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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"Yeah... he probably will be that way..." Thinking back on the whole unsealing process, the man seemed to be strictly business the whole time, leaving her there bleeding on the floor until the girl came in and healed her. "Hmmm... Well if that's the case... Gah, I had an idea but it's gone now. Don't you just hate that? Thinking of something and then you forget what it is immediately? I would say I'm too young for that to happen but yeah..." A little laughing later, she looked down to her meal, taking a smaller, more controlled bite out of it this time, and after she swallowed that bit, she looked back up to Adrian. "Sorry again, I'm not used to this..." Another blush, this time she tried to hide it yet still failed.


Confused, conflicted, and downright bewildered in a sense, the man continued to read the book, skimming a lot of it but reading parts he deemed relevant. There were a few things he already felt he understood about her already, most notable being that she wasn't the only mage with that much power these days, something that the book pointed out quite clearly to try and disprove the whole 'myth'. As he went on, he frowned more and more, not because the book didn't make sense, but because that it actually was making sense to him.

'... Taking a closer look behind the supposed motivations, these eyewitnesses claim many different ones in an attempt to try and explain away her wanton 'destruction'. The most common driving force that people can agree on is that she has some sort of score to settle with someone, but again, since no one has actually talked to the witch, or even remotely tried to find out anything about her, we cannot know what she's doing and why. Of course, this assumes she is indeed a real being, which isn't true. Most cries of 'Witch' or 'Devourer' usually sprang up due to fear of power that people don't have, which isn't exactly a very mature thing for a person to do when one thinks about it, especially with the recent breakthroughs in magical application and usage we have nowadays. It'd be easy for anyone willing to put in enough time and effort to become as powerful as her legend. Going back to another point, her wanton destruction... It has only ever been reports of murder. No cities were destroyed, no genocidal acts, none of that. One would think someone with a reputation like that, one for being an absolute destructive devil of a force, would have a much more tangible and actually visible mark on this world, which leads one to think, 'Hm, maybe these tales are exaggerated...' It could very well be that she had a score to settle in all of these tales, and yet, that seems very unlikely given how across the board the tales spread since they're from all over this world.

How terrible of an existence hers would be if she existed, hated on principle and having seemingly nothing to fall back on. Some people claim that she's a crazy murderer with nothing but destruction on her mind, and she may very well be, I cannot say for certain from the stories that circle this world, but given the fact that the only accounts of atrocities she has is murder, she's definitely thinking something through. If she were truly crazy, again, there'd be something more easily visible especially when someone of that caliber of arcane prowess is insane...'

The pages went on and on, Grant eventually just closing his eyes and then the book. A heavy sigh later, he slowly brought that book back to where he had found it, wanting to seriously think about what he had just read, when suddenly, the same librarian came back to him, seemingly seeking him out.

"Oh! There you are, sir. I figured, since you seemed so interested in the Crimson Witch, that you'd be interested in a few rumors circulating about her... am I right or no?"

"Huh? I mean, yeah, sure, but uh... what?" A confused look spread across his face.

"I apologize, this is kind of out of nowhere, but it's been going around all over southern Shuthra for a while now, probably some foreigners spreading it, and maybe I just like gossip a bit too much, but anyway, many people actually suspect that the Crimson Witch herself is on an island directly south of here! If not her, than clearly someone of powerful fire magic exists there, and is causing some problems down there it seems. It's actually a good fishing spot down there... well it used to be until recently. Almost no one seems to come back from that place, and when they do, they're terrified and left babbling for days about some fiery devil or a witch." A small cough and a fit of embarrassment later, "I uh... sorry sir, I get carried away sometimes, I just like the whole idea behind the Crimson Witch legends, and this really caught my interest."

"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm actually intrigued by this... thanks." Grant took his book on alchemy and left the building, an unconsciously grim look on his face as he left.

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As soon as the first one was done, Amera was dragging him to another. This wasn't what Gideon had in mind. Sighing and rolling his eyes, he reluctantly followed her. The light show she had gravitated to now was a bit more impressive than playing with water, but Gideon was still a bit bored by it. "Um, Amera..." he ventured softly, trying not to disrupt the performance. "Weren't we going to...?" She seemed engrossed in it, so Gideon didn't belabor the point. You owe me for this.


"Um... well, about... er... five minutes? I was here... before you came in..." Mel looked at her incredulously. "You serious? How are you so stealthy?" she asked, a bit impressed but still annoyed. "So are you tracking the sketchy guy too? I know he's suspicious, but I didn't realize he had so many enemies here..." He's got to be someone seriously bad if he has more than one girl following him! Maybe I should report him for...what would I report him for? Criminal sketchiness? Is that a crime? It should be...

"Erm... well... your friend... he's leaving with my sister..." the girl said, interrupting Mel's train of thought. "W-what!?" Her eyes went wide and she stood up from the bush, looking around. A few people were staring, but she didn't see the sketchy guy or whore-girl anywhere. "Ah, shit!" she growled, swinging her arms frustratedly. "Almost had them, too!" Hands on her hips, she looked down at the other girl, glaring at her. "Why'd you distract me?" she half-whined. "That guy's...wait, your sister?" she asked. "W-wait, my friend?! He's not my friend! He's WAY too sketchy! Are you sure your sister should be near him?" She leaned over, wagging a finger at whore-girl's sister. "Why are you letting your sister hang out with guys like him? You should be looking out for your sister! What if she gets hurt?!" The girl looked a bit timid, but Mel couldn't help herself - that sketchy guy was...well, sketchy! She couldn't just let him run wild!

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With a slightly quiet once over of Ken, Obelia's eyes almost double checking in fear he'd just crumple if she looks away too long. But his words are surprisingly astute even considering the situation and she hesitates, hard pressed to not agree with him however much she oddly feels she wants to yell at him to stay out of sight and safe. It is born of an annoyance and panic, making a friend and then worrying they will vanish as soon as you take your eyes away. She is hesitant but listens to him well, nodding and her voice goes quite calm a moment, slipping into an unusually professional tone herself.

