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FEditor Problems


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Hey guys, I've been trying to do a custom Black Knight animation for a while. All the frames are done, but when I go in the FEditor Class Animation Creator, I can load the script, but when I try to Save to file it says this:



OAM data overflow!

What the hell does that mean and how do I fix it? If you need the script, just let me know!

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It means you're screwed. Basically, if you get an error like that, you're solutions look like this:

A) Scrap it and redo the animation from scratch

B) Try again using Old FEditor (you can find it floating around somewhere, I'm sure)

C) Reprogram FEditor to not have an OAM Limit

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No idea. Hex[tator] could probably tell you more about it, but as far as I know it's bullshit. He just doesn't feel like changing it (don't bother him about it unless you want to get screamed at)

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C) Reprogram FEditor to not have an OAM Limit

Unless Zeld has a specific reason for putting that in unnecessarily, that's stupid to try and bypass it. There's a reason why there's a limitation (again, if Zeld didn't arbitrarily set one).

That's like saying reprogram your compression program to ignore when your file is too large and it's going to overwrite tons of data.

You might as well give revising the animation a try. It's not like anything else is gonna happen most likely. Zeld's tools have been like this for years now

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Well, Celice, all I know is that Rey did just that (editing out the OAM limit), and I've made several animations with that version of FEditor, and no problems so far.

Edited by Cam
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Show your sprite. Perhaps it's too big or uses too many frames. FEditor Adv can kind of predict as to how many tiles are allowed to be used in an animation before the animation ****s up in-game. Your animation probably takes up too many tiles one way or another. *shrug*

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I ended up just shortening up my critical animation (It was over 50 frames, I believe) and that solved the problem :) Also, Luffy, you could be right because it had sort of a big flash that was part of the critical animation that went straight to the top of the screen, that could've been it too. But problem solved!

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On a somewhat related topic, I just made a Black Knight map sprite by editing Zephiel's King sprite. However, when I try to inert it with unLZ-GBA, it says my image is not indexed. However, I've checked in Usenti and it has 16 colours. Anybody? I'll attach the map sprite too.

EDIT: On second thought, I'll just make a new topic.

post-3733-033503800 1315063828_thumb.png

Edited by Jubby
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