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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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Obelia slightly takes solace in the smile of Ken, but her breath halts a moment as she glances to the side, unsure of the sight which awaits her.


Noel slightly sighs as she feels the quiet breathing of Langley against her shoulder. She glances to her eyes, Langley's own quiet watery but calming a bit. Langley asks first as Noel sighs slightly more, the answer one which feels as if it is already been ready a while.

'Is it?'

'Seems like romance Langley, yeah. Though so young looking. Didn't know you were aiming that young~'

'Shut… up...'

Noel glances to Langley's eyes but finds a slight smile forming. She breathes an inward sigh of relief and then murmurs to Langley.

'I've been training.'

'I know. You look a lot more showy.'

Noel sniffs and grumbles loudly.

'I prefer the term confident.'

‘Sure you do.’

Langley sounds firm but she is still smiling slightly, rubbing her eyes. Noel doesn't stop hugging her and she just sighs, breathing deeply and clinging to her friend.

'You love hi-'

'No, too soon. That's just... too soon...'

Noel glances to her and Langley, whose heart is beating slightly quicker then usual. A week or so over the mountains shouldn't lead to this. But she does wonder, quietly as her friend hugs her, what it is that makes her happy being around the fainting, cute priest. Noel slightly blinks as a quiet idea forms. She hugs Langley tight with a squeeze and cups her cheek, looking to her slightly wary glance openly.

‘Langley, listen to me. I’m going to go apologise to him. Wait here a sec, Kay?’

‘…Al… Alright, just be nice to him.’

‘I will. Promise.’

With a slight flicker of a smile, Noel sits up, pets her friend’s hair, eliciting a hesitant purr and dashes upstairs, looking around the upper floor. She sights the guest door, tapping at it and calling out.

‘Andy? It’s Noel, I know you might not want to see me, I just came to apologise.’


Carrie’s eyes glance with a slightly annoyed stare at his laughter. But with the words he speaks, she can't help a slight calm settling over her body. He isn't a creep, however much his words don't exactly mesh with her own. She does respond casually with her own smile, maintaining her pose.

'The name's Carrie, guy. No girly. Yours?'

But as he mentions going with her and for a moment she is hesitant. But he seems quite a bit brighter all of a sudden. She slightly sighs, at her own judgement. But she does nod, walking up beside him and slightly, firmly answering him.

'And I'm not the sauntering type of girl, guy. You should try walking standing straight; you'll find the world looks strangely less tilted.'

She grins slightly but with a slightly calmer glance, walks with him through the town.


Zwool is slightly taken aback by the responses from Adrian and Carrion's lips. Well, he mumbles inwardly, this should have been expected to some degree. He feels a number of simplistic reactions, the wants to cry, to grow angry and shout, to hit Adrian, to take Carrion in his arms.

New start though. That's what this is, living a new life, based on what she had said. He pauses. But a moment later, Zwool looks suddenly quite a lot calmer, speaking with, while shaky, a calmer control to his tone as he tries to play it 'cool.'

'Actually, this has nothing to do with what happened before, Adrian. I was in the library and heard someone yell. I… it was Carrion, I admit that motivated me slightly more to come out and help, but you can have her, I need a new start in my life.'

He is slightly hasty towards the end but he tries his best to look more confident, stronger willed. You can have her, he's said. And while that hurts, he thinks that is what the right thing to do is. However much his voice begins to slightly shake.

'Take care of her. I'm not going to bother you two anymore.'

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Lucretia & Adano

"I'm up for that! Let's hope the horses can hold on a little longer!"

Lucretia and Adano both signaled to their horses to move in the direction of the trees. There wasn't much else the two were really thinking, after all, the main goal was to get to these trees and, after the storm's pass, to Pravna.




"Julius..." A faint voice from the other side of the door signaled to Julius that he was allowed to enter. The room smelled heavily of incense, obviously to ward off the bad odors and bad aura of the room. Lord Sarson, a man once in his great prime, now sat an old and crumpled form in his chair, barely able to move and breathe. He clearly had little time left.

"Lord Sarson, I wish I could be seeing you in a better condition," Julius said solemnly, "I've only been gone for a few months..."

"Ah, yes..." Sarson coughed, "Your...disappearance. Your uncle's charred remains were found in the ruin of his home..." He coughed again. Julius held his breath, he had feared that his uncle's body might still be found. "No one knew what to do when you weren't found."

"So, my uncle's death..." Julius gulped. "He died in the fire, right?"

"Yes, it is a tragedy indeed. I am glad that you are alive and well." Sarson coughed some more, his breath and voice getting weaker with each cough. He urged his muscles to look to Julius once more, and spoke. "I see you've probably come here for my support in reclaiming your title, well, I cannot do much here. I wish to pledge to you my support, but, alas, I will not be here much longer." He coughed some more, this time blood appearing on his handkerchief. "My son, Gabriel, will be able to lend you his support."

Julius sighed. Gabriel... He remembered his time with Gabriel. He was only a few years older than Julius, no older than twenty. Julius had always had a mild crush on Gabriel, but the last meeting the pair had, it ended in the two becoming enemies. Julius feared that his journey had come to an end. Gabriel wouldn't support him, no way. He turned to Sarson, to try and ask for him to reconsider, yet when he looked to the chair, the old man had slumped over the side.

"Lord Sarson..." his voice trailed off, and he closed his eyes out of respect. He walked out of the room silently, not even speaking to the servants. He instead went to the den and sat on one of the ornate couches. "What the fuck do I do now?" He buried his face in his hands. The one person he could turn to was now dead, and that person had put all of his power and trust into one of the people Julius hated the most.

"I've got no choice," he muttered to himself, "I have to see him again." He dreaded the moment of seeing his former lover turned enemy, yet he knew he had to try. It was his only chance this time.

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Who the hell's Grant? Gideon was visibly interested in what Mel had to say, but he had no idea what to make of it. It occurred to him that he hadn't even asked Carrion what she was after, or what enemies she had - not that she would have told him, though. Then Mel started to cry again, and Gideon braced himself for an incoming storm. But it didn't come; instead, he heard Amera trying to console the girl. Her voice had a soothing quality to it, which, admittedly, he wasn't used to - most of the time, he was just told to suck it up or walk it off.


