like to thank you, Obelia. Without you, I surely would have met my end... and perhaps Lady Lucinda. But, I also deeply appreciate your company. The journey was initially quite lonesome, a friend like you makes all the difference."

Captain of Lucinda's Guards, Jabin

The perimeter was secure, it would be difficult for anyone to get past the guards now. Jabin had watched his old friend, Ken, ride off with his bodyguard. He always seemed to make friends with the strangest of people. Everyone was in position, now would be a good time to check on Lady Lucinda. Sheathing his sword, he entered the inn.

Ascending the stairs, he could hear footsteps. Could there be an intruder? He hurried to the door, drawing his blade again. To his surprise, the figure of Lady Lucinda stood in front of him. She wasn't too steady but she was very much alive. He dropped his blade in surprise - she was meant to be in a deep sleep.

'Hello? Anyone… alive?'

Bowing as he spoke, he addressed his lady;

"Milady, thank the Goddess you have awakened. Your family has been worried about your wellbeing. I am Jabin, a guard serving the house of Urith. Apparently you have been here for nearly two weeks now. Thankfully, one of your priests found you whist spreading the word of the Goddess. Which was quite fortunate, considering there was an attack by assassins yesterday. What would be your orders, milady? Now that you are safe, we are yours to command."

Edited by Dokutayuu
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It was just another typical day at the inn for Lilith. Cleaning, dishes, cooking; whatever needed to be done for her to keep staying there. She had been at this inn for almost a month, now. After those knights had rescued her and her mother, they had brought them as far as Lazarynth. They'd worked up a deal with the owner, to let them stay at the inn, as long as Lilith worked there. She had a nice body, and could do work. The owner hoped that it would bring some revenue to the inn, having a pretty girl working there. Her mother almost immediately said no, that they'd find some other way to make money, but Lilith took the job anyway. There wasn't much else, and it wasn't like she was new to being eye candy.

So she took the job, and the inn did receive a bit more attention. So did she, but no one got close enough to do anything inappropriate to her. The owner made sure of that. She did wish that the outfit was a bit less revealing, but she dealt with it.

But today, there was something she wasn't going to deal with. The owner had stepped out for a moment, and she could hear a rather annoying yell coming from upstairs.

‘HELLOWWWW?!?’ Are you serious? Can you be more annoying? By the Goddess... Lilith began walking upstairs, wanting to give this woman a piece of her mind. ‘Hello? Anyone… alive?’ Cracking open the door, she noticed a knight there, talking to the woman, but she didn't really care about that. "Yes, a lot of us are alive, here. How couldn't we be, after that horribly loud yelling of yours?!" She scowled at the woman, forgetting how ridiculous her outfit was, for the moment.


Andy stood there for a moment, listening to the two of them. It was quite obvious that there was something wrong, but he couldn't tell what. Noel seemed to have some inkling of what was going on, though she wasn't talking much. She did walk over and place a hand on his shoulder, which made him flinch a little, still not used to being touched by anyone. ‘It’s alright Andy, whatever’s worrying Langley, we can deal with it.’ "A-Alright..." He nervously responded, back to his regular self from being so close to someone. Langley tried to speak again, but Noel continued to shut her up. What in the Gods names is going on...?


She looks cuter without that hoody on. Huh. He stared at her for a moment, realizing that he was, and blushing the softest red before turning around to scratch the back of his head. ‘Sorry about taking so long, been a while since I’ve had that good a shower. So, we ready to go Horatio?’ "R-Right, we should be goin', shouldn't we?" He let his arm fall to his side, realizing that he'd forgotten one of his knives on the dresser. "Jus' a second..." He did what was natural to him, strapping the knife to his leg like it was a everyday thing. He didn't wonder for a second what Carrie might've thought about him having that sort of weapon on his person. Nor what she would think if she knew how many knives he had on him. "Anyway, let's be off, eh?" He walked to the door and held it open for her, giving her a bit of a smile.

The Girls on the Island

Bea sat back down, not much else to say, all she could do was wait for Jake and Alfred. They're taking a bit too long... did something happen to them? Alison sighed and finally got to looking at Lunaria, gasping when she spotted her face. "My word, girl, you're filthy! C'mere, let me wash that off of you..." She took Lunaria's wrist, and pulled her over, taking a cloth from her pocket and a flask of water off of her waist. She poured some onto the cloth and held it up to Lunaria's face. "Now, just sit still, alright? Just gonna wash all this dirt off..."


