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Return of the Emblem Chapter Six: Enemies Abound


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Shadrak fell to a knee as he felt the magic remain in him, slowly tearing at his insides... the hex worked, and Gabbie was safe... with a cry the Shaman pulled out his stim and took a shot of it. Okay, that magic swordsman is pissing me off... he's... gonna... die...

Zel was hit by a giant concussive blast, he went limp in Sliep's saddle almost instantly, the horse tried to bring him to a safer place, but Zel fell out, landing on the ground with a heavy thud as he rolled a few feet, his helmet bouncing off in the mess.

Shad uses his Stim! +50% Mt and Skl.

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<Looks like it wasn't as soon as I'd like.> John thought, but now he was there, so time to get to business.

He could easily see the enemy group had sustained enough casualties. On the other hand, their own side didn't looked so well either. <Those pistols are certainly the most dangerous. They could easily attack our mages.> Looking down, the first one he spotted was Shadrak, so he ordered Gil to quickly get back down.

''Looks like you need some help.'' He said. ''Is that a stimulant you're taking? I see...''

[John defends Shadrak.]


The situation certainly was dangerous, no doubt about it. However, Sophia knew she couldn't back down. They could need her at any moment. And after all, right in the middle of battle they don't always bring the wounded to you. She thought. Certainly it wasn't long before the party was inflicted with wounds and some even getting knocked out cold.

She knew it was her time to act. Looking around she saw one of the mages near an archer. He was not only injured, but afflicted with poison as well. She quickly went near, staff at the ready.

''Are you alright?'' She said. ''I may not be able to cleanse the poison, but I can at least heal your wounds.''

[sophia heals Ranyin. Activating Faith. HP: 3->15/15. +2 points to Aneda, Siritov, and Sophia. Sophia's current total: 48.]

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Holding The Line

Evan and his men were quickly suppressed by another wave of gunfire, and then eventually forced to fall back a dozen meters to avoid some grenades the enemy had thrown their way. Evan had no intention of being backed into a corner, though. "No further! Push through and meet them at close range! Go go go!" he yelled, breaking into a mad dash. The others followed him with their weapons drawn. The archers provided what cover they could by firing shots over them and toward the enemy, but nothing could bring the knights down so easily, and Evan and his men slammed into them hard. While the two sides clashed, several of them broke off running down separate hallways. Evan couldn't do anything about them, so focused on the enemy in front of him.

Fetching Tech

As Weyland walked through the dark halls of his estate, he kept his hands in his pockets and his eyes forward. Beyond that, the walk was unusually casual. Eventually he came to the end of a hall. There was just one door at the end of this hall, and as he began turning the handle to open it, an enemy mage ran out into the open yelling "It's him! Don't move, Weyland!"

"Afraid I can't comply with that order. Terribly sorry." replied Weyland before opening the door.

"Would you hurry up and get over here?!" the mage yelled in the direction of the hall he'd come running from. "Weyland! I said don't you dare move! They want you alive, but that doesn't mean I can't bring you back in poor condition!" he threatened before summoning a fire spell. He hurled the flaming ball at Weyland. Weyland quickly turned to face the incoming attack, and just before it hit him, it lost its shape, and began to funnel down into a single spot on his chest. Burning through a small section of his vest, it seeped into the opening and disappeared. What was beneath the vest was a magic seal. "... what?"

"If applied properly, a magic seal makes a very good shield." Weyland commented before heading through the door. He closed it behind him leaving the mage to make a run for it. He yanked out his knife, opened the door, and ran inside after Weyland only to be shot upon entering. His companions heard the gunshot and finally arrived. As they opened the door, they saw Weyland placing a pistol down on a workbench and their dead comrade lying right in front of the door. Even without the smoking barrel, it was obvious what had happened. They unsheathed their weapons and carefully approached.

"That wasn't called for, Weyland. If you just surrender, we won't have to harm you." one of them warned.

"You aren't used to capturing people, are you? You're more worried about getting me to disarm instead of just making it happen. Some advice for when you want to take someone alive ... just do it. The less time they have to prepare, the better." Weyland explained, turning around to reveal some kind of device latched onto his forearm.

"That one of your new inventions? We'll be taking that, too. Hand it over ... slowly."

Weyland shook his head. "No, I don't think so ..."

Measure Countermeasure

After a few more minutes of fighting, all without the enemy taking a single hit, Craig was beginning to try to lure him further away from the estate. That was about the only thing left that could work, it seemed. He wasn't able, however--even with the assistance of the tank--to lure the man very far before his plan backfired. The man unleashed another dark sphere, this one was a singularity, like one of the previous ones. But it was large ... almost four times the size of the other spheres ...

"Oh that can't be good ..." Craig muttered.

