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Band Suggestion

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What i usually do with Ike as far as bands go is for his first 10 levels or so, I give him the fighter band to patch up his abysmal 5 base quicker, as well as giving him a little more HP(not that he needs it as he has 26 base HP after factoring in the C1 seraph robe.) After that, I usually stick the soldier band on him to buffer his defense later on(the Nite/Drgn/Sdlr bands+using killers/silvers does wonders for his defense in Fixed mode.) At least that's what I do. He really doesn't need skl/spd bands as those two stats don't need to be any higher than they already are, though he could use the priest band from time to time to increase his comparatively piddly res.

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Keep in mind that these bands only provide +5% in two stats, so they don't make that big a difference unless you're using the Mage Band (which is +10% Mag). Knight Ward and +30% speed is good too.

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Keep in mind that these bands only provide +5% in two stats, so they don't make that big a difference unless you're using the Mage Band (which is +10% Mag). Knight Ward and +30% speed is good too.

Doesn't the Knight Ward only work on Cavaliers, Paladins, Armor Knights, Generals, Soldiers, and Halberdiers?
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