Reynor finally had his breath back in his lungs, and finally stood to stretch. He would've gone back out to check on them, them being Jake and Alfred, but after all that had happened, he really didn't want to go back into the woods. He wanted to relax, to take a bath, to eat some fancy food. But then he saw something horrifying, and there wasn't much he could do to stop it. They don't know how she reacts to water...! Oh Gods! There wasn't much he could do. Alison was already bringing the cloth up to Lunaria's face.

The Boys on the Island

Alfred and Jake popped out of the brush to see the rest of their group, and the girl from before. Alfred spotted Reynor with a sigh, as they began to hobble over.


"Whoa... sorry. I'll just... wait over here." Carrion's not in a good mood... geez, why does it always end up like this? We need a normal life... Ellandra, that annoying bird, made her way over to bother Carrion more. Adrian would've shooed her off if it wouldn't have bothered Carrion more, so he simply rested himself against the wall, waiting for Carrion to get the cart moving. He thought about what they'd talked about before all this negativity started happening, trying his best to not blame himself for the mess, though it wasn't like he was making it any better. And it's not like I can fix this, now. Not right away, at least. This is just fucked up. We were supposed to get a cart, grab some chick, and leave, yet... nothing ever goes right. He sighed, noticing Carrion bring the cart out. He shook his head a little, and followed after it, not expecting what he was about to see. A man jumped up to hold the door open after Carrion had started moving it, and Adrian was going to be overprotective as always, rushing at the cart to stop whatever could be happening.

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Everything was fine, she was going to be rescued and see Aurelio again. Perhaps he would even let Reynor stay, However, as soon as the cloth got near her, things took a turn for the worst. She could feel the water, flashes of her captivity suddenly flashed in front of her eyes.

"Now, just sit still, alright? Just gonna wash all this dirt off..."

"Now... just stay still, you got it? If you keep movin' we're gonna make your bath a lot harder for you!"

So cold, so hard to breathe... she wanted them to stop so badly.The horrors overwhelmed her, she couldn't take it anymore. She was surrounded by monsters, and her rage was building. Quite quickly, it became too much for her, she had lost herself again to the fire within her.

Letting out a piercing scream she let loose a pillar of fire, uncaring of anything that was near by - including Alison. As the flames spread, her insane smile returned, nothing could stop her.

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Bombarded by a voice she didn't know, Carrion turned towards the man while she halted the wagon. Calmly collecting herself, she pushed him out of the wagon and hopped out, poking him in the chest. "I am sick and tired of being called a witch. The goddamned witch! Why?! I haven't even done anything! I am so sick of this bias... that I'm some harbinger of doom, spreading nothing but woe and misfortune. Well you know what? It's people like YOU. People who refuse to see beyond the damn title, beyond the damn clouded vision, outright denying any possibility that maybe, juuuust maybe the stories are made up and exaggerated!" It wasn't anger fueling her voice, it was desperation at this point. "Go on! What's your damn question? What's so... so dang important you have to insult me upon meeting me?! You want something from me, don't you? Goddess, you're all the same..."


The knight would have gotten himself in the driver's seat, but with how Carrion was acting and how crowded it seemed to be getting, he didn't want to interfere. Why did I agree to this again? Oh right... stupid conscience...


"Deny them? I can't deny what I don't have, child, I'm not invincible. I'm just as mortal as you or those soldiers are. I'm strong, I think I'm intelligent, yes... but it's achievable by you via different means. You seem bright to me, and though you may not be physically as strong as I, you can possess a strength far greater than the physical, one that could dwarf me if you could harness it." Stretching his massive frame, Ignatius groaned. "Is it your youth? Your... humility? I have no clue, but I do see great potential in you, Asviel. Humanity's quest for purpose is never ending, but don't get caught up in the pursuit of it and forget what you strive for. That would be the greatest loss of all..."

Arcen and Aiduen

"Oh! It's... Giselle, right? No, we're not putting up a front." Aiduen smiled to her brother then back to Giselle. "We're just wondering if we missed our stop or not..."

"Yeah, we're supposed to be heading out with some chick I think?"

"Please don't be calling her that... That's just rude and... that's all you need to know about it. Anyway, how are you Giselle?"


"And now that you're... healthy again, we're going to Lushira was it? That'll be the best place to start..."

"Wait, why? Oh, I suppose because you think I'm influential, right? Fun fact, I'm not. I gave it all up for a life of adventure."