'From what I gather, we need to give this one little room to manoeuvre in. Stay in the room, Ken, don't let yourself get close to the door or the window and above all, keep awake and alert. If you want I can stay in the room with you, or I can patrol the corridors, question some of the people around the inn and see what they've gathered.'

However, her instinct roars at her to not move from him, that to leave him alone is tantamount to loading another bolt into the assassins bow herself.


Langley's eyes are weary and the only thing she's removed from herself is her cape, leaving the body armour and dress on however crumpled they are. She is rubbing her head with slightly weary glances around the hallway as she steps down the stairs yet as she glances back to him, smiling slightly and tip toeing her away around the thought of how cute he looked all cleaned up, she calls back to him with a slight grin.

'Hey, I'm not even halfway down the stairs yet, I ain't got not idea what we've got to cook. But now you're all dry and the like, you can come with me and look if you like.'

She smiles back and begins to descend the stairs again, leaving him to his answer.


What do I do?

Noel's thoughts are conflicted and from Aret's she has passed along the field bordering his home, taking a left from the path leading up to the weary old house he crafts his work within. This path goes along the outskirts of town yet leads her quite a bit quicker along the outlying areas, the Aokkoa house not far off. Aret's advice is ringing in her ear and however much she doesn't want to admit it, she is slightly angered by the fact she knows it's the best way to prove to herself that's she grown strong is to see what the person she has trusted most bar her parents thinks. Her best friend.

But she is slightly unnerved. That boy from before, was he… she shakes her head and with a hasty glance along the path notes that the distance is no longer stretched so far, coming closer to her destination and to her answer. And now, not long is left for her to decide whether she wants said answer or not. Her feet trudge along the path, crunching small twigs and rocks underfoot.


Carrie's eyes are tired now, but her feet managed to run at a few points along the slightly tree strewn path. And at this point, she realises that maybe doing that in excitement as she'd noticed the enchanted dome draw closer and as such, running while focusing on said enchanted dome while paying no heed to the ground, snagging a foot on a tree root that's especially overgrown, hissing as your leg twists and your whack your ankle against the still kind of hard ground and then having to ust limp/hop your way to your destinations entrance is something she maybe should've thought through more.

With that having been said, she slightly smiles, a small, tired one at the rather hazy looking individual nodding once to her and allowing her through the gateway of Pravna. She notes hazy with dismay as not only is her mind not really able to draw on much to nourish itself, stomach empty and water running on a similar low scale, but her glasses are cracked at the lenses, her sigh having been overly audible at that moment of realising the world is now a bit more 'exaggerated' looking. She keeps them on as she limps, simply down to her eyesight not being stellar in comparison to even a fractured vision. She smiles and is soon hopping/limping through the city streets, looking for an inn, her clothes dirt encrusted and slightly ragged, glasses broken, foot injured, very hungry yet with a sizeable amount of gold.

'Come on, conveniently placed inn…' she murmurs as she glances around the street, looking for even the cracked world view equivalent of a hanging inn's sign.


To dream is not just human.

He is smiling in this vision, a myriad of unseen smiles felt across skin that's not his. Not being him makes people happy, ergo, he is happy. But when he tries to open his eyes, to see himself, the good feeling stops, the smiles vanish. And he just hears selfish in his ears, over and over accusing him. He tries to plead with the voices, to stop, that he can change yet they accuse him again and again and all he can do is cry and plead and beg as they grow louder and louder, drowning him in their anger.

And he screams, shooting up from earthen floor, drenched in sweat among his fur. Zwool's eyes are wide and filled with silent tears but he wipes them quickly, finding his wings curled snugly around him, yet now they unfurl as if they match his sentiment, to be away from his own body. His hands shake and as he looks at them, he see's them as only having caused hurt.

Carrion, he thinks. Did I love you? Or did I just want you too so much… I believed you could?

He smiles a bit. But his eyes are burning and he wipes them again, not able to combat though, the larger flow that comes.

Bad dreams are not just for humans.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"Awwww, I was having fuuuun~" She seemed to be getting serious, but she kept giggling. Horatio had his ale, he wasn't about to complain about it, not anymore. But maybe he was beginning to read her wrong, taking down even more of the ale, wondering for just a moment why it was so suspiciously strong. "Alriiiiiight, fiiiiiiine... I'm jus' teasin', yeh know..." "Yeah, I do know. Not that I particularly mind, jus' wonderin' why you are..." "Nuthin' much, really. Jus' bored, an' I need som'thin' t'do. Pref'rably sumthin' that has a payoff." Just like me, huh? "So? Soun's like yeh got yerself a bi' of a problem, eh? Thin' my sis I could tag along?" Letting himself sigh and lean back, he glanced at the ceiling for a moment, before looking back at her. "Right, so you wanna tag along with me and help me get rid of this knight, do ya? Well... I've been thinkin' of doin' somethin' more than just that..." He leaned in on the table, lowering his voice. "There's this pretty powerful mage in town, an'... I wanna follow her when she leaves. Got some thin's to figure out, and they revolve around her. So that leaves me t'ask you, can you trail someone without making it ridiculously obvious? 'Cause, that knight's not gonna let up if he finds out we're following him and his group." Like hell I'm tellin' this chick that she's the Crimson Witch, don't know how she'd react to that.


"Yeah... he probably will be that way..." "Not like we still can't try! We can go and ask either way, and if not, we can still check the library out. You've gotta teach me magic still, right? Well, I've gotta teach you what I know about using a sword, at that, ha ha." That sure was a mouthful, Adrian. But, he head realized that he still hadn't taught her much of how to use a weapon properly. Though, he wondered if she still wanted to learn, having gotten her magic back. Either way, he wanted to learn some magic, and there would probably be a bunch of information at the library.

