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[FE8] The Decision...... Draft


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Yeah you will. Because fliers.

I would lose an FE10 draft Starring Haar in the state I'm in.

EDIT: ha ha ha motherfucking goddammit. I forgot there are no chest keys in chapter 8 and didn't save the one from 5x. No Elysian Whip for me.

8: 10 turns clear = 70 turns total

And now Vanessa won't fucking promote until CORMAG. She'd be promoting right now otherwise. Congratulations on your very probable victory, Horace.

EDIT: I'm seriously pondering scrapping this whole draft and restarting so I can keep that chest key ;/

EDIT2: Yeah, I'm killing this and starting over. Falconessie would help WAY too much in C9, let alone future ones.

Edited by Integrity
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P: 3 turns clear = 3 turns total

that's right no fucking bullshit rng abuse

1: 5 turns clear = 8 turns total

this fucking eirika has rolled str every single fucking level holy shit

2: 6 turns clear = 14 turns total

holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit

3: 8 turns clear = 22 turns total

are you fucking kidding me eirika how are you doing this this is stupid


4: 8 turns clear = 30 turns total

# Integrity


# Integrity


# Integrity


# JBCWKitty

has left the room

# Integrity

eirika has 13 str at level 13

# shadowofkitty


# shadowofkitty


# Spectakitty


# Integrity

that's four point fucking two points blessed

5: 7 turns clear = 37 turns total

Eirika was ONE FUCKING TURN from a 6 turns clear but I got all the loot and Joshua.

5x: 8 turns clear = 45 turns total

got the extra chest key ANYWAY.

6: 3 turns clear = 48 turns total

Nessie hit the sweet spot to 1RKO the loldiers with Javelins and profited from that on the Fort. Some unnecessary crits ensued on the Fighters and shit.

7: 4 turns clear = 52 turns total


8: 13 turns clear = 65 turns total

Elysian Whip cost me 3 turns but I got it for fuck's sake. It'll shave more than 3 in the coming chapters.

9: 11 turns clear = 76 turns total

Forgot about all the frakkin' archers everywhere. Still, got both the villages. Amelia died.

10: 3 turns clear = 79 turns total

The right Archer by the boss does some WEIRD shit like not using his Ballista. Consistently.

11: 9 turns clear = 88 turns total

Tana and Lute w/ Unlock south, Nessie right, Eirika and Moulder floated around the spawn for reinforcements. Seth's Silver Lance was finally put to good use.

12: 11 turns clear = 99 turns total

I KNOW I can do this faster, but I'm not willing to pour the resets into it.

13: 2 turns clear = 101 turns total


Suck it, Aais. Horrible picture, but that's a 25. SO glad I dumped Ewan's Energy Ring on Nessie.

14: 10 turns clear = 111 turns total

The bane of flying teams: close quarters with no room to maneuver. Still, did fairly well overall (nessie moved full or full-1 each turn; how the fuck did you pull 8?) and hit the shop and got CAN RECK.

Now to eat dinner and figure out how the fuck to kill caellach.

EDIT: Okay, Lute has SHIT durability but can double him with Thunder for decent damage.

15: 6 turns clear = 117 turns total

Excuse me, I'm going to go cry for a while.


I forgot the Swiftsoles. FUCK. Oh well.

Okay. Had a state on Turn 6 (cause dinner :D) with Colm IN MOVEMENT RANGE of the Swiftsoles. How dumb am I. Got the Swiftsoles, cleared again at 6 turns.

16: 6 turns clear = 123 turns total


Fun Fact: I accidentally sold Moulder's Guiding Ring. Also, Moulder HASN'T PROCCED ANY MAGIC YET.

17: 3 turns clear = 126 turns total

Impossible to get any faster without Warp or Tethys. Myrrh actually got the kill on Lyon. N'aww.

18: 7 turns clear = 133 turns total

Whee. I do enjoy this chapter.

19: 2 turns clear = 135 turns total

Nessie with Boots is fantactular. One use of Rescue avoided me having to abuse a ~10% Javelin crit on one of four shots - not *terribly* unreasonable, I suppose, but. Also hit up the Secret Shop for a Ring for Mulder.