Looking at Michael incredulously, "Then what good are you? I've wasted something so valuable on you, and you've basically thrown it right in my face. You owe me, you dastard... Banished, and now I'm down a safety net! I have one shot at this, one shot at redemption and a better world..."

"You speak like a madman, sir. A better world? Banishment? These are things that are... almost unheard of in this world. No one is banished, they're executed if anything."

"Simpleton... are you that naive? You believe your small lands are the world? I can show you wonders your people will truly love, inventions that can change warfare as we know it..."

"Again, you sound like a madman. There is nothing beyond these lands. No ship we've sent has ever returned..."

Rubbing his head in frustration, Kulen sigh exasperatedly, "If you'll travel with me, I can explain to you what all I mean. I assure you, I am no mad man..." The sudden burst of flame and the ensuing screaming merely made him groan. "It appears there are others here at the moment. Shall we...?"


"Pleas, I beg of you... One... One more chance!"

"Sis, you've had your chances, you've had dozens of them, no one wants to be a part of this anymore!"

"But you all agreed.... you all wanted this! It's gone so far, we can't just... just turn our backs on them!"

"We can, and we shall! It's not healthy for us to go on like this. Look... I know you meant well, I really do, but after seeing the turmoil and the strife caused by what you've tried to create, your meddling in their affairs, we no longer wish to associate with those people."

"... You've felt no attachment to them? No sense of duty to help them, like a child learning to walk?"

"Come on, that's far from what I'm saying, you're judging unfairly, which is another reason we, well, why we need you to do this, sis. They want you permanently removed, but I alone am holding you here, giving you an option. Just take a break, calm yourself down and we'll... maybe we'll be able to negotiate what's going to happen."

"NO! You don't get it! They need me, they need us! Don't you see it, brother?! If we let them run wild without a guiding hand, it can only lead to chaos and demise!"

"I'm well aware of this, but it is selfish and foolish to try and control them. Look at the rest of the world. Though they no longer believe in us, they're not at each other's throats, they've managed to maintain a semblance of balance for a good long while. So far, your meddling has only made this portion angrier, unstable and violent."

"How could you...? I'm trying as hard as I can here, I'm trying to build a nation where we won't have to be lonely anymore! You cannot tell me you enjoy this empty 'life', can you?!"

"Empty as it may be, it's comfortable. I have no complaints, though there are few of us that is enough for me. I know how you feel, sis, I really do. The thing is, we have a role to play, a role passed down to us from our ancestors, a role we cannot endanger because you are feeling boxed in..."

"To hell with this..."

"Come again?"

"To HELL with this! You say you're comfortable, you say it's all fine, you claim you care for them, but you don't...! You're afraid of change! You're afraid that I might be right!"

"Now why would I be afraid of that?"

"Because that would mean you were wrong. You've never truly supported me, you've only done it out of some selfish obligation to me..."

"I can't believe you'd say that... What's gotten into you, sis? I know you're upset, but... talk to me."

"What's gotten into ME?! This all would have worked if I had any support from any of you! None of you lent a hand, no encouragement, in fact I was discouraged, told it was hopeless. And with how you're all determined to live your lives as hollowly as possible, I now believe it's hopeless! Even so, I'll try, no matter what happens, I'm going to continue to help those poor souls! Those very ones who cry to us in their despair, their joy, their anger..."

"I've had ENOUGH! I can't take this anymore, I tried to understand your view, I tried to be considerate, but it's just not worth it anymore! You... are not getting another chance, your judgment awaits... Lushiris."

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OFF: What a fucking huge post D: It took me two hours to write, srsly. Also because of my engrish.


Rine is pushed onto the floor by Carrion, hitting his head on the ground harsly before he could do anything about it. "Ow...", he mumbled, sitting on the ground in order to get up again, scratching the back of his head in pain. Then he noticed that she was infront of him, barraging him with disclaims before he could do anything. "I am sick and tired of being called a witch. The goddamned witch! Why?! I haven't even done anything! I am so sick of this bias... that I'm some harbinger of doom, spreading nothing but woe and misfortune. Well you know what? It's people like YOU. People who refuse to see beyond the damn title, beyond the damn clouded vision, outright denying any possibility that maybe, juuuust maybe the stories are made up and exaggerated!". He even tried to interrupt her, replying "H-Hey, that's what I said b---" until her voice and anger overshadowed his response. "Go on! What's your damn question? What's so... so dang important you have to insult me upon meeting me?! You want something from me, don't you? Goddess, you're all the same...".

