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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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Still trying her hardest to maintain a smile, "Look, Adrian... I don't want to get into it. If you've got a problem with... them, I won't care. So long as you don't try and make it a problem for the both of us, that is. If it's a sore spot, like my Achluophobia, I won't push it unless you wanna talk about it, kay?" Still dragging him around, she decided to wrap one of his arms around her shoulders in an attempt to be more cuddly. "If it helps, just focus on the goal. I know it's... kinda helped me in the long run." Looking up at her boyfriend, a curious look in her eye. "You don't mind this, right? Also, would you be up for trying to learn magic? Before you say anything, I know what it entails... and I wish the implications could be less sinister, but there's no real evidence that says magic does that..." Sighing and shifting as she walked, "Self defense only, of course. Even if all of that stuff isn't true, I'm not going to be teaching you something just for you to go around and destroy things... If you want it, anyway..."


"Oh. OH! You want to fight, huh? Sounds like this will be..." Lifting his wand up, "A blast!" And as he thrust it forward, a lightning bolt arced out from it, striking at random locations. Meanwhile, the burnt man's friend spotted the running Reynor and smirked as he let the arrow fly at the man's leg. "Go ahead. Run, you little worm..."

Arcen and Aiduen and more Carrion

Walking along the northern parts, looking for Carrion, Aiduen spotted them in the distance. "Oh! Hey you two, wait!" Running at a frantic pace, she stopped right in front of them both. "Why didn't you get me for this!? Ugh, I said I'd like to help you, and I meant it!"

"Aiduen, wait up, dammit!"

Looking over her shoulder at the voice behind her, she stared awkwardly. "What...? What happened to you? You smell awful..."

"I spent the night in the alley, but that's neither here nor there, why are you still mad at me? I said I was sorry, but you don't even let me try and make it up to you!"

Balling her hands as she turned to Arcen, she tried to keep her voice as calm as she could. "Look, I just need some time alone, OK?"

"I don't know what to do with myself, you know I'm not good at this stuff, Aiduen! Yes, I get easily distracted, but I didn't mean to hurt you like that!" Shoulders going limp, he was about to start outright crying.

Carrion decided to butt in at this point. "Hey, what the hell is this, because if it can wait, I'd really like it to wait. Or if it can't, can you at least tell me what the hell happened...?"

Aiduen turned around again, wanting to snap at Carrion but keeping her calm albeit barely. "He decided to stupidly run around in the streets and he knocked me over and made me scrape my knee up, meanwhile he just kept on galavanting through the streets like a stupid... idiot." Voicing her outrage made Aiduen start to quickly lose her cool, but Carrion lashed out first.

"... That's it? You're being a total bitch because you scraped your knee? Look, however rude he's been can't override everything you've been through. Maybe I'm being presumptuous, but throwing it all away because he, taking a guess here, didn't know how on edge you might have been at the time seems pretty retarded."

"HEY, don't you make fun of my sister!" Arcen got right in front of Carrion's face, the small woman not backing down. "You have no right to judge her like that!"

"Oh? Then why don't you just go take care of all o fthis, then. She seems like she really wants to talk to you now. Or if you'd like, you can just come with me and I'll help you become more self sufficient and you wouldn't have to stick around with her." The witch smiled lightly at the two of them, not even caring how she sounded at the moment.

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She said something about counting and birthdays, but Mel didn't really hear her - she was looking around for Gideon. Once she started talking again, Mel realized that she wasn't listening and turned back in an attempt to pay attention. "Yeah, about that, Anri develop faster than humans, so that's why I look so... twenties? I've never really put much thought into it. And, come on, I'm not that responsible. Do I really give off that kinda impression? I've gotta work on changing that..." Mel arched an eyebrow. "You want to come off as irresponsible? No, fuck that. Milk what you got for all it's worth!"

While Mel was paying attention to Amera, Gideon practically snuck up on them, and apparently only Amera noticed. How can someone so big be so sneaky? I was looking for him, too! Fucking axe ninja... "I was waiting for you, geez~" Mel turned around quickly and looked right at Gideon. "How old are you?" she demanded, as if the conversation between her and Amera had never left the subject of age.


"...I'm sorry?" This was one way to be welcomed. Then again, knowing Mel, Gideon should have expected this. "Don't see why it'd matter, but I'm twenty-two. Why do you ask?" Gideon dreaded to think of what stupid tangent this would go into, but he couldn't even fathom where Mel's brain might have gone with a simple number.

Mel blinked. "So you're five - " She looked at Amera, then at Gideon, then at Amera again. "Eh. That's actually better than I expected," she quipped, shrugging and grinning. "Alright, where are we headed?"

Gideon just shook his head and closed the gap between him and the girls. "I won't ask..."

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"Yeah, that... that would be for the best. I won't make it a problem, it's not like I despise Anri, or anything, they just... make me uncomfortable, is all. Maybe it's the whole 'we're humans merged with animals, look at what science has done', or maybe it's the rather unpleasant experiences I've had with most of them-- except for Amera, but she... seems eager to please everyone. And I said I didn't want to get into it, yet here I am, heh..." Wait, hold on. He'd caught the part about Achluophobia, but Carrion brought herself closer and mentioned magic, instead. "Magic? Sure, that could be something to do. Just gotta focus really hard and be emotional, right? Shouldn't be too difficult, ha ha." "Self defense only, of course. Even if all of that stuff isn't true, I'm not going to be teaching you something just for you to go around and destroy things... If you want it, anyway..." This made him smirk. "Right. I don't think it'd be good if I went around doing that, either. But uh, you mentioned something about being afraid of the dark...?" He was almost smiling now, not wanting to poke fun at her, but wondering how severe it was.

Reynor: from Mr. Bush man to Mr. Arrow-in-his-leg man

"Gahhhh!" He fell forward, almost dropping the girl as he did, bracing himself on his other knee. He began to cry, and he wanted to drop her and hobble away, but if there was one thing he wasn't about to lose, it was pride. And if he could get away, he wouldn't have to lose his life too. So he did what he could to continue limping off, the pain in his leg excruciating. The only thing keeping him moving was knowing that as soon as he got away, Alison would be able to heal him.

