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Something I'm wondering about Brands

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Maybe they have to be the from the same type of Laguz.

Nasir could tell Soren was one, and Vika had a feeling around Micaiah.

To add onto that Lethe was sort of wary of Stefan. Though she's like that with everyone.

Stefan didn't get much attention.

I hope the next Fire Emblem game is set in the same world but has totally different characters. Cause I'd like to see them build more upon the branded. And it would be kinda cool to see maybe one or two returning charcters. Plus the laguz was like a whole new unit. It'd be stupid to just throw them away after putting so much thought into them.

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Maybe they have to be the from the same type of Laguz.

Nasir could tell Soren was one, and Vika had a feeling around Micaiah.

The problem with that theory is that according to the Soren conversation in Part 4, Endgame (5),

Soren did get his share of abuse from the beast laguz in Gallia, who looked at him briefly and then pretended he wasn't there. At least some beast laguz must have been able to tell that he was Branded.

"On my way to Crimea. I kept seeing laguz from the beast tribe. They were terrifying, but after a while I realized something. They never attacked me. They all seemed to notice something about me, and then pretend they couldn't see me. That look was burned into my mind, and it was always the same. They'd scowl, then walk away like they'd never noticed me. In a way, that left me feeling colder and more alone than if they'd attacked me. Hate... That I could understand. This was denial. They made me feel like I wasn't supposed to exist at all. That my simply being alive was an affront to the world. That was how the beasts treated me. And I hated them for it. It sat in my heart like a lead bar. Like a glacier."

Edited by Paper Jam
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The Heron Royals are descended from Lehran, so I'm pretty sure that Lehran himself was a Heron Royal.

Anyway, regarding Stefan's Brand... none of the pictures show it. Like Pelleas, he wears his bangs over his mark.

i've always had an issue with this statement. think about it.

lehran is supposed to be the first heron and all the heron royals are descended from him. but how could that happen?

think about it. we all know that he married Altina, and as such, he lost his laguz powers when she had a child. how could he have had the heron children that the royal family is descended from? i highly doubt that he had heron children before the war. there is no mention that he ever married again after altina died. and i highly doubt that if he had children with another laguz, his children would be laguz. after all, he isn't a laguz anymore.

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i've always had an issue with this statement. think about it.

lehran is supposed to be the first heron and all the heron royals are descended from him. but how could that happen?

think about it. we all know that he married Altina, and as such, he lost his laguz powers when she had a child. how could he have had the heron children that the royal family is descended from? i highly doubt that he had heron children before the war. there is no mention that he ever married again after altina died. and i highly doubt that if he had children with another laguz, his children would be laguz. after all, he isn't a laguz anymore.

That's right. Plus, Kurthnaga remembers Lehran having black wings, and only heron royals have white wings.

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I'm unsure about whether the Laguz/Beorc interbreeding effect applied to Lehran. If I remember correctly, in the hidden scene in which Lehran is talking to Ashunera, they depict his portrait with a white robe and black wings. I recall this scene taking place in the future. If this is the case, then Lehran could have spawned the Heron tribe regardless. Perhaps it was because he was blessed... I'm not sure entirely. Just a thought anyway.

Anyway, if Lehran was the first heron, then wouldn't there need to be another heron in order to make more pure-blood, and thus royal, herons?

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I'm unsure about whether the Laguz/Beorc interbreeding effect applied to Lehran. If I remember correctly, in the hidden scene in which Lehran is talking to Ashunera, they depict his portrait with a white robe and black wings. I recall this scene taking place in the future. If this is the case, then Lehran could have spawned the Heron tribe regardless. Perhaps it was because he was blessed... I'm not sure entirely. Just a thought anyway.

Anyway, if Lehran was the first heron, then wouldn't there need to be another heron in order to make more pure-blood, and thus royal, herons?

i suppose you haven't read the super special ending, then.

Lehran: Welcome home.

???: Could it be that you were here all this time?

Lehran: Alas, no, I am sorry to say. But for several days, I've somehow felt as though you would soon return.

Ashunera: Well, I'm home. And I'm glad to see you again, Lehran.

Lehran: And I am glad to see you as well, Goddess Ashunera.

Ashunera: How long has it been? A hundred years? Five hundred?

Lehran: About twelve hundred years.

Ashunera: I see. For mortals, that is many, many lives.

Lehran: Yes. The peace we once had is on the verge of crumbling again.

Ashunera: That is unfortunate. The miasma of war is beginning to shroud the world. However, I shall not again be frightened. As one born of the hopes of man I shall protect this world.

Lehran: Yes.

Ashunera: Lehran. I've missed your songs. Would you sing for me now?

Lehran: I... I no longer...

Ashunera: Well, then I will sing. And you may sing with me. Is that all right?

Lehran: ...Yes.

................ take it as you will.

Edited by Bianchi
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Well, when a laguz and a beorc have a kid, the laguz loses their power. I'm pretty sure that doesn't equal their limbs. Think about it... just cause he still has wings doesn't mean he transforms.

lehran is supposed to be the first heron and all the heron royals are descended from him. but how could that happen?

think about it. we all know that he married Altina, and as such, he lost his laguz powers when she had a child. how could he have had the heron children that the royal family is descended from? i highly doubt that he had heron children before the war. there is no mention that he ever married again after altina died. and i highly doubt that if he had children with another laguz, his children would be laguz. after all, he isn't a laguz anymore.

This is also a good point.

That's right. Plus, Kurthnaga remembers Lehran having black wings, and only heron royals have white wings.
I said that, but nobody listened.

There wouldn't necessarily have had to be another heron-type-- just another bird tribe laguz

Naesala and Leanne had a heron kid

but I still don't think Lehran was the first of the herons, at least not the common ancestor of all the herons.

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Volke called Lehran "an ancestor of our prince Reyson" (PoR chapter 19), Reyson called himself and Leanne "the descendants of Lehran" (PoR chapter 25, I believe), and even in Radiant Dawn there are references to Lehran being the ancestor of the Heron Royals as well as the apostles. I'm pretty sure that one of the Heron siblings said that they had inherited the ability to contain Yune from Lehran.

Which is by no means impossible, if Lehran married and had kids with another Heron before he married and had a kid with Altina. And why shouldn't he?

i highly doubt that he had heron children before the war.

We'll just have to disagree, I guess. I think it's quite plausible for Lehran to have had a heron wife and kids before the war.

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Then why would he marry Altina have umhum with her and give birth to Micaiah's 35 greats great grandma.

People do get remarried, you know. Even Altina got remarried after her falling out with Lehran.

Maybe Lehran's first wife died. Maybe he left her for Altina. Weirder things have happened. (In real life, at least...)

By the way, sex isn't a bad word. And it was Altina, not Lehran, who gave birth to their kid. :rolleyes:

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