Her last sentence broke his line of argument and logic in tinny little pieces that scattered and broke into even tinnier tinny little pieces, like a violent finishing hit on the face. He tried to gather his thoughts once again for his best, but he knew that, if his next move failed, it'd represent a Checkmate. The mage had to reply it with the same strenght used agaisnt him, but talking is easier than doing it. "W-Well, if you had only listened a little -bit- about what I've said, you'd notice the part on which I said you weren't the complete monster on the stories. The information contradicts with the true subject... That's why I've wanted to ask you. If you aren't responsible for them, then who is? You've probably got a clue about it.".

He noticed Adrian, the man he met before, approaching them. Wasting time with "What are you doing"s and "What do you want"s and possibly "Stop badgering her and go have a life"s would be a bad thing, the last being the worst one since it is a fallacy, so he awaited until he got close to them to actually hear the rest of the conversation before continuing. "I'm sorry for bringing this up, but you're the only one who can answer this question. You're far from being the complete monster told in the stories and articles, but you still are the Crimso--- Ok, I'll stop calling you that! Anyway, I acknowledge you as innocent, at least I do. There's no way you could have done these things.".

Rine stared directly at her eyes in a determinate and, unfortunately for him, daring way, and his voice kept up with it, while trying to show some kindness by lowering his voice and speaking in a rather friendly tone, waiting for an response while still being on the ground. I've got two tries. I can't fail now.".


Meanwhile, the Original's words were a puzzle for Asviel. She acknowledged him as a wise being, probably much older than a human, and thus must have experienced a lot of hardships and trials. Maybe trusting him was the right thing, instead of listening to her feelings of revenge and murder. Then again, her tiredness was taking it's tool on her mind. "You're probably right... I'm happy to listen to these words. If you say that I have talent for something, I should believe you. Anger is good in a way, because it makes you react to something that has been bugging you, but in excess it may poison the soul. They taught me that at The Church. I'll use the powers given to me by the Goddess to do something that will change this sad course. I'm a priest of the Goddess, not a revenge looking twisted soul... Much less a person that will fall to such destructible emotions...".

Sighing, she found a position most appropriate to sleep in these rocky grounds and proceeded to close her eyes. "Look, I'm completely tired and I can't rationate well... Can I sleep a bit? We'll talk more later.".

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The Island, and all the things happening at the beach

Alison didn't get a chance to react to what was happening, her body reduced to a smoldering pile of flesh within moments of the fire bursting from Lunaria. Reynor dove and hid himself, unable to deal with the horrors of seeing something like that happen again. Bea could barely believe her eyes, as she struggled to keep sane, watching one of her friends die so quickly. "Wha... what the hell? Why?!" Finally coming to conscience of what was happening, Bea backed away a bit, first looking at Reynor, then back to Lunaria. You brought this here, knowing what she could do...? Why, Reynor? Why?! You should've killed her! But now she was struggling to do the same, even knowing that she might be able to. The fear of being burned alive keeping her in place, hand stuck on her sword.

Alfred and Jake, mostly Alfred, saw what was happening from the edge of the woods. Even knowing that it would probably end with him dying, Alfred had to try and save the other two, Beatrice and Reynor. Jake was bleeding out, from his own stupidity, and with Alison dead, there wasn't much that Alfred could do for him. So with tears in his eyes, and a deadly pain in his fried limb, he screamed as he ran at Lunaria, letting Jake fall onto the sand.


Adrian slowed himself down, not wanting to make another scene out of what was happening. Well, he wanted to, but he knew that would be a terrible idea. And Carrion was dealing with this guy, exploding in a rather unusual fashion. She sounded sad, not upset, and that was more worrying for Adrian than whatever this man wanted. I'll have to talk to her later, I guess. Can't have her going through another depression... As Carrion finally finished her rant, the man tried his best to respond, Adrian almost chuckling at his attempt. He'd gotten close enough to listen in, and the stuttering the other man was doing while trying to sound strong and brave, was really ruining the illusion. And it was another one of those bothersome people who wanted to question her about her. Does everyone need to know her past? Just let it stay past, and leave her alone... Finally up to them both of them, able to add his own two cents, he sighed. "Listen, buddy, can you leave her alone? Please? Today's been bad enough as it is, we don't need another tag along who's only in it to find out about someone who doesn't seem like they want to be found out about. So just, walk along, would you?" He waved his hand in a sort of shooing motion, looking away from him a bit.