Jake and Alfred, on the job

An arrow flew, Reynor screamed in agony, lightning leapt across the ground, and the two didn't have much time to move to some sort of cover, choosing trees for the time being. "Jake, try and take out that archer! If he gets another shot off at Reynor, he might be done for!" Jake muttered something about always being second fiddle in these fights, but nodded, rushing out to where the arrow had flew from. Alfred, finding the mental state of the man with the magic quite alarming, as well as finding his accuracy quite poor, decided to jump out and rush him, sword in front to try and take at least one of the shocks if they decided to spring towards him.

Adrian, the second: The angriest teenager in all the land!

Before he had much of a chance to get into talking about magic with Carrion, a rather bothered looking Aiduen popped out in front of them. "Why didn't you get me for this!? Ugh, I said I'd like to help you, and I meant it!" "Uhhh... whoa, chill there, girl. We were just grabbing someone, we weren't leaving ye--" "Aiduen, wait up, dammit!" The most foul and disgusting person Adrian had seen in town since they'd arrived was chasing her, and he almost recoiled at the sight-- and smell, of him. But Aiduen seemed to know him, which surprised him even more then that. From his protests, he could tell that the man was Arcen, her brother, which bothered him. Turning up like this, and then trying to get her to forgive you? What kind of brother are you?

As their fight escalated, he wanted nothing more then to just step in front of them and try to work this out, but Carrion didn't seem too keen on letting him accomplish that. "Hey, what the hell is this, because if it can wait, I'd really like it to wait. Or if it can't, can you at least tell me what the hell happened...?" "Carrion!" "He decided to stupidly run around in the streets and he knocked me over and made me scrape my knee up, meanwhile he just kept on galavanting through the streets like a stupid... idiot." At this point, he was annoyed. Annoyed that Carrion didn't know that there was more to it then that, and that she was going to be as blunt as she normally was to already aggravated people.

"... That's it? You're being a total bitch because you scraped your knee? Look, however rude he's been can't override everything you've been through. Maybe I'm being presumptuous, but throwing it all away because he, taking a guess here, didn't know how on edge you might have been at the time seems pretty retarded." "Carrion, there's more to it then th--!" "HEY, don't you make fun of my sister!" "Whoa!" Arcen jumped up to her, which made Adrian finally move, pushing himself in front of Carrion. "You have no right to judge her like that!" "No one's judging her, would you all just calm down--" "Oh? Then why don't you just go take care of all o fthis, then." Just, shut up...! "... She seems like she really wants to talk to you now." If you seriously don't shut up...! Or if you'd like, you can just come with me and I'll help you become more self sufficient and you wouldn't have to stick around with her."

"Could everyone PLEASE just... Shut! Uuuuuup!" He threw his hands out and screamed, wanting everyone to calm down and quit the pointless argument that was going on. He pointed at Aiduen. "I know you're mad at him, but he's your fucking brother! At least teach him how to live on his own, before leaving him to live your life! I know how hard he's been on you, but he's still your freaking family!" He pointed at Arcen. "You're completely useless on your own, aren't you?! Could you at least try to show your own fucking sister some compassion, listen to her needs, and let her lead things for once in your fucking life?! And take a fucking shower, you stink!" And then he turned to Carrion. "And you're not helping, by jumping into this situation when it's so obvious that they're both already upset! Tact, Carrion, come on!" He was so mad at this point, that he hadn't taken the time to notice that the hand he was pointing with was on fire! He glanced at it, back at Carrion, back at his hand, "AHHHH!!" and jumped back, falling on his behind, trying to shake the surprisingly empty feeling flame off of him. "And what was that?!" He'd forgotten his barrage, and was now focused on finding out why his hand had set on fire. He stared at the flame, almost mystified as to why he wasn't feeling anything.


"You want to come off as irresponsible? No, fuck that. Milk what you got for all it's worth!" Amera was slightly confused by what Mel meant, interpreting it as something about her body, which made her a bit embarrassed, but she wasn't about to ask for clarification. Gideon was walking over either way, so she started her walk again, only to hear Mel, "How old are you?" making her laugh once again. "...I'm sorry?" Gideon's reaction didn't help, as she found this entire thing a bit too funny for her own good. Gideon mentioned his age, Mel did the simple math, and came to the conclusion that "Eh. That's actually better than I expected. Alright, where are we headed?" "Woooow, Mel, just wow, ha ha ha!" Amera had to almost force herself to stop laughing, as Gideon walked over to them both. "I won't ask..." "It's nothing big just... ha ha, uhm... I asked Mel how old she was, she found out I'm seventeen, and I guess she thought you were some old creeper, or something," she joked, as she playfully punched Gideon's arm. "Honestly, Mel, you know how to make a girl laugh... right, right, southern gates, we're just waiting for Carrion there." And she was off again, still chuckling to herself.

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Burny, Angry and Clingy

As Adrian tried to frantically put out the 'flame', Carrion only stared wide eyed at him. A mixture of overwhelming joy and fear sprung up in her, joy of Adrian manifesting his own magic, and fear of him doing just that without having any control over it. Without thinking twice about anything Adrian or the others had said, even forgetting the horrible smelling man near her, she quickly grabbed the kid by the forearms and held them firmly. "Hey, hey, calm the fuck down here, ok? Last thing anyone wants is for you to burn something unintentionally. And just so you know, training you isn't an option anymore. You're going to learn to control this, and I'll be your teacher, ok? Don't focus on anything else right now, just listen to my voice. Calm down, the flames can't hurt you... The flames you see are just spurts of your mana manifesting into the material plane, as such, it can't actually hurt the one generating it...." Carrion went on to explain how his fire came into being and how it was completely harmless to him until he forced it onto a material object, all the while she was completely oblivious to Arcen and Aiduen.

"I can't believe her nerve! Jumping in like she knows the whole situation!" Aiduen huffed at the pair, but when she looked upon Arcen she could only feel bad. "Look... I'm still bitter about it all, but Carrion did bring up a point, maybe I'm just... I don't even know, I just snapped. I'm not even sure I know what all I did or why anymore, I've just had a rush of impulses ever since you ran into me like that... But it wasn't right to just abandon you like that."

Arcen shook his head. "No, don't blame yourself. I'm an idiot, if there's one thing I know and acknowledge, it's that. But it's not from laziness! I just... I can't grasp things that you would get so easily, it's just so hard for me to do anything that doesn't involve physical violence, sadly. I mean, I'll try and go my own way if that'd be best for you, but I'd still like to travel with you. It wasn't bad when I was with you, was it?"

