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Generic Fantasy Stat RP Chapter 1


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Eastern Emocni, Aman

The peacekeeper arrived at the Rekamite temple of the Heirophants of Laynia which was the only place with free healing done this near the less reputable districts of Aman. The catch for the free healing, is that they only do so for charity for the faithful, which Letamites probably are. The other cathc, would be the mobs of Emocnian ruffians occasionally coming around to batter the walls and toss rotten food at it. The only presence here that prevented the mob from going in on their most violent days, are the pair of paladins standing guard at the entrance. Emocnian converts who know how to shout proper threats at their own people.

Reaching the entrance, the peacekeeper showed the wounded Zoey to them and stated his business in full. The paladins stepped aside to let him pass.


Faizal decided to close his business early, allowing Dave to return to the temple earlier than usual. It was not something he enjoyed in particular as all he was allowed to do was memorise the scriptures and praise Laynia's name every moment. It's so boring without the horses...

Then he noticed a rider come in with an armoured figure bleeding in his arms. A few sloppily applied vulnerary on the wound was visible, enough to by the person some time to be healed, but not enough to save her. Curious, Dave left his quiet corner to watch the Emocnian speak to the lead curate, Kenneth.

"Why do you bring this bleeding girl to our holy place?" demended Kenneth.

"Well, she was found bleeding badly in the fight, but alive so Sahul sent me here to ensure she survives. Now she's a Letamite, probably a believer too so heal her," ordered the peacekeeper.

Kenneth wrinkled his nose at the smell of blood and shook Zoey roughly while asking, "Child...do you believe in the great Spirit of Laynia? The great hero of ancient past who's piousness drove away the foul dragons and guided the Spirits of Light and Compassion to aid mortal man?"

Dave frowned at Kenneth's question and the general lack of interest of the other clerics nearby. The girl is bleeding badly and here you are asking about her believes? Aren't we, servants of the Heirophants supposed to help people irregardless of who they are and where they come from?

Running off, Dave went to pick up his staff from his room. He had nothing better to do with his evening. Might as well save a life if no one else was willing to do so for free, he might as well do it.


Upon leaving Medan Marian, Qaahir spotted a familiar figure cowering near a stall. Striding forward quickly, he closed in on the frightened Cora with his arms folded asking, "What's wrong, some bad people tried to lay their hands on you Nialpian?"


Reaching the barracks which served as a prison, Sahul pointed to the roof and said to RIne, "Your wyvern can wait up there while the rest of you stay in here for a day until I figure out what sentence to pass for you. Or if someone came to handle your responsibilities."

Chaen Lang said in response, "In that case, call for Lord Tzang in Mariyar, mention the name Chaen Lang."

"Lord eh..." muttered Sahul liking his lips as he contemplated the highest monetary cost for murder then added louder in better mood, "Well to make life easier for all of us, you shall all be in the same cell. I trust in everyone's good behaviour."

"You can trust in mine and my companions. We soldiers have a certain sense of...understanding for those who's duty is to protect the peace," said Chaen Lang.

"I sure hope so," replied Sahul.

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"N-no, I am fine." Cora shuddered, trying to regain her composure. "It's just, I happened upon the main square. There seemed to have been a fight, and when I got closer our companions were being arrested. I was not sure what to do. I just ran. It was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't want to be caught so....I was coming back to try and find someone who could help and I..." Cora trailed off. She was glad someone could help now, but her nerves were still a bundle.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Whoa, whoa! Slowdown girl, you said someone we know got caught?" asked Qaahir.


Getting his staff, Dave went to the entrance of the temple where he heard an angry peacekeeper commanding Kenneth to heal Zoey and gritted his teeth when he heard the lead curate's reply, "I'm sorry, but we do not heal someone not of our faith for charity."

Stepping forward, Dave declared, "I will heal her!" Glad that someone will do the task, the Emocnian dropped Zoey at Dave's feet while Kenneth watched him with displeasure. Dave focused within himself and felt something nestle on his scalp chirp. The ethereal sparrow that always answered his call flew off and circled Zoey after landing on the staff Dave held in hand briefly to draw upon the mana to nourish the Spirit of Innocence that granted healing powers, soothing the strange ghostly raven that seemed to perch weakly on the one it was bonded to's shoulder. All these could only be seen by those sensitive to magic and have the 'sense' for it. To the peacekeeper, all he saw was a gentle light glowing around his charge as Zoey's wound's healed and the bleeding stopped completely.

Finished with his performance, Dave waited for Zoey to awaken as proof that his healing worked.

Edited by Rothene
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The Raven fluttered awake, before fading away, as it's presence in the ritual was no longer needed, and Zoey herself opened her eyes slowly. "Wh-... where?" Was all she could voice out... too tired to really control it anymore... she was just glad to be concious really... and not dead... her body... it was cold and heavy...