Edited by seph1212
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The hell was this guy doing?

Oh yeah, it was the same idiot who'd tried to talk to Carrion earlier in the day. And even though he looked... scholarly, he was doing a fucking stupid job of trying to talk to her. And of course, Danyon couldn't resist a little potshot at him. Hopefully it would get rid of him for good too.

As he casually walked over, he said, "Well, you 'acknowledge' Carrion as innocent, don't you. In that case, haven't you found out everything you want to know? You don't need to be here anymore, so I think it wold be best if you left, unless the next thing you'd like to find out is what it feels like to turn into ash."

Edited by JBCWK
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The big one had gone, that was one less problem to deal with. However, another man started charging at her. Why were they all attacking her? Clearly Reynor had been tricked by these people, they were just as bad as the pirates. She didn't have time to get out of the way, or to launch another attack. Instead, she leaped onto him. It wasn't really intended to catch him by surprise, the urge to destroy him was just too much for her. There was no way she was strong enough to knock him over, so she dragged him down to the ground with her.

Her hands on chest, she gazed up at his face, her eyes completely devoid of humanity;

"Bye bye..."

Heating began generating from her hands, a small fireball forming on the surface of Alfred's chest. It wasn't going to be pretty.

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Obelia’s chuckle is light, but her gaze seems a bit more intense that moment, one that tries to convey to Ken some of how she feels about what he’s done for her, yet knows it is with more words she must try to make him understand somewhat. And so she just talks for a moment, talking in a vain hope he’ll get it as the wagon moves along.

‘I had friends, you have to understand. But in a place where you’re surrounded by women and your mind tells you… you want more then to just be around them, you want to hold their hand, squeeze your fingers between theirs, kiss them… it’s… hard to have just friends, especially when… that sort of orientation I don’t think many have. You’re… since I started this journey, Ken, the last time I ran into anyone, I think I made most of them think I was some sort of stone hearted idiot, or some sort of, pardon me, ‘bitch’. And you’re the first person who has not just accepted me for who I appear to be, but… accepted me for more then I appear to be. You’ve made me smile, Ken and that’s a gift I hope you know how much I appreciate you for it.’ She says it with slight pauses, hesitations but a smile grows towards the end, eyes closing as she awaits his answer.


‘It was a ghost.’ This comes a bit out of nowhere considering that before Langley was denying things stringently, trying to show she was okay but even as her friends head turns, unable to help a slightly paler tone to her furred cheeks occurring a moment later, she understands Noel would have and still would badger her for the truth given half a chance. So she just shivers for a moment, thinking back on what she saw, what she swears she saw. ‘I saw a woman, a woman in tattered clothing but… she had your dad’s fur, Noel, she… it was his colour and yet she… she just smiled at me. She was… pale and her hands were… in chains and… she… I couldn’t see her eyes but she smiled at me. I… I dunno, I’ve never felt that scared in my life.’ Noel is watching her, a slightly quiet look to her as something about the detail relating to her father… is what seems to sadden her.


Auntie? Noel’s thoughts trail to this, her father’s sister, mentioned not long after Langley had departed, after she’d asked her father why he always waited with worry at the edge of the village, telling her one day his sister, her auntie had been taken by Langley’s mom to be a slave. It was her memories of Langley’s mother, sad every time she talked with her father, smiling wearily over Langley, Langley’s brightness and friendship with her that made her do her best to react without anger, with calm. But this ghost… sounding somewhat like a slightly more horrific version of her auntie’s spirit. It’s… she goes quiet, Langley knowing somewhat what she may be thinking as she sits quietly in her chair, Noel silent as she stands next to Andy.


Carrie glances with a slightly confused expression at the guy before her, Horatio’s stare maybe uncomfortable but she doesn’t fail to notice what she brings up with a slightly curious smile, wondering what it is that makes him turn such a light shade of red, saying it with a good natured humour to her tone too.

‘Hm? Thinking of a girl you like, Horatio? You went strawberry red~’ She doesn’t stop grinning, having a bit of fun with the teasing, though she does find it fades seeing him get his knife and finds herself surprised at the quickening of her heart, a slight worry is his head. She wonders silently how many times he’s had to use that knife, how he might have been hurt by others before and all he could- she shakes her head, refusing to head down that worry laden thought pathway and tugs her hood up, picking her glasses up and sighing at the fractured nature of them. She thinks a moment, slips them into a side pocket, smiling as she can still see quite well, smiling at Horatio too as she leaves, grinning at his kind act. ‘What a gentlemen~ No door is a match for you!’