The hug startled Mel, and she let out a surprised yelp, turning red as soon as she realized how silly it sounded. I sound like a little puppy or something...so a cat's hugging a dog right now? The idea made her grin in spite of her tears. "Besides, a lot of us would've done what you did... you didn't know him, but, he was crippled, and who would leave someone like that to just run off and die, right? But you didn't make the armor, and you didn't help him, so everything'll be fine. Well... I'm sure if you made the armor everything would still be fine. You didn't know, can't really blame you. It's a good thing you know now though, right?" Mel nodded reluctantly, despite her frustration. Today had sucked hardcore. "So, let's cheer up. We can go get something to eat, sound good?"

Sniffling, she nodded. "Only..." she began, her tone a bit calmer, "I, um...can we not eat any of the food the festival's selling?" She pulled away from Amera and sat up, wiping her tears away. She's REALLY comfortable...I bet if she had a kid, he'd sleep like a rock! "I already did that today, and, well, it wasn't a good idea." Her stomach was still turning as she thought about the fritters from before. What the hell was in those? They were soooooo good, but there had to be something sketchy going on with them. Maybe the fat guy at the stand pissed in them or something? She glanced at the monkey guy, who had been quiet all this time. "What?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. He's not checking me out, is he?

"Oh, one more thing!" Mel said quickly, looking back at Amera. "Um...right now I'm sharing a room with Grant, and...well, I dunno if I should go back there. I mean, after this encounter, maybe I should find somewhere else. And I...sorta...kinda sorta have no money." She turned a bit red and smirked. Pity card is go.

"Melanie... You alright?" A chill crawled up Melanie's spine, and her face went pale as she turned towards the voice, hoping it wasn't Grant. It was. "Grant, I...um, just give me a minute, okay? I was just looking for a book, and I...I'll just be a second." Why did you have to come here? Why now? Why can't something just go right today? It took all of her restraint not to lash out at Grant and beat him into the dirt.


"What?" Gideon rolled his eyes. "You were talking, so I paid attention," he said matter-of-factly. "Don't give me that look, yeah?" He glanced over at Amera, adjusting a bit - the stairs were a touch too small to accommodate him. "I'm gonna second the no-festival-junk motion," he told her, his expression softening a bit as he looked at her. "I'll pay, just pick a place."

"Oh, one more thing!" What now? "Um...right now I'm sharing a room with Grant, and...well, I dunno if I should go back there. And I...sorta...kinda sorta have no money." Gideon did his best to contain his frustration with this girl. They always want something. He looked at Amera, hoping she'd decide for them - she seemed to be better at talking to Mel, and he didn't want to screw it up.

Another voice came from the hall, and Mel seemed visibly scared when she heard it. Is that him? "Grant, I...um, just give me a minute, okay?" That's him. For once, Gideon was glad he had his weapon. His eyes fell on Amera again, and he shook his head slowly. Don't go after him, Amera, he wanted to tell her. He would have, if this Grant guy weren't within earshot. Just let him go. We aren't here to fight. Someone he recognized from the trip to Pravna, however vaguely, ran up to him during the exchange, asking him what happened. "I'll explain later," he said quickly in a hushed tone, not taking his eyes off Amera. "You might not want to be here right now."

A voice echoed in his head, one he didn't want to hear. "You may never be able to use that axe again."

Edited by Anti-Social Kitty
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Mel finally seemed to have calmed down, and Amera smiled. It's been a while since I've done this. Glad that I still can. She let her go and stretched, still feeling tired, a bit more so because of this. "Only..." "Hmm?" "I, um...can we not eat any of the food the festival's selling?" Wha-- why not? Festival food is great! "I'm gonna second the no-festival-junk motion," "What?!" "I'll pay, just pick a place." She folded her arms in defiance and made a face, sighing, "fiiiiine, we won't get fair food... I was looking forward to some of that too..." Mel seemed to have reasoning, at least. "I already did that today, and, well, it wasn't a good idea." But that was just more disappointing for Amera. "I guess so... and yeah, restaurant food would be better, wouldn't it? I just wanted to pig out on sweets, sorry." She chuckled now, hoping everyone was feeling better. They seemed it.

"Oh, one more thing!" "Huh? Uh, what is it?" She looked back at Mel expectantly, "Um...right now I'm sharing a room with Grant, and...well, I dunno if I should go back there. I mean, after this encounter, maybe I should find somewhere else. And I...sorta...kinda sorta have no money." Amera didn't really think about how Gideon would react, having taken too much of a liking to Mel, "oh, right! Uhm, if you don't mind the floor, you could stay with us. We kinda only have one bed, and..." she turned a bit red, "we're already sharing that, so... eheh heh..." Right, now you're embarrassed. "Never mind that, let's just go, okay?" She stood and helped Mel up. The rest of the day was supposed to go fine, they'd get some food, and then go rest.

But that would have to wait, "Melanie... You alright?" She could barely recognize the voice, but as she looked back, she knew exactly who it was. Grant... you're lucky we're in such a public place. "Grant, I...um, just give me a minute, okay? I was just looking for a book, and I...I'll just be a second." "No, that's fine, Mel. We can leave." She spoke with a serious tone, no more fluffy comfort in her voice. "I'm sure that Grant won't mind. It's not like he can tell you anything you don't know, anyway." Though I have no clue if he can or not... but I'm not gonna leave her here with him. No way. She stood in front of Mel, crossing her arms again. As much as she just wanted to jump the guy, she noticed Gideon shaking his head, and tried to keep herself calm.


'Actually, this has nothing to do with what happened before, Adrian. I was in the library and heard someone yell. I… it was Carrion, I admit that motivated me slightly more to come out and help, but you can have her, I need a new start in my life.' Like I need your permission, kid... geez. "Yeah, sure. Go... do something," his contempt was starting to show, and to save himself another fight, he pushed past Zwool and walked inside. 'Take care of her. I'm not going to bother you two anymore.' As much as he wanted to yell, and it was extremely hard not to, he gritted his teeth and ignored those last words. Everyone was already there, Carrion, Grant; even Amera and Gideon were standing over at Mel. Whoa... not gonna get myself involved in this; not gonna start another fight. He stood back and watched Amera's bravado, wondering how she could get as much courage as she did.


