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[FE8] The Decision...... Draft


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1. Would banning lord rescue for Franz/Vanessa help the situation?

Not sure. It would definitely weaken Vanessa, but I'm not as sure about Franz.

2. What about delaying promotion for those two until you get both twins? Or do they break things so early that it doesn't matter?

Vanessa doesn't need to be promoted to ferry people, although it would hurt Franz quite a bit.

3. Require a Tower Clear, and add those turns to the total. (No retreating once you enter until you clear the entire tower). You could also possibly do a Ruins clear after defeating the Demon King.

4. Allow/Force skirmishes as though they were gaiden chapters in the other games. (For example you could allow one skirmish after a certain chapter, but all others must be retreated from).

5. Franz and Vanessa both free or both given a penalty for being used. Alternatively you could have a pool of (Seth?), Franz and Vanessa, and each drafter could use one but not the rest.

I don't see how any of these solve anything, unfortunately. I'm against drafted units having a penalty to be deployed.

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Not sure. It would definitely weaken Vanessa, but I'm not as sure about Franz.

Vanessa doesn't need to be promoted to ferry people, although it would hurt Franz quite a bit.

So you have two potential solutions, one weakens Franz, one weakens Vanessa, which is what you want to archieve, so.... use both?

Alternatively, if Vanessa's major problem is chapter 7, why not just ban her/make her free for everyone in that one chapter?

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So you have two potential solutions, one weakens Franz, one weakens Vanessa, which is what you want to archieve, so.... use both?

Alternatively, if Vanessa's major problem is chapter 7, why not just ban her/make her free for everyone in that one chapter?

So what you're suggesting is banning Lord rescue with Vanessa and force Franz to promote later, correct?

I think that would hurt Vanessa moreso than Franz, but I am pretty unfamiliar with this game.

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Delaying Franz' promotion doesnt make sense because Kyle and Forde can promote pretty quickly.

I do like the idea of no Lord rescuing until after chapter 9 though.


your chapter 3 strategy says Franz dropped Eirika in front of the boss on turn 6. How could you clear it in 6 turns if it is a seize throne objective?

And in FINAL PART 2, Saleh cant move far enough to attack the DK. So how did he attack him twice? It is impossible to clear in 1 turn with your team.

Also you skipped chapter 17??

Edited by Hawk King
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your chapter 3 strategy says Franz dropped Eirika in front of the boss on turn 6. How could you clear it in 6 turns if it is a seize throne objective?

Typo. Broke the second wall on turn 3, rescued on turn 4, dropped on turn 5.

And in FINAL PART 2, Saleh cant move far enough to attack the DK. So how did he attack him twice? It is impossible to clear in 1 turn with your team.

Franz times 2, Eprhaim times one, Saleh Crit. Saleh was out of range on turn one, so he used the rescue staff on Tethys, and she danced him.

Also you skipped chapter 17??

It's in there now, three turns.

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 3 seems like a pretty risky/difficult strategy since Franz cant kill anything while rescuing and has a very good probability to die.

Ok, so with equal teams, Franz is better than Garcia by 15 turns. I would suggest you do another play with Vanessa for comparison but you are probably sick of the game after back to back playthroughs.

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Chapter 3 seems like a pretty risky/difficult strategy since Franz cant kill anything while rescuing and has a very good probability to die.

Ok, so with equal teams, Franz is better than Garcia by 15 turns. I would suggest you do another play with Vanessa for comparison but you are probably sick of the game after back to back playthroughs.

I could definately do one with Vanessa, I can't do any physical activity for two months anyhow. Chapter 3 was actually not too bad, as all the combat Franz faced while rescuing Eirika were an Archer (~4 damage) a steel axe fighter (which missed) and a hand axe fighter. I placed him just out of the Merc's range, so he wouldn't need to deal with him.

I'll try a run with Vanessa when I have a minute, but I think Franz's wins on a few chapters will prevail. (Namely chapter 8, as I will have to have Eirika or god forbid Ephraim kill Tirado, and get the whip.

It might be significantly more turns than Franz, as I built my team here assuming Garcia would solo the first half of the game (and more), something Vanessa cannot do directly.