"Hmmm... Well if that's the case... Gah, I had an idea but it's gone now. Don't you just hate that? Thinking of something and then you forget what it is immediately? I would say I'm too young for that to happen but yeah..." "I can't really say I've had that happen, Carrion. Just let it go for a bit, I'm sure it'll come back to you." He went to finish his food, noticing Carrion beginning to eat smaller bits. He smiled, "Sorry again, I'm not used to this..." "Wow, I honestly never think I've seen you blush this much. It's... pretty cute, Carrion," he said with a smile, almost surprised she could be as embarrassed as this, especially over something so small.


Completely lost in everything that was going on, Gideon's small questioning jogged her mind for a moment, "Um, Amera... Weren't we going to...?" Huh? wha-- She shook her head, blinking a few times, and finally looking at Gideon. "What's... right, where were we headed, again?" She'd completely zoned out while watching the show, realizing it moments after coming back, "sorry about that, really. Just... flashing, bright lights can get really distracting, he he..." Crap, did I really just zone like that right in front of him? And now he knows how to distract me, too... She sighed, in a quite defeated fashion, pulling her eyes away from the show. "Right! Let's get onto finding that library. And... don't let me get sidetracked anymore, alright?" She pulled his arm and started walking away from the show, glancing around, looking for what could be the library.


Andy gave her a curious look as she glanced back at him, a small part of him wondering why she'd stopped to do so. She simply could've answered me and kept walking... weird. 'Hey, I'm not even halfway down the stairs yet, I ain't got not idea what we've got to cook. But now you're all dry and the like, you can come with me and look if you like.' "Sure. I'd be glad to... if you'll point me to the kitchen, that is." He quickly made his way down the stairs, passing her and walking into the main entrance as he did. He was used to being awake in the mornings, not entirely slow or tired from having just woken up. He'd taken a quick glance outside the windows, looking out at the town... and seeing someone? "Uhm, Langley, there appears to be a rather large... dog walking towards your house." Andy was a bit put off, never having seen an anri with such severe animal traits. Well, I can't judge on looks... hopefully they're a decent person?... oh, great, people. It had suddenly dawned to him that he'd have to try and socialize, something he had been dreading.

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"You'd teach me? Well... Maybe later." She pushed her plate away. "Swordplay requires a much more hands on approach than magic, if it wasn't obvious. But I'd love it if you could teach me, really! I don't know when though... We're on the move so much, I guess next time we're out camping since that' gonna be inevitable. Sound good? Anyway..." Rubbing her belly and lying back in her seat, she let out a content sigh. "When you're ready, um... We can go. But don't like... rush..." Truthfully, she just wanted to let the food settle down. "Mmmm..."


As he hobbled along, his mind went to happier thoughts mainly due to the festival. He actually bought some of the sweets and decided to chow down, wandering the streets when he saw someone he knew! "... Melanie...? What're you doing over in that bush? Oh whatever, weren't you out hunting for some smithy or something? I uh... got you this book for that I guess? I don't know. I figured you'd be able to use it more."

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"Sure, later," at least she's up for it, he'd thought as he finished what was left on his plate. Best free meal I've ever eaten. Carrion's little reminder of camping made him think back to the previous week, and that only made his smile wider, having seriously enjoyed all of that. "... We're on the move so much, I guess next time we're out camping since that' gonna be inevitable. Sound good? Anyway..." So we're going to have to camp out some more? I like the sound of that. Something about being outside always cheered him up, and made him feel alive again, metaphorically speaking. It was probably because of how he was brought up, living in that rural village. But, he'd almost ignored what Carrion was saying, catching the end of it after mentioning camping, "... We can go. But don't like... rush... Mmmm..." "Oh right. Yeah, that was pretty filling. I don't mind waiting for you, Carrion. Just let me know when you're alright." He placed his hands behind his head, and leaned back in his chair, really feeling how full he was. I might need to wait a bit as well...

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"Why are you letting your sister hang out with guys like him? You should be looking out for your sister! What if she gets hurt?!"

"Um... she... well... She's usually protecting me..." Rina hugged her knees to her chest shyly. "Therese is probably taking him to the inn around here... she's always taking guys there..."


"There's this pretty powerful mage in town... ...I wanna follow her when she leaves... ...not gonna let up if he finds out we're following him and his group."

Therese wasn't really listening at this point. "Oh, sure, that'd be easy. 'f'yeh can get me a place t' start, I'd be on 'em like nuthin'." As an afterthought, she winked and added, "'sides, wit' a figure lik' this, who coul' she be wit' who'd complain?"

Secretly, she was scared. Mages had always unnerved her. Too many flashy spells, and... well, she'd avoided any exhibit that involved fire like the plague.



Danyon had left. The knight threw a couple coins onto the counter where they'd been sitting before taking his leave.

I can't go asking around for him, that would just put him further on his guard. Deep in thought, Teis absentmindedly flipped through the guestbook at the front desk.


An idea? Yes. A good one? Probably not. Teis didn't care, he was running out of options. Scrawling a quick note for Danyon, he left it and a bag of gold at the front desk.

Take this, and find some way to get a look at the guestbook at any inn you happen to find. Chances are we won't find anything, but it's worth a shot.


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It was still a pretty damn large crowd, even though it was starting to get late. He asked for directions from some of the stallholders to any of the other inns in the city, and he finally found his way to the next nearest one.

When he walked in, he found most of the remaining occupants knocked out on the floor, and the entire place strewn with chairs, tables and ale.

What the fuck?

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'From what I gather, we need to give this one little room to manoeuvre in. Stay in the room, Ken, don't let yourself get close to the door or the window and above all, keep awake and alert. If you want I can stay in the room with you, or I can patrol the corridors, question some of the people around the inn and see what they've gathered.'