20: 3 turns clear = 138 turns total


F-1: 3 turns clear = 141 turns total


F-2: 2 turns clear = 143 turns total

Had I remembered to repair Rescue, I could have 1-turned it. Instead of mourning, I took the extra turn to finish Mortii with a Tana-fueled Triangle Attack. Good night, stats tomorrow.

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14: 10 turns clear = 111 turns total

The bane of flying teams: close quarters with no room to maneuver. Still, did fairly well overall (nessie moved full or full-1 each turn; how the fuck did you pull 8?) and hit the shop and got CAN RECK.

Now to eat dinner and figure out how the fuck to kill caellach.

I'm assuming you're talking to me. Garcia got a crit on the boss, and I have Tethys.

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Tethys. That whore. Yep, everything makes sense.


143 turns total clear

That loses to Horace by two turns. One from not abusing the burn -> critfest Prologue, and one from Chapter 5. THERE. I JUSTIFIED IT.

Still, it was a fairly-won match by that Canuck, so three cheers.

EIRIKA - 157B, 107W

Eirika horribly raped everything she touched for the first fourteen chapters of the game. At her height, she was five points STR blessed. God bless her. Promoted at a solid 20.

EPHRAIM - 34B, 21W

Man, the other twin gets fucked no matter how you do it. Ephraim less so, because he's still good at level 15 in chapter 16. Promoted at around 15.

TANA - 113B, 54W

Tana contributed in about a half-dozen chapters over the game. My biggest mistake was promoting her to Wyvern Knight instead of Falcoknight, since it took away my ability to proc Triangle Attacks with my only PK with actual Strength. Oh well. Promoted to WK at about 15.

VANESSA - 295B, 186W

Nessie overcame a slow start and then flew up to becoming my entire facking team by the end of it all. Seriously. Nobody else except the twins and Myrrh were worth two shits by Endgame. Promoted to FK at 13, IIRC.

LUTE - 105B, 76W

Lute actually contributed well more than Tana over the course of the game. Her durability was ass for the whole run (25HP at /9), but at least she put out decent damage consistently when I needed it. Promoted to MK the instant she hit 10.


I am not joking - this is my perfectly serious face - this motherfucker NEVER ROLLED FUCKING MAGIC. When I promoted him, he had FOUR. After the +2 from promotion, he had SIX. I'm looking at it RIGHT NOW, he has SIX.


This shit is RETARDED. I'm not even sure if his lack of Physic/Rescue range cost me a turn anywhere in particular, BUT STILL. Promoted to Bishop at 11 or 12 right after I bought him a new Ring.

RENNAC - 26B, 12W

Rennac is sorta useless. He's a decentish fighter (Syrene-grade) with Killing Edges, I guess. And he opened one - no, wait, he didn't.

KNOLL - 14B, 8W

INSTANT PROMOTION FODDER. Actually promoted to Summoner at 11 after nuking TWO UNITS on HIS OWN.


These guys did some EPIC distraction, up to and including a Dracozombie off of Myrrh and saving Syrene's ass and shaving a turn on the Eggs chapter. I love them.

MYRRH - 13B, 9W

And she still got to nuke the fuck out of Lyon.

SYRENE - 16B, 11W

I wish Syrene was good. I really do, because she's REALLY hot.


Drafting Tana and Syrene for lulz in the second round fucked me, plain and simple. I think had I built a real team, I could have shaved a lot of turns overall. That said, look at what Vanessa can do for turns total essentially on her own, with no Tethys and piss-poor backup.

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Dont ban vanessa :(.

I don't see the sense in banning Franz but not Vanessa, still. Franz may be better (still not convinced, but I'll say it for now) but the gap between the two of them is nowhere near as large as between Nessie and second place.

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Franz is much more broken than vanessa. Either way, none of the 2 should be banned. Vanessa was proven beatable with garcia by general_horace. Franz is probably also beatable. If he isnt he should be banned. Also, what if that small "gap" between vanessa and franz is the difference between being beatable and unbeatable? Should they both be banned?

Edited by PegKnightLover
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The only reason I was able to beat Integ was Tethys. Now if Integ had Tethys and Vanessa, it would have been no contest. I shouldn't have got her 4th round.

I would be willing to do a run with my team (or Integ's team with Franz as a first pick) to see if he saves many more turns early on. I really don't think he saves that much more than Garcia, IMO. And my Garcia was pretty average.