"Of course not! I guess I'm just selfish is all... Look, let's just... forget all of this happened, let's go get you washed up because you reek so badly, and that can't be healthy in the slightest for you." Aiduen managed a smile, though she still felt awkward about the whole situation. She felt the need to talk to Carrion about it all at some point.


His lightning bouncing in the weirdest patter, the burnt man almost struck himself as tried jumping back and yelped. "AGH! Where'd that come from!" His friend merely rolled his eyes and died a little on the inside, notching another arrow when he saw someone rushin in his direction. Taking cover, he pulled out a dagger as he cursed under his breath. "So they're gonna charge me, huh? These imbeciles are barbaric... I'll cut them all down and show them true battle prowess!"

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Helping Obelia up wasn't as easy as he had thought, her armour was pretty heavy. She probably could have managed on her own, but it never hurt to help.


Reynor had taken an arrow to the leg. Lunaria wasn't too sure of what was happening, but she knew he was hurt. She looked up at his face, his pain was obvious even to her. She could feel the rage coming but the presence of Reynor managed to suppress it.

"Reynor, you're hurt. I can walk, don't worry. Your friends seem nicer than I thought..."

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He'd asked around to where this 'angel anri' would be, and he came up absolutely empty.

He wandered the streets, looking around for more places to ask people when he realised where he was.

This inn... It's where Teis got shot yesterday, isn't it? Who was that who...

Oh. Oh shit. They're probably still here. He's probably still here. He can't be trusted; he'll almost certainly...

Dammit, Carrion. Get out of here now.

He paid no more attention to looking for the 'angel anri', instead trying to find Carrion, Adrian or anyone, really. He was lucky to hear a little bit of a squabble in the streets, and he ran towards the source, seeing Adrian, Carrion, and two other people; he thought he'd seen them somewhere before, but that could wait for later.

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"Okay, okay, calming down." He continued to stare at his hand, while he listened to Carrion, no more frightened than amazed, now. Did I do this? Is this happening? This is... this is magic! This is so cool! This is... not a good thing, is it? I can't just use this whenever I want to, I've got to think about when I have to, I've got to realize what I'm doing when I do it but HOLY SHIT THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME. He was still registering most of what Carrion was saying, intent on not fucking this up now that it had actually happened. "R-Right, not going to hurt me, got it..." but the flames slowly began to disappear, leaving him flexing his hand open and closed, still wondering what had even caused that to wait. Emotions. So... because I got angry like that, I was able to harness my magic. So that means my element is fire. I guess that's convenient?

It was by now that he'd realized Arcen and Aiduen were still there, and they seemed to have reconciled themselves. He took a second to stand and gain his footing again, before awkwardly trying to say something. "I... uh... th-that was too much from me, it really was. I just... that argument shouldn't have happened, and I'm sorry. Aiduen, if you'd still like to come along with us, you can. We're headed for the southern gates right now. And, Arcen, if you can get rid of that smell you can come too. No hard feelings between any of us, right?" Please work, I don't want more drama, this has been way too much already.


"A-Alright, th-thanks." He let her down and immediately hoisted an arm around her shoulder, not caring what she thought, he needed the support. It was hard enough to not start bawling and laying there, so he had to keep going. "God, this is going to shit so fast..." His vision wasn't going blurry yet, but he couldn't feel much of his leg anymore. But he pressed on. "S-Sorry for using you as a crutch, just bare with me, pl-please." I'm not going to cry, I'm fucking not, no more, just going... to get to the beach, and then we'll get off this damn island!

Super Fighting Team!

The lightning had almost fried its user, giving Alfred the chance to charge into the man, in hopes of taking him out. He rolled into him with his shoulder, hoping to know the wand out of his hand, and the air out of his lungs.

Jake stopped before the brush, the man he'd spotted having rushed back into it. "Yeah, you little rat, get out here and fight me. You think I'm just gonna run into your silly trap, keep dreamin'... If you want a fight, come get one." He's not gonna. I'll give him less than a minute to try and string that bow again, but that's when I'll get him...

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"S-Sorry for using you as a crutch, just bare with me, pl-please."

"Don't worry. You'll always be my Bush-man."

She was still fairly tired and her arm was still pretty bad, but she was in a much better condition than Reynor. He was her first friend in years, she wasn't going to let him die that easily.

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"There you go..." Letting his arms go rather warily, Carrion smiled. "So you've found a way to channel your mana, whether you do it consciously or not. Thing is, we're going to work on that until you can get it down to a basic control. Believe me, it's not hard to do, but it is very important. Burning things on accident isn't exactly fun."

Aiduen chimed in, "Yeah, I have to agree with her there. I've seen some pretty... nasty things with people who can't control it. I could help too, if Carrion will accept help with it that is..." In truth, Aiduen was a bit unsure of whether the offer was a good idea or not, but it was too late for that. "I mean, I'm not focused on fire, so I'd only be able to do the very basics here... I don't know..."

"Hey, believe me, I'll honestly take any help I can get. Chances are I'll get frustrated with his slow learning." In a fit of immaturity she stuck her tongue out at Adrian if only to show she didn't mean it as a true insult. "Just don't get super passionate about any one thing and you won't start any fires, quite simple really. It'll make certain activities really awkward thoooough~"

The Lusian blushed and coughed as she turned her attention to her brother. "You know, we should really just get you cleaned up as soon as possible so we can get going sooner..." Aiduen began to push her brother along, the man unaware of the sudden urgency yet not really fighting it as he began to keep pace.

Sighing to herself, she toned her mood down. "Sorry, I shouldn't be teasing like that... I'll try to tone it back, I really will. But for now, let's just go grab Ellandra and go grab that fake witch."


Burnt man tumbled to the ground, his wand knocked away and his breath seemingly impossible to catch. "Why do you... Ack... why do you interfere?! Have you no shame?! You've killed a friend, and now you'll kill and for what? Money? I hope you'll love dying with no one caring about you. I know I'm prepared for it, I got nothing left!" He aimed his fist right at the man's gut in a completely desperate attempt to gain some ground in the fight.