‘Andy? It’s Noel, I know you might not want to see me, I just came to apologise.’ They're done? Good... I hope I don't 'cause that anymore, I really do. "N-No, it's alright..." he started as he pulled himself off of the bed again (it was extremely comfortable), walking over to the door to open it, "it was sort of my fault, so... uhm..." He opened it, staring up at the girl, once again frightened, but not as much. "I-If you w-want me to leave, I-I can. That's... that's fine." He looked away from her, unable to talk straight and keep his eyes on her.


'The name's Carrie, guy. No girly. Yours?' Carrie? Nice name... She ran up to him, which only made Horatio more interested. Girls normally were scared of him. Maybe it was the hair? 'And I'm not the sauntering type of girl, guy. You should try walking standing straight; you'll find the world looks strangely less tilted.' Nice name, strange girl. "Yeah, no kidding? What, you spend your time walkin' like that, or somethin'? Talkin' from personal experience?" He chuckled a little, looking around. It was getting a bit late, the sun still up, but the festival dying down for the evening. "Listen, instead o' watchin' the shows, or whatever's left, how 'bout we get some food?"

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Adrian walked in, so she instinctively went over to him, watching Grant as well. "This ought to be good." Smiling, she was reveling in the fact that everyone seemed to be turning on Grant finally. "Karma is finally working in my favor for once, eh? Anyway... I know you hate the guy, I know that, I hate him too, but... we have so many people here, I seriously think we could talk to him and hear him out, if only to laugh at him some more... Does that sound good? If you don't think you can handle it though, you can go wait outside or something. I can make it up to you later either way~"


Watching as everyone seemed to be acing relatively hostile to him, he backed up. "I see..." Fortunately for him, he could see where this was going. "Enlighten my seemingly ignorant mind then, what do you all see in her...?" He was quite honestly getting fed up, and it showed in his face.


"Kid? I'm probably older than you are you bitch, so stay out of this!" He stormed off after Aiduen, worried.

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It didn't take quite as long as they had expected. The treetops were nature's umbrella, there were a few wet patches but there was enough space to keep them dry. He hadn't realised how cold it was before they got out of the rain. Starting a fire before they froze would probably be a good idea.

"Let's get a fire going, the ground doesn't look too wet... maybe we can find some twigs or somethin'. Man, what I'd give for Carrion's magic right now."

There were a couple of branches lying around, they'd need to sort the dry from the wet though, as well as finding some smaller stuff... otherwise they didn't have a chance at starting the fire.


It had been less than an hour after he had set off, and the scenery hadn't changed at all. The fields kept going on and on, the monotony was driving him insane. However, his ambition kept him with it. That reward is as good as mine! But what if she's ultra-powerful? I guess it wouldn't hurt to hire a few mercenaries, she's pretty popular... I'm sure I could find a few people interested.

He noticed a traveller up ahead, it seemed to be a pretty big guy. He would probably be out to make some money, and who wouldn't want to work for Oshea anyway? Hopefully it would be a nimrod, he could con him out of his share and everyone would be happy. He urged his horse forward, in order to get to side of him. Good, he was armed. Charm would be the first strike, make him think he's in control.

"Hello there, traveller. From the look of that sword, I take it you're quite the fighter, no? Myself? I am the great Oshea Horvath, otherwise known as the Lightning Rapier. May I ask, are you on a job right now?"

He grinned, he could never quite understand how one man could be so brilliant.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Carrion was continuing on being herself, and Adrian couldn't stay mad, not with her around. "You know, I want to scowl at him, but with you being... you, it's kinda hard. But do I want to give him the chance to talk? He can talk all he wants, I'm not going to listen to a word he has to say. Even if it's an apology, or some magnificent reasoning for why he did what he did, I couldn't care less... you can go ahead and do so if you want to, though. I'll stay over here." Her teasing really wasn't helping him, almost smiling now. "Listen, you. If you don't stop that teasing, I might just have to pick you up and carry you off right now. So either go listen to his chatter, or kiss me..." he leaned in as he said that, wanting her to follow up.


Grant backed away, and she smirked, almost too happy. "Enlighten my seemingly ignorant mind then, what do you all see in her...?" And she was suddenly thrown off, but not for long. She just had to take a moment to think. "What do I see him her? I see someone whose treated me like more than an animal, which is more than can be said for most of your ridiculous people..." She let her arms fall, and composed herself, now that there wasn't going to be a fight. At least it seemed like there wasn't going to be. "I see someone whose gotten more hate than she deserves, someone whose more normal than you probably think. She's kind, she's considerate, sure she can be bossy, but she's been better than any of the rumors about her... and she's had to put up with more than enough crap, from people like you! What is it, Grant? Jealous of all her power or something? I don't get you, I really don't. You chase her this long, and for what?" She started tapping her foot expectantly, wondering what Mel or Gideon would say to all of this.

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Going in for a kiss, she instead opted to just blow on his cheek, a giggle popping from her afterwards. "Maybe later kid, like tonight." Hugging him, she hushed her voice, "When we're aaaaall alone.... and after you get that cleaned up, ew." She pulled back, gesturing to the awful smelling goop on his stomach. Either way, she smiled and waved, walking towards Grant and the others but keeping on eye on Adrian to make sure he would go. Last thing she wanted was some unneeded bravado and him getting hurt, a frown flashing on her face at the thought but returning just as quickly to a smile.


Confused by her inclusion of racism, he lashed out, "Yes, I've treated you so poorly..." But he continued to listen, his face stoic. "Hm..." Looking at the vast amount of books, anywhere but at the people he was talking to for the moment, until resting his gaze on the floor. "All I can say is... first impressions are the most important. Putting absolutely everything aside here, I met her and she immediately acted in a very hateful way. Pushing away my hand as I tried to help her up from accidentally spraining her ankle by running into me unnoticed, and then the threats, and then the outright hostility and magic fire being thrown at me...? Excuse me for interpreting that wrongly somehow." He sighed, staring right into Amera's eyes. "And you wanna know why I've been chasing her? As you can guess, it did start out as a fool's quest for glory. Me, a piece of shit peasant from some backwater village of Sapphire, bringing down the Crimson Witch? I can understand why that sounds stupid to one who ain't a mercenary, but to a one such as me... It's just about the ultimate goal." Coughing and straightening his posture out as much as he could, "The more I followed, the more I began to doubt, and after losing my leg to a goddamn dragon, I've had plenty of time to think about this, and now I simply want to hear from the source, I want to get into her mind and see what the hell is going on here. I'm impressionable, yes, I'm very passionate about my work, damn right, but I'm not unreasonable... Hell, after the damn debacle in the mountains, I was all ready to have a chat, albeit an angry one, but Adrian simply picked her up and ran. And you imply I'm the dumbass here..."