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Seeing Dave complete his healing, Kenneth quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him away asking in angry tones, "Why did you heal her? Has the faithless shown us any gratitude?"

Dave retorted angrily in hushed tones, "We are healers, we save lives!"

The peacekeeper saw Zoey stirred and grabbed her by the armour and shook her gently, "You're in a Rekamite temple girl, and you must come now to the barracks to have justice mete out for your crimes in the spilling of Emocnian blood."

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Another blink. "A temple huh... uh, thank you kind sirs... uh, before I go... to trial or something... can I atleast... pay my respects first?" She asked nervously, still half dazed and confused and tired. "Last thing I remember was trying to save some poor mans Wyvern from some thugs... and then Axe... all sorts of Axe..."

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

The peacekeeper stood back, not sure how to respond to Zoey's words and not wanting to appear to harm a faithful in their own temple. Thus he did the only thing he thought was wise, stand and watch.

Perceiving Zoey's words as confirmation that she is of the same faith, Lead Curate Kenneth went forward to help her up saying ,"Child, surely the trials of the world has proven to be a powerful test of your belief in Laynia and those she watches over, you are definitely in need of rest," waving to Dave, "Dave, finish what you had started and guide this girl to the wards."

Adding gently, "Can you walk child?"

The peacekeeper immediately snapped into attention and protested, "She has to return to the barracks, I cannot allow her to potentially escape."

"Then stay here until she recovers. The poor child is so cold, she must have lost a lot of blood. Have you no sympathy?" chastised Kenneth.

The peacekeeper bowed his head and shook it.

"I'll have a messenger sent to Sahul to inform him that one of his charge shall remain here until she's fit enough to survive in his pigsty of a prison," said Kenneth. The peacekeeper only nodded. To decline that offer would mean facing down the various paladins that guard the temple, a terrifying prospect for the simple peacekeeper.

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Zoey slowly sat up. "I... I think... thank the benevolent Spirits they brought me here... it was... strange..." She muttered on... clearly dilerious from all the goings on... she looked around the room with half open eyes, what's visible being glossy themselves.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Hey, come with me...erm...Letamite," said Dave gripping his staff with arms clearly to small and scrawny to support an older female with all the heavy armour as he began walking to the wards, "I'll show you to the ward room."

The peacekeeper grunted and took a step forward in Zoey's direction before stopping himself to look at Kenneth. The lead curate nodded slowly to signify the permission he granted for the Emocnian to follow. The man did not need another moment to decide on what to do as he walked beside Zoey to support her to the ward room.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

It did not take long for the odd trio consisting of a Letamite, Emocnian and Rekamite to find an empty room in the section of the temple that held various rooms filled with the sick or injured. Some also held the homeless on the rare occasion a devotee to the faith was willing to donate food and care to the person.

Setting Zoey down on the bed, Dave ran off to get some Aesian herbs that were supposed to boost the blood production of ones body, something most curates and clerics were taught to feed any patient suffering from blood loss in a thick salty bitter brew. With nothing better to do, the Emocnian dragged a stool to sit on and began juggling three wooden balls of different sizes to pass time.

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Rine stays quiet for the time being, since it seemed that Chaen Lang had everything under his control even while handcuffed. The other commander tried to show his own voice agaisnt him, but it was clear who had the upper hand by now. So all he's got to do now is stay silent and follow his orders.

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"It's just, I happened upon the main square. There seemed to have been a fight, and when I got closer our companions were being arrested. I was not sure what to do. I just ran. It was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't want to be caught so....I was coming back to try and find someone who could help and I..."

Salicia couldn't help but have her interest perked upon overhearing those words. She had watched as the fight unfolded and as the peacekeepers rounded up the survivors, and had literally been enjoying the show with a mug of local ale in her hand - wasn't much in terms of entertainment here. Apparently, those captured by the peacekeepers still had some associates on the outside however. That just smells like a potential opportunity for her.

Might be worth checking out... Besides, I'm getting kinda bored with this place anyway.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

The Emocnian peacekeeper continued juggling his wooden balls, engrossed in trying to perform faster and faster, as well as see how long he could keep it up without dropping any of the balls. His longest record was barely more than twenty seconds.


The prison looked like it used to be a stable that was hastily converted into cells, being at the edge of the barracks, just so that the peacekeepers did not even need to lead them through it. A lot of wooden planks were used in place of metal cells. The only way they could keep their prisoners in was through keeping them shackled all the way. The wooden walls did not even look strong enough to actually hold a full grown man long, which was probably the reason why there were no other occupants of the building. So why were we brought here when fighting should happen all the time, something's not right.

Sitting down among the straws, Chaen Lang gentle touched Ken who was still unconscious. He was worried that what ever magic had struck the young man might still be afflicting him. The young man seemed of normal body temperature and appeared to be sleeping, very deeply.

