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Disciples of Tysannir - Chapter One


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"When I last saw him, the teacher had instructed us to return to our separate locker rooms. If he did this, then he clearly did not remain there for long. I would suspect that he would go where others of his own kind would go, probably to celebrate as he believes himself to succeed." said Elizabeth before she bent down beside Zilliana. Carefully she picked up a piece of the broken locker with her fingertips, holding it like a rat by the tail, her nose wrinkled up in disgust.

"Ms. Zilliana, how much did this stuff cost? I'll pay to replace it, and I'll share my locker with you until you get a new one. For now, we should report this to what security the school has. In case we are wrong in our assumption."

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"Meh. This school is supposed to instill a sense of unity amongst ourselves. Unfortunately we have those willing to potentially put others in harms way for their own agenda. That's exactly the kind of attitude that brought upon the Time of Oblivion in the first place!" Ayse was not pissed at Elizabeth anymore, but at Alderhein as he stated his opinion on the matter. He nodded at Elizabeth and David; At least the former knew to help someone in a bad way and the latter knew that the previous troublemaker couldn't just get off the hook like he thought he did.

An announcement then aired over the P.A. systems all around the school and the dorms. “Students of Tysannir University, please come to the school auditorium for information in regards to the upcoming summit and the representatives chosen for the school in a half an hour. Teachers of Tysannir, please see me beforehand. That is all.”

Ayse noted that it wasn’t the voice of the usual faculty but instead the somewhat tired voice of Trent Bristrow, the dean of the university. That didn’t exactly bode well for everyone. He normally didn’t make any announcements unless there was something that was vital to discuss. There was something important that he wanted to convey there about the upcoming summit, Ayse was sure of it. Letting out a sigh he got ready to once again head out of the locker room, this time to the university's auditorium along with the other students.

"Hey, we may as well seek out stupid while everyone's heading to the assembly. Seems like a prime opportunity to confront him with the teachers out of the way. We can't take too long however...Dean Bristrow will have our heads if he realizes that we weren't at the assembly due to this."

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Zilliana smiled at Lizy gratefully. Oh that's awfully nice of her... maybe she isn't as much of a prick I though. "I'll tell ya later Miss. Thanks for the offer, bu-" She was cut off by the P.A..The Dean? Really? Oh dear... this must be important... "Um, I think we should go to the assembly, it must be pretty important if the Dean himself is making the announcement..." Zill half pleaded, looking nervous at the entire concept, grabbing a screwdriver that was salvageable and pocketing it with the rest of her gear. I wonder if this summit really is so important...

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"...She's right. No point in drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves. Besides, we need to find out what the dean wants." There was something more important that would have to be discussed, so it was indeed a better idea to head straight to the assembly. Besides, they could always tell the dean about what happened, as he was a stickler for the rules and swiftly has those who endanger the student body punished. Wouldn't be as satisfying as getting their hands dirty though, so to speak.


The students of Tysannir University eagerly took their seats in the somewhat expansive auditorium of the school as they waited for the assembly to begin. The majority of the student body had been anxious about Trent being the announcer as well; it seemed Ayse had a valid point about that after all, he mused as he scanned the area. The painters of the auditorium had used strategic shades of red with yellow highlights against a wooden floor to give the room a somewhat classy appearance. Not that he had a whole lot of time for observations, as the dean of Tysannir finally entered the auditorium, standing at the center podium occupying the stage.

Trent Bristrow was a short, stout man in his mid fifties. He wore a suit with the symbol of the school emblazoned on its upper left side along with matching fedora. He was known for being a fair person; strict and unrelenting, but fair. “It has recently come to my attention that unknown assailants have set themselves upon the Japanese Tysannir school branch in regards to extracting information out of them regarding the possible whereabouts of the Ethereal Ones. There’s also been talk of this possibly occurring in other school branches around the world, therefore we are going to be doing things a little differently this year regarding the amount of representatives that are chosen for the summit. In addition, I will be the one representing the school staff.”

The student body was quietly and anxiously chatting with one another. Were they going to be the next target for said unknown group? There was now the question of the students safety to be discussed...Also, who was to say that nothing would happen at the summit if Mr. Bristrow felt it necessary to attend it? After all, there were a significant number of strategic targets there, even if security there certainly was stronger than at a prison...

Ayse turned to his right, looking at the few students he interacted with today. "Man...things are worse than we thought. I bet Dean Bristrow makes some changes to our school schedule as well..."