Pretty boy, on the other hand, decided to try a sneakier approach. Turning to one side of the brush, he launched an arrow wildly in the direction that the voice came from. After that he dropped his bow and twisted himself around to the other side while he dove out into the open, dagger held menacingly and his expression almost feral as he dashed.

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Obelia’s eyes cast over Ken’s for the moment, making sure her whole form makes its way onto the wagon, before with a slightly gentle glance her arm touches his, as if feeling for muscle. She almost grins, amused, murmuring to the priest rather softer then even usual.

‘I find it’s good if my friends warn me their muscles might hurt if they try and pull a fully armoured blade wielder up then try and act the gentlemen and maybe strain themselves in the process’


Langley’s eyes raise and even in this early hour, her form seems rigid for a few seconds, hesitant to discover whether her friend has awoken and been healed or somehow the magic has had an adverse effect. For a moment, she tries to open her lips and give the equally confused boy some sort of reassurance, some idea that it might be okay. She manages a few words before something slightly more cheery begins to intervene.

‘Andy, it’s… well-‘

‘Andy…? Langley?’ It takes a second for Langley’s suddenly frozen features to move steadily and sight who is sitting awake on the bed.


Well, to come from a point of light to being awake, albeit with a slight sweat matting your fur and your two friends sitting by your bed, looking equally as confused as you are, Noel seems to be taking it rather well. In that after a second, sighting the staff by Andy’s side, she does blurt out, as if surprised by such an act of kindness.

‘You tried to heal me. And you.’ Langley freezes again, her form half-risen. It appears she was about to duck out and leave them alone. ‘You stayed awake for me…’

‘…..’ Langley says nothing, realising her tired eyes, slightly slumped shoulders may, just may, be giving her away.


Okay, she admits silently. She is a bit peeved. There she’s been, thinking that somehow she was a special case for the dude but it turns out that her mind is convincing her that maybe she’s just another fly caught in a rather large trap. So grabbing her by the wrist, she first seems to adopt a slight frown, an almost glare. But after a moment, listening to him, she just sighs. It’s not really the words of what he’s doing that do actually ease her a bit, it’s more… the fact he’s willing to apologise. But her mother didn’t raise someone with no sense, though her dad sometimes did. She thinks for a moment and then glances at him.

‘Alright. I’ll come with you and you can prove what you’re saying is the truth. I know… I’m sorry to, the way I’ve been coming off is a bit strong, even clingy and… you aren’t ‘mine’ to hold onto, I just… I don’t know, it bothers me that someone who’s drunk might be a better match for you then me. I don’t know, I’m still sorry.’ She realises as she says this other hands been rubbing her head, slightly wary of saying any of this.


The streets are slowly gathering people and for now Ellandra enjoys the rather slight emptiness as it were, her arm still wrapped around the dragon guy with a rather calm glance to the rising sun. A city, she thinks to herself, is quite a sight this early, building like the mage’s tower cast in shadow and framed against the orange of the sky. She squeezes Zwool’s arm and ignores the slight jump of her heart at an equal squeeze back. Silly or not, tender company is indeed something desirable at times like these.


Zwool hasn’t kicked every slight love struck habit. He finds his gaze drifts down to Ellandra at points, just watching her for moments as she just kind of smiles, watching the city. She squeezes his arm at one point and while he’s thinking of his own strength, squeezes hers back. But while Ellandra is focused on the city, Zwool realises with a soft blush that she is, just… beautiful. She smiles and turns to him and he blinks quickly, turning to look at the city. She tilts her head at him and with a vague attempt at pretending he’d just noticed; he smiles reassuringly back at her. They stay silent and yet for some reason, more words are said in the small squeezes and calm walking then maybe is registered.

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Obelia had managed to get herself up, he probably hadn't helped that much.

‘I find it’s good if my friends warn me their muscles might hurt if they try and pull a fully armoured blade wielder up then try and act the gentlemen and maybe strain themselves in the process’

"Of course... your armour's heavier than it looks, you do well being able to wear it. I doubt I could even lift parts of it. Shall we be off? Pravna's a long journey, it may take us at least half a week."

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What the hell is she talking about with this 'bush-man' shit? Whatever... It's nice that she's not going nuts. She's not half bad to look at, if anything... "Yeah. Just... just keep walking." From the wound on his ankle, and his leg still bleeding, he was starting to feel the loss of blood, his vision shaking a bit. So he shook himself, knowing that the beach couldn't be too far along, now. "Hey... hey, what's your name?" Maybe she's not evil... maybe she's just misunderstood? Or maybe I've lost too much blood...

More mercenaries

"What? We've killed no one yet!" Alfred took the man's punch with a small grunt, not expecting it to be as tough as it was, but it was nothing to get worried about either. He grabbed the man's wrist, and squeezed it hard, pulling him up. "We've killed no one, but you're trying my patience. We came here for the girl, and nothing more. D'you understand that? If you back off now, your life will be spared, and you can go back to doing God knows what." He put his face up to this man's, "but if you don't, I'll have no regrets are tearing your guts out with my sword. Give me one reason to do so, and I shall do it. Otherwise... leave, and let us leave with what we came here for."

Jake turned, an arrow flew by, and he turned to where it came from, anticipating an attack. Of course, he quickly realized that there was no one coming, but upon hearing a brush move from behind him, he knew what the arrow had been. A rather simple trap, that he'd fallen for. So he turned, quickly, and set his eyes upon the dangerous looking man charging at him. With not much time to think, he placed his sword out in front of him, hoping to block anything that would be aimed up high.


"Yeah, yeah... wow, this is unreal." It was still mystifying for Adrian. Magic; fire had sprung from his fingertips, and covered his entire hands. He found himself still staring at them, wondering if the magical flame would spring to life once again. Carrion and Aiduen's mentioning of help brought him back, as he finally took his eyes off of his hands to look back at Carrion. "Yeah, I'll take the help. I don't know anything about magic, so..." "... Chances are I'll get frustrated with his slow learning." He stuck his tongue out, matching her blatant immaturity. It was fun, for a change. "Just don't get super passionate about any one thing and you won't start any fires, quite simple really. It'll make certain activities really awkward thoooough~" He blushed, but he didn't mind playing along. So placing his hands on her hips, he pulled her over to him, "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I heated things up, once in a while."

