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How retarded were you two years back.

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O_o. Ok, so looking back at the stuff I wrote online just around two years ago, I can't believe I was so retarded. I purposely used text-message talk lazily... Wow, was I stupid.

I even used leet speak.

I mean,

H0W 7H3 FUCK R U 5upp053d 2 R3AD 7H15?

The internet has improved my grammar and spelling skills a LOT.

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Two years ago, I used "Gay" to call something stupid and jokingly use the word, "fag".

I also swore quite a bit two years ago and I also used to go to a forum for this game server and I would swear every now and then.

Today I am disgusted at myself that I even had that habit.

Does this qualify as me being how retarded I was back then or is this completely unrelated?

Edited by Zenester
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i used 2 tlk like this and never used grammarz

I also used to spam emotes. :Lyn::awesome::Hector::newyears: :tangerine: :Cord::Wrys::Canada::Syrene::Laylea:

Then I joined the real internet instead of IRL social networks.

Edited by Darros
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Two years ago? Umm...

I'd say I was more open to expressing my emotions through emoticons, less concise, and I liked to try to use unnecessarily complex words to make myself seem smarter.

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I used to have an obsession with Sailor Moon and call my friends random names (like dishwater, I don't even), was obsessed with bingo, had pictures of random cats in my locker, and wrote internet memes on my good pair of jeans and wore scarves, arm socks and leather jackets in the middle of summer, that is all. ._.

High school was weird, let's never mention my wtf years again. D;

EDIT: And I once did the Time Warp in the middle of the hallway, asdjfhaslkdjfc;saldkjfa. But one thing I did do right: I was obsessed with The Beatles. cool.gif

Edited by Maji
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I used to have an obsession with Sailor Moon and call my friends random names (like dishwater, I don't even), was obsessed with bingo, had pictures of random cats in my locker, and wrote internet memes on my good pair of jeans and wore scarves, arm socks and leather jackets in the middle of summer, that is all. ._.

High school was weird, let's never mention my wtf years again. D;

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Sig. This.

I wear a jacket in the summer too. And why wear jeans? Just wear pajama pants or some other comfy pants (Yes, to school/class too)

But arm socks? wtf? Why?

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I used to have an obsession with Sailor Moon and call my friends random names (like dishwater, I don't even), was obsessed with bingo, had pictures of random cats in my locker, and wrote internet memes on my good pair of jeans and wore scarves, arm socks and leather jackets in the middle of summer, that is all. ._.

High school was weird, let's never mention my wtf years again. D;

Winner of the thread.

But you're relatively normal (for a SFer) now, right?

Also, there is nothing wrong with bingo.

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Must. Resist. Urge. To. Sig. This.

I wear a jacket in the summer too. And why wear jeans? Just wear pajama pants or some other comfy pants (Yes, to school/class too)

But arm socks? wtf? Why?

I was a weird kid/wannabe emofag who enjoyed my half of a face (other half was covered with hair unsure.gif), jeans that needed cooking oil to get into and the whatnot.

But now I just sit at home with half inch hair and whatever I wore to bed last night, gotta love those awkward four year timeframes!

Winner of the thread.

But you're relatively normal (for a SFer) now, right?

Also, there is nothing wrong with bingo.

Well, I'm not 100% normal :P, but at least I've gotten stingy towards my clothes and don't write on them! Still in love with dat Sailor Moon though; hater's gonna hate. cool.gif

And bingo's cool, when my grandma pays for my cards.

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That's an example. The introduction topic I set down after I had to remake my account from a time warp.

Three years back? Well, I was worse, because like a lot of people a while ago, "i tlkd lik dis"

But two years ago is a shame in its own right.

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That's an example. The introduction topic I set down after I had to remake my account from a time warp.

Three years back? Well, I was worse, because like a lot of people a while ago, "i tlkd lik dis"

But two years ago is a shame in its own right.

I dont see a difference.

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