Who the fuck is this trash? "On a job...? You could say that. The hell does it matter to you, stranger? Hoping to wriggle your way into some imaginary spot to get all the glory?" He wasn't about to be divulging any valuable information, but he'd humor the man, slowing his pace down a little to ride next to him. "Hm? Lightning Rapier? Can't say I recognize the name... But I've been around the block, perhaps your name just barely missed my ears."

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Noel's eyes blink once or twice to the boy's answer, surprised the guy is even willing to still talk with someone who can tease him to blacking out. She is slightly confused though at his glances away, her eyes watching his features. She bites her lip a moment, the tip of her muzzle before asking him with a rather worried tinge to her tone, something clicking as she recognises why he may have fainted, why he isn't just looking at her. Her arms slightly sway but remain by her side as she asks what it is that bothers her.

'Andy..? Do I make you feel uncomfortable in some way? I don't really... well, Langley is happy with you, I just know that. So no, I don't wish you to leave but there has to be a reason you're not looking at me, a reason I made you... fall over.'

Putting it lightly, she murmurs inwardly, but her gaze remains on him.


Langley's eyes flicker open, closed once or twice, her hands shifting with her arms to hug her legs, drawing them to her chest. She is still quite tired, something that she thinks she's forgotten at the back of her mind. Something from yesterday, but what it is, she finds is just beyond her memory's recalling for the moment. She is slightly quiet, glancing once or twice to the stairs, wondering what will happen with a slow curiosity. She is already quite tired...


Carrie's slightly more relaxed as her feet move ahead, though she does her best to think of what the next, cool line to say will be, even if it might not.

'I walk how I like, I just prefer my world less slanted.'

She offers a small smile at that, yet glancing around, hesitant at his offer, she does nod. She sighs, thinking she may be acting to rashly, but the guy hasn't felt her up... which would be something she thought would happen relatively quickly.

'Well, alright, food's good.'

She realises with a sudden rumbling sound, her surprise at that sound fades to embarrassment, as her stomachs grumbles loudly, the hunger it holds rather audible.

'...Yeah, eating sounds very good.'


Zwool's eyes glance to Adrian's moving form with a slight confusion, but tries to remain calm, collected in look. However, he isn't sure if anything he says is even remotely helping, nothing stopping the push from feeling exactly as it should, a push. He is silent as he leaves but just glances to his own hand, the book clasped in his fingers. He just nods, silently to himself and walks off again, determined to just find a direction where this sort of encounter will become far less likely to occur.

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"Hoping to wriggle your way into some imaginary spot to get all the glory?"

This guy was good, although he put it far too bluntly for Oshea's liking. Whilst an astounding fighter, Oshea felt he was far more suited to leadership.

"Hm? Lightning Rapier? Can't say I recognize the name... But I've been around the block, perhaps your name just barely missed my ears."

Perhaps he should have chosen a better name, this guy was far too clever to con. He'd have to save face and try to cooperate a little more.

"Why, I've misjudged you. You don't seem to be the usual meatheaded mercenary I've come across. My current target is the Crimson Witch, but I'd be more than happy to aid you in your cause first - if you were willing to assist me afterwards. No tricks, and I'll even split her bounty 50-50."

Whilst brilliant, his mouth sometimes ran away with itself. This guy seemed like no joke, so getting him on friendly terms would probably be worth it.

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Damn it, Gideon. He saw someone walking towards him - Looked somewhat like a common mercenary, yet there was something... different about him. Aside from the leg, of course.

He tried to pay attention to what the guy was saying, but only one large question stuck out at him.

"Enlighten my seemingly ignorant mind then, what do you all see in her...?"

Oh hell no, not this sort of crap again. He laid his hand on his sword, adopting a slightly more defensive stance, letting Amera and the rest handle his question. Again, on his response, he tried to catch what the merc was saying, but of course, he didn't know what everyone else in the group had been going through. Once again, Danyon really took note of one thing the mercenary had said.

"I want to get into her mind and see what the hell is going on here."

Oh, fuck no, sir. I've been there for a short while, it's something you shouldn't be allowed to do. "And what gives you the right to want to find out how she thinks? Do you think it's fun for her to be pursued around the entire world? Even ten years ago, there were bounties on this woman for no reason other than that she was the Crimson Witch. There are some things we aren't meant to know, and the private thoughts of people falls in that group."

Danyon began to draw his sword - He probably wouldn't get involved in a fight first, but it was a good way to threaten the mercenary, at least.

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Teis dropped Ormis off, and he took off, ending up...somewhere inside.

Oh come on, this is ridiculous. I got lost after five minutes in a LIBRARY?

It was admittedly a pretty impressive library. Huge, and with all the spirally staircases and shit. Ormis's first thought was to just ask someone how to get out, but no one was around. Then he noticed a sign that had a map...

...except I can't read.

Ormis slammed his forehead against a wall. It was a good thing, in hindsight, since if he hadn't, he wouldn't have heard the distinctive -click- of a sword coming out of it's sheath.

"I want to get into her mind and see what the hell is going on here."

That voice-! Ormis's hand flew to his sword.

He leaped around the corner, and found himself behind Danyon, and some random one-legged mercenary was headed their way. Wait, that's Grant!


Therese had dropped her off at the inn, but Rina didn't want to just hang around doing nothing. Luckily, she knew where the library was, so she went there. After wandering about for a while, she found a book someone had left out.

The Crimson Witch?

Her sister had said something about her as well. Not really having anything else to do, she picked it up and started reading. Behind her, she heard voices, footsteps, and a weird loud -THUMP-, but she didn't really care. Yet.