As he glanced over at Aiduen, though, she was already off with Arcen. And he sort of regretted saying what he had. "Oh, yeah, they were right there, weren't... they... aha ha ha..." He laughed awkwardly, a bit, but kept smiling, happy that the horribly out of place argument had lead to something fruitful. And to make things better, as he looked up, "hey, isn't that... it's Zwool. And-- Carrion, shit, that's our angel!" He took his hands off of her to point at the two of them, just walking along the city. "She does know she's supposed to be coming with us, right? And here she is, gallivanting off with our 'favorite' dragon. Geez..."


"E-Er, w-well, yes I-I did, 'cause you were, sorta, not w-waking up and we were w-worried and I thought it m-might've helped so I just... tried to... yeah..." Andy wasn't very ready for talking, stuttering much more than he had wanted to. "S-So yeah, it's good that you're awake now, I guess I'll be going," he quickly got out, as he stood and made for the door. Please don't stop me, please don't stop me, please don't stop me... He was feeling way too embarrassed to talk about anything with anyone. But maybe that would be for the best? He didn't really know.


Horatio smiled, and sighed. "Thanks." He felt it might've been a bit forward of him, but he tugged on her wrist a bit, and let her fall into a hug. "Just so y'know, I was hopin' t'leave you here because I was worried you might get hurt, but... y'seem really intent on comin' along. So I guess I really can't stop you. Not like I'd want to. It's nice to have a pretty girl along, one that's more than looks." Before she could protest, or before it got really awkward, he pushed her back to standing and gave her another smile. "And just t'be clear, I don't know this other girl apart from her name. Didn't get much chance t'talk to her before she got wasted. So... I doubt you've got anythin' t'worry about. Now get that shower goin', so we can get goin' ourselves."

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She had started walking again, Reynor really didn't look too comfortable.

"Hey... hey, what's your name?"

"My name is Lunaria. I'm quite far from home and my little brother Aurelio. He'll come and save us, won't he?"

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As he caught up to Carrion and Adrian, he saw that they'd already found the angel anri, and were about to go towards her.

Now's not the time to ask. You can't trust him, but don't worry her now.

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‘You were a help, Ken. Just… be careful, alright? No good trying to protect your, dare I say, ‘fragile’ self if you break your back just trying to hitch me up for a lift Y’know.’ Obelia’s tone has taken a further, relaxed edge, finding Ken’s company a constant ease around her. She moves to seat herself on one side of the wooden transport before nodding gently at the notion of the travel time, not too bothersome despite the obvious question raised.

‘So any ideas what we should for said long period of time?’


‘Go rest up, eat something, and just go relax Andy. You did well.’ Langley says her words with a slight smile to them, indeed grateful to see her friend up and about, albeit confused and bewildered by the extant of her friend’s actions. She doesn’t stop him from leaving; knowing that the past day has been rather thick tumbleweed of gathering befuddlement. She leans back in her chair a moment and smiles at the small mumble from Noel as she glances at her blanketed knees for some reason, reminding Langley of the rather shyer girl Noel used to be.


‘Thanks… Andy, Langley. I’ll be okay, go relax.’ Noel’s fingers wrap around her steadily rising knees, realising her muzzle has tinted a slight red again. Then again, with all that’s been happening, with what that mind trip of sorts has led her to realise, all within a stunningly singular day, she doesn’t really pay too much attention to her legs, or much else, merely the fact she knows now what she chose in her head. And oddly enough, for Noel it’s going to be easier to discuss with Langley once Andy’s off resting or something close.


‘Wah?!?’ It’s a rather over the top exclamation but for Carrie, the hug she doesn’t see coming, truly. She finds her arms want to instinctively wrap around him too, but a voice in her head, a voice desperately trying to not become clingy, lets her just rest in the hug for a moment, listening to him. She does smile, but it’s a lighter one, not hint of sadness or teasing in it, as she answers his worry with a calm response.

‘I can fight, if that’s what you’re worried about, Horatio. I… well, I have a knife I ‘borrowed’ and let’s say on my journey, I’ve had plenty of time to practice with it.’ She says it simply and her hearts odd pang assuages to a regular beat with the explanation of Theresa in a nutshell. But she also feels a slight guilt, worried as she fees with how they are at the moment, not really sure actually what they are at the moment, she shouldn’t need him to explain stuff like this to her for her to be okay. So she smiles, standing with indeed his push, stretching slightly before heading into the bathroom.


You find sometimes that the joy of just watching the city, living the moment with someone who seems to be doing well on their way to being someone you might care about, can only be ruined by actions you yourself cause. Case in point, Ellandra glancing down for a moment and with a slight pause, sighting the approaching forms of Mr. Adrian and Ms. Carrion. This of course, even if she is an angelic looking dove anri, prompts a very human emotion, a very base one. A rather selfish anger, sighing to herself as she moves her form ever so slightly behind Zwool. It’s not that Carrion and Adrian are doing things to anger her deliberately, nor is it the case that she is faultless, agreeing as it was to guide them to the island. But for this second, so content a moment it was before, why does it have to end so soon?


It’s hard sometimes not to note a change in the atmosphere of a moment when you’re so readily immersed in it. Zwool’s eyes blink a few times, feeling Ellandra stiffen beside him for a moment. It’s only after he looks to her with an inquisitive worry, follows her gaze and looks up that, with a rather tight grip of her arm, which he eases after he swears he hears her wince, he just sighs. Because it’s very hard to take a persons advice, to find a new life away from them when said person just seems to run into them and vice versa almost half the time. He glances to Ellandra and for a few moments, pretends that they’re alone again, for what good it’ll do him, smiling to her and it seems something about them is what’s causing her shift in mood as she offers a rather small back.

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"Hmhmhm..." Adrian's pulling made her laugh and smile, glad that he wasn't freaking out at his discovery, glad that his discovery was almost the polar opposite of how terrifying hers was. "Hey, calm down... Remember what I just told you, don't get so excited. Since you just opened up a mana channel, it might be volatile... Not that I'm trying to scare you or anything." Looking over at Ellandra and Zwool, Carrion groaned. Why is he with her? Oh goddess, don't tell me... "So Ellandra, are you... ready to head out? We're heading out in a matter of minutes here, so just... go get ready and meet me at the south gate in like fifteen minutes, OK? Ok then..." She tried her best to ignore Zwool and simply left them with her demands. "come on, Adrian..." Carrion mumbled under her breath, more out of annoyance than anything else.


