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Nih's Gallery of SPOOKINESS and expired links ♥


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thanks ^_^


He has bigger arms now. I adjusted the collar and the neck too and even his torso is bigger!

I spliced the belt thingy because I couldn't realize how it works on the official art @_@ The fur is still bugging me ;_;

I might give him an axe some day, since I want to turn him into a full/half body (My first one ever *_*)

Edited by Niharu
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Have you seen Pi's fur tutorial? If not I can link it to you, I find it really helpful. :D


I haven't! I'd love to see it, thanks ^_^

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Yay Thanks *_*

I WILL! My english teacher said we are also going to read the book in english this year at school! I'm really happy <3

Tom Hiddleston + horses = Nih's death xD

Edited by Niharu
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You really have a realistic spriting style, I love it <3.

It's great to see you improve so insanely fast. I'd say you're pretty much amongst the elite spriters now =3.

OMG Why thank you ;________;

I'm far from being that good, but that felt so nice to hear ;_; You are too nice <33333

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Very, VERY good work, I will say, but please don't ever use the term elite. I know that there are the insanely good sprites, then the normal ones, and then the horrible ones, but elitism is not a good thing. for shame, feaw

That being said, I like your sprites!

Although the right side OPV hair on Dorothy-man looks a little bit jagged.

Edited by Mercenary Lord
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my attempt at turning Dorothy into a male é_é

His left (opv) arm looks plasicy because of how it is shaded, and it looks like his head is too far left.

But yeah, I really like it! I always enjoy your sprites. :)

Doesn't Dorothy have some sort of design on her breast plate though? :o

Edited by Wicked Witch of the East
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Definitely looks better! :)

Sadly, I can't help with the muscles, as I don't often shade muscles. :sweatdrop:

Though, like Maggie said, ref'ing would probably help!

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