Edited by Cam
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He rolled his eyes as the rather oddly dressed man pulled a weapon out at him, "Yes, I figure I do have at least some privilege to know why she'd act like she did. Is it so damn unreasonable to know why she apparently wanted to kill me? If it was an act, then holy hell, I applaud her. Damn fine actress, she is. But the stupidity aside, yes, I do feel I get the right to know, or at least hear words from her mouth on the matter. Whether or not you hate me or find what I did wrong, I don't see how you can justify her actions yet frown so easily upon mine, in fact, I'd say you're all the odd ones out in this matter. Most people, like me, generally believe she is the real deal, and until now I believed it entirely, but there's a few pieces that just aren't fitting!" Taking a moment to compose himself, as best as a man on a crutch could anyway, "Perhaps my wording wasn't the best, I'll cede that, but my intent is the same."


"The witch? What, you intend to kill her?" Laughing, almost falling off his saddle he was laughing so hard, "You do know how futile it is, right? She's been 'killed' on numerous accounts, she's been beaten, burned, brutalized, and I hear a few desperate men, as I call em anyway, even raped her! If you think you've nothing left to live for after you collect your paltry sum of cash from killing her, which, by the way, good luck convincing people it's actually the crimson witch and not just some random lass, go for it." He righted himself on the saddle, wiping his face on his sleeve. "As for me, I'd honestly ask her for help for what's to come..."

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Admittedly, he has got a point. "Then, why don't you go ahead and ask? Go ahead, she's right there, and given how you believe all of us aren't 'justified' in trusting her whilst not trusting you, now would be a good time for her to 'explain' herself, would it? Maybe we'll also receive the same 'enlightenment' you're looking for." While the last line was a dig at the guy, there was also some level of curiosity which Danyon had with regards to the entire matter. At the very least, the merc was now trapped by his own statement.

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"You do know how futile it is, right?"

In retrospect, he hadn't. From the sounds of it, she was far more powerful than he had imagined. What if she came back to haunt him? Perhaps this plan wasn't one of his best.

"As for me, I'd honestly ask her for help for what's to come..."

"If my noble quest is impossible, I have no choice but to postpone it. You're an odd one, stranger... your task sounds mysterious, another sword-arm couldn't hurt, no?"

Maybe he had a daughter, it wouldn't hurt to work with this guy.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Lucretia & Adano

They had made it under the trees and were soaked, but it was good to finally get out of the rain. They parked the horses and began to set up camp in the hopes of starting a fire and drying off. "Let's get a fire going, the ground doesn't look too wet... maybe we can find some twigs or somethin'. Man, what I'd give for Carrion's magic right now." Aurelio was right, the branches were wet though, it would be tough at the least.

"Here, let's use this," Adano said, pulling out a medium-sized cloth, "I'll wrap the sticks and things in here, we can dry them in here." He began to gather some sticks he found that weren't as wet as the others.

"The ones closer to the ground are the driest ones." Lucretia added as she also looked for sticks. It was almost like an adventure in itself, finding the sticks that were the driest and easiest to use to make a fire.

"When we get into the next town, I need some absinthe." Adano joked, Lucretia laughed at his statement, she could use some as well. She wondered to herself if Aurelio liked to drink, and what drinks he enjoyed.

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"What? Ugh..." I never said you weren't justified, you weirdo... You're all just... trusting, would be the best way to put it. Sure enough, as he looked behind him, he saw Carrion who seemed to be distracted with Adrian at the moment. "So either she wants to actually talk or she has other business here" he muttered out loud, his voice hushed yet audible. It was a weird feeling, the lump in his throat right about now. He had almost planned an entire speech, in length, of questions to ask Carrion, but now... his mind cluttered it all.


"A single extra expendable mercenary won't do me much good. You got any friends?" He was willing to deal, and if nothing else, every man has a price they're willing to pay or accept for any deed. "Would you throw down your life for a man you didn't know? For a world that scorns you...? For a family lost to greed, rage and lust? Would you throw your life away... for quite possibly a dream, something unattainable?" His face was blank, staring off into the distance, speaking his goals aloud almost making him falter in his steps right there. However, his scowl returned, "If you're able to throw your life around so carelessly, then allow me to direct it since I can find a better use..."

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Gabriel & Cameron

Gabriel rolled over in bed, both men covered in sweat. It had been this way for a while now, no words exchanged between the two, except for the occasional "you good?" that Gabriel would ask to make sure Cameron was able to take him. For Gabriel, it was the fix he needed ever since Julius left him. For Cameron, it hurt him mentally, because he remembered the times that Gabriel would have much more passion. He sighed as Gabriel's heavy breaths slowed down and he slowly fell asleep. It looked to be late afternoon at the worst, yet here he was, sleeping.

"Damn..." Cameron muttered to himself as he slowly got out of bed, taking extra care to make sure he wouldn't wake Gabriel. He put on a robe and fixed himself a drink of ale, gulping it down like it was his first drink in a year.

"Cameron..." Gabriel's voice muttered from over the bed, "what else is over there? I need a drink, love." Cameron paused for a moment, letting the word "love" fly by him. He knew Gabriel didn't mean it in the way he had hoped, despite his constant wishes.

"We've got a bit of ale left, some whiskey, we're out of mead, and a tiny bit of vodka," Cameron replied, "we need some more alcohol soon."

"You alcoholic, you..." Gabriel teased, "I'll just finish the vodka off, give me a bit of regular water to go with it as well." Cameron brought the bottle of vodka as well as a pitcher of water and a large glass to the bedside. "Thanks, love." Gabriel twisted upward and kissed Cameron on the cheek. Cameron paced around the room for a bit, trying to reflect on something, yet he couldn't grasp what he was trying to think about.


"Ah, Lord Sarson has passed, I see..." the servant Julius had spoken to began to tear up, and wiped his face with the handkerchief he was holding. "We knew it was only a matter of time, you see..." He pointed in the direction of Gabriel's bedroom. "Master Gabriel is in there."

Julius paused for a second. Do I want to go through with this...? The servant of Sarson's had disappeared, presumably to call others to retrieve the old man's body and prepare a service of sorts. Julius refused to help them, he had more important things to do. I just wish the old man would die after I got my title back... He shook his apprehensions aside and walked down the hall to Gabriel's room. He just hoped he wouldn't catch him with Cameron or another servant boy this time.