"You lie!" Burnt man spat right in the oppressor's face to drive his point home, just as he brought his knee up to the man's gut for a desperate final stand. Well Alex, it was good being with you. Annoying as all get out, but you were at least looking out for us deep down... I hope...

Meanwhile, prettyboy began to swipe at his opponent as hard as he could, his heart beating faster as he began to lose himself to his own bloodlust. Sweat dripped into his eye, but he never lost focus. "You ready to give in, scum?! You can't compete against THIS!"

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After he finished taking breakfast, he decided to leave the Inn as soon as he could. He had business with the Crimsom Witch, and maybe that would be his last opportunity... So, wrapping himself in his grey coat, the young mage ventured forth on the roads, searching for a market. His supplies were running low already, and he'd need more provisions in order to cross the great distance between Pravna and the other city he's traveling to. He usually finds some companions to go with him, like a work on protecting a caravan from bandits or joining a reliable organization's group, since traveling in numbers is much safer than traveling by his lone self. But now it won't be necessary. "If I play this game right, I won't need to search for companions for a long time".

After purchasing what he needed to, Rine looked at the Sun with the palm of his hand helping his eyes agaisnt the sunlight. "If I have to go to the south gate, then it means I have to follow... In that direction". Then all that was left was to follow the lead and go to the southern gate.


The giant's question was indeed tempting. Her limbs hurt, having to climb the mountains in order to escape and pulling herself to such a hard and unexpected work, and the ammount of hardships she had to face on this day were taking it's toll on her head. After calming down a bit, the girl realized that she was completely exhausted, both physically and mentally. "But if we stop now, they're going to catch u--- Nevermind, only an idiot would come after an Original. Well, sure, we can rest... Just help me get down".

How they would be able to sleep in such a place was strange, but trusting Ignatius a bit wouldn't be a bad thing.

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"R-Right, Lunaria... nice name. I'm sure your brother will be coming to save you, yeah. What brother wouldn't?" He was reassured as he began to smell the fishy smell of the ocean, smiling wholeheartedly as the two girls he could see at the other end of the beach, as they made it through the brush. "Yes... yes, w-we're back here... Lunaria, th-those two, they're my friends, and they can he-help... us..." he started to shake a bit, his leg wobbling, before he finally fell over. "Just... get them over... here..."


"Right!" And he was out of the room, quicker than he'd come in, hiding himself away in the room across the hall. He was blushing, embarrassed, and a bit worried about everything. I just went against all I was taught, and tried to heal someone when they weren't physically hurt. You know what could've happened, right? She could've died from that, but still you... ugh, you're a moron. I mean, I know death is an extreme side effect, but it's never good to flow excess mana into someone without the proper reason... he fell onto the bed and sighed, wondering why he was thinking so irrationally.


"I'm glad ye can, though that's not really what I'm worryin' about. But enough of that, go have yer shower, before I get the not so bright idea t'try and join ye." She ran off, and he sighed once more, deciding to wonder to himself instead of talk. Can I honestly bring her along with me? I don't mind her company, and she seems rather... open. That's a plus. Not like she's all body either. Got a right brain in that one. Maybe it's time I tried being with someone for more than a few nights? Would be nice. Fuck it, I'll take her. Not like that Theresa was a good idea. Drunk girls are... just ugly. He decided on what he was thinking, before strapping the rest of his knives to his clothes. He wouldn't stand out in the city still, for just a bit, as he was sure there were still some festival activities going on. Good thing he was leaving.


Carrion made her way over to them, but Adrian wasn't budging. It was bad enough that they had to run into Zwool, but he wasn't about to deal with both him and the bothersome angel that had taken the time to actually attach herself to them. Carrion made her demands, Adrian forcing a smile at them, before walking off with Carrion. "Seriously, is she just trying to make our lives harder? Not only is she late, but she's hanging around that damned Zwool." He sighed, letting his shoulders sink a bit. "Let's just get this over with. Hopefully, he won't try to force his way along with her, but seeing how he clung to you, he probably will, won't he? Just... perfect." His rather enjoyable morning had turned sour, all because of that annoying dragon. These anri really do ruin everything, don't they?


Feeling the man's knee come into his stomach, he'd had about enough of his blathering. He slammed his head into this man's, giving him a terrible headbutt, and letting him fall to the ground. His foot came down on the wand, not wanting to give him a chance to fire off any more of that dreadful lightning. "If you are to believe that we were the ones who killed your friend there," an accusatory finger shooting to point at the corpse, "then you are mistaken! It was that damned witch that set him ablaze! I was not here to see why she did, but your groups' intentions can't be any less than duplicitous if she had to do that to him. Now, I have had enough of you. Either realize the truth, or be off with yourself. Any more attempts to enrage me will result in your death..."


Jake could hear Alfred yelling about something, but he was too preoccupied with this rather insane looking (At least now he looked it) man, cutting at him as quickly as he could. His sword was stopping most of the hits against his upper body, but he felt steel cut through his leg, not deep, but enough to make him stumble backwards a bit. But as he composed himself, there wasn't a look of anguish on Jake's face, but a smile. A smile, and a bit of a chuckle. "Yeah... yeah, do that again. I like the pain, cut me some more!" He began to laugh a bit as he charged right back at the man, eyes wide open.

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Reynor really didn't seem good, he was on the verge of collapsing. He had two other friends, they seemed nice enough.

"Just... get them over... here..."

Nodding her head, she ran over to fetch them. She was pretty tired herself, but she really wanted him to be alright. Panting as she arrived, she did her best, there were two strangers in front of her. There was no telling what they'd do to her but it didn't matter.

"Please... save Reynor. He's badly hurt!"

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With a slightly light chuckle coming from her lips, hearing that answer a quiet smile stretching across features forms as she stays seated along the other side of the wagon before nodding once or twice, murmuring back to Ken with a calm answer coming across to the priest.

'Very well. Then you are going to have to regale me with the life and times of Ken Van Liro.' She smiles a bit softly at that and glances back to him, awaiting his response.