Edited by General_Horace
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Since you're gonna be out for a while, can you experiment with some of those suggestions?

I think a whole other draft should try one of the better suggestions, I know for sure the rescuing one could be easily done by just looking back at my turncounts on chapters, and seeing where Franz rescued Eirika.

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I think a whole other draft should try one of the better suggestions, I know for sure the rescuing one could be easily done by just looking back at my turncounts on chapters, and seeing where Franz rescued Eirika.

I see. Promotional limits might be interesting! I'd definitely follow that draft (if I participate, it means I found my cartridge).

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Problem is, and unpromoted Franz still has 28 Atk with silver, and 24 with Killers, which is probably better than promoted Forde, and he will still double some stuff promoted Kyle won't get, and will have similar Atk anyhow until his chapter 15 promotion. It's just less of a win than before.

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Problem is, and unpromoted Franz still has 28 Atk with silver, and 24 with Killers, which is probably better than promoted Forde, and he will still double some stuff promoted Kyle won't get, and will have similar Atk anyhow until his chapter 15 promotion. It's just less of a win than before.

Will the lack of extra MOV be an issue? Hmmm. . .I'm still thinking of random ideas and whatnot. . .sorry. . .

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Oh, it's still a very valid idea, he's not ORKO'ing some bosses like he was before, and he isn't as invincible lategame. It's just he's still a first round pick, but it definately chops off some turns that he saves. Vanessa, not so much, unless you made the chapter 7 rescue-drop free.

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I'd definetely host a draft in which vanessa cant rescue drop til chapter 9 and franz cant promote til chapter 15. It'd be interesting. I was thinking of doing a ss draft anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't forget about this, don't worry.

Prologue - 3 turns

Screw RNG abuse and those of you who condone it.

Chapter 1 - 5/8 turns

Eirika doesn't use her full move on turn 3 so the pacifist Soldier doesn't block her way to the boss. I was pleased to learn that Eirika could ORKO him, so I could use the Player Phase to heal.

Chapter 2 - 6/14 turns

Vanessa rescues Ross and drops him on the Armory on turn 2 so Eirika could recruit him. I tried to feed him kills where I could, but his damage is pathetic. Eirika weakens the reinforcement Brigands low enough for Ross to kill them on turn 4, then gets in position to intercept the boss and the other Brigand turn 5. Eirika and Ross finish them on the Enemy Player Phase (Ross got the boss kill because he couldn't kill the other one).

Chapter 3 - 7/21 turns

Eirika needed to ORKO every Brigand she fought so they wouldn't get in her way. Ross stayed back to get EXP while Eirika charged the throne alone. 2 turns were saved by: Ross landing an ~57% on the Thief with the Hatchet allowing Eirika to move forward, and Eirika landing a crit on the boss allowing her to Seize a turn earlier.

Name	Level	HP  Pow Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika	08/--	20  08  09  14  10  06  03
Ross    Tr 05	18  07  04  04  10  04  01

Chapter 4 is daunting with only one and a half units. At least I get Joshua next chapter. Also, should I be worried that my Rapier only has 3 uses left?

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Chapter 4 is going to be really rough. I have no idea how Soul had a level 10 Ross at this point. Save the Rapier for Murray, and make sure you get the armourslayer for Tirado (unless Ross can take him on)

Edited by General_Horace
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I call bull on a level 10 Ross before Chapter 4 in a draft. I don't think that's possible without destroying your turncount.

I have Joshua, so I was planning to have him take on Tirado like I did last time, unless there's an obtainable Hammer before Chapter 8.

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Josh is probably a better bet, I think I just had Garcia beat on him with a Steel axe, so I don't think there is a hammer by that point.

Ok, I lied, I had Eirika kill him with the armourslayer.

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I have Ross in my FE8 draft and I can say for certain that it is impossible to have a level 10 ross by chapter 4. Just...no. I promoted him in chapter 7 iirc :/.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I have Ross in my FE8 draft and I can say for certain that it is impossible to have a level 10 ross by chapter 4. Just...no. I promoted him in chapter 7 iirc :/.

I'm definitely going to have him promoted after Chapter 4, since he's going to be soloing the top half of the map while Eirika handles the south.

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