As he approached the door his mind flooded with memories of his time with Gabriel, the love they shared, the secrets, the late nights. It hurt him to think about them, and he knew that it would only worsen if he entered that room. Yet, that room held the key to him retrieving his position back. It was really the only way. He knocked on the door.

The big confrontation between the trio~

The knocking startled the pair, it wasn't a servant's knock. It was bigger, louder, harder. Gabriel got out of bed and put on a robe, and walked to the door. Tentatively opening it, he was surprised to see Julius standing there. His face had grown older, yet he still had the young, angelic beauty that first attracted Gabriel to him. His eyes still pierced through like they always did.

Cameron took one look and his body immediately tensed. Shit, shit, shit!! The one person whom he wouldn't expect to show up did. "Shall I..." He began, but Gabriel waved it off.

"Don't, Cameron." Gabriel responded, a tone of harshness in his voice. "Julius."

"Gabriel." Julius replied, coldly. "If I could avoid this I would, but...your father's dead."

Gabriel wasn't surprised that his father had passed on, he was prepared for a long time. He refused to shed tears, not in front of Julius at the very least. "Why are you telling me then?" He asked.

"Because I came to your father in the hopes of regaining my nobility. I figured he'd be able to help me, but before he died, he told me to come to you," Julius said, "He told me to seek your help."

"Fuck this, Gabriel, just kick him out--" Cameron's agitation became more and more prominent.

"SHUT UP!!" Gabriel turned to him and pushed him on the bed. "I will handle this, not you!"

Julius sighed. "Look, I just... I've fucked up and I just want my position and my house back. That's all." He looked down at his feet. "If you help me with this I'll never bother you again."

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It took a little while, but the trio managed to get a fire going. His clothes were drenched. Not thinking much of it, he removed his shirt and propped it up near the fire. Considering how wet it was, the odds of it burning weren't that great.

"Let's see what provisions were have, I don't think we've eaten since we left."



"A single extra expendable mercenary won't do me much good. You got any friends?"

"Friends? Ha! By the looks of it, you're not sporting many either."

Oshea never really cared about the needs of other men, and once a woman had turned him down enough, he would move onto the next one. Some would say he was selfish, but he considered it being self sufficient. They steal all the ladies and they try to upstage him, there was nothing to like about them. He hadn't paid attention to Pralken's speech, but he was adamant not to look inferior.

"However, I do possess a certain "charm". I could quite easily hire a bunch of mercenaries and then talk my way out of paying them properly. But I'm no softsword myself, despite my bark... I do actually possess a bite! Trust me, I've handled some rather unpleasant situations, you won't regret having me come along."

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She watched Aurelio take off his shirt, this was the first time she was able to see him in this particular light. She didn't even bother to listen to the words he said, she just sidled closer to him, shivering still from the coldness of the rain. She removed her outer jacket and put it near Aurelio's shirt, leaving her in her undershirt and bottoms. Leaning into his chest, she smiled. "At least we've got a fire going to warm up."


"Let's see what provisions were have, I don't think we've eaten since we left." He heard Aurelio's statement and checked the rations. There was still a decent amount of food, the trio had been eating well and managed to still leave some food behind.

"It's not a question of what we have, it's what we can eat," Adano replied, putting some of the soaked food aside to dry and hopefully be edible later. He threw away the food that was beyond salvaging, leaving behind a few different items that were still edible despite being a bit wet. He took out an apple and chewed into it, showing the bag to Aurelio and Lucretia as if to ask what they wanted to eat.

Julius, Cameron, Gabriel

"You want your position back?" Gabriel asked coldly. "Heh, I see. You've come all this way to play up to your destiny, the same destiny you told me once that you didn't want to fulfill."

"No, Gabriel," Julius replied, "I'm here to find what my purpose is. I've tried and failed, believe me, I need to become a noble again so that way I can find what I need in life." He looked into Gabriel's eyes, remembering the eyes that looked at him with such love and kindness, passion and romance. He missed those eyes, which now had a hollow emptiness and sorrow about them. "I need the resources."

Cameron couldn't bear to listen to Julius' speaking. He was afraid Gabriel would leave him right there, forget everything Julius had done, and just throw Cameron to the side. "Gabriel..."

"Shut up, Cameron!" Gabriel snapped again. "This is a matter that extends beyond you. Leave us!"

Cameron silently left the room, giving a dreadful glare to Julius before exiting toward the main hall.

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"At least we've got a fire going to warm up."

That was true, but it certainly wasn't the source of heat. Dang, my trousers are soaked! I better keep them on though, otherwise... hehe... She had also come a lot closer. He put his arm around her;

"Yeah I think we can hold out here for a little while. Pravna won't go anywhere overnight."

Adano was looking through the supplies, the rain had probably spoiled some of it. Although, in the past, he he would have eaten it regardless of its condition. Aurelio could cook, he could get by with basic stuff, but there were times where his supplies had run so low that a mud coating didn't deter him.

"It's not a question of what we have, it's what we can eat,"

"Most of that stuff shouldn't be too bad. We weren't out there too long."

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The situation was escalating rather quickly, much to Gideon's frustration. When he heard 'festival' upon their entry to Pravna, encountering and confronting the mortal enemy of his employer wasn't the first thing on his mind. Still, though, Grant wasn't as intimidating as Gideon had expected. All this trouble over a feud with an invalid, and he's little more than irritable. Amera was being rather protective of Mel, which was something Gideon could get on board with, in theory. Still, whether or not she was a beggar (and she sure seemed like one) Gideon wasn't about to let this Grant person get at her without a damn good reason.

"Enlighten my seemingly ignorant mind then, what do you all see in her...?" Grant growled. Strangely enough, that question stumped Gideon. Why am I with her anyway? She's friends with Amera, but outside of that it's just work...Amera was quick to deliver Grant her answer, one that was a bit racist but sensible otherwise. "What is it, Grant? Jealous of all her power or something? I don't get you, I really don't. You chase her this long, and for what?"

