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[FE8] PKL's Experimental SS Draft


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You sure? I recall seeing a bunch of axes. (I bought a steel axe for Ross to break the wall faster) IIRC there were 3 types of axes. Though I didnt look at what they were besides steel.

EDIT- Aww, I just checked and its iron axe, steel axe and hand axes that they sell there unfortunately.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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Prologue 2/2

RNG abuse.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 2 45 16 5 8 10 6 3 1

Chapter 1 5/7

Same strategy as always.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 5 08 19 6 9 12 9 4 2

Chapter 2 6/13

Vanessa rescues Ross. Drops him then cantos and Eirika talks to him. He and Eirika do dirty work while Vanessa gets villages.

Unit Lv HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 7 06 21 7 11 13 11 4 2
Vanessa 1 01 17 5 7 11 4 6 5
Ross 3 16 16 6 2 3 10 3 0

Chapter 3 7/20

I buy a Steel Axe for Ross before the chapter and some javelins for nessie. Colm goes up to that bandit then joins the rest of the group. Ross and Nessie destroy a wall in the first turn and Eirika kills the bandit. Then they do the same again. Eirika moves forward with everyone's help and then she rapier crits the boss and seizes.

Unit Lv HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 9 10 23 7 11 15 12 5 2
Vanessa 2 13 18 6 7 12 4 6 5
Ross 4 70 17 7 2 3 11 3 0
Colm 3 89 19 4 5 11 9 3 1

Chapter 4 6/26

Vanessa chugs a Pure Water and equips a Javelin. She kos the mogalls. Then she equips a slim lance and beats a bunch of stuff, critting a few of them. Artur and Eirika team up on enemies. Nessie moves towards the Lute area enemies then makes her way to where the boss would attack her. A lucky crit with the slim lance ended the chapter a turn early. Colm and Ross took on reinforcements. Though mostly Colm.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 10 68 24 7 12 16 13 5 2
Artur 2 80 19 6 6 8 2 2 6
Vanessa 5 93 20 7 9 14 6 6 5
Ross 6 52 19 7 2 4 11 3 1
Colm 5 89 21 5 5 12 10 3 1

Chapter 5 7/33

Couldve saved a turn I think. Colm went for the dracoshield. Nessie got villages. Then she teamed up on the boss with Eirika for the kill. Artur and Ross got the other village.

No stats due to 5x. :( And I literally forgot them at the start of chapter 6. fml

Chapter 5x 9/42

Fastest clear I could get. Orson carries and drops Ephraim then carries him again and then drops him. Orson kills the boss and Eph seizes.

Unit Lv Xp Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Ephraim 5 56 24 9 10 11 8 7 2

Chapter 6 3/46

Vanessa is ridiculous in this chapter lol. Natasha torches, revealing the boss for Nessie to kill. The others gathered as much CEXP as possible. Ross was a pirate before chapter btw.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 14 49 26 10 12 18 15 8 4
Vanessa 11 26 22 11 11 17 11 10* 7
Artur 3 58 19 6 7 8 2 2 6
Colm 7 27 22 6 6 13 10 3 1
Natasha 2 11 19 2 4 8 7 2 6
Ross 1 94 25 10 7 5 12 5 2

Chapter 7 5/51

Ross ferries Eirika. Then she rapiers the boss. Didnt get the ring this time unfortunately but thats ok. Nessie is mad str blessed.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 15 45 26 11 13 19 16 9 4
Natasha 2 59 19 2 4 8 7 2 6
Artur 4 51 19 7 7 9 3 2 6
Vanessa 13 59 23 11 12 19 11 10 7
Ross 3 04 26 11 8 6 13 7 4
Colm 7 86 22 6 6 13 10 3 1