"Oh you won't be escaping this one, I'm afraid, hehehehhhh ..." the man threatened, before releasing the sphere. Immediately Craig could feel a tremendous force tugging at his entire body.

"Definitely not good ..."

The man then began taking careful steps back, seemingly far less effected by the gravity well than Craig or the retreating tank. Craig didn't over look this, and figured he only had one chance to turn the situation around ... for better or for worse, he had to try to turn the tables or die right then and there. He got down onto all fours and stabbed his dagger into the ground to anchor himself. He did this quickly enough to begin catching up with his enemy. "Well this is interesting. Are you actually going to try to fight me while that spell grows in strength?"

"No, I'm taking you out with me!" he shouted before leaping at the man and tackling him. It was a good sign for Craig that the man seemed genuinely surprised, but now both of them were open. A slew of stabbings ensued before the dark sphere bled away into nothing and both Craig and the man were left lying on their respective backs, covered in horrible stab wounds and panting heavily.

The man coughed a few times. "... well ... not bad, I suppose ..." He then pulled himself up and checked his wounds. "That's definitely going to need a vulnerary ..."

Craig just began crawling away as fast as he could ... because the tank wasn't going to get a better shot then this ...


Mercenary A keeps Valiant Stance Active! -2 hp!

Mercenary A attacks Mireille with his pistol again! Rolls 4,2,5



-7 hp!

Mercenary A hp 11/15

Mireille hp 8/15

Mercenary B activates Valliant Stance! -2 hp, +1 str/skl!

Mercenary B attacks Ranyin with his pistol! Rolls 1,3,3



Mercenary B hp 13/15

Ranyin hp 15/15

Mercenary C activates Valiant Stance! -2 hp, +1 str/skl!

Mercenary C attacks John with his pistol! Rolls 4,4,5



-7 hp

Mercenary C hp 13/15

John hp 14/21


Shadrak -3 hp

Ranyin -3 hp

Zel: -something

Robin: -pride

Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21

Synthia 12/12


John 21/21

Chelsea 12/12

Bert 15/15


Shadrak 5/15

Gabbie 18/18

Robin 12/12


Ranyin 12/15

Veronika 15/15

Sammy 15/15


Valter 12/12

Nadya 18/18

Mireille 15/15


Zel 0/18

Blake 12/12

Nanahm 13/18


Domovoi 15/15

Saken 12/12


Aneda 15/15

Tipheret 24/24

Sophia 12/12

Colin (Passive-Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome

Mage B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Aggressive) 11/15 Steel Sword

Knight C (Defending the other dearly departed) 0/18

Shaman C (Aggressive) 0/15


Mercenary B (Subvert) 13/15 Steel Sword

Mercenary C (Subvert) 13/15 Steel Sword

Knight D (Defending) 18/18 Steel Sword


The Battles Continues

Amon was happy with the way things were playing out for his unit, so continued to keep between Synthia and the enemies. It was dangerous, but his confidence was only growing with the way things were playing out. "I've still got you covered, Synthia. Let them have it!"

Amon defends Synthia!

Meanwhile Gabbie was distracted by both the ugly counter Shadrak received earlier, and Zel's plummet to the ground. Deciding to address both, she whistled for Ringo. The wyvern flew into view and she pointed him toward Zel. He had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, but it was clear she wanted him over there. "Just keep an eye on'em, okay?!" Ringo slowly approached Zel allowing Gabbie to focus on the fight easier. She picked her target ... the mercenary who had just holstered his pistol ... this was going to be as good a payback as any ...

Gabbie attacks Mercenary A! Rolls 6,5,2



-7 hp

Mercenary A counters Gabbie! Rolls 2,3,2



-5 hp

Mercenary A hp 4/15

Gabbie hp 13/18

Amon 15/15

Gytha 21/21

Synthia 12/12


John 21/21

Chelsea 12/12

Bert 15/15


Shadrak 5/15

Gabbie 13/18

Robin 12/12


Ranyin 12/15

Veronika 15/15

Sammy 15/15


Valter 12/12

Nadya 18/18

Mireille 15/15


Zel 0/18

Blake 12/12

Nanahm 13/18


Domovoi 15/15

Saken 12/12


Aneda 15/15

Tipheret 24/24

Sophia 12/12

Colin (Passive-Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome

Mage B (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Aggressive) 4/15 Steel Sword

Knight C (Defending the other dearly departed) 0/18

Shaman C (Aggressive) 0/15


Mercenary B (Subvert) 13/15 Steel Sword

Mercenary C (Subvert) 13/15 Steel Sword

Knight D (Defending) 18/18 Steel Sword

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Tink Clunk:

Seeing the cleric and thief duo finish off another knight, Nan knew what he was meant to do. Even with those pesky swords in hand, nothing, nothing could stand up to the might of the Nahm. Conveniently omitting his previous losses from mind, the fighter gritted his teeth through a blow from the tin can parallel to the one earlier received, and forced the man down.