She most definitely right. If they gave the assassin the opportunity to strike, he surely would. However, letting the assassin run around freely would pose a threat to everybody else at the inn, which wouldn't be fair on them. Catching the assassin would be troublesome, they're usually pretty good at not getting caught.

"Obelia, I'll make sure I'm not alone. However, I also fear for the safety of the other people residing here... although I very much doubt that this assassin wants to get caught."

He waited for a response, unsure of what Obelia would make of his statement.

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She'd searched the entire area around the seaside, but she didn't find anyone remotely close to Cyrus' description. Starting to get a little exasperated at her search, she decided it would be good to get a quick check of the area just outside the town, before going back - She didn't want to hold up Adonis, after all.


Staying out here was nothing but pointless.

He found a spot to sit down; maybe he'd appear less suspicious this way - If he actually did appear sketchy in the first place. He waited, waited and continued waiting, merely hoping his father would just run into him.


And just like that, I'm out of cash...

He'd just downed his first mug of ale when he realised he was totally out. He couldn't go and borrow some money - he barely knew anyone in the town, and none of those people would want to host a conversation with him, let alone lend him enough money for a week.

Am I going to have to take on some mercenary work again? Something simple, I guess...

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Obelia's eyes watch Ken's own with a rather quiet expression, his opinion easily as valid as her own, more so seeing as his life is the one on the line at the moment. Yet with a slight hesitance, she nods in answer, hesitant to leave his side at this moment. Instead, she speaks with a rather calm tone, however much her body is almost willing her to panic.

'..Look, I will… well, I'll check on the managerial staff, ask them if they can call the town guard or the like to investigate. And how do you mean not alone? Lucinda is hardly awake; you cannot hope she can defend you to well. Unless=-'

Caught by a sudden thought, she takes out her knife, hesitant but handing the rather shape blade by the blade, her armoured gauntlet protecting her hand quite well, over to the priest so he can grip the handle.

'I know you do not believe in the wilful harming of others... but in case they enter the room as I check, please, something to defend yourself with, Ken.'

She awaits hr response, not sure he can really talk his way out of a combat scenario with an assassin.


Langley actually chuckles, surprised by his dash down the stairway. With an absent sigh she blinks at his confused words but at the mention of the word dog, half of her wants to reproach him for using that term but half is simply quiet on the stairwell. She knows that it could be three possible people and indeed Ms or Mr Santru might be coming to chat with her absent parents unawares or something. But she knows in her heart who is most likely walking along the pathway. She turns her head to the window and inhales a large quantity of air, seeing the rather stiff looking but tall girl walking along the pathway. She is even quietly annoyed, her friend looking far cooler now then when they'd departed. Maybe that thought is harsh, she thinks but to her it's true, the tall Anri seeing so much more confident in her step as finally, she reaches the door, a hesitant but strong knock coming to the old wood. Langley sighs, a small glance to Andy but not saying anything, simply moving, exhaling and gripping the door handle, twisting and opening it, her own gray eyes meeting Noel's calm brown.

'Didn't know you were still... well, here, Noel.'


Noel's eyes trace her friends and she sights fear, sadness even a bit of hope. Truly, she wonders, her friend is scared to face her. She sighs and looks away a moment, not wanting to stare Langley in the face, rubbing amid her furred hair with a quiet sigh.

'Yeah, well, didn't exactly note you advertising you'd come home, Langley.'

She shoots her friend a silent look, an accusing one. Langley coughs at that, a glance away. It feels tense, uncomfortable in that moment. They both stood and for a moment glanced away from one another, quiet.

'....You got a boyfriend?'

'You got cute looking?'

Both of them try to say something to lighten the tension and yet both go red at that moment, the tension killed temporarily as the inflammatory nature of their statements collide. Langley responds first, slightly agitated.

'He's... look, this is Andy. Andy, this is Noel Isamu Santru. She's my..'

She is hesitant but she finishes her words, determined to.

'She's my best friend.'

Noel's eyes roll with a small annoyance, unable to not soften slightly at her friends words. She sighs and holds out a furred hand.

'One, I suddenly become cute looking now, Langley? And two... good to meet you, Andy. She as irritating as I remember her?'

Noel flashes a toothy smile at Langley and while Langley hisses in an almost playful anger, her heart is beating slightly less fast.


Carrie coughs once or twice and lightly glances around, needing to sight an inn. Anywhere she can lie down for a while, just a while. She sights one along the street, a rather worn looking one with chipped paintwork and a slightly fractured sign labelled 'The Mage's Gamble'. She smiles once and then heads inside, ignoring the rather musky smell, the sight of several people in varying degrees of flashy clothing, worn rags and simple overalls mulling over wine glasses, downing ale or unconscious and drooling over wooden table tops. She dashes to the front desk, to the side of the bar area and taps a bell, some people quite out of it coughing or startled awake by the sound. She shies away from the absent glares resulting from it. A slightly tired looking woman in a long, dark overcoat glances with a curious gaze to the rather wobbly Carrie.

'Drank too much this early, hon?'

Carrie is hesitant to get annoyed, just wanting a room. She shakes her head and asks.

'How… much for a room, how much?'

The woman raises an eyebrow and then gives Carrie a once over, making her hesitantly blink. She chuckles once, tired amber eyes looking to Carrie's own.

'S'okay, little lady, we got plenty. You'd think in a city like this, business is always booming. Guess the smell or something...'

She glances around, her eyes trained on some of the more out of it looking 'customers' and sighs, a slow glance to some fluids littered across the floor.

'...I hope that be ale. Ah well.'

She turns her eyes to Carrie, who by now looks unsure whether to be sick or to collapse. She tosses a key to Carrie, a firm glance there.

'One night free. If you wanna stay past that, you either help me out behind the bar, kid or you pay the full amount, 30 coins for just the room.'

Carrie just nods a slightly quiet glance as she takes the key. On a rather rounded piece of metal at it's end, the number '23' is engraved into the gray material and she dashes or more rather, hops upstairs, issuing a few laughs from the bar patrons. They are silenced by a dark glare from the barkeep, her eyes trained on them quite like a weary hawk.