"I want to get into her mind and see what the hell is going on here." Gideon scoffed, and his eyes darted to Danyon, who was drawing his sword as he spoke. He held out a hand to stop the draw. "We're just talking," he said evenly. "Don't slash up the library because you don't like how he thinks." All of this seemed a bit silly to Gideon. They all seemed to hate Grant, and none of them really had any cause to. What had he even done? Danyon spoke again before Gideon could think it over long. "Then, why don't you go ahead and ask? Go ahead, she's right there, and given how you believe all of us aren't 'justified' in trusting her whilst not trusting you, now would be a good time for her to 'explain' herself, would it?" The exchange was starting to really annoy Gideon - it was getting nowhere, and they were taking cheap shots back and forth. Why the hell did I sign up for this? They're jabbering like schoolgirls!


"No, that's fine, Mel. We can leave." Mel was surprised that Amera decided to step in and defend her. She barely knows me...why is she helping me like this? The monkey guy doesn't seem to want to be here...maybe they'll have a little lover's spat over it. She didn't pay much attention to the exchange Grant was having with the rest of the people there; it seemed really complex, and she wasn't composed enough to pay attention. It'd be easier to ask Amera after the fact. Still, there were a few things eating at her.

As soon as the swordsman in the weird clothes was done talking, Grant groaned, and Mel took the opportunity - she had to know. Pushing her way past Amera, she stood in front of the crowd on the stairs, her muscles tensing as she looked Grant over - he looked so lost, so frustrated. No, this isn't the time. Focus, girl. You have to ask. Stiffening up a bit and putting a hand on her hip, she glared at him. "Answer me one thing, Grant," she said, her voice sharp but not as loud as usual. She was a bit caught-up in the moment; everyone else sounded super serious, so she had to look the part! "And you had better not lie to me." Her expression hardened a bit more, her free hand balling into a fist. She could feel the tears coming back, but she fought them bitterly, refusing to show any weakness. "What the hell am I doing here?" she demanded. Over Grant's shoulder, she saw Carrion and her boy-toy again. They looked like they were enjoying this, and that didn't help Mel's confusion at all.

"If this person is as evil as you say," she said, pointing past Grant to Carrion and blinking back her tears, "then why the fuck are so many people defending her, Grant!?" She sniffled and grit her teeth. "Are they all evil too? The two people behind me don't even know who I am, and they took time to help me. Are they bad people? Or are they just stupid puppets, or some bullshit like that?" The tears were rolling down her cheeks again, but her frustration had boiled over to the point that she only felt anger. "Or maybe you just changed your mind now! Is that it?! Bring a girl to Pravna, have a change of heart. Nobody gets stranded or anything!" she roared, her voice carrying bitterness and spite. "You tell me the fucking truth, and it'd better be pretty damn good! So help me..." A sob escaped her throat and she threw up her hands in resignation, shaking her head. What was she even supposed to do? She was miles from home without a penny and without anything to do with herself. I want to go home...


Mel's sudden explosion took him off guard. He glanced over at Amera, then at Mel, then at Grant, not sure what to say, if anything - he would probably just be berated for seeing Grant's side of things. The guy had a point...

Edited by Anti-Social Kitty
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"Maybe later kid, like tonight." He sighed, but he smiled. "You are such a tease, you know that? Right, tonight then. After all of this is resolved." He smile dimmed for a moment, remembering the situation they were all in. He had calmed down though, so he took a moment to think about it. Grant... from what I've seen, he's not some scheming thinker. If he really does want to talk, then that's what he'll do. He glanced over at the group, the conversation getting pretty heated, from what he could hear. And... that's not the kind of talking it sounded like he wanted to do. He at least got a hug from Carrion, and another tease. Somewhat of one. "When we're aaaaall alone.... and after you get that cleaned up, ew." Huh? Oh, wow, that does smell ripe... "right, I'll do that. I'm sure you'll be fine." At least, now I am. He walked back out the doors after watching Carrion walk off with a smile. Yeah... yeah, she'll be fine. She can handle herself against a cripple, and if anything happens, the rest of them are right there.


Tch... dammit, Grant... Much to her own chagrin, Grant was making a little bit of sense with what he was saying. He was making a lot more than a little bit, in fact. She didn't want to accept it, but there wasn't much she could say against him, keeping her arms crossed and looking away from the irksome mercenary. He did say one thing that irked her, though. "Hell, after the damn debacle in the mountains, I was all ready to have a chat, albeit an angry one, but Adrian simply picked her up and ran. And you imply I'm the dumbass here..." "You sound like Adrian's reaction was surprising to you..." And that was all she had to add to the conversation, looking over at Danyon jump to fight. She was the one who was supposed to be doing that, and the irony brightened her own mood if only for a second.

She looked to Gideon, who wasn't saying anything, and it sort of ticked her off. I know you haven't know her for more than a week and a few days, but... obviously you must think this guy has some serious problems, right? Come on, Gideon, back us up some... She would've tried to mutter something at him, but something extremely surprising happened. Mel pushed past her, and began to talk. "Mel..." She went to reach a hand out and pull her back, but the girl was starting to explode at Grant. At first Amera just thought it would've been the first question, and then Mel would shrink away, but she kept going, her apparent anger becoming increasingly frightening. "Or maybe you just changed your mind now! Is that it?! Bring a girl to Pravna, have a change of heart. Nobody gets stranded or anything!" Whoa... I didn't think she'd have that much in her... Amazed, and slightly frightened, she slid her way over to Gideon, whispering up at him, "d'you think now would be a good time to just... get Mel out of here? I don't think she needs any of this, really..." If she needs to hear why Grant did what he did, then she can, but... Growing increasingly afraid for the poor girl, it took all she had to stop herself from just pulling her away from the heated discussion. This whole thing's getting blown out of proportion now... not that I helped try to stop it...


So, uhm... why haven't you ushered me out, yet? He stood there for a moment, a little confused as to why he wasn't out the front door, but his confusion was quelled quickly enough. 'Andy..? Do I make you feel uncomfortable in some way? I don't really... well, Langley is happy with you, I just know that. So no, I don't wish you to leave but there has to be a reason you're not looking at me, a reason I made you... fall over.' "Uh, I... w-well, it's not just you, r-really, I'm terribly awkward around... m-most people... but, th-there is something... it's..." He swallowed, trying to look at her, but blushing as he did, continuing to look away. "I... I think you're fascinating, really! I've n-never seen a full animal anri before, and... you're breathtaking, it's hard enough to look at you without wanting to ask you so many questions and I know that would probably annoy you, but I would love to know and... I, uh..." he covered his mouth and shrunk away, embarrassed to no end. "S-S-Sorry... I... tend to run my mouth when I get excited..."