The fighter's mouth split into a broad grin as he relished the sunshine. Not that there was much of that, anyway. Mission accomplished.

-10 dmg. Defender ability activated. Link

Knight hits for -5 dmg.

-11 dmg.

Nanahm: 8/18 HP +5 points

Knight D: 0/18 HP KO

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Now on the battlefield, Chelsea noticed that her comrades were engaging the enemy... and getting hurt, like Zelatus falling after a single blow. The troubador quickly urged her horse to go the cavalier's aid.

Upon arriving, Chelsea casted a resucitation spell on her comrade, pressing her staff, right to his chest. Once it was over she asked "Are you alright?"

(Team Rider gains 2 points!!!)

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Over half the enemies force had been taken out already, but there were still a few mages left. Valter decided to fix that.

Roll: [6, 4, 1] CB equipped

6 + 6 = 12 -7 = HIT

6 + 4 = 10 – 1 = 9 dmg

Mage A: 6/15 HP


They were on a roll today and Synthia’s confidence was only growing. With Amon covering her, she ran towards one of the mercenaries and unleashed a rain of ethereal spears. One more enemy gone, she backed off towards the relative safety of the group.

Mage Skill active: -3 Luck +3 Mag

Roll: 3, 6, 3


6 + 6 + 3 = 15 – 2 = 13 dmg

Merc B is a dead person

+5 points (Gytha/Synthia/Amon)

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And there was his opportunity. Blake lifted his blade and dashed towards the arrow-filled mage. With a mighty blow, he cut through the frail man's side, assuring his demise. Well, that seemed to be easy. Moving on...

[spoiler=Roll]Valiant Stance activated! MT+ 1 (7) Hit + 1 (7)



9-7 = Hit!

9-1 = 8 points of damage. Mage A is defeated!

Blake 10/12 HP

Team Gentlemen. gains 10 points!

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[Defend successful. +3 points to Chelsea, Bert, and John. John's current total: 84.]

As John expected, a bullet did came in their direction. Fortunately John was in position to intercept it but not to actually block it with his shield. <Ugh, should've been more careful.> He thought, with his spear hand over the wound.

<No matter, I won't let this hinder me.>

[John defends Shadrak, again.]


Not waiting for an answer, Sophia quickly got away, looking for who else was in need of healing. She soon spotted a man on the floor near a horse. Although a fellow healer had gotten to him earlier, it seems she only woke him up from unconsciousness. She then proceeded to tend to the injuries.

[sophia heals Zel. Activating Faith. Zel's HP: -> 18/18. +2 points to Aneda, Siritov, and Sophia. Sophia's current total: 50.]

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Colin (Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Aggressive from Beyond) 15/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 15/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Aggressive) 4/15 Steel Sword

Knight C (Defending the other dearly departed) 0/18

Shaman C (Aggressive) 0/15


Mercenary B (Dead Person) 13/15

Mercenary C (Subvert) 13/15 Steel Sword

Knight D (Defending) 0/18 Steel Sword

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Shadrak nodded to the Dragon Rider gratefully as he protected him. The Shaman took another swig of the concoction, which was difficult, his hand was shaking form the energy filling him. Once downed he through the vial to the side, shattering it. He turned his gaze to the enemy swordsman... soon... him.

Zel opened his eyes, and it was the oddest sights. At first he wanted to freakout because there was a WYVERN RIGHT THERE, but that immidiatly passed as he saw Chelsea help him up... though... that didn't give him much stamina. Though, that to was soon resolved as a new healer gave him the strength he needed to mount proper. He gave a whistle for Sliep, mentally marking his target... before charging it without his horse. He stabbed one of the gun toting enemies, using his forward momentum to vault himself into the air, landing on his waiting stead as he charged the next victim, tearing his head off with a well placed lance to the throat.

Shadrak Stims, AGAIN! +100% MT and SKL!

Zel wrecks face! Attacking Mercenary A for a kill, and Crittign Mercenary C for the D-d-d-DOUBLE KILL!!!

Zel's Rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3254713/


+10 Points for Gentlemen.

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Mage B attacks John! Rolls 5,1,5



-10 hp

Mage B hp 15/15

John hp 4/21

"... okay time's up."

Colin attacks Chelsea! Rolls 3,3,2

Vantage Activates!

Colin doubles! Rolls 3,2,6




-11 hp!

-10 hp!

Colin rushed forward before anyone could intercept him and targeted Chelsea. With one swift thrust, he stabbed her and with a twist, sent a surge of energy into the wound before tearing his blade out and leaping away, again. "That was one of your healers for Mercy's sake. You people motivated, yet?" Suddenly three wyvern riders swooped down into view. "... damn."

"It's almost time for us to pull out. You should get ready to leave, Sir."