She blinks a bit, hearing Andy seem to announce his departure with a rather audible tone to him. She thinks for a second that maybe there's no clear way for her to cheer the guy up, trying to ease him with not 'getting in the way' proving too quick for him, but trying to encourage him after healing her something that doesn't seem to work, nor even not stopping him leaving creating a relaxation within him. She worries, silently, if she can help him in any real way. She's about to open her tired lips, say something she thinks is futile, when she's surprised by a darting figure, clothed in a blanket.

'Noel?' She blinks and yet watching her friend run past, she just slumps a moment, offering a tired smile. She's certainly grown more stamina since last they met.


A fist weakly knocks off and on against Andy's door. For a moment, Noel just stands outside, fu still a bit messy, eyes a bit tired. But why she stands there is because all she seems to have seen in Andy today is, albeit very shortly, exhaustion. But she knows what he tried to do. So even if he doesn't let her in, which he doesn't have to, she decides to just say what she hopes will help.

'Andy? I know that you've had a… alright, it's… ahh, still a bit tired, heh. It's been a bit hectic the past day or two. But I wanted you to know I… I appreciate what you did. I appreciate you. Thank you for helping me. I was having… a bad dream but then a light cut through it. I followed it and then I woke up. I think that was you that did that.' With a slight pause, Noel just closes her eyes a moment, leaning it against the door. Maybe just leaving him alone might help. But before she does, she wants him to know that she's glad he came here.


'If you join me then I'm pretty sure you'll be hot under the collar a bit too quickly, Horatio.' She smiles a moment and casting a slightly teasing look back to him, she heads into the shower. Though she pauses, glancing back a moment as her hand grasps the edges of the door. 'Though if it were up to me, it wouldn't just be the collar heating up, boyo.' She casts him a grin before the door shuts and she breathes quietly for a moment, one thought welling up quite quickly. What exactly have I gotten myself into? …And why do I not seem to mind that much?


It's hard to not just feel like you want to blame two people who probably have had no intention to cause harm to Ellandra's 'best laid plain's'. But even if she is neither mice nor a man, they have indeed gone awry. She wants to, for the moment, stick her tongue out, turn away for a moment, ignore them, pretend that what she'd agreed to earlier. She wants to, quite a lot. But for the moment, she just tries her best to keep a relatively calm face and nod to Carrion, straining a smile to her. It's not her usual feeling, anger but for some reason, it wells in her. Maybe it's a false hope that she won't have the time to see if Zwool has truly changed today. But for now, she just remains silent, smiling, turning to Zwool, hoping to convey to this obsessive that he can't cling to her for the day.


Zwool is not exactly Zwool anymore. It sounds odd but allows me to explain a moment. Zwool, the Zwool that has been, is not quite dead within the dragonish anri that does his best to adopt a face of almost blank acknowledgement of Adrian and Carrion. Part of him as he hears Carrion speak wants to still hear her speak to him as she does to Adrian. Part of him wants to move to Adrian and indeed, sock him in the face so hard his jaw cracks. Part of him wants to cling to Ellandra and follow her around with them, keep her safe.

But there's a new part, one that he doesn't quite recognise yet but is trying it's hardest to rear its head. It's the part that makes him say this when Ellandra turns to him, through his own forced smile and slightly empty anger.

'I understand what Ca… what that woman means, Ellandra. Be… safe, if you need me I'll be back here, I promise. But… I'll be waiting for you when you come back. But if you need me, come looking for me, I'll be here, this spot, waiting.' It's a rather cliché romantic notion, to wait in a spot to see if your possible loved one will come, but this part, that stops him from socking Adrian, from nodding to them both once without feeling like he's an absolute wrench in their relationships content existence, that allows him to not cling to Ellandra in a way that causes her to feel smothered, is something that he will not know the name of till the right time. It's called 'maturity'. He hasn't got all of it yet, but it's start.


An ordeal's an ordeal and to say Lucinda's mind has been through one is possibly to undersell the exact nature of her journey from spoilt noble to heroic noble to comatic noble. But the fighting inside her head, maybe her soul has quietened, silence settled over her heart as well as her body now. Every so often, even with new guards surrounding her, her fingers begin to twitch; her eyelids seem to shiver with activity below them and her breathing even starting to deepen from a formerly shallow tone. The result of her inner turmoil is almost here and the answer is whether her eyes open soon or not.


Work's been good, somewhat. Forging weaponry is the sort of task where your focus can be diverted from the face you've had an emotional breakdown, feel useless and that you aren't up to your job. But then again, there's also the fact that those thoughts return after every weapons be forged, after the days done. So it's one day with a slight smile, an understanding nod and taking to a horse that Seilynda departs wondering what it's gonna take to just not feel like this, unaware an answer comes as her horse heads in another, uncertain direction. For now, atop her horse, Seilynda and a rather half-asleep Seilynda at that, slumps for a while as her horse clops along, registering slightly a towering building and a sort of beautiful, glowing semi-sphere ahead and it is here that her answer as yet unsaid is awaiting her arrival.


The day is dawning and with a yawn, a woman rubs her hand through her hair. Alright, so it's not exactly the morning per-say but with a glance around her, her 'mission' still ahead of her, Giselle stretches as she exits her inn room, dressed once more but adjusting her top lightly, glancing outside a moment. The dawning sun, well, rising sun as it's always rising, really looks rather beautiful. Yet that's not the main focus, even though the other day with Arcen and Aduien has been making her think. Bonds between others isn't really something she's been having with her family since, well, a long time to sum up. So she wonders for a moment, stepping down the stairs, soon smiling with a wink to the inn-owner as she steps outside, into the still rather empty street, what it means to have a bond as close as that particular brother and sister.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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Hanguing her head low as she scurried away, she shook it at Zwool's words. "Oh god... is he rebounding so hard... so fast?" A smile crept up her face as she held her head, rubbing an itch. "I just... OK, whatever. I suggest we find some sort of fast transportation, a caravan or horses would work." Wish I had a pet dragon... who knows, maybe the universe has some amazing presents in store for me? Lost in thought she began to mumble to herself. "Yeah that'd... be kinda cool... no worries, I'd have so much respect and..." Head bobbing side to side, Carrion was trying as hard as she could to forget what all she just saw, preferring to just go do what had to be done and not have to deal with all this needless drama. "Oh well... beggars can't be choosers."