'Well, alright, food's good.' "Good. I could really use a bite..." Her stomach growling brought his mood up even further, another chuckle emanating from his lips, '...Yeah, eating sounds very good.' "Yeah, your stomach seems t'agree with ya, Carrie," he took a better look at the girl, finally noticing how pale and tired she looked. His expression changed from happy, to worried. "Carrie... y'sure you're alright, there? You seem a bit worse for th'wear. You want food, or should y'go sleep? If you need a room, you can... well, you can share mine if you don't mind sharin' a room with a stranger." He gave her a smile, knowing how that would sound, even if his intentions weren't anything like she might think.

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Grant and Carrion

"Look, I-" An exploding Melanie made him stop dead in his tracks, honestly confounded by the girl. "What...? Look, Melanie... You want an honest answer? I. Don't. Know. Are these people bad? I don't know. Why are they defending her from me? I don't know. If I don't know something, I'm not going to charge forward into an unknown situation unless there's literally no other choice. Come on, give me the benefit of teh doubt here, she literally attacked almost on site, and I reacted in kind. Then I found out who she was, and so I decided to test my luck again since I was so close to ending her there... You see where I'm going with this? I'm... I'll admit, I let lots of things drive me, namely my heart and my emotions. When someone threatens me and my whole family, I get angry. When I get angry, I get goddamn violent." He took a moment to wipe his face, removing the sweat from his brow, "And look, I never intended to leave you here. I said I'd fund you, and I meant it, it's why I got a job here as quickly as I could. I won't hold it against you that you'd think I'd be so... impulsive. If you want privacy or you simply want away from me, fine, but I still want your help, and I'll explain in a minute... I've got a visitor it seems..."

Walking right up behind him, Carrion was almost tempted to push the big man over, though even she had doubts her strength could do so despite his handicap. Either way, she wanted to, but didn't. "Oh, suddenly you're a nice guy? Hard to believe..."

"Let's drop the sarcasm and stupid remarks, shall we? I literally just want... one thing answered."

Intrigued, she went around to his side, making sure to be within reach of the others around her. "Ask away... and make it good, I'm generally not very patient with grown men who make girls cry."

He grunted at the slap to his ego, not really going to try and defend it, "I'm not looking to impress you, and... Look, I just want to know." He looked right at Carrion, "Are the legends and the tales... are they true? Have you eaten corpses, murdered innocents, tortured children... Is any of that true?"

"And if I lie? How would you know? It doesn't matter what my answer is to that, because if you're going to simply take it at face value, you're not really thinking it through well enough. Ask another question, that one isn't going to do anything for you."

"... True." Closing his eyes, he thought about it for a very long moment, again looking to Carrion. Taking a deep breath, "Have you... been chased your whole life?"

"Almost all of it, yes, why does that matter to you?"

"Well, that would explain your irritability and your reaction to me that day... Living life alone and rejecting everyone would easily lead one to snap, but... I don't know. Again, I just don't know anymore. The woman I saw that day, she was a sneaky little underhanded bitch who simply wanted to burn everything. But now?" Motioning to her body, eventually pointing to her face. "I see a very tired little girl. You just want to take a break from all of this, don't you?"

Her stance softened, but she still kept her distance, her face one of slight bewilderment, "How did you come to THAT conclu-"

"The bags under your eyes are a first clue. Beyond that, I'm not... well, you can call it whatever, I'm not getting that murderous vibe from you like I was that day. If you'll forgive my bluntness, you look like you've seen better days. And with that I think... it's not worth it. The guilt, the money, the hatred, it simply won't be worth it to kill you. As for if you're completely innocent, I cannot judge, but I will say that getting so many people to help you out in a pinch like that surprises me."

"Are you sure you're not just a scared little fuck who's bitten off more than he could che- Ah!" She was picked up by the neck, her first instinct to grab the hand holding her and begin burning it, only to see a smiling Grant which infuriated her. Holding her up in the air with one hand, he simply smiled and endured the pain.

"Does it look like I'm scared, little lady? It hurts, yeah, but I ain't afraid of you anymore for some reason..." He put her down softly, giving a pat to her head. "You know, you're kind of adorable when you're angry!"

"And you're a sick fuck! Don't touch me again, or I swear to the GODDESS HERSELF, I will incinerate you, and no one will blame me for that!" Furious, and rightfully so, she glared daggers at Grant, backing away towards Gideon. He seems like he'd pack the biggest beat down of the group...

"Fair enough. Chances are you won't be seeing me again anyway, unless... Are you gonna go after that witch down south? Dunno if you heard, but there's been supposed sightings of a 'Crimson Witch' on an island south of here. A part of me thought it was you, and yet... you don't seem to be a person who likes water to me."

"What? I love water, what gave you that... Fuck, I don't even care" muttering to herself, she spoke up again, "And yes, I have heard that rumor. What, were you gonna go get her? Gonna chop her up into bits since it's not me anymore? Well, Grant?"

"You know, for all the chasing I've done, I'm surprised you think I'm a murderer. All I did was follow. Nothing more. If you recall, I even saved your life on the mountains..."

"No you didn't I saved your... life..." The realization hit her and she looked everywhere but at Grant. "Yeah well... I can never be too careful."

"Agreed. And I was going to go after the witch. Whether you were going or not doesn't factor in, I was just curious. And as for killing her? I don't know. If she's too violent and I feel threatened sufficiently, I may."


"Something tells me I may very well regret even talking to you, but hey... a body is a body. I'm heading to Pravna. fuck meals, fuck rest, I'm going. Meet me there if you want further details, though by then... it may be too late." Or right on time... if everything goes correctly.

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"Meet me there if you want further details, though by then... it may be too late."

"Haha! Don't underestimate the great Oshea Horvath! I'll see you there, stranger! Whatever your name may be!"

He rode off ahead, he'd probably gather a small band of men to assist him.There was no way he'd do anything near half the work.

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