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(FE10) Another another another RD draft


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Will edit as I finish part 1.

1-P 5 turns

Micaiah got a level up from picking up scraps Edward left behind and Edward took the wrath kill on the boss on turn 5 after Micaiah weakened him out. Leo sat this one out.

1-1 5 turns

Really good strategy here, I surprised myself since I hadn't played this game in some months. I did my usual thing with Nolan blocking a chokepoint the first two turns and Micaiah took a Dracoshield on turn 1. My 3 available units worked together amazingly, and Nolan shoved the fighter out of the way on turn 3 while Micaiah moved up and Leonardo wandered around looking dazed and confused. On turn 4 Nolan moved in front of the hand axe fighter while Micaiah moved up and healed and Leonardo got the hand axe.

1-2 6 turns

Got the energy drop and Thani, props to Rfof's thread for giving me ideas on how to do this in 6 turns.

1-3 7 turns

Again credit to Rfof. I got the discipline too.

1-4 7 turns

Creds to Sho.

Edited by Xanderdog
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This game is so easy for me compared to SS. I feel like I can finish it in 3 days. 3 hours and 32 mins and Im already in part 3. D;

Part 2

Part 2 Prologue 8/8

Had Elincia solo the map. She unfortunately cant get the boss kill because she does 0 dmg :(.

Unit  Lv  Xp  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Support
Elincia  1  29  base

Chapter 2-1 6/14

My usual strat. I dont feel like explaining part 2 chapters.

Chapter 2-2 6+4/24

Nephenee was my free unit. Started by giving her javelins. Then watched her wrath a bunch of enemies though Lucia got the boss kill.Couldve been 5 if I were willing to waste bexp on lucy or neph.

Chapter 2-3 5/29

BEXP'd Geo one level and Astrid to 2.99. Gave Astrid the Killer Bow and Marcia takes a Hammer and a Killing Edge. Geoffrey rush. Astrid got a few kills here and there. The Geo level is so he can ORKO the boss with the brave lance.

Unit  Lv  Xp  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Support
Astrid  3  81  34  14  9  16  15  17  10  15

Part 2 Endgame 1/30

BEXP'd Elincia to 4.00. Marcia traded Lethe a Killing Edge and Hammer. Elincia moves gets vigored by Leanne then flies to a spot where the boss will be forced to attack from 1 range. She ORKO's on Enemy phase.

Unit  Lv  Xp  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Support
Elincia 4  48  36  22  17  21  25  31  18  25

Current turncount is 95.

That's it for today and for a while though. Tomorrow I have college again so I wont be able to play.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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1-5 6 turns

Aran and Micaiah got alot of good training this level. Leonardo is like level 5 or something meanwhile. Micaiah hit the double digits and Aran is around level 11.

1-6-1 4 turns

Too easy. Sothe got Adept and Micaiah Resolve. Micaiah went north while Aran Tauroneo (and Leonardo...who didn't do anything) cleared the center and Sothe went west.

1-6-2 2 turns

Standard strategy invented by Soul.

1-7 7 turns

I did this at 1 O clock last night and I thought to myself, I have Haar, I'm not redoing it. Oh well, I shouldn't be playing this game that late anyway.

1-8 4 turns

Aran got alot of bexp and was promoted with 16 AS post promotion (or 15, idr). Leonardo is level 7 or something and Micaiah is a beast. Sothe got Celerity while Vika got my Energy Drop and bexp to level 15 followed by a Wrath scroll. Aran got Adept and he already had a forge with quite a bit of crit. Vika got into wrath range on turn 1 by moving into the boss and the wyvern knight's ranges. She then killed the Wyvern and cantoed back to get the brigands moving into the swamp. Micaiah went west to deal with the large hord of enemies and Aran went South while Leonardo didn't do anything. Sothe went on his usual east then south treck. On turn 2 Micaiah was vigored by Rafiel to get into range of the first enemy from the west, while Vika killed a brigand, and Aran and Sothe did their things. Sothe OHKOd everyone on the map except Brigands.

1-9 4 turns

Credit to Rfof.

1-E 6 turns

Sothe got Pass and Ilyana got Celerity and Aran got Paragon. An explanation was asked for and one shall be received. On turn 1 Vika grassed up while I killed the fighter and Rafiel vigored Micaiah, vika, BK, and Sothe. Aran and Leonardo ganged up on a soldier to weaken him out pretty badly and Micaiah used her newly gained move to finish him off. Vika took another Olivi Grass and moved up out of range of the archers, a couple squares behind BK. Next turn Micaiah moved next to Vika who transformed and carried her up the ledge and dropped Micaiah off under an armor. Sothe was vigored and followed them up. Aran and Leo moved up the bottom ledge while BK moved closer so he could get up to the second ledge next turn, and Volug stayed out of harm. Micaiah finished off a Mage on the top ledge next turn and was rescued by Vika after Sothe moved up the ledge and killed a mage. Rafiel moved up and vigored Vika, who moved up and shoved Sothe. BK moved up the ledge, and Leonardo and Aran did too (they just battled the reinforcements on the bottom level, so I'll leave them out from now on). Next turn Sothe killed the Longbow archer guy and Vika moved up next to Sothe. The following turn Sothe broke down the door while Vika dropped Micaiah off into Sothe's support range. The following turn Vika got a critical I didn't need (inb4 shitstorm. I could have just had Sothe get the kill like I'd planned) and then Sothe killed the speedwing holding thief as Micaiah seized.