Why am I here? I’m here because I said it would, but I’m hazarding a guess that even coming along, I’ll just be considered a nuisance, a means to an end, aggravating when I try and help and someone to get shot of at the soonest opportunity. I… why am I here? Ellandra wonders this, laying at the bottom of the wagon a moment and for that same moment, she couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of her, just looking at the moving sky above her for the moment. It looks beautiful and without care for those below it, the clouds drifting on the wind and making her giggle at a very silly thought. If there was no wind, what keeps a cloud from falling to the earth? Is that what fog is? She wonders on this silliness even as Carrion leaps from the carriage, deciding to allow their fracas to just continue, knowing somehow she’d make it worse for her.


After a time, Zwool has begun to just stretch. Stretch, yep. To be honest, bar a little exercise, he sighs as he knows for the moment there is truly nothing to do, at least to him for the moment. He remembers for a brief moment that odd, scaled book and yet sighs with slight consternation, having left it at the inn for the moment. So for now, he… yes, stretches. He knows inwardly how not… too great a sight that is, with a slightly tired stretch, touching his toes. Yes, this is really happening.


It takes her by surprise, the arrival of the guard that speaks to her of her past… weeks? She almost bolts upright, a slightly pale shock crossing her features after a moment or two. She’s been out of it for nearly two weeks? That is… staggering to say the least, knowing so much time gone and she has been spending most of it asleep. For the moment, she finds this news saps any want to find some sort or revelling in the fact someone has pledged themselves and a bunch of guards to her service, a slight chuckle out of light hysteria.

‘Two weeks… or so. I… I see. I… thank you, for your protection and if… I ever meet this priest again, Captain, I want to have him brought to… me and-… I’m sorry, I’m not really too focused right no-‘Of course, not every moment can be full of a Lucinda that’s slowly learning to grasp humility, whatever THAT is. For the old Lucinda does slightly arise at the sudden arrival. Though then again, awakening from a ‘coma’, being barely able to stand up without some pain, finding that a small part of your life, yet a part none the less, has been consigned to comatic sleep may bring out the worst in someone. So it’s with that call from the girl in the… wow, a maid’s outfit, she appears to be, she thinks dryly, in a male’s fantasy, unsure if she’s actually awake, that she answers this call with a steady, slightly too calm reply. ‘Little one, I’m glad you’re alive. I really am. Because… I was just talking to the nice Captain here and what I wanted most of all after finding out…’ she breathes in a moment, steadying herself and standing a bit straighter ‘finding out that I’ve been asleep for two weeks thanks to some sort of induced coma, was someone to shout at for venting purposes. So… if you would kindly take yourself, your ridiculous outfit and yes, that is not by any regards gratifying to your figure unless you’re used to being naked, take your little words and LEAVE, before I come over there and lecture you on every precise thing that is wrong with you and your outfit, that would be most gratifying, unlike your little ensemble piece. Do I make myself clear, little girl?’ She says it with eyes that could pierce steel at this moment in time, the Captain forgotten in this brief moment.


A pillar of flame. Seilynda see’s it, eyes wide and for the moment, the boat drifts on soft waves from the gusts coming from the air being shifted. She watches it with a staggered expression, before suddenly finding herself shocked back into noticing the boat has been drifting to the side, forcing the oar into the water once again and pushing against the current with all her might, which sends the boat into a slight spin. Yet it’s with a slight grit of her teeth that Seilynda, determined to not feel like a failure, pushes the right oar in, slowly beginning to steady the boat, feeling it turn ever so slightly careful as she wonders what it might be that causes the rising flame, rowing faster as she begins to gain more control, the boat heading for the source of the flame. Is someone alive there? That doesn’t look like volcanic activity…


Giselle’s smile lights up, indeed quite glad that it’s no front and the twins seem to have made up, which is indeed quite a calming notion after the events of the other day. She tilts her head; curious on what it might be that this ‘chick’ could be leading them too, she answers the question yet gives on of her own, folding her arms gently as she answers.

‘Well, I’m alright though I haven’t got too much to do. Though… if you wouldn’t mind and if this, as Arcen so eloquently puts it, ‘chick’ doesn’t mind, maybe I can tag along? I haven’t really got too much to do today after all~.’

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