Edited by General_Horace
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Franz is much more broken than vanessa. Either way, none of the 2 should be banned. Vanessa was proven beatable with garcia by general_horace. Franz is probably also beatable. If he isnt he should be banned. Also, what if that small "gap" between vanessa and franz is the difference between being beatable and unbeatable? Should they both be banned?

...did you miss how the rest of my team was absolute shit besides Nessie?

EDIT: Or maybe you missed my complaining about how I was rusty at all this and still lost by two turns.

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Ban Tethys. Jk dont flame >_>.

@Integ- i feel like vanessa and franz should be tested more extensively before we can truly say theyre autowin. And u being rusty doesnt matter, u had 2 runs. So u knew ur way around in ur 2nd one. And lets face it once ur main unit promotes, be it franz vanessa garcia or joshua, the game is super easy to lowturn.

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Ban Tethys. Jk dont flame >_>.

@Integ- i feel like vanessa and franz should be tested more extensively before we can truly say theyre autowin. And u being rusty doesnt matter, u had 2 runs. So u knew ur way around in ur 2nd one. And lets face it once ur main unit promotes, be it franz vanessa garcia or joshua, the game is super easy to lowturn.

Yeah, I picked all my skill back up in those eight chapters. Silly me.

And believe me, kid, I've written essays on these forums as to why Vanessa has a distinct advantage over everybody else except maybe Franz. It *has* been argued about and researched.

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Screw it, I'm replacing Garcia with Franz on my team, and doing a run, and seeing how much my turncount differs. I don't think it will be any more than 5 turns.

Prologue - 2/2 Turns


Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns

All Franz does here is increase Eirika's survival chances.

Eirika      04.46    17   6    8    11   7    3    2   D Sword
Franz       02.46    21   7    6    8    3    7    1   D Lance E Sword

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Im still not convinced vanessa or franz should be banned. But im going to stop here. Ive never played an SS draft before so i really am in no position to talk.

Edit- if tethys+franz/vanessa is the problem. Maybe make a rule that whoever gets either one cant draft tethys. Or is that too arbitrary/unenforceable?

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Chapter 2 - 5/12 Turns

Eirika has the best offence on this map by far, and can do a 5 turn all by her lonesome, so Franz didn't save a turn here either.

Eirika      06.45    18   6   10    13   8    3    3   D Sword
Franz       03.83    22   7    6    8    3    7    1   D Lance E Sword

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Over in the Eirika route draft Jannisary took Franz 1st and i got Vanessa 2nd and i beat him by over 30 turns.

Tethys was free and warp was allowed.

Its pretty obvious that Vanessa>Franz, and based off this draft, Tethys is a close 3rd.

Banning these characters doesnt make sense. Instead the draft order should be changed to 1,2,3,4 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1....

That way, whoever gets the 1st 2 picks will get a weaker supporting cast. And Tethys should stay free for all.

Well, thats my opinion on this subject.

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Banning these characters doesnt make sense. Instead the draft order should be changed to 1,2,3,4 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1....

That way, whoever gets the 1st 2 picks will get a weaker supporting cast. And Tethys should stay free for all.

This ...is a peculiar solution that I admit I've never heard. I don't hate it.

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Instead the draft order should be changed to 1,2,3,4 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1 4,3,2,1...

I disagree with this. If first and second picks are auto-win, the supporting cast doesn't matter and as such this fixes nothing. If the first and second picks aren't auto-win, then third and forth are now indisputably better slots, which should be avoided at all costs, so it still fixes nothing.

The winner should not be determined by who gets what pick. Something should be done, but changing the draft order isn't it.

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Its not that they are auto-win, its just that Vanessa and Franz are way above everyone else, Vanessa moreso than Franz. Honestly i think Franz is way over-hyped...

Another thing is that there are 8 rounds to SS drafts and in the 8th round then draft order ends up being 1,2,3,4. This leaves the 3rd and 4th drafters with the worst possible units. Marrisa being the absolute worst since her recruitment is retarded, and thus whoever gets stuck with her basically gets only 7 draft picks.

There are several things i can think of to help balance the draft order but as it stands now the 1st 2 picks are too valuable.

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