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"Someone attacked the Japanese branch?" Elizabeth raised her hand to her mouth to cover the shocked look on her face as she heard the news. Who could have dared to attempt such a thing? Even though magic was powerful and weapons had become common-place, to take out a school was a impressive feat. The Oxford branch, though light on the students in comparison to the other branches, had still been a building of which attacking would be suicidal for anything less than a large group or a very strong magician. The sheer number of students would be enough to qualify as a full battalion in of itself, ignoring the magic training and advanced weapons use that many of the senior students had. Elizabeth assumed that the Japanese branch would have had the same degree of power.

"I would wager that it is some group with a grudge against the school." she said aloud, largely to herself. "Such an assault would be suicidal without enough numbers, and even then, pointless without enough determination."

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"Um..." Zilliana looked over to her compatriots, looking rather confused. "I'm kinda new, could someone care to translate his Official to English for me?" She inquired... Though... hmm, judging from everyones reactions, it seems whatever official jargon he spewed out was pretty important... or bad... something... I just wish I could pick it all out clearly...

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Ayse turned to Zilliana. “Japan’s Tysannir school branch was attacked and there’s the possibility of that happening in other places as well, like at this school branch for example. That means there’s going to be a small number of students representing the student body at the upcoming summit most likely. Some people are going to get shafted, but I’d be more worried about what might happen in the future...”

The dean then redirected his audience’s attention back to him via usage of the interference generated by his microphone, along with a glare meaning that he was now quite serious. “Now I can assure you that we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure your safety on these school grounds and off of them.We will not sit idle and let these...extremists have their way with us. I will personally execute them myself before the situation degenerates to that sort of scenario. Now...”

He then cleared his throat as he got ready to announce the representatives selected from the student body. “Those selected to accompany me during the summit are David Brenshaw, Elizabeth McDoogle, Ayse Hayes, and Zilliana Heartsell. After the assembly is over I want to see you all in my office to prepare you for your trip tomorrow. The rest of you should take the next day to train for your upcoming finals; I will be moving then one day back to compensate for the summit. You all might not like the changes that are going to occur but you’re just going to have to deal with it for the time being. That concludes this assembly. Dismissed.”

As Ayse walked amongst those selected for the assembly he shook his head. “Man...Mr. Bristrow really gave us a fair bit to chew on. We can definitely say bye-bye to any outdoor classes and one-on-one tutoring, and hello curfew, stricter teachers and increased security. It isn’t going to help the morale of those who by a change of events were unable to attend the summit, especially the more envious of the lot. This is definitely going to be a pain to deal with, but I guess it’s necessary.”

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"Mr Hayes." said Elizabeth, having come down from her seat to join with the other people who had also been selected. "Doesn't it strike you as odd that we were chosen by name? It wasn't as if they picked the entire class or that this is a huge ceremony where such behavior would be proper. They wanted us specifically and I can't figure out why. Are we meant as body guards? I have never engaged in such activity before and my sword skills are not that exceptional as to qualify for that. I only managed a four out of five today on the targets after all."

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Zill kept quite, following behind the group wearily, uncertain of what to do or say... or heck even think. She wasn't even old enough to enroll properly to the school, they were currently just sheltering her, and giving her some private lessons... nothing... official, why would they select her? Why? She muttered something about this as they walked.... nothing loud, but it might draw a little attention.

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Those selected to accompany me during the summit are David Brenshaw, Elizabeth McDoogle, Ayse Hayes, and Zilliana Heartsell. After the assembly is over I want to see you all in my office to prepare you for your trip tomorrow.

David sat there in his seat, a bit stunned. "What the hell...?" He turned to his newfound companions, mostly by fate, but companions nonetheless.

"Doesn't it strike you as odd that we were chosen by name? It wasn't as if they picked the entire class or that this is a huge ceremony where such behavior would be proper. They wanted us specifically and I can't figure out why. Are we meant as body guards? I have never engaged in such activity before and my sword skills are not that exceptional as to qualify for that. I only managed a four out of five today on the targets after all." David looked to Elizabeth, shaking his head.

"If the dean was planning on picking bodyguards he wouldn't pick four kids with barely any experience, even if we showed promise in our classes, which, from the duel between Ayse and myself, probably isn't that true." His voice lowered. "This is much more than that."

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Ayse turned to Elizabeth, and had a somewhat perplexed look on his face before he spoke to her. He wasn’t quite sure himself as Dean Bristrow’s ulterior motives were still unknown to him, so he decided to keep his theory brief. His thoughts weren’t helped when Zlliana muttered about her lack of experience, but he found himself gently laying a hand on her shoulder and muttered. “Meh, don’t worry about it." David then gave his opinion on the matter and Ayse nodded his head at the comment that was made. Fairly logical, and it coincided with what he did know.

