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Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light Low Turns Run (NES)


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So my video is processing? That's good, what Celice said had me nervous for a minute. It's like in those days when I tried to upload Avatar clips longer than 40 seconds, when Youtube made it so that I could view that Avatar clip, but nobody else could. I was worried a similar kind of thing happened.

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Ah, I remember that weird feeling when I uploaded a few things long ago. For me it says the video is unavailable. Your post was created three hours before mine, so if you had attached the link at the same time you made the post, I would think it'd be available after three hours... (almost five now)

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Well, apparently it takes my video 14 hours to get all the way up to Youtube. It's something like 3-4 Gigabytes big or something crazy like that. That's why it's so nervewracking, knowing that the upload, as far as I know, can just fail at anytime because apparently it thinks I canceled it. I'm hoping if I don't run Baldur's Gate or any other computer program and keep a careful watch on it, I can prevent this, or at least get one step closer to figuring out what's wrong.

EDIT: Ah, wait a minute, I see what's wrong! You actually tried to play it. That's not gonna work just yet, it's just processing right now. Just click on the icon that takes you to the Youtube page, it should bring you to a page where it says it's still processing. I even made a comment on the video just to make sure it was still processing.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Ah, I tried that the second time. I got a blank page with the little YouTube :\ emote. It might be blank because of the new update. I did see your comment though, and a single +1 Like :P

I don't think running the game would jeopardize your upload, but I am no internet-technological expert :D

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Ah, actually I added in the like, again wanting to see if the upload crashed. And just out of curiosity to see if I could do it...apparently I can xD!

Anyways, the page that says my upload progress seems to have disappeared for some reason, but despite that, I was able to change the title, make a new comment, and everything so...apparently it's still processing...I hope.

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How come the file is so big? Did you record it with Virtualdub? I think your best bet is to just record it with the emulator's AVI-recording, NEStopia, FCEUX and VirtuaNES are the emulators I know off that are capable of AVI-recording. Set the video compression to DivX or XVid and you should get good quality videos with a normal filesize.

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Well, now I get a completely blank page with no comments or likes, and it says that the video is unavailable. "The video you have requested is not available.

Sorry about that." But again, it might have always said it like that, and with YouTube's new change, it's flickering between the two.

I'd suggest compressing it, for sure. There's no need for such a huge upload for something like this...

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Well guys, it's official, my computer has now officially died. I literally have a black screen. After giving my problems pretty much since I started, it's finally thrown in the towel. After having a stroke in which the bottom of the screen flickered grey, and then having the program in charge of displaying the screen in Windows Movie Maker randomly crash and start back up, the computer has completely stopped, then went to a black screen.

Looks like it's time for a new computer...either that or a drastic overhaul. In any case, thanks for helping me out here guys! In any case, as to Quirino's question, the emulator I'm using is FCEUX, because it seems to be the emulator with the best graphics and sound. Then, I record the movie, then record the AVI in "Full Frames Uncompressed", then I put it through Virtualdub. I do this so as to have the best sound and video quality that I know how to get. Will decompressing it the way you suggest lose any sound or video quality?

EDIT: Ok guys, my computer is now working once again, although it still suffers a stroke every now and then. I can still play Baldur's Gate, but I'm rather afraid to try Windows Movie Maker, at least while uploading a video. So, I've downloaded Google Chrome, which Youtube says will actually restart right where the upload was stopped if it should be stopped for some reason. If I can't do it even by doing this, then I can only hope I find an alternative that doesn't decrease the video or sound quality, and failing that, something that doesn't lower it too much.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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This was achieved by using XVid compression, rate for yourself. I say it's more than good enough for my videos at least :) Full Frames - No Compression just gives too big file sized in my opinion, not really worth it. But you have to decide for yourself ofcourse.
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Chapter 5 will be uploaded soon since I just completed that one. Now, just so you know, progress may or may not slow down a little, because there's a bit of a special project that I'm working on for Christmas. What will it be? You'll have to wait for Christmas to find out.

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Noooo Biraku!!!

And nothing of value was lost. >8]

In other news, I find it pretty interesting to see how some of the things have changes since FE1 and what still works from FE11. Keep it up!

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys! Guess who finally has an update to report with?

Sorry it's been so long guys, I was busy working on my review of Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 1, but now I'm almost finished with that, so I had time to work on this! I am also happy to announce that I have finally mastered the art of video and audio encoding, which means that this video should be of even better quality than all the ones before it, not to mention, much more flexible in what visual option you can choose...however...

You know how the SpoonyOne one sometimes does one of those fake "nervous breakdowns" in his Vlogs? Well, I actually do that in regards to how absolutely stupid the A.I. can be in Chapter 7, even adding in gameplay footage that's not part of the actual strategy I used on that map to demonstrate it. And I'm worried I may have overdone it a bit. So, I'd like you guys to be honest, is it actually funny, or is it just annoying?

In any case, I'm wondering. In the future, do you wish for me to upload non-narrated versions of my videos in addition to the narrated videos I've been uploading so far? I've heard from some of the dudes on Tool Assisted Runs Forums, the guys who taught me how to video and audio encode, that some of them like just hearing the game play without commentary. What do you think?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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