Chapter 8 15/66

Eirika killed Tirado with her rapier by turn 13. But Nessie Colm Ross and Artur hadnt finished getting the Elysian Whip. So I took 2 more turns getting it. I still have rapier uses. Armorslayer was used on the armors by the robe. Got the robe too btw. Ephraim soloed his part while Forde rescued Kyle and ran for their life.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 18 11 28 11 14 20 18 10 4
Ephraim 8 38 27 10 10 13 10 9 2
Natasha 3 92 20 3 4 8 7 2 7
Artur 6 02 20 7 8 9 5 2 6
Vanessa 17 04 26 14 12 20 14 10 7
Ross 5 10 28 11 9 6 14 8 4
Colm 8 72 22 7 7 14 11 3 2

Chapter 9 12/78

Vanessa flew around and killed stuff and got villages. Tana ferried Franz and he recruited Amelia. Then the others finished with their things.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 19 40 29 11 15 20 19 11 4
Vanessa 3 71 39* 17 13 23 15 12 11
Artur 7 55 21 7 9 10 5 2 7
Colm 10 19 24 7 8 15 11 5 2
Ross 7 78 29 12 10* 6 14 8 4
Natasha 5 25 21 4 6 10 8 3 9
Amelia base

I trained Amelia to 10/1 and she promoted to cavalier.

 Amelia 22 6 8 10 13 4 6

Chapter 10 4/82

Vanessa flies and kills an archer then heads back and rescues Eirika. She then flies drops Eirika and parks by the boss with a javelin. On my next turn, she finishes pablo and eirika seizes. The others just tried to get cexp and heal xp.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 19 47 36* 11 15 20 19 11 4
Amelia 1 39 22 6 8 10 13 4 6
Vanessa 4 83 39 17 13 24 15 12 12
Natasha 5 58 21 4 6 10 8 3 9
Artur 8 06 22 7 10 10 5 3 8
Ross 8 18 30 12 10 8* 15 8 4
Colm 10 34 24 7 8 15 11 5 2

Now on chapter 11.

Edited by PegKnightLover
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I'll finish when I feel like it. Once I get out of the tutorial levels, it won't take me long.

EDIT: Maybe it will, my team is terrible :facepalm:

Until Chapter 11, when Garcia promotes. Maybe Gilliam won't be terrible, although he hasn't got any speed yet.

Edited by General_Horace
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Alright, I was just checking if you guys hadnt forgotten about this draft. :p

Chapter 11: 9/91

Unlock Natasha. Amelia handled reinforcements while Vanessa flew around doing most of the work. Artur promoted mid chapter when he reached level 10. Colm got a secret book.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 20 00 36 12 16 20 20 12 4
Amelia 6 34 26 8 9 14 17 5 7
Vanessa 6 91 40 17 15 26 16 12 12
Natasha 7 06 23 4 6 11 9 4 10
Artur 1 00 26 10 13 11 5 6 11
Ross 9 48 31 12 11 8 16 8 5
Colm 10 64 24 7 8 15 11 5 2

Chapter 12: 10/101

Vanessa was careful not to trigger reinforcements too early. Tana was deployed to rescue saleh and fly away to avoid a penalty. Eirika handled reinforcements pretty damn well while Vanessa flew around doing everything. Natasha spammed barrier. Artur sucks.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 20 00 36 12 16 20 20 12 4
Amelia 7 45 26 9 9 15 18 6 7
Vanessa 9 86 43 19 20 27 17 13 12
Natasha 8 29 24 4 6 12 10 4 11
Artur 1 86 26 10 13 11 5 6 11
Ross 11 04 32 13 11 9 17 10 6
Colm 11 17 25 7 8 15 11 6 2

Chapter 13: 2/103

Fed Vanessa the energy ring ewan carried around. Vanessa hits Aias for 23x2 then he suicides to her on EP :s. Amelia went to the ballistae archer for cexp. Eirika to the ballista archers to the south. Colm to the reinforcements though he didnt fight unless u count taking a ballistae to the face, fighting. And Ross went down to the loldiers.