"Yeah, I bet. Since you're here, you might as well help out." Colin replied.

Rider A

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 8 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 18 MT: 5 Hit: 3 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 8 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: SwordSlayer Lance (Upgraded) E

Weapon 2: RangeSlayer Axe (Upgraded)

Special Item: Iron Rune

Overall Stats

Book: Triangle

HP: 18 MT: 5(+5) Hit: 3(+3) Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 8 Resistance: 4

Rider B

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 5 RES: 3

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9 Hit: 5 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 3

Weapon 1: SwordSlayer Lance (Upgraded) E

Weapon 2: MageSlayer Sword (Upgraded)

Weapon 3: Short Spear

Special Item: Iron Rune

Book: Triangle

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 9(+9) Hit: 5(+5) Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 3

Rider C

Class: Level 5 Wyvern Rider

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 6 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Killer Axe

Weapon 2: Killer Lance

Special Weapon: Blunderbuss

Special Item: Pellet Pouch

Special Item: Iron Rune

Book: Triangle

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 6(10 B) Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 4

"Heh, with pleasure. Men! TRIANGLE ATTACK!!!"

Rider A, B, and C attack Amon!

A rolls 6,5,4

B rolls 1,1,5

C rolls 5,5,3






Rider A hp 18/18

Rider B hp 15/15

Rider C hp 15/15

Amon hp 0/15

The three riders spread out and came down on Amon each landing a blow even though the first was more than sufficient. The Rexian was hurled to the ground in a bloody heap, his coat torn to shreds. "Urg- ... damn ... where did they come from ..." he soon lost consciousness.

"Is he dead?"

"Soon enough ... just focus on the rest of them."


Shadrak -3 hp

Ranyin -3 hp

Amon 0/15

Gytha 21/21

Synthia 12/12


John 4/21

Chelsea 0/12

Bert 15/15


Shadrak 2/15

Gabbie 13/18

Robin 12/12


Ranyin 9/15

Veronika 15/15

Sammy 15/15


Valter 12/12

Nadya 18/18

Mireille 15/15


Zel 18/18

Blake 12/12

Nanahm 13/18


Domovoi 15/15

Saken 12/12


Aneda 15/15

Tipheret 24/24

Sophia 12/12

Colin (Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Aggressive from Beyond) 0/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 0/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Ragequit) 0/15

Knight C (Defending the other dearly departed) 0/18

Shaman C (Aggressive) 0/15


Mercenary B (Dead Person) 13/15

Mercenary C (Subverted) 0/15

Knight D (Defending) 0/18


Rider A (Defensive-Aggressive) 18/18

Rider B (Subvert) 15/15

Rider C (Aggressive) 15/15


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"CHELSEA!!!!" scream Shadrak as he saw the swordsman cut down his Girlfriend. "JOHN, That fucker's fast, cover me as I attack..." the shaman ordered... trying not to collapse from the now faded poison.

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[Defend successful. +3 points to Chelsea, Bert, and John. John's current total: 87.]

Colin's sudden movement startled Sophia, who was nearby, and could do nothing but watch as Chelsea got stabbed and shocked at the same time. How did he...? That was so fast. She thought. Can this get worse?!

Cue wyverns.

I-I must get away from here! And soon she was running for her life.


John didn't expected to suddenly be blasted with magic. Though the blow wasn't fatal it did left him even more injured in no thanks to the bullet wound as well.

<T-that was a close one.> He felt he could fell out from Gil at any moment.

Just then Shadrak went into a rage, and told him to cover him. <Cover him, doesn't he seem I'm injured here!?> But before he could protest he saw Sophia, who had headed into their direction in her haste to get away, approaching.

A-a-another wyvern!? The poor girl was certainly now in a panic frenzy at this point. Something John didn't fail to notice.

''W-wait! It's me!'' He said taking off his helmet.

This caught her off guard for like the fourth time now, but at least this wasn't as bad as the other three. ''J-John?!'' W-wait, he owns a wyvern? Before she could take this in further she noticed his injuries. Her healer instincts took over and, staff in hand, got closer to treat the wounds.

''Thanks.'' He said once she was done. ''Alright, Shadrak, let's do this.'' He now said to the shaman, putting back his helmet.

[sophia heals John. Activating Faith. John's HP: 4->21/21. +2 points to Aneda, Siritov, and Sophia. Sophia's current total: 52.]

[John defends Shadrak, yet again.]

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Veronika saw Amon go down to a trio of wyvern riders. Damn...better distract them at least she thought to herself, striking a glancing blow on one with an axe. He attacked back, but she managed to dodge it. (4,4,1)= Miss.

Rider C 13/15

Veronika 15/15

Nadya healed the armored knight as she had been shot again. Better safe than sorry after all. Mireille 8/15->15/15 +2 points Miri, Nadya,Valter

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Colin Activates Vantage!