Carrie pants rather quietly and as she reaches a door with the number 23 marked in metal on the wooden door, she slips the key into the lock and enters the room. It's quite empty, though a full jug of water and a glass cup is by the bedside, the only luxury in a rather empty room, filled with just a chest of drawers, a shower adjacent and a bed. She dives and trips over the bed, sighing as she lands rather softly, admittedly but takes the jug to her lips, drinking a copious amount of water. After half of the jug is gone, she sits back and breathes a moment. Tugging her cracked glasses off her face and setting them on the tableside, she shivers, eyes closing and falling immediately to sleep.


Zwool's eyes glance quietly around. The inn is rather full and he has no want for a room, just... to say something. He is feeling rather scared at this point. He knows, he thinks he does, that this is the right thing to do. This is the only thing he can think of.

He steps hesitantly forward and in front of their room, where not long ago he'd been quite stupid, he raises his hand. He lowers it though, fears overtaking him. Is this right? Is it ever right to bring up the past, however recent it is, when it's full of pain?

Find someone. Carrion had said that. Find someone to be with that you care about and that cares about you. So, isn't that the best form of apology? Living your life and becoming someone who you can be proud of.

A few moments later, Zwool is quietly hugging his wings around himself, silent as he steps outside the inn, glances around and with a slow breath, heads to the northeast. Why, he has no idea. But maybe that's the best way to start something new. With a step into the unknown.

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'I know you do not believe in the wilful harming of others... but in case they enter the room as I check, please, something to defend yourself with, Ken.'

"I would rather not carry a weapon... I don't think I could bring myself to use it. However, whilst most of my magic is for healing purposes, I was taught basic combat magic. It's not much, but it should be sufficient to ward off an assailant."

Hopefully it would be enough, both to calm Obelia's nerves and to keep himself safe. He had never had to use them in a combat situation but surely all he needed to do was use justifiable force... and connect whilst they were moving.

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Her head in her arms on the table, she simply laid there, trying to think of everything she had to do and letting it seemingly get to her again. A large sigh and a stir later, she closed her eyes, simply trying to let it all go. "You know, Adrian... we don't HAVE to do any of this. We could just... run away from everything, go live a normal life, be happy and forget all of this annoyance and confusion..." She smiled as she said it, but deep down she knew it wasn't an option for her, but simply saying it out loud made her feel a million times better, almost tricking herself into thinking it was completely her decision to keep going down this road as opposed to feeling obligated to do so. "Wouldn't that be... awesome... zzzz." And she fell asleep at the table, her mind shutting down for the moment and feeling great.

Arcen and Aiduen

"Damn iiiiit, why are we here? You know I can't stand this place!"

"And YOU know I can't stand your arena fetish, but hey, I didn't complain when we spent days in Lazarynth, so the least you could do is indulge me in this, Arcen!"

Pointing at her in a serious manner "Ugh, fine. But if I pick a fight here out of boredom, you'll know exactly why, and it's going to be your fault, Aid..."

"Yes yes, it always is, just don't do anything irreparable, I can only fix so much, you know." She waved his finger away, rolling her eyes, not caring too much what he does so long as it didn't impede them in the long run. "You do know that your actions banned us from Lazarynth, right? Right, so just take it easy, you don't need to fight all the time, good grief..."

"Yeah whatever, you call it a fight, I call it a game."

Gritting her teeth, she gave Arcen a scowl and then turned away in a huff, walking into Pravna finally. "Again, just go do whatever and let me enjoy what I like to do for once. It's the least you can do."

"I said alright, alright? Yeesh! I'm not an idiot!" That made Aiduan burst out laughing for a second before covering her mouth. Arcen grumbled yet went on with her, trying to move about the crowded streets and find a place to stay for a while and listen!.

Edited by SlaveKitty
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The deer-in-headlights look she had when she responded to Gideon was more than a bit foreboding. "What's... right, where were we headed, again?" Are you serious? Gideon shot her an incredulous look. This would take some getting used to... "sorry about that, really. Just... flashing, bright lights can get really distracting, he he..." "Heh..." Gideon just burst out laughing at that. She was like a child. A filled-out, teasing, affectionate child. "Don't let it bother you," he told her, grinning.

"Right! Let's get onto finding that library. And... don't let me get sidetracked anymore, alright?" Gideon nodded, arching an eyebrow. "Just don't get sidetracked," he shot back, smirking. "Long as we keep our eyes open, we'll find it. It's kind of the biggest attraction the city has, so it can't be that hard to find..."


The girl was hugging her knees to her chest. Her timid demeanor bothered Mel. Why don't you stand up for your sister, or yourself? Why don't you fight back a little bit? Come on, girl! "Um... she... well... She's usually protecting me..." Protecting you from what? Guys? You probably are scared of them, too. Look at you! You can't even talk to a girl my age! "Therese is probably taking him to the inn around here... she's always taking guys there..." So she is a whore. Knew it! Mel folded her arms and scowled. "Do you have any idea what kind of man she's with?" she demanded. "He pulled a knife on me, y'know!" She paused, wondering if she should have said that. "I mean...it's not like you could have known that, but...well, just look at him! He's such a sketchball! How can you not be suspicious?"

A familiar voice rang in her ear. "... Melanie...? What're you doing over in that bush?" She turned quickly to see Grant, who was staring at her. Almost immediately she stumbled out of the bush and brushed herself off, trying to laugh it off. "Nothin'...hey, shouldn't you be at..." Work! Crap, crap, crap! "I uh... got you this book for that I guess? I don't know. I figured you'd be able to use it more." She barely heard him, but she saw the book. Nodding, she ran over and snatched it from him before running off. "Can't talk! Gotta get back to work! Thanksbye!" Stupid spying...stupid sketchy guy...stupid whoregirl and her sister...I'm gonna be sooooo late!