Unit Lv Xp HP Str/Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Eirika 20 00 36 12 16 20 20 12 4
Amelia 8 22 27 9 10 16 18 6 8
Vanessa 11 44 43 21* 21 28 19 13 12
Natasha 8 59 24 4 6 12 10 4 11
Artur 1 91 26 10 13 11 5 6 11
Ross 11 69 32 13 11 9 17 10 6
Colm 11 18 25 7 8 15 11 6 2

Now on Chapter 14, scratching my head trying to figure out how to recruit Rennac. I might just kill him. Btw, whats the consensus on undrafted units going to secret shops? Its a no-no right?

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You can recruit Rennac with L'Arachel pretty easily, IIRC (although that might require Tethys), since they have the same mov). He makes finding desert items easier, but you still have Colm, and you only really need the swiftsoles and warp (which admittably, are kinda far away from each other.) And it's your draft, so it's your choice on the secret shops. Personally, I don't think Rennac even has enough movement to get there on time in the first place.

Also, you did make Artur a Bishop right? He should have been rockin' in the monster chapters with a shine tome.

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He is a bishop but hes highly stat screwed. Has practically no speed and mediocre mag. I tried recruiting Rennac but I said screw it, this requires Tethys and thus, Vanessa killed him with a javelin. Still, I turned it off because none of my units except possibly Amelia, can make it to the Secret Shop in time. I really want those physics, barrier and killers. :(

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IIRC in my efficiency playlog, my Artur had similar stats to yours (maybe +1 magic) and he was able to OHKO all unpromoted monsters with Shine. He was pretty terrible outside of killing monsters, but the C Staves is nice if you can get his staff rank up in time.

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Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     2.45 16  5   8  10   6   3   1

2 turns.

Chapter 1

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     3.84 17  5   9   11  7   4   2
Franz      3.20 21  8   5    9  3   6   1

5 turns.

Chapter 2

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.66 19  7  11   13   9  4   4
Franz      4.50 22  9   6    9   4  6   1

5 turns.

Chapter 3

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     7.14 21  9  11   14  11  5   5
Franz      5.97 23 10   7    9   5  6   2

7 turns.

Chapter 4

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     8.97 22 10  11   16  11  5   5
Franz     10.56 28 12  11   14   5  7   3

6 turns.

Chapter 5

5 turns.

Chapter 5x

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ephraim       Insert good stats here

8 turns.

Chapter 6

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    10.07 23 11  13   18  12  5   6
Franz     16.16 33 16  14   17   9  7   3
Joshua     6.59 25  9  14   15   8  5   3

4 turns.

Chapter 7

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    12.09 24 12  15   19  14  7   7
Franz     16.95 33 16  14   17   9  7   3
Joshua     9.46 27 12  17   16   9  5   3

7 turns.

Chapter 8

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    13.12 25 13  15   20  15  7   7
Franz     20.-- 36 17  16   20  12  9   4
Joshua    11.23 28 13  18   18   9  6   4

8 turns.

Chapter 9

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    13.42 25 13  15   20  15  7   7
Franz     20.-- 36 17  16   20  12  9   4
Joshua    12.82 29 13  18   19   9  7   4
Forde     11.23 29 11  12   10   7  9   2
Tana       7.18 23  9  10   16  10  6   9

11 turns.

Chapter 10

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    14.51 26 13  15   20  16  8   7
Franz     20.-- 36 17  16   20  12  9   4
Joshua    13.22 30 13  19   19  10  8   4
Forde     11.73 29 11  12   10   7  9   2
Tana       7.65 23  9  10   16  10  6   9

3 turns.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

holy shit I'm gonna finish this in one day

Prologue - 2 turns


Chapter 1 - 5 turns

yup yup

Chapter 2 - 5 turns

Gilliam almost died a horrible death but he didn't

EIRIKA       06.75    19 06 10 12 10 03 03 D SWORD
GILLIAM      05.70    26 10 06 04 04 09 04 C LANCE
GARCIA       04.00    28 08 07 07 03 05 01 C AXE
NEIMI        01.00    17 04 05 06 04 03 02 D BOW