Rolls 1,5,5

Rolls 5,2,4




-4 hp

-0 hp

John counters! Rolls 5,1,4



Shadrak rolls 1,3,6



Colin hp 12/12

John hp 17/21

Shadrak hp 2/15

Zel defends Nanahm!

Colin (Erratic) 12/12 Thunder Blade

Mage A (Aggressive from Beyond) 0/15

Mage B (Aggressive) 15/15 Armorslayer Tome


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 0/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Ragequit) 0/15

Knight C (Defending the other dearly departed) 0/18

Shaman C (Aggressive) 0/15


Mercenary B (Dead Person) 13/15

Mercenary C (Subverted) 0/15

Knight D (Defending) 0/18


Rider A (Defensive-Aggressive) 18/18

Rider B (Subvert) 15/15

Rider C (Aggressive) 13/15

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Aneda went in to attack this guy, she totally expect him to not die, and was therefore surprised when he didn't.



Mage B: 6/15


Mage is not very happy, decides to blast Aneda point blank with magic. Little did he know, you need to kill this woman twice. Coughing up some blood, she looked up and smiled at the man. "Is that all you got?"


Holy shit, there's wyverns. Holy shit, they're going to kill us all... No. Not this time. NOT ON MY WATCH


(deals 11 - 5 = 6 damage to the dick's 2 HP. HE LOSEDED)

(+ 5 points to Sammy and his sidekicks.)

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OOC: Nanahm and Zel's attacks come before Sammy's. Same enemy.

Typecast, or no?

Nanahm nodded in thanks towards the revived cavalier, readying his axe for the flier. Unfortunately, the blow merely pierced the wyvern's hide; it was enough incentive to force the rider to dive directly at the pair. The fighter wheezed as wyvern rider slammed into Zel, who was promptly pushed pushed into Nahm, mount and all. Spotting his axe just within arms reach, he reached out and snatched the weapon, while his teammate swung at the enemy.

Nanahm hits Rider B. -5 dmg. Link

Rider B counters Zel. -11 dmg.

Zel counters Rider. -4 *2 = -8 dmg.

Nanahm: 8/18 HP +3 points Successful defend of Nan by Zel.

Zel: 7/18 HP

Rider B: 2/15 HP (KOed by Sammy)

Edit: More formatting.

Edited by the_whistler
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Just when it looked as if they’d won, three heavily armed wyvern riders arrived and skewered Amon. Not good. For one, he had been the only thing between her and a gruesome death. Also he was probably dying. Like any good healer she tried to get close enough to heal him; the only problem was that one of the riders was in the way. She ran around him and, as he tried to strike her, sent off a spell that hit him and threw off his aim. When she reached Amon she began closing his wounds with her staff, trying to keep him from bleeding to death.

Roll: 6, 1, 5

6 + 6 = 12 – 6 = HIT

6 + 1 = 7 – 4 = 3 dmg

Rider A's roll: 3, 4, 5

3 + 3 = 6 - 9 = MISS


With several new enemies on the battlefield, Valter was unsure of who to attack. However, when an ally injured the only remaining mage, he saw a chance and took it. It would be much easier to deal with the wyverns if no mages took down their remaining defenders.

Roll: [2, 1, 5] CB equipped

6 + 2 = 8 – 7 = HIT

6 + 1 = 7 – 1 = 6 dmg

Mage B is dead

+5 points (Valter/Miri/Nadya)

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Finally getting used the the pain, and no small help from being healed by another of the many new healers the group has, Ranyin looked around to observe any dangers coming Sammy's way. That was when he spotted a mercenary aiming his pistol at him. Crap, do I need to take the bullet to protect Sammy now? Oh wait, by aiming at me, I've successfully redirected the shot towards me, thought the mage, now all I need to do is waste his shot.

Legs ready, Ranyin arched himself...and leaped as his gut told him to, avoiding the shot that whizzed past where his head was moments ago, all the while shouting in his native tongue <"I will suriveeeeeeeeeeah!!!">

+3 points to team Ranyin/Veronika/Sammy for defending.

The move took out a lot of his stamina allowing the poison to act up as he coughed up more bad blood. But the pain was subsiding, a good sign for the kigenese mage. As he took a moment to rest his fast beating heart for literally dodging death, he spotted his fellow mage make a strike for one of the wyverns that suddenly flew down and knocked out Amon. Ready to support Synthia, Ranyin let fly a blast of wind from a distance. It sturck the target well, but did little to hurt it.

