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Let's Play FE: Corrupt Theocracy

The Blind Archer

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If only we could say the same of the Makai Kingdom.

Take a shot

I can't get out of italics. Anyway, I'm pretty sure a negative reference does not a reference make.


Apparently Nomads are never in tribes...

From there we... go right to chapter select? Really? That's it? Where's the betrayal? Who betrayed who, just now? I didn't see any backstabbing happen! On the other hand, maybe the title wasn't referring to a betrayal within the plot... maybe the intent was to betray my expectations with the ending. It was short, uninformative, didn't reveal any secrets we already knew about, and Eliwood didn't give the boss any money! This is so deep... I feel utterly deceived right n- oh, right, it's done.

The betrayal was the glitch. Or not having a betrayal.

Edited by Blue Mars
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i hope i can produce a hack better then this...

also in the unwinnable part...if you think THATS bad...it gets ALOT WORSE later on, with probley the worst example being the final chapter in which two "uber" units that are suppost to join to make it easier...don't appear due to terrible coding...

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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