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Andy glanced back at Langley, who seemed rather... distressed? He didn't really know what to call it, but she didn't say anything, instead just walking to the door to let this person in. She was tall, and she actually had a muzzle! Andy was speechless, more intrigued than afraid, now. She's an actual dog... my, what has science done? This is fascinating... Although Andy wasn't part of their conversation, the awkwardness was striking, wondering if he should try to say something to break it, and maybe get them talking.

'....You got a boyfriend?'

'You got cute looking?'

Well, they'd saved him the trouble of that, but he was a bit perturbed by the new girl's comment. Her... b-b-b-boyfriend?! Uhm, no, I don't think so. He stammered to try and say something, her comment having seemingly killed the apparent tension, but he just can't figure out what to say, standing there with a blank look of embarrassment on his face. He was pretty glad that Langley was there to speak for him, 'He's... look, this is Andy. Andy, this is Noel Isamu Santru. She's my... She's my best friend.' He was a bit worried by her pause, as the tension returned to the conversation, going to speak, but getting cut off once again. Not that he minded, 'One, I suddenly become cute looking now, Langley? And two... good to meet you, Andy. She as irritating as I remember her?' "Erm... r-right, nice to meet you, uh... N-Noel. And I don't think she's annoying, not at all." His speaking picked up as he meekly defended Langley, still able to speak to and of her with relative ease.


"Oh, sure, that'd be easy. 'f'yeh can get me a place t' start, I'd be on 'em like nuthin'." He almost smiled. "Right, we just have to wait for her an' her cadre to leave town. Not much to follow if it's still here." The wink threw him off even more, the ale beginning to confuse his interpretations of her. "'sides, wit' a figure lik' this, who coul' she be wit' who'd complain?" "Ha ha, I know I can't. You callin' me a pervert might've been more on than not, because... well, you said it yourself, don't think it bears repeatin'." He finished off his drink, coughing just a little, but shaking his head out of that. "Right, you do whatever you've gotta do, I think I'm going to go enjoy the rest of this festival before night hits... unless you'd like to tag along?" I can get some more information out of her an' who doesn't appreciate some eye candy?


"I'd love to do that, but then this magus guy would probably send people after us for not doing his request... and I doubt you'd want more people chasing you, Carrion. But..." he smiled a little, as apprehensive as he was to do so, "you're right, it does sound like it would be great to do just that." I don't want to instill the idea into her head, but... damn. I'm so up for doing just that. Live in a small house near the sea, away from this entire mess. Never have to worry about anything! He sighed, slumping up against the table as she had, this whole mess is just ridiculous. "Wouldn't that be... awesome... zzzz." "It really would... Carrion? Oh, wow." He sat up and smirked at her, unable to be unamused by almost everything she did, and falling asleep in the middle of a conversation was pretty funny, to him. "Now, how to wake her up...?" He poked her arm, wondering if that would do it, but doubted that would be enough. Hrm... How about... He reached a hand across the table, and tickled her armpit a bit, wondering if that would be enough to wake her. "Carrion~ Come on, we've gotta go to the library~"


The look he had given her made her cross her arms and puff her cheeks, almost offended at that. His laughter didn't help her, as she looked at his wide eyed and open mouthed. Seriously!? That's totally not nice! "Just don't get sidetracked, 'long as we keep our eyes open, we'll find it. It's kind of the biggest attraction the city has, so it can't be that hard to find..." "Yeah, have fun getting not sidetracked by yourself!" She turned around with a 'hmph!' walking off, semi-offended by his laughter. She was putting on a bit of a show, but she still thought to herself, he didn't have to laugh like that. I seriously have problems with that... She looked up from her minute depression, spying a rather large tower in the distance. Maybe that's a part of the library? She started walking off to it, not going as fast as she could, because a part of her wished that Gideon would stop her and apologize.

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Twitching at his touch, she let out an involuntary yelp, "Ah! What? Oh...." She sat up, blinking and a wee bit tired. "Oooh... I still need to do things today don't I..." Burying her face in her hands, she let out a rather dissatisfied groan, but then she smiled. "Whatever, let's just go get this over with, shall we?" Slowly standing up, she had to hold the table to balance for a second, still apparently waking up, however short her nap was."Come on, Adrian, let's go go go..." The yawn she let out showed her true enthusiasm about it though. Grabbing Adrian by the arm, she weakly yanked on him, hoping to get him to move with her.


"I do not get her... Why was she in the bushes there?" Curiosity striking him, he moved over to check it out, bewildered at his findings. Oh... Of course, how could I forget, all little girls hide out in bushes these days...? Although this one seems timid... Where did all of my luck go, again? "Everything alright, miss? Looking for someone?"

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"Right, you do whatever you've gotta do, I think I'm going to go enjoy the rest of this festival before night hits... unless you'd like to tag along?"

"Depends on what'chu wanna do. Ya sure yeh don' mind random guys showin' up lookin' f'r a fight?." Therese tried to suppress a laugh, but was only partially successful. "'m sure tha' there'd be more'n one drunk lookin' for me, 'spesh'ly since I trash'd tha' bar acro' the street." She couldn't stop herself from giggling that time. The ale really was strong, she hadn't asked for that much. Bet'r fin' Rina b'f'r someon' else fin's her...

"'scuse me f'r a sec'..." She walked out, dizzy. After a few minutes of staggering around, she cleared her head by pressing the barrel of her dart gun against her own temple, shocking herself into clarity.

Last time I'm goin' t' that place...


Rina retreated further. This other girl was angry, and for no real reason. Admittedly, the guy was really sketchy, but Therese could handle herself.

"Everything alright, miss? Looking for someone?"

She looked. It was someone who looked like a knight, though he was missing a leg. "W-well... my sister went off with some person in the fountain..."

Speaking of her sister, Therese rounded the corner to see someone (a soldier?) standing over Rina.

