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Serenes Forest Tavern


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I know I'm gonna regret this in the morning...

*starts unzipping pants*

-Gets Vietnam style flashbacks of the last time Fireman stripped-

The horror....

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*pays fireman 20000 gold*

come on, you know you want to.....

yay, strip partners!

*Sulks at the bar.*


So much for 'put your shirt on there are children in this tavern.'


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I know I'm gonna regret this in the morning...

*starts unzipping pants*

-Gets Vietnam style flashbacks of the last time Fireman stripped-

The horror....

And this is ensuring that i dont look at fox or bianchi.

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*Sulks at the bar.*


So much for 'put your shirt on there are children in this tavern.'


Oh yeah...I forgot about the children....

Well, I'm sure by now the children have either fled in terror or have passed out from shock....

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*Sulks at the bar.*


So much for 'put your shirt on there are children in this tavern.'


That was when you stripped.

Lulz, when I get drunk I turn into a jackass.

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Whut? No one except Lyle's looking at them anyway. It's Bianchi, a dude (fireman) and fox. Disturbing.....

:lol: *takes hands away from his eyes*

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Oh yeah...I forgot about the children....

Well, I'm sure by now the children have either fled in terror or have passed out from shock....


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dude your woman is stripping, at least YOU CAN LOOK. As for me..........

Oh cheer up MaSu your too drunk to care,

*is to drunk to care*

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dude your woman is stripping, at least YOU CAN LOOK. As for me..........

<_< She certainly isn't acting like my woman. She's been rejecting my advances all night, then she invites others to join her without so much as a hello.

*Drinks another scotch.*

Well, so much for drinking to celebrate.

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