Ranyin performs range attack vs Wyvern A! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3254946/ 4,3,5

Ranyin deals 10-4 = 6 damage

Ranyin 9/15

Rider A 9/18


Watching the mercenary who shot her, Mireille shifted the shield to face her foe properly. Bracing herself, Mireille winced in anticipation for the hit. Then she felt a surge of vitality flow into her. Looknig at Nadya, Mireille saluted to her with her shield as a sign of her respect and gratitude, raising it in the process just in time to block a shot that was aimed at her. The force of the attack knocked Mireille down this time, but as she was used to it, the impact did not seem all that painful. I could get used to this, I must.

Picking herself up with all the armour on the other hand, proved to be trickier. Luckily, in the time taken for her to get up, no one had seen fit to atatck her teammates.

Holding her shield that sported two wonderful holes, Mireille placed herself between Valter and all percieved threats, emberrassed at her short fall earlier.

+3 to team Mireille/Nadya/Valter

Mireille defends Valter!

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Rider A attacks Ranyin! Rolls 2,4,2 (accidental triple roll; first roll is the legit one)



-8 hp

Rider A hp 9/18

Ranyin hp 1/15

Rider C attacks Mireille! Rolls 6,1,5



-5 hp

Rider B hp 13/15

Mireille hp 10/15

"They're fighting back harder than I expected, and we just lost Miles ... Colin, sir, you may want to pull back!" the lead rider advised.

"Tch ... great. Well ... you people had your chance. I'll be seeing you again, I'm sure. Bring your courage next time." Colin gave his parting words before running off toward the south east. He was quickly whisked away by a wyvern rider ... some others in the distance seemed to be leaving as well ...

"Okay, let's see if we can't cause a little more damage before we pull out. We've got a couple more minutes ..."

Colin Withdraws!

Bonus Objective (10): Failed.

Primary Objective (10): Defeat All Remaining Enemies

Amon 0/15

Gytha 21/21

Synthia 12/12


John 21/21

Chelsea 0/12

Bert 15/15


Shadrak 2/15

Gabbie 13/18

Robin 12/12


Ranyin 1/15

Veronika 15/15

Sammy 15/15


Valter 12/12

Nadya 18/18

Mireille 10/15


Zel 7/18

Blake 10/12

Nanahm 8/18


Domovoi 15/15

Saken 12/12


Aneda 1/15

Tipheret 24/24

Sophia 12/12

Mage A (Aggressive from Beyond) 0/15

Mage B (Aggressively dead) 6/15


Mage C (Remembers he had something to do this morning) 0/15

Knight A (Defending daisies) 0/18

Shaman A (Aggressive but dead) 0/15


Mage D (Wishes he could start over) 0/15

Knight B (Defending dirt) 0/18

Shaman B (Nika'd) 0/15 Poison Tome


Mercenary A (Ragequit) 0/15

Knight C (Defending the other dearly departed) 0/18

Shaman C (Aggressive) 0/15


Mercenary B (Dead Person) 13/15

Mercenary C (Subverted) 0/15

Knight D (Defending) 0/18


Rider A (Defensive-Aggressive) 9/18

Rider B (Subverted) 0/15

Rider C (Aggressive) 13/15


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One of the wyvern riders flew over into Nadya's airspace and shot at her tin can friend again. Shit...going to need someone to get rid of this for me She went over and healed Ranyin who seemed to be in rather poor shape. Ranyin 1/15 --> 11/15 +2 Miri, Nadya, Valter

The wyvern rider Veronika hit seemed more interested in shooting at her allies than focusing her, which allowed her an opening to attack (6,6,6)= Lethal except Iron Rune :/ 13-6= 7 damage Rider C 5/15 He swung back though, hitting her this time. (3,2,2) Killer transfer to (3,2,3)= autohit 8-1= 7 damage Veronika 8/15

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Apparently the wyvern's rider was not pleased at Ranyin's sneaky attack from afar and swooped away from Synthia to engage him. Ranyin tried his best to evade the rider, but alas, fate did not deal the short mage a kind hand. The tail of the wyvern swung at the last moment and struck Ranyin in the back, sending him crashing to the floor. Thankfully there ground Ranyin landed on was the softer patches of grass, allowing him to remain concious.

Knowing that the next attack from the wyvern might be fatal, Ranyin once again drew upon the power of Destiny, pooling all his eventual good luck into his magic as he unleashed a cloud of blades made of wind towards his foe at point blank...

Ranyin uses mage ability -4Luk +4Mag

Ranyin atatcks Rider A at melee! http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3254985/

Ranyin hits for 7+4+6-4= 13 damage!

...the blades of air sliced through his foe, showering the panicking mage in blood both human and wyvern as he pissed in his robes, fervently wishing for the death of his foe. His wish was granted, and his new green robes ruined.