“Well...as far as I know representatives from the student body are also looked over come the summit. You know, to make sure each university branch is still teaching their students correctly. The last summit had the European branch disbanded after it was discovered that there were teachers of Oblivion magic amongst the faculty, and that students were practicing it themselves. But of course that’s what I heard, since I wasn’t here at the time of the last summit...”

Ayse then shrugged. “For the moment whatever we say is most likely pure conjecture. We’ll likely find our answers once we see Mr. Bristrow.”


The group would find themselves in a moderately small office, and with Dean Bristrow currently on the line with another person. “I see. Well, I wish you all the best then.”

Trent then hung the phone up and looked at the group with his inquiring gray eyes as Ayse shut the door behind everyone. “Ah...welcome, esteemed students of Tysannir University. I am pleased to see that you four have shown the most potential out of the student body when it comes to both knowledge and expertise. I assume that you have numerous questions for me, so I’ll be willing to answer whatever crosses your mind.”

Ayse decided to start things off. “Mr. Bristrow, why is it that just the four of us have been selected to accompany you? Why us?”

Upon hearing this one the dean put his interlocked hands on the mahogany desk in front of himself. “Like I said before, things have to be done a little differently for now. It seems that the attack on the Japanese Tysannir branch was partially an inside job. We needed to look over those eligible for attending the summit and make sure that while they may be somewhat capable in combat and in general knowledge that they won’t do something stupid, like betray the schools for instance.”

Everyone could see the dean was a bit angered with this. After all, there was no telling what hidden agendas some students and faculty might have. Dean Bristrow closed his eyes for a moment, looking as if he wanted to say something but ultimately changed his mind. “Alright...next question.”

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Alright...next question.

David had multiple questions yet before he was able to open his mouth, Zilliana spoke instead. "Oblivion.... magic?" He was curious about the truth of Oblivion Magic himself, so he waited patiently for the dean's response, hoping for some insight into the true nature of the journey and what was in store.

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"Oblivion magic... Something clearly highly potent if its mere presence gives people the will to attack a school. I assume that it is also of something unstable or dangerous as well seeing as it is not a required course by the school, no?" asked Elizabeth, confirming her own deduction. Then, she took a soft recline against the wall. "I do not know what we are up against, but I can already tell you that we will doubtless come to harm if your fears are true and it will most likely be magical in nature. Some sort of protection against that would be very nice."

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“Oblivion magic is a...sketchy subject. As you know Oblivion magic was a major driving force during the time of Oblivion, and it ultimately resulted in roughly two-thirds of the human populace being wiped from the face of the Earth in the ensuing wars in which it was used. It is a very lethal form of magic, and yet it is similar to one of the pre-existing schools of magic...Hex magic.”

Ever so slowly the color from Ayse’s face began to drain. “You mean to tell me that the world’s most destructive force is derived from a magical hierarchy which schools teach!?”

“You, a Hex user should be able to see the similarities between the two already,” Bristrow retorted.

Ayse tilted his head quizzically at that statement. “Huh? Why...oh duh. Hex does deal with decay. I suppose dealing out sheer destruction wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, plus it would explain some people genetically inheriting the ability to utilize Oblivion magic...but what is the main difference between the two?”

“Hex is the elder form and Oblivion is the child, so to speak. While it has negative connotations they, like with all other forms of magic can be inverted to aid the living. Such a claim cannot be made about Oblivion magic however, whose sole purpose is to wipe out all forms of life, and potentially more...”

Ayse began messing with the visor of his hat, currently oriented behind him. That was something he didn’t usually do unless he was sufficiently unnerved. Well that justifies the worldwide ban at least, and explains why those found out to be Oblivion users are either hunted down or stripped of their power. But just think, there’s those out there that would be willing to use this kind of magic, even if they did or worse still they did not know about this...

Upon hearing Elizabeth’s remark hinting that she felt that it would be unsafe in dealing with Oblivion magic users Trent simply shook his head. “I don’t specialize in protective charms. And regarding weapons, you won’t be able to take any to the summit. Safety issues and all.”

He then pulled out the group’s passports and put them on the desk. “However, I have a niece that might have something of use. I’ll give her a call after this. See me tomorrow, before we leave.”

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Zill took her passport. Oh dear... that sounds... nasty... I wonder if... if... uh... She looked up to the dean, looking genuinely scared, and a little pale. "Sir, do you mind if I ask you something in uh, private before I go?" She asked the man, her voice shaking a little...

Edited by Zsword
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The dean saw that Zilliana was visibly worried and nodded. "By all means. The rest of you may leave. I have no further news to discuss with you regarding the summit. Just be up at 6 A.M. tomorrow so we can have adequate time to drive to the nearest airport."

