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Aureola's Unfortunately Named Sprite Gallery


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Fixed up the halberdier's cape and both shields, and changed them to blue.


Also made a bunch of changes to the old legionaire


Centurion fixes are still in progress but I should have something up for him in the near future as well.



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second row's shadow is weirdly unrounded at the back your shadows bug me dammit

The fact that the soldier's shield's center piece is only 3/4ths defined looks wrong.

The Halbardier looks much better.

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That old shadow was a leftover from the old legionaire, should be fixed now. I keep forgetting about shadows when I sprite.2012-08-20_1206.png

Also, can anyone tell where I'm going with this?

(more fixes)


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So the delays I entered in didn't really take...

But here's what I have so far of a new legionaire animation.


Ideally it's supposed to pause a little bit on each step forward to add a bit of weight, and obviously a long pause while his sword's buried in Batta's chest.

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On the note of that, the sword kind of jumps to a vertical position like it's warping or something...

There are other things, I'm sure, but that jumps out at me the most.

Yeah, that's supposed to be sort of him jumping back quickly out of the attack. I'll probably need to throw in a blur frame there.

I was also trying to make the return a bit faster than the beginnning, as that's usually how it goes with FE attacks, but it does look kind of skippy. Any ideas on how to preserve the quick return speed while making it look more normal?

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Try referencing the Soldier sprite, it seems pretty similar to the sprite you're going for. Other than that, I dunno. My battle sprite animations are usually just made by winging it, and acting out the animation IRL. I don't know much about actually getting it the way you want. It's more of an internal thing for me...

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The marching-like walk forward is intentional, though if there's an issue with the walk beyond just marching, I'll adjust it. I don't think I want to have him holding his shield in front of him, as I'm saving that for the promote. Jumping back's a good idea, I'll probably adjust that tomorrow.

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That'd be a pretty long jump.

Anyway, it looks fairly smooth, I suppose, although the shading really isn't FE, but I can do nothing for you there, because it takes me far too long to get good shading on my sprites, and it's mostly just trial and error.

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Sweet march, colored frames look good imo~

Other than jumping on the backstep you could try increasing his stride length (actually looks like that's what you had done but the paler leg jumps/skipsFrame on frame 17 instead of being at peak rise, would have him lower to the ground to keep from looking like a stagger and more like a defensive maneuver too). Or motion blur out the first stride and give a seminormal 2nd stride with the saved frames.

Personal opinion but the sword might look more natural if it eased from straight horizontal to straight vertical over the backstep frames, unless he's filleting the guy (then might want to go with the jump anyways, but probably want another between angle frame in for the sword either way).

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Fixed the head movement, tried to make the sword movement more gradual, though It may still need a blur. And more frames, slowly



dug these guys up from some old folder of old sprites and touched them up a bit to better fit the style.


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aaaaand done


edit: definitely need to add frames to the retreat but I've gotta go now, so later. Comments on this are still greatly appreciated.

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