Frowning, Chaen Lang turned to Rine and asked in their native tongue as he tapped the walls next to the streets, <"Rine, is Ragnos' strong enough to break through these walls?">

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Zoey giggled... atleast, it was supposed to be a giggle, with how weak her body was, she wasn't even aware what it came out as... but, the attempt was there. "Who... are you?" She asked the peacekeeper with a half a smile... the blissful ignorance of the whole scene being quite appearant on her face.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Where Zoey's giggles failed to register in his mind, her question was what he heard clearly. The moment of pause caused the peacekeeper to stumble in his act, letting all three wooden balls drop to the floor. Frowning slightly, he crouched to retrieve them as he answered Zoey's question just because he could spare his effort to do so, "I am Gamil," adding as he managed to pick all the balls up, "a protector of peace in Aman."

Sitting down again, he resumed his juggling as Dave returned with some blackish brown liquid in a soup that was somehow...odourless. Sitting next to Zoey, Dave handed her the bowl of hot liquids and said, "Drink this, it's very bitter, but it should deal with your loss of blood."


Omair continued down the market district of Aman, looking at the various people keeping indoors to avoid the afternoon sun and take in the cold winds that blew from Nialp. He was about to turn back when he spotted two very familiar faces in not so crowded streets.

With quickened pace, the mage hurried over to Alena and Qaahir with Hakkibe in tow.

"Hello Alena, hel...what's with worried expression Qaahir?" inquired Omair.

Qaahir turned to Omair and shook his head as he said, "The Nialpian here tells me that some of our comrades are being arrested."

Eyes widening, Omair walked directly in front of Cora and asked, "Who did you see get arrested, was it done by the peacekeepers? Did they fight them?"

Edited by Rothene
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Zoey took the bowl and gave it a cautious sniff... only to come up with nothing. "Uh... Thanks?" She asked, before tilting the bowl back and started to drink down the brew... her nose scrunched in the effort, though she perservered it seemed, about halfway done she lowered the bowl and tooka few deep breaths. "So, who are you?" She asked Dave, then taking a deep breath of air and starting another session of downing the bowl.

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Alena pursed her lips. She did not like sound of Omair's report. Would she have to flee this place, too? She hoped she wouldn't have to get involved, but if her employer asked, she'd have to follow.

This had better be worth my time!

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

Dave clasped his hands together and closed his eyes to appear as he normally did during the prayer sessions the priests of Laynia's followers held daily in the morning, as he replied to Zoey, "I am Dave, a simple curate learning to heal the wounded in this temple devoted to Laynia's great spirit. You?"


The sight of the wyvern flying riderless earlier made Lord Tzang worried about what that would mean. A rider does not let their wyverns fly freely among buildings lest they cause panic. The safest course of action he could think off was to go back to Mariyar and pack his belongings with his son.

Back in the building, he was intercepted by an Emocnian cavalier who had news from Chaen Lang. Ill news it was. Deciding quickly, Chaen Lang took a small pouch of gold from his travelling chest and his bow, he'd never know when he might get into an unavoidable fight. Although he was not the best archer in the land, being able to fight back somewhat was probably half the effort needed to survive in a fight already, so why not prepare?

Leaving Roune in the room they were boarding in for the nght with explicit instructions not to leave it or open it for anyone, Lord Tzang retrieved one of the horses that pulled his clan's carriage to make way to the Aman barracks as soon as possible.

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"I'm Zoey... trained as a knight from Letam, though I came to this country to learn magic... are you the one that tended to me?" She asked, finally setting down her bowl and taking a few deep breaths as she shrugged off the bitter brew's less pleasant effects.

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Eastern Emocni, Aman

"Why yes," said Dave smiling proudly. Then a curious look crossed his face as he asked while taking the bowl into his hands, "A knight coming here to learn magic? You don't see that often, affinity for the Spirits tend to leave potential users...less physically fit than those who are insensitive to the Spirits. You must have trained doubly hard to even move around with your armour. Well, you need to rest now. The herbs should make it safe for you to do so."

The Emocnian peacekeeper sat silently as he continued to juggle poorly.

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"Well... something tells me... if I was as fit as most... I probably wouldn't need this care right now..." Zoey said, trailing off as she layed back down. "Thank you Dave... I won't forget this..." She added, before her eyes closed and her breath grew heavy, clearly indicating that she was asleep.

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Cora nodded. "Yes. Lang, and Zoey. And the wyvern rider too. The soldiers came and caught them. I tried to stop them, but they wanted me to go with them. I just ran, far, far away. I feel ashamed I couldn't do much more, but I had too look for someone who could help. They should be taken to the jail or something, but when I saw her, Zoey had been bleeding quite a bit. I couldn't heal her before they took her away."

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