"Hey, Rina! C'mon ov'r here, will ya?"


Somehow, he'd managed to find his way to the gates. Or at least, close enough to it as to make the stream of people going in and out clearly visible. He wasn't sure, all the buildings looked the same. The crowd was as thick as ever, despite the fact that it was nearing evening. Spinning around once or twice, he almost gave up and asked a guard for help when he spotted a semi-familiar face. It was that guy from the arena... Erwen? Ardan? The boy made his way over, without much else to do.

"Hey, weren't you involved with that incident in Lazarynth about a week ago?"

Edited by Cam
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(I can't think of anything...they're just ridin' along)


On the road, almost home. He looked out to the horizon and could barely make out where he was headed; a small town on the outskirts of Albion, where he learned the rules of the gentleman and noble. Of course, he needed to actually go to Albion first, try and reclaim his title. That would be the hard part.

"Who, or what, can I use as an excuse for my uncle's death?" He asked to himself.

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"Depends on what'chu wanna do. Ya sure yeh don' mind random guys showin' up lookin' f'r a fight?." He laughed a bit at her amusing question, wondering if she'd even given his knives a passing glance, "You miss these thing's I'm carryin'?" He quickly flipped out a knife from on his waist, stabbing it into the table. "You wanna bring a fight around, you go right ahead. 'S'long as you give me the time to pick their pockets after. No point in fightin' if I'm not gettin' paid." He looked back into his mug, wondering for a split second where all the ale had gone, realizing he'd drank it all. Wonder if I should get s'more... "'m sure tha' there'd be more'n one drunk lookin' for me, 'spesh'ly since I trash'd tha' bar acro' the street." He finally gave her a full smile, impressed with her, "you took out that entire bar? Damn, lass, that's gotta take some skill. Sorta glad you didn't turn that gun o' yers on me when you called me out..."

She was giggling, the alcohol seeming to be effecting her as well. "'scuse me f'r a sec'..." "Oh, sure..." actually... he stood to follow her as she left, wanting to make sure she didn't run off after her offer. Her putting her own gun to her head wasn't what he expected, as he froze, wondering what the hell was going on with her. She dropped it though, and he kept walking, decided to just lean against the outside wall of the inn instead of walking around behind her. It might've put her off.


Not expecting such a sudden reaction, he shot back in his chair, almost falling over in it, "Ah! What? Oh... Oooh... I still need to do things today don't I..." "Sorry about that, Carrion. Didn't really know how else to wake you up... well I could've done something other than tickling, but that seemed like the most fun." He smiled as she shoved her head into her hands, but she came up smiling moments later, making him feel a bit less bad about what he did, "Whatever, let's just go get this over with, shall we?" He stood up, just nodding to her, almost laughing as she wobbled at her own standing. "Come on, Adrian, let's go go go..." The weak tugging was way too amusing for him, so he moved with her, letting her pull him along. They walked out of the inn, and he was still way too giddy, "Carrion, you sure you don't want me carrying you? You look like you're going to fall over, ha ha!"

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"Huh? Carry... me...?" For some reason this struck her as an odd request, but then she was beaming at Adrian."Yeah, sure!" And without any warning, she jumped on Adrian's back rather ingloriously, clinging on to him. "I reserve the right to piggy back on you whenever I want now, by the way, but enough chit chat, take me to the arcane mage tower thingy!" Still running on being slightly half asleep, she was giggling almost uncontrollably to herself here.


"'Some person' doesn't sound like a very friendly thing, would you care to elabor-"

"Hey, Rina! C'mon ov'r here, will ya?"

Grant's attention was caught by a rather stunning lady walking over towards them. Rina's this child's name, it seems. Good to know. Without really knowing how to respond, Grant simply stood to the side, not wanting to start anything.

Arcen and Aiduen

His mood foul and his attention unfortunately caught by the voice, he stopped for a second. "Wait... That voice..." He turned around to find an Ormis grinning stupidly at him. "Well I'll be damned, it's... uh... Boris, was it? Ah who cares!? Yes, I was involved, and so were you I take it. I uh... sorry about that I guess."

"Oh, he finally apologizes for it!" More than a bit miffed, Aiduen shot off by herself further into the streets, leaving Arcen to talk by himself.

"Anyway..." Rubbing his forehead a little, "What you been up to, kid?"

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"Yeah, have fun getting not sidetracked by yourself!" she said, storming off. Gideon was bewildered. She can't be serious. From confessing love to running off at a bit of laughing...if this was how all women were, Gideon dreaded where his relationship with her was going. "Amera," he called after her, following her - now wasn't the time to make enemies. "Amera, come on. I didn't - " Then he saw the tower she was looking at. It was big... "Wow," he said softly, nodding. "It's pretty big." She still wasn't looking at him, so he fixed that by turning her to face him. "I'm sorry, alright? Don't take it personally," he said, his tone surprisingly sincere, even to him. What the hell have you done to me, that you're making me talk like this?


Within about ten minutes, she ran into the smithy to find it empty. "Old man, you here?!" she called into the dark front room, wandering around in search of him. "Hey, answer me, dammit!" He was nowhere to be found, which put Mel on edge. I'm not trespassing, am I? He said he'd let me work all day...but what if he has me arrested? I can't last in prison! They'll trade me for bread! Then she noticed a folded piece of paper on the counter. Picking it up, she flipped it open and read it.

Out for a few hours. Be back before sundown. You don't have to serve anyone who comes in. Lock door if you want. -Omar

As she set the paper down, she tried to stifle a stupid grin. Omar? That's a dumb name. Shrugging, she walked over to the sign that read OPEN and flipped it over, displaying CLOSED to the passersby before waltzing into the back room with her new acquisition. "I need to check this first," she thought out loud, setting the book down in front of her. The cover was in bad shape, so she could barely read it, but she didn't notice - already she had flipped it open and begun to leaf through the pages.