Chapter 3 - 6 turns

Gilliam and Neimi are a pro wall demolition team

Chapter 4 - 5 turns

Garcia wrecks monsters and doesn't afraid of anything

EIRIKA       09.57    20 08 13 14 11 04 05 C SWORD
GILLIAM      07.51    28 11 07 04 04 09 04 C LANCE
GARCIA       08.94    31 11 08 08 05 06 01 B AXE
NEIMI        02.53    17 05 06 07 04 03 02 D BOW

Chapter 5 - 6 turns

holy crap Joshua's a prick

Chapter 5x - 7 turns

Turns out you actually can clear this is 7 turns without Kyle or Forde. Ephraim also crit blicked Zogda or whatever that stupid Merc bosses name is for like 70 more exp that normal

naturally, I forgot stats

Edited by General Horace
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Hello Horie.

Hi Soul.

Chapter 6 - fuck I can't remember

I'll check at the end, I'm gonna put 6 turns for now because it could have been one less but Garcia left the boss with 1HP left and I raged but it was ok since he got two speed procs this chapter anyway

contemplating sell the orion's bolt even though I have Neimi

EIRIKA       13.25    24 09 15 16 14 05 07 B SWORD
GILLIAM      09.28    28 12 08 05 06 11 04 B LANCE
GARCIA       13.06    33 12 11 11 07 09 03 A AXE
NEIMI        03.74    17 05 07 07 05 03 03 D BOW

oh yeah Garcia got the secret book and dragonshield

Chapter 7 - 6 turns

Eirika was rescue dropped onto the river by Gilliam and Garcia and then ran and smacked Murray in the horse with her Rapier

Chapter 8 - 8 turns

holy crap Eirika was almost OHKO'd... Neimi got me the angelic robe

Gilliam promoted before the chapter.

EIRIKA       16.69    25 10 16 18 17 06 07 B SWORD
GILLIAM   11/02.71    34 15 09 08 06 15 05 B LANCE D AXE E SWORD
GARCIA       15.55    34 14 12 11 07 09 03 A AXE
NEIMI        05.07    19 06 07 09 06 04 05 D BOW

Edited by General Horace
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Plowing on

Chapter 9 - 15 turns

this chapter is seriously the worst chapter ever unless you have Franz

Gilliam was pretty solid here, despite not doubling.

Chapter 10 - 8 turns

I almost shit myself when Gerik and Innes left Tethys unguarded and some axe dude hit her down to 1 HP

Eirika killed the boss with the killing edge.

EIRIKA       19.86    35 12 17 19 20 06 07 A SWORD
GILLIAM   11/06.33    38 17 13 10 06 16 05 A LANCE C AXE E SWORD
GARCIA       17.82    36 14 12 11 07 09 04 A AXE
NEIMI        07.18    21 07 08 10 07 04 06 C BOW
TETHYS       01.00    DANCER

Chapter 11 - 8 turns

Gilliam went right, Garcia went south, and Neimi was actually clutch here, as she 6HKO'd the Entombed in the middle room over the course of 3 turns, then killed something else that Eirika left alive from the reinforcements, then promoted in time to kill the non bow enemy in the middle room with the longbow.

EIRIKA       20.00    36 12 18 20 21 07 07 A SWORD
GILLIAM   11/07.40    39 17 15 10 06 16 05 S LANCE C AXE E SWORD
GARCIA    17/03.47    41 16 15 13 08 11 07 A AXE C SWORD
NEIMI     10/01.12    23 09 10 12 09 07 10 C BOW D SWORD
TETHYS       01.80    DANCER
L'ARACHEL    03.00    18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAVES
SALEH     ??/01.00    30 16 18 14 11 08 13 A ANIMA B LIGHT C STAVES

Chapter 12 - 10 turns

I need more movement :(

Also, Garcia, if your resistance somehow surpasses that dragonshielded defence...

