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(FE10) Another another another RD draft


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:/. If I dont quit idk who to pick anyway. Now that I noticed herons arent free, its too complicated for me to decide who to pick @_@.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I tend to be more lenient in drafting topics but please try to make posts more substantial than this...Also, at first I thought you were joking about quitting, but if you're actually serious I'll point out that it's pretty rude to quit drafting in the middle, especially this one when you consider how long it took to get going.

EDIT: You edited, good.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Herons aren't free? I thought they were.

This. This is a relatable post to me. I could go on for pages on end about how I thought the same thing, but instead I'll just leave it at this.

Edited by Xanderdog
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As I just said to PKL. This kind of post is even specifically mentioned in the Code of Conduct:

Likewise, do not just quote another member and simply write "I agree", "quoted for truth", "no", etc. In these cases, make sure to at least explain why you agree or disagree.

I could suggest a unit to PKL, but I'll avoid doing so for now in case others think it's unfair.

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@ Lilmik- Oh ok lol that makes things easier. I still dont know who to pick though. Sorry for delaying this a bit :/.

Sorry Queenie, but Im taking Elincia since Marcia was picked. I feel like a pig now.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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