About ten pages in, her grin was completely gone, and her forehead sat heavily in her right palm as she read the apparent gibberish on the page. "What the hell are they even talking about? I don't know half these words," she growled, shaking her head. "This is...Ugh!" With a frustrated cry she slammed the book shut and threw it against the table. "Stupid book! Tell me how to treat the damn armor!" she barked at the tome, expecting an answer. Of course, there was none. "No, you know what? I can't work with this stupid dumb piece-of-shit book. I don't speak nerd!" Her voice reached an angry shriek for a moment, surprising her - she took a breath to calm herself down. "Okay. Okay, I need to get to the library and have someone explain it to me." Grabbing the book with an annoyed groan, she stormed out the back door, spotting the library almost immediately and thundering towards it.

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"Huh? Carry... me...?" "Well... yeah, carry you. You seem pretty tir-- who-whoa!" "Yeah, sure!" She'd jumped onto his back, and he struggled to keep his balance, eventually getting hands on her legs and standing up; he'd come way too close to falling over. "Whoa, Carrion... give me some warning next time, would ya? Almost fell over there, ha ha... not like you're heavy, just... didn't expect that." By what she said next, she was obviously tired, and Adrian couldn't help but smile. "I reserve the right to piggy back on you whenever I want now, by the way, but enough chit chat, take me to the arcane mage tower thingy!" "Alright, piggy back ride whenever you want them," he said, sliding his hands onto her bottom to hold her up, "but I get to hold my hands here whenever you do~" Not even thinking about talking anymore, he looked for what she meant, sighting the tower. Might as well, then. And off he went, walking as fast as anyone could holding someone on their back.


Her fake, indignant rage had worn off, not even trying to look upset anymore. Gideon was too kind overall, for her to even contemplate staying mad at him. "Amera," She sighed, and smiled. I know, you didn't mean it... "Amera, come on. I didn't - " See? ... Wait, why'd he stop? She glanced back at him, watching him marvel the tower. She couldn't really blame him, it was a pretty impressive structure, so she turned back towards it as he marveled for a few more moments. "I'm sorry, alright? Don't take it personally," Not really expecting the sudden turn towards him, she tried her best to contain a yelp, covering her mouth to catch most of it. "S-sorry. And you're right... I kinda figured you didn't mean it, either way." She gave him a small smack to the arm, giggling a bit. "Alright, enough of me being offended, and enough of all this waiting about! I'm gonna race you to the library!" And without as much as giving him a count down, she bolted for the place, starting to laugh a bit as she did.

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Her little squeak made Gideon smirk in spite of himself. "S-sorry. And you're right... I kinda figured you didn't mean it, either way." Gideon sighed. Should have known. "Alright, enough of me being offended, and enough of all this waiting about! I'm gonna race you to the library!" "Hold on, what?" She had already taken off. Groaning, Gideon began to walk after her, gradually increasing his pace. She was a bit too fast, but he managed to keep her in sight, at least...


If ever an emotion could double one's speed, Mel would cite that emotion as book rage. Stupid fucking book with its stupid fucking big words and...ugh! By now she had broken into a full-on sprint, and she was weaving between buildings to keep her path to the library as straight as possible. As she dashed into the street from between two tents, she nearly ran into an anri girl with skimpy clothes and a big rack, but she refused to break stride as she turned into the street. You didn't hit her. Just keep going. She'll probably be cool with it. Anri are a lot more chill than humans. She won't try to chase you...please don't. Her light, rhythmic footfalls kept pace with her racing, raving, raging mind as she dashed ahead of the anri towards the library.

Gideon, part deux

Out of nowhere, a tiny girl with short hair and a book in her hand ran out from between two tents in front of Amera, nearly blindsiding her - and surprising Gideon something fierce. "What the hell-" he said before doubling his pace to get to Amera, who hadn't stopped; they hadn't collided, apparently. "Oi!" he barked at the short girl as he caught up to the anri. "Watch where you're going, huh?"

Melanie, part deux

"Oi! Watch where you're going, huh?" "Fuck off!" she snapped over her shoulder, evoking a few gasps from some parents walking past, as well as a few unfortunate echoes of her exclamation in childrens' voices. She hadn't meant to be so harsh, but today was sucking, and having some dumb axe-wielding gorilla yell at her wasn't helping at all. I really hope they aren't gonna follow me...

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"Oh my... I'm impressed, kid. Finally getting over that silly blushing crap now, are we? Good!" The noise, the smells, the sights and the rhythmic bouncing of Adrian trying to run, it was almost an overload for her but she was too happy at the moment to be fried, instead she closed her eyed and laid her head on Adrian's back. "When we get there, please just let me do the talking, alright? No matter what he says, no matter what I say, don't let it get to you. This is so... so damn important to me, Alright? I love you defending me, standing up for me, I really do, it's so freaking great to have someone to lean on, figuratively and literally by the way, but I can fight my own battles too you know." Gripping him tightly now, she whispered in his ear. "You're the best, you know that?" She still felt tired, many years of exhaustion seemingly catching up to her, but she couldn't help but feel so good at that moment, simply wanting to hold Adrian for eternity.

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Therese was still kind of lightheaded from the alchohol, so she just leaned against the wall while Rina walked over. She heard footsteps behind her, but a glance revealed that it was just the guy with the knives. A simple wave and wink, then unloaded her dart gun. Last thing she needed was to shoot herself while in a semi-drunken stupor.

Rina could tell from one glance that her sister was drunk. There was alcohol on her breath, and she was in a bit of a funk. The younger girl was almost ready to drag the woman back to the inn room, until Therese spoke.

"Hey, sis, I got us some work wit' tha' guy in th' fountain and..."

Rina ignored it, instead smiling and waving at the soldier.


"What you been up to, kid?"

"Not a lot, just been wandering around. Got dragged here by the rest of the group, not much else."

Ormis was desperately trying to remember the man's name.

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