EIRIKA       20.00    36 12 18 20 21 07 07 A SWORD
GILLIAM   11/07.82    39 17 15 10 06 16 05 S LANCE C AXE E SWORD
GARCIA    17/06.19    43 18 17 13 10 12 08 A AXE C SWORD
NEIMI     10/01.79    23 09 10 12 09 07 10 C BOW D SWORD
TETHYS       02.73    DANCER
L'ARACHEL    03.60    18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAVES
SALEH     ??/02.03    31 16 19 14 11 08 14 A ANIMA B LIGHT C STAVES

Chapter 13 - 2 turns

haha, suck it Aias

Chapter 14 - 10 turns

Garcia critted Carlyle with the swordreaver, but it didn't actually matter because I had already moved Eirika. Got the secret shop too, bought a couple physics, and some killers.

EIRIKA       20.00    36 12 18 20 21 07 07 A SWORD
GILLIAM   11/08.07    39 17 15 11 06 17 06 S LANCE B AXE E SWORD
GARCIA    17/08.76    45 19 17 14 11 13 09 S AXE C SWORD
NEIMI     10/02.03    24 10 10 13 10 07 11 B BOW D SWORD
TETHYS       03.88    DANCER
L'ARACHEL    04.93    18 07 06 10 12 05 08 C STAVES
SALEH     ??/04.09    32 18 19 15 11 10 14 S ANIMA B LIGHT C STAVES

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Chapter 15 - 6 turns

go Saleh go

EIRIKA       20.00    36 12 18 20 21 07 07 A SWORD
GILLIAM   11/08.73    39 17 15 11 06 17 06 S LANCE B AXE E SWORD
GARCIA    17/10.58    47 20 17 15 11 14 09 S AXE C SWORD
NEIMI     10/02.45    24 10 10 13 10 07 11 B BOW D SWORD
TETHYS       04.38    DANCER
L'ARACHEL    05.56    18 08 06 11 13 06 09 C STAVES
SALEH     ??/08.05    33 18 19 18 12 11 15 S ANIMA B LIGHT C STAVES

Chapter 16 - 7 turns

Boots to Tethys. Garcia and Saleh did a lot of work here. Garm rocks.

Chapter 17 - 3 turns

Drew the Luna dudes away, then Pure Water!Myrhh killed Lyon.

EIRIKA    20/01.47    40 14 20 21 21 10 12 S SWORD
EPHRAIM   17/01.59    38 15 19 17 14 13 10 A LANCE
GILLIAM   11/09.41    40 18 16 12 06 17 06 S LANCE B AXE E SWORD
GARCIA    17/11.91    48 21 17 15 11 14 10 S AXE C SWORD
NEIMI     10/02.84    24 10 10 13 10 07 11 B BOW D SWORD
TETHYS       05.41    DANCER
L'ARACHEL    07.85    19 09 07 12 14 06 10 B STAVES
SALEH     ??/09.85    34 18 19 19 13 11 15 S ANIMA B LIGHT C STAVES
MYRRH        05.92    22 20 16 08 05 23 28 MANAKETE

Chapter 18 - 7 turns

Syrene <3

Ran around and killed shit

EIRIKA    20/03.64    42 16 20 21 21 11 13 S SWORD
EPHRAIM   17/03.93    39 17 21 18 16 14 10 A LANCE
GILLIAM   11/09.90    40 18 16 12 06 17 06 S LANCE B AXE E SWORD
GARCIA    17/14.08    51 23 19 16 13 14 10 S AXE C SWORD
NEIMI     10/03.71    25 10 11 13 11 07 11 B BOW D SWORD
TETHYS       06.01    DANCER
L'ARACHEL 10/01.50    24 14 10 12 17 08 12 A STAVES C ANIMA
SALEH     ??/11.24    36 18 20 20 15 12 16 S ANIMA B LIGHT B STAVES
MYRRH        11.50    30 23 21 11 07 31 31 MANAKETE
SYRENE    ??/03.63    29 13 13 16 12 11 14 A LANCE C SWORD

Chapter 19 - 2 turns

Rescue charges go

Chapter 20 - 3 turns

Myrhh flew to Morva and blicked him, Syrene ferried Eirika over

Final Part 1 - 2 turns

Syrene ferried Saleh over, both of them had to dodge some 40's then Saleh rescued pure Water Myrrh, who was 3HKO'd by Lyon and 4HKO'd him and doubled in return.