...The last thing I need to worry about is breaking my neck escorting this bunch to summit on time. I'm old enough as it is...

Ayse turned to Elizabeth, who seemed to want his attention. She seemed concerned about being unarmed at the summit after all. He was too, although he wouldn't say it out loud. "...I assume you want to talk to me in private? Very well. But before that..."

Ayse then retrieved his passport from the desk before clearing his throat. "By the way, there's a certain annoying student by the name of Alderhein-"

"Already dealt with him."

Ayse stared blankly for a moment. "...Come again?"

"I know you're not going senile, my boy. I've learned of his exploits today and not only has he been fined for the damages to both the school and the locker's owner Zilliana, but he has also been placed on academic probation. What a problem child..."

Ayse stuck the passport in his back pocket as he shook his head. There was no need to worry about the boy after all. That just left Elizabeth as the sole owner of his attention. He went to the doorway, gesturing for Elizabeth to follow him. He wanted to know just what Elizabeth wanted to talk to him about...

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David really was clueless on words at this point. It seemed that this was serious. No weapons? We'll be lucky to come out alive. I wonder if this is a trap. He whizzed right by Ayse and Elizabeth, not in the mood to talk to either of the two. He had to pack and ready himself.

"No weapons. No weapons. Such bullshit." He repeated this phrase over and over again as he got into his room and hung up his katana next to his gauntlets. He looked through his clothes and belongings, wondering what would be necessary to bring with him.

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Elizabeth looked up, trying her best to ensure that no one was looking at the pair before she leaned in close to Ayse. "I don't like having to go in without weapons to such an important place. I won't be able to bring my sword, and I'm only a quarter of the fighter I am now without it, and you as well as anyone else who is focused on non-magical combat will be in trouble. I suspect that it would be wise for you to make a weapon out of wood or some other material that can't be detected easily tonight or find a earth user who can display the same effectivness that... that vagabond... showed today and get him to make some gravel bombs or something for you."

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"You speak as if we're going to be doing heavy-duty fighting there, despite the fact that these are mainly peace talks between the nations," Ayse remarked in a somewhat tone. He then folded his arms. "But yeah, there's the possibility we'll be doing just that...tell you what."

Ayse stroked his chin for a moment before speaking. "We could try to come up with something and attempt to sneak it in with us, but this could backfire if security decides to frisk us, or perform an X-ray scan. It would be best to seek out those coming with us to see what to do before making any rash decisions.


The dean leaned forward. "You seem to be rather unnerved at the moment. Is there something you wish to tell me, instead of beating around the bush?"

He then let out an awkward cough, as he let what he was thinking come out of his mouth before thinking about it. "...Anyway, appearance-wise Oblivion magic typically looks like bright flashes of light with ominous red lightning crackling around it. One would assume it was divine were it not for that; essentially it's like evil impersonating a holy force."

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"Well sir... it's that... before I recieved any proper education in magic, I just kinda dabbled in whatever I could... and..." Zill pulled out a Phillips screwdriver she recoverred from her destroyed locker. She closed her eyes and began to mutter under her breath. After a second the scredriver glowed with an eery light, started to spark red, before exploding into mist of black and red. She leaned against the Dean's desk, breathing rather heavily. "I... ugh, no one ever told me anything about it before... and I don't practice it properly sir... it's just... a slight knack I have... I think, you should know sir..."

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Trent's demeanor changed dramatically upon seeing that display of magic. Ignorance was most definitely not an excuse, as the curriculum explicitly stated that Oblivion magic is widely outlawed. But based on the records he pulled up on her she hadn't reached the point where Oblivion magic was elaborated upon. He'd go easy on her, but he still had to be firm.

The dean rose, looked her square in the eyes, and placed both hands on his desk as he slowly leaned forward. "I suggest you tread lightly child. Oblivion magic is outlawed in several parts of the world, and is definitely discouraged here. An entire branch was disbanded upon realizing that some students dabbled in it with the aid of teachers. And there's the risk of it warping your mind into a monostrous shell of its former self as well..."

He then adopted a rather...startling look on his face that was meant to intimidate her into heeding his warning without any further thought; one he normally saved for troublemakers. "I had better not catch you playing around with that. It's not a toy, it is a major took of destruction. If I do learn that you've been using it after today then the consequences will be most...unpleasant. Do I make myself clear Zilliana?"

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Zill looked down, at first feeling, well, broken, at what he said... but then she looked up, confused. "If it is a tool then I'd like a proper lesson on it. Why and how it works and such, why is it banned? Other such information, I want to know why I shouldn't use it other than 'because we say so'." She told the dean... firmly, but a little shaky, as if she was fighting off her own urge to back down, and not just his well trained, suppressive, voice.

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