Arcen and Aiduen

He showered and changed his clothes, she waited. Not a big deal here, folks.

Burnt man and Pretty boy

"So what if that devil killed my friend? You're not killing her which makes you even worse than her! Give me a good reason aside from money to not kill a demon!" Red in the face, he was going hysterical at this point. MEANWHILE, mister pretty boy didn't even hear the man's masochistic claim, instead opting to try and shove the dagger down the man's throat and twist it as much as possible. "Come on! SQUEEEAL for me!"


"Do not worry, child. None can traverse rocky terrain like I can." Bounding up the side of the mountain, he found a suitable ledge they could use for rest. "This should do. Take as much time as you need. The sun is still out, so it shouldn't be too cold for the time being. I'll keep watch." He knelt down so Asviel could dismount safely. "I'm always amazed by humans, able to do so much with your tiny frames... So much potential, potential I wish I still possessed."

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That's a good girl... she can't be evil, there's... there's just no way... Reynor was fading in and out of consciousness as he watched Lunaria rush over to the two girls. Maybe I'll get saved after all? That'd be nice...

The Girls

Beatrice and Alison were relaxing next to a small fire, not really paying attention to anything outside of themselves, as Beatrice heard footsteps in the sand. Sword halfway out of her sheath, she stopped, as an out of breath girl begged them to help someone. Someone they knew. "Please... save Reynor. He's badly hurt!" Alison looked wide eyed at her for a moment, before looking past the girl and gasping at the limp form of Reynor along the beach. She brought a hand to her mouth and grabbed her staff, rushing over as quickly as her stumpy legs could carry her. Beatrice put her sword back, but kept her hand on the hilt. "Alright. You, who are you? And why is Reynor that badly hurt?" If you've hurt him, so help me... Alison had finally reached him, and was already healing him, the wound closing itself up and popping the arrow right out. It was up to Reynor to stay alive, now.

The Boys

Alfred was tired of this man's ramblings, having nothing else to say to him, and not wanting to deal with his blocked off ears. Feeling that another death would be pointless, he kicked the man in the face as hard as he could muster, knocking him back. "A pity..." He almost felt bad for the burnt man.

Jake, on the other hand, had dropped his sword and was desperately trying to stop this man from driving a knife into his throat, still smiling. As much as he enjoyed pain, dying meant that he wouldn't be able to feel it anymore, so that was out of the question. Instead, knife close enough to his face, he slid his cheek along the blade, causing him to start bleeding profusely from the cheek. "Yeah! YEAH! That's what I want, that's what I NEED!" Give me more pain!" He knocked his head into the man's, hoping to get enough time to dive for his sword, and regain the battle.


About to exit the room, too worried about Noel and Langley to let his shyness get in the way of himself, when he heard a quiet knock at the door. Must be Langley, he thought, walking to the door, she's probably worried after I rushed off, like that. But when he heard Noel's voice, his hand stopped at the door knob, letting him listen. And what she said was making him smile, albeit while blushing. So she's not upset or anything... not that I thought she would be, just glad she's not. "Hey, N-Noel...? You should get some rest, still." His sheepish voice spoke through the door, wondering if he should've opened it. Nahhh... this'll be fine. I think. I hope she doesn't barge in, herself... Suddenly Andy was wishing he'd stayed on the bed, away from the door.


There's not much he can do but smirk at her as she makes her claim. Kid, I doubt your bravado, but I applaud the attempt. He was dressed, and with nothing to do. He figured that Carrie would freak out a bit, if he wasn't there when she left the shower, so he laid back down on the bed, and decided to relax a bit longer.


Adrian nodded in agreement to Carrion, not wanting to talk about it that much. It's just Zwool, we're done with him, let him be someone else's problem. The less I have to see or even hear of him, the better... "Hmm? Yeah, horses. Well, for the amount of people we have, a caravan would be best. Do we have enough gold for that? I haven't been paying attention to it since we got some back in Pravna... ha ha..." Geez, we honestly might not have enough gold. Maybe we can get a caravan from the magus guy, then. But wouldn't we owe him even more, then? Geez... Carrion hadn't said anything to his suggestion. She seemed to not be paying attention at all, as he glanced down at her. The heck is she blathering about? "Oh well... beggars can't be choosers." "Beggars can't be choosers about what, Carrion?" He was intrigued now, wanting to know what she'd been on about, as they made their way down to the gates.

Edited by seph1212
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'Very well. Then you are going to have to regale me with the life and times of Ken Van Liro."

He laughed, he'd spent much of his life studying and praying, there wouldn't be too much to tell.

"I'm afraid parts of it may not be very interesting, but I would be happy to share my stories. Is it possible that Obelia has a past too?"



The larger women waddled over to Reynor, hopefully to help him. The angry looking one put her sword away and approached Lunaria.

"Alright. You, who are you? And why is Reynor that badly hurt?"

"My name is Lunaria... there are some very bad people who were trying to hurt us! They started and they... Reynor..."

She couldn't hold back the tears, she fell to her knees and began bawling.

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... ...


... hey... my leg's not bleeding anymore? So I'm either dead, or... He opened an eye, which was enough of a sign to prove that he was still alive, though still weak from all the blood loss. He propped himself up on one arm, managing to roll over onto his back. Alison was there, smiling, almost bawling. She never was one for this kinda stuff... wonder what made her choose to be a cleric? Leaning his head back, he could make out Lunaria's outline, and the only other person there had to be Beatrice. Don't be hard on her, Bea... you don't know what she's capable of.


"My name is Lunaria... there are some very bad people who were trying to hurt us! They started and they... Reynor..." She seemed to be in a pretty bad way, and her crying was enough to stop Beatrice's worrying. She knelt down to the girl, and tried her best to smile. "Well then, it's a good thing you helped bring him back here." She looked over at Alison, who waved. Bea knew that was a good sign. "See? He's still alive. Because you helped him. So... don't cry, alright?" Suddenly, something clicked in her mind. It made her smile fade a little, but she wasn't about to freak out. Having Lunaria realize what she was thinking would probably end badly. Slow down, Bea... who is this girl? She said her name was Lunaria? And she's got pink ha... this is the girl we were sent for, isn't it? She's the witch going around killing everyone? No... that's impossible. She's just... she's just a girl.

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