Ranyin 11/15

Wyvern Rider A 0/18

+5 points to Team Ranyin/Veronika/Sammy

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The explosion was unkind to a few of the group's members. Rizen stood around Norbert nervously. He'd fallen out of her saddle and she didn't know the cause, though the cause was simply that one of the pieces of rubble had hit his head and knocked him out cold. Gytha, meanwhile, escaped the worst of the rubble, but her leg was pinned under some of it. She'd been working to free herself for most of the battle, her efforts redoubled as Amon was cut down. Finally getting free, the mariner wasted no time, charging at the remaining wyvern rider. "Oh no ye don't...YER NOT ESCAPIN' ME BLADE!!!"

Mercenary skill active! -2HP +1str +1skl

WTA! +2hit!

((6+2)+2)-6= 4 = hit!

(6+5)-6 = 5 damage!

Her sword did a good job at cutting into the enemy's lung and ripping him from his wyvern's saddle all in one stroke. He was still alive but would not remain so if he didn't get medical treatment quite soon. Gytha, rather hurried over to Amon and Synthia. "Are ye a'right? Was pinned by some rocks," was her quick explanation as her eyes kept darting between Synthia and Amon, quite worried for the both of them.

Wyvern C 0/15

Gytha 19/21

Amon, Synthia and Gytha +5pts

Edit: Points and HP

Edited by Mercakete
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Back Down

Evan's men held their ground despite the enemy, but before long, several of his men were cut down, all in short order. The culprit was a sword master. Evan had been wondering where he was ...

"I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed. I thought Weyland's security was weaker than this, but you've got us wasting time with you in these halls. You're starting to piss me off." said Hayato, raising his blade. Flames were already climbing the blade and racing toward the tip. "I hope you're ready to die ..."

"Bring it on!" Evan cried out. He and several others broke off and went after Hayato, and the fire blade wielder attacked them first. Only Evan survived and the two crossed swords. A couple of exchanges left Evan covered in slashes. The man had to fall back now that Hayato was fighting at the front. Before long, his men were backing down. The battle soon came to an end, however, as Hayato's men began backing off as well.

"We're out of time ... DAMMIT!" Hayato yelled before sending a flame hurling at Evan and his men! Evan dove out of the way landing in a bloody heap on the ground; another of his men died, however. By the time Evan was on his feet again, Hayato and his men had fallen back out through the breach point.

"... heh ... is that ... all you've ... got?" Evan passed out.

Face Off

The fight against the wyvern riders was faring well enough, but soon Silvia attacked, and one of Anna's men was lured out of the shadows from an opening Silvia left. She was the squad's target, after all, but she turned the tables on him and left a dreadful wound on his chest before switching from her poisonous sword to her killing edge. She rushed and wounded another one of Anna's men before she finally got a shot off. The shot just barely missed forcing Silvia to take cover.

"Oh, hi there! And who might you be?" Silvia called out, safely hidden behind a pillar.

"Anna, and you?"


"Nice to meet you, I guess, but I kind of promised I'd try to catch you so ... no hard feelings."

"It's okay, I understand. I mean I'm supposed to kill you and anyone else who gets in the way so ... fair's fair."


"... only a few minutes left, though ..."

Professor Weyland

"Hand it over!" the man ordered.

"This, gentlemen is a new experiment of mine that attempts to grant fire to the non magical." Weyland began. He had taken off his magic seal and sat it on the workbench while turned around from the looks of things. "This is the FM-1, or Firespray. The device is powered by up to ten firestones each placed on the outside of the device. The energy is funneled into a resonating chamber, and unleashed through this small yet sturdy nozzle. It's got a range of up to twenty-five feet ... well beyond the distance from myself to the door behind you. The temperatures at the impact points can reach up to fifteen hundred degrees in about ten seconds, and I regret to inform you that you will only be alive for the first five." They had been nervous throughout his explanation, but by then they were taking large steps toward the door. "Now then, how about a field test?"

"Oh shi-" "Oh shit indeed." Weyland interrupted before unleashing an utter inferno on the two men. All they could do was scream as they were burned alive. When the fires passed, there was little left but bubbling pulp, rising smoke, dying embers, and black and red husks. "I'd have been more merciful but I'm admittedly 'angry' right now ..." he muttered before lighting up his pipe. He stopped to examine the prototype and sighed. "It works but the design is ... flawed. Perhaps I'll try something else. Don't need the user stressing the chamber and blowing themselves up, after all."

So Close: So Far

Craig got clear in time, but the shot was somehow off target when it finally came. The man had waved his hand right as the shot was fired ...perhaps that had something to do with it flying by and hitting nothing but a patch of grass off in the distance. Craig made it to his feet and kept a tight grip on his arm, which had probably been just as badly wounded as his stomach. "Urgh ... I'm not sure what else I can do against this guy ..."