Final Part 2 - 1 turn

3 members of my team were 1AS away from doubling the Goat Demon.

Anyway, Saleh rescued Myrrh, who hit for 43 damage, then L'Arachel yoinked rescue and rescued Tethys, who danced Myrrh, who did another 43 damage. Eirika and Ephraim did the remaining 34.

if people care i'll post stats, otherwise, Garcia kicked ass, Eirika was meh, Ephraim was meh, Myrrh was a nuke, Saleh was amazing, Gilliam was good until about chapter 16, Syrene <3, Neimi wasn't as bad as I thought, and L'Arachel saved a turn in final!

Turncount roll tells me that I finished in 139 turns, so i'll take it's word on it. Also will post video of it, etc...

Edited by General Horace
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Trace on-


Lol, do I need to explain?

Credits to Horie for the video. It's very useful.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     2.45 16  5   8  10   6   3   1

2 turns.

Chapter 1

Eirika ran to the kill killing enemies along the way. France appreciated any chip damage or kill he got.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     4.43 18  6   8   10  8   4   3
Franz      2.37 20  7   6   8   3   7   2

5 turns.

Chapter 2

Franz ended up taking the South due to his absurd Spd procs. Eirika dealt with the Brigands coming from the mountains to the West.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.56 19  6   9   11   8  4   4
Franz      4.28 22  9   8   10   3  7   2

5 turns.

Chapter 3

Frank kills enemies blocking enemies blocking Eirika's way to help her through. They tag-team on the boss and Franz takes the kill.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     5.80 19  6   9   11  8   4   3
Franz      6.49 24 11   9   12  5   7   2

6 turns.

Chapter 4

Franz takes a Javelin and goes down to the South and kills everything there. The Javelins were only used to deal with the floating eyeballs on Enemy Phase. Eirika stayed North and killed the zombies there.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika     7.99 21  8  11   12  10  5   3
Franz     10.62 27 13  12   15   7  8   3

6 turns.

Chapter 5

Eirika takes the left chokepoint and Franz and Natasha take the main entrance leading to Joshua. I recruit Joshua, Joshua kills an Archer. Franz goes for the boss.

Eirika retrieved the Secret Book on the last turn.

4 turns.

Chapter 5x

I did the same thing Horie did, except that I have Forde. Forde just gathered CEXP for himself.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ephraim    6.09 25  8   11  12  9   9   2
Forde      7.99 25  7   9   9   8   8   2

7 turns.

Chapter 6



Franz killed the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    10.07 23 11  13   18  12  5   6
Franz     16.16 33 16  14   17   9  7   3
Joshua     6.59 25  9  14   15   8  5   3

4 turns.

Chapter 7

My Eirika isn't baws enough like Horie's to survive the two Soldiers, the Mage and the Archers when crossing the river. I took a turn more because of that. Meanwhile, Joshua stays behind to get some kills. Eirika killed the boss.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    12.11 23 10  14   16  13  8   4
Franz     17.59 33 17  15   19  11  9   5
Joshua    10.68 29  8  17   18  10  6   4

7 turns.

Chapter 8

Franz kills the room with the Knights and ferries Eirika to Tirado's lair, drops her off next to him and she criticals him. Franz finishes him off. Forde and Joshua killed what they could.

Unit      Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Eirika    13.30 24 10  15   17  14  8   5
Ephraim    7.34 26  9  12   13  10  9   2
Franz     20.-- 36 19  16   20  12 10   6
Forde     10.13 27 10  11   11  10  8   4
Joshua    11.69 30  9  17   19  10  6   4

7 turns.

Headin' for Rausten~

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