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Do you guys think part 3 is possible to low turn with just Ike and Mia?

Edit @ Xander- ill be looking forward to ur explanation of 1-endgame. Not doubting u or anything but 6 turns doesnt look that plausible with ur team. Unless Vika can ferry BK or something.

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Do you guys think part 3 is possible to low turn with just Ike and Mia?

Not to low turn, but you could probably pull around average turncounts with them.

So any advice on whether to take or leave Heather and her pass?

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Vika's pretty amazing for a late round pick. As for whether or not to get Pass, I'd say go for it since you're not completing that chapter before she appears anyway without lots of reset abuse, and it's pretty helpful in 3-3 if you didn't ferry the DB's one.

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Vika's pretty amazing for a late round pick. As for whether or not to get Pass, I'd say go for it since you're not completing that chapter before she appears anyway without lots of reset abuse, and it's pretty helpful in 3-3 if you didn't ferry the DB's one.

Alright, I don't remember how Soul did it in 4 turns or how I did it in 5 so I can't really do that anyway. Anyone have a turn by turn for 4 turns? I'd like to see how many resets it would likely be. If not I'll just settle for whatever I can get.

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I believe Nephenee has to land a 3% crit on an Armor for a 4 turn clear, but I could be mistaken.

You are. I know now a 4 turn is possible now as all Nephenee has to do is double the armor and dodge one attack on turn 1. I went for 6 turns though and got Heather.

Edit: You're thinking of a 3 turn clear in which that would have to happen.

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Ugh, I'm so busy these days! I'm gonna do my best to play as much, but I don't think I'll finish anytime soon.

1-Chapter 4


-Capped off a level of BEXP to Miccy

-Sold some stuff

-Forged a MAX MT/CRIT+a bit of HIT Iron Axe called <<Bandit Axe>> for Nolan

-Gave Discipline to Miccy

-Gave Cancel to Nolan

-Bought Beast Killer+a Bronze Knife for Sothe

First, Sothe cleared the closest enemies while Nolan chokepointed the south door with Miccy chipping behind him. Then, the boss to the left went straight to Nolan, and he rewarded him with a nice critical, 1HKOing him :).Sothe went to the left to get the 3000 gold. Then, the merry gang rejoined together with Sothe taking the Seraph Robe while Nolan and Miccy clearing the few ennemies remaining.

Unit		Lvl HP  Str Spd Mag Skl Lck Def Res
Micaiah		 10 17   03  10  13  11  16  03  12
Nolan             15 33   15  13  02  17  11  12  05 

Ugh.Miccy is pretty bad, she won't even be able to double with Resolve. Nolan is great,like usual. I'm not even gonna log Sothe's stats, considering he has crappy growths and he'll gain maximum 6 or 7 levels during part 1.

10 turns

1-Chapter 5


-Gave the Seraph Robe to Miccy

-Forged a MAX MT/CRIT+a bit of HIT Iron Knife for Sothe.

While Miccy went in a corner to protect herself, Sothe and Nolan cleared most of the ennemies in front of them. Then, Sothe went up the ledge while Nolan and Miccy went south to rejoin with Tauroneo's group. Damn guys, I don't know for you, but Jill'AI in this chapter is SOOO stupid in this chapter! I'm not gonna log stats, because surprisingly, nor Miccy or Nolan gained a level!

6 turns

Turns until now: 46

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1-5 in 8 turns? O_O U arent that terrible that u can prolong chapters. :awesome: Jk, lol Im just saying thats impossible because the chapter ends in 6...

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Opinions on 3 turning 3-1 while spending most of my resources on Titania and a free unit? With penalties of course it comes to 7 turns.

Edit: I got both the Blue Gem and Seraph Robe if that makes any difference

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Thats a really smart plan ;w; I can 3 turn that map I didn't know that.

Yep, but you'll have to take a penalty too unless Rhys can get 22 AS by that chapter.

Also @PKL I imagine it can't be that hard to position her, I got 8 turns without Jill once, so with her and her flight it should be easier. Just fly through the swamp on the right hand side while Sothe goes north with a Rescued Micaiah, Beast Killer and Resolve is what I'd do.

Edit @Elincia you can 4 turn it without any penalties I just remembered, I can pm you the strategy if you need it. Also I need more opinions on whether I should keep my 3-1.

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