The man stood up and took out a vulnerary ... Craig wasn't having it and charged right at him. The two fell to the ground and rolld a few meters. Next, Craig let go of his arm, took out his knife, and tried to stab the an again. A stab to he chest, then another, and another. Theman rolled over and Craig lost his grip on the knife. Before he could do anything else, another trio of wyvern riders appeared out from the dark sky and Craig had to make a run for it. The man removed the knife and began stumbling away, chuckling and coughing up blood. "Oh my he's quite determined, isn't he? I can't blame him, really ... I'm so close, after all ... but enough ... is enough." He took the vulnerary and healed his chest wounds enough to stay standing and then motioned for the wyvern riders to follow him.

That tank crew couldn't do anything more, either. "Whaddyamean we're out of ammo?!"

"We fired every shot! I'm telling you there aren't any left!"

"Dammit! We were SO CLOSE!!!"

All Hope

Raquel couldn't tell what was going on outside, or what the others were doing, or where Weyland was. There wasn't any time to think about it, either. The entire wall was suddenly destroyed in an explosion so loud, that anyone on the estate could have easily hear it. Cat grabbed Raquel and dragged her to the ground to avoid the flying rubble. The two women were partially buried, but survived. Raquel peeked out from under the wreckage and looked up at the ruined stage to see a man clad in black, along with three wyvern riders. Something deep inside her was screaming ... that was the man that had taken her father, but there was nothing she could do, now. Still ... "Give ... give me back, my father."

The man tilted his head and smiled. "I'm not sure he wants to come back. But I'd be happy to take you to him ... if you'd like."

"Raquel, no ..." Cat struggled to protest, but she was trapped under a much heavier piece of the wall.

"J-just give him back!"

"Come along, girl. We've got quite the trip ahead of us, and you have something of ours~" He took Raquel's arm and hauled her out from under the debris. Just then, Weyland entered the room with fire in his eyes. He walked toward the man, determined to put a stop to this.

"Sardis, you've got the girl, let's go!" one of the wyvern riders called out.

"We need Weyland too." he said with an eerie grin. He then picked Raquel up and threw her into the air. One of the wyvern riders immediately took off and caught her in mid air. Cat could only gasp. She'd never seen a man of his build strong enough to toss someone like that. "You're next, Weyland."

Raquel struggled against the rider but he restrained her with ease. I can't! I can't be captured! No! Someone help! "ARGH!!! LET GOOOOOO!!! ARRRggghh ..."

"You're not just going to let that rough man fly away with her, are you, Weyland?" Sardis taunted the Professor with that same grin.

"This isn't going to end in your favor 'Sardis'." Weyland threatened.

"Heheh. Take her away. I'll be along, shortly."

With that, the wyvern rider turned to fly out through the gaping hole in the conference room, but Chip suddenly popped out through the bag and nearly blew his head off, his shot only missing due to his unsteady footing. The man grabbed Chip by the skull and threw him down to the ground. Little did he know that the capuchin had the emblem with him. Only the shine revealed where it had fallen to.

The look on Sardis' face changed. He and Weyland eyed the emblem, then each other. "Just get moving." he ordered the wyvern rider. He didn't bother saying anything else, and flew off with the girl.

"RAQUEL!!!" Cat cried, still struggling to get free.

"I hope it was worth it." Weyland retorted before pulling out the used up magic seal. Sardis raised an eyebrow. Weyland threw it in his direction, and that's when Weyland's tactic became perfectly clear. The seal began to make a small fizzling noise as it came close to Sardis. The resulting explosion came in pure white light and Sardis was sent flying out from the building leaving a trail of smoke in the air. The wyvern riders still managed to escape.

The used up seal was left lying on the floor, glowing red from the intense heat. Weyland walked over and picked up Raquel's emblem. It was still shining, but after a few moments, it began to become dimmer and dimmer until it was normal, again. Perhaps this Sardis had fled ... rather than died ... he didn't know. "I'm sorry, Raquel." He then turned to try and help Cat out from under the rubble. Once she was out, she started crying.

"I can't believe this ... ... those monsters have my daughter now ... I ... Weylaaand ... Weylaaand! DO SOMETHING FOR GODS' SAKE!!! GO AFTER THEM!!!"

"How do you expect me to catch them?"

"Someone ... do SOMETHING ... please ... ... why must see my daughter off in the hands of those murderous dogs?!"

"I'm sorry. I really am."

VICTORY (This is a really weird place to put it, I know)

Average: 31

Old Average Pool: 346

New Average Pool: 377

Amon opened his eyes to see Gytha and Synthia with him. He was in too much pain to be dead. He could only nod and then let himself pass out, again.

With the last rider down, Gabbie sighed. "Almost ..." She walked up to the down wyvern rider and knelt over him. "Oi, you aloive?"

He coughed up some blood long before a reply ever came. "Yyyeee-p. Was a good fight ... I enjoyed it, heheh."

Ah, he's one of those ... Gabbie thought. Another explosion got her attention, though. Ah hell, what was that?

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