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Zealot looks decent. Lyn would be a good reference/splicing resource while working on it.

Zealot promotion hand off has no transistion. I would think it would look cooler if the OPV right hand just drew it out into that position, but that's just personal preference.

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If your gonna go with a slashing attack then I think you chould make the blade longer, it looks like it grows a bit during the slash part. Other than that it looks pretty cool smile.gif.

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Zealot looks decent. Lyn would be a good reference/splicing resource while working on it.

Zealot promotion hand off has no transistion. I would think it would look cooler if the OPV right hand just drew it out into that position, but that's just personal preference.

He could also try and reference Unpromoted!Eirika's critical, seeing how she draws her sword back before going for the lunge. A combination of Lyn's Strike, and Eirika's lunge could work.

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I did in fact reference Eirika and Lyn while making the base animation, though I'll be sure to look at them while filling it in as well. Is there any specific fixing up the stickman needs before that?

@Matt Snow, I've actually intentionally lengthened the sword for the blur, it's a technique that's intended to make the attack look more ranged, as without it it can be kind of difficult to make it reach the enemy. (specific tutorial I learned this from)

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Thanks! I suppose he should get a bigger sword at some point, since he is a promote, but for now, animations.

Added four or so frames to smooth things out and charge up the attack more~



went ahead and redid the Saint magic sword animation as deranger suggested, however...

I had some absurdly complex sword swinging going on to make it abundantly clear that he is in fact drawing his sword out of the sheath and twirling it in front/above himself to get a proper grip on it. Don't really want a Warrior bow animation situation happening here.


But then I ended up chopping out several still frames of the twirls in progress and combined two motion blurs into that rather large blur you see in the third frame. Not sure what to make of it, so critique away.

Edited by Aureola
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For the Zealot you should reference MK404's Julie

And that one knight you have right under the Zealot looks SO sick. Skirt seems a bit big to actually be effective in battle though.

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Not really. What I think you should do is either have two motion blur frames, or have some kind of recoil frame. It looks a weird right now, not to mention that the sword are would probably snap if that much momentum was stopped like that.

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I'd like to think cutting through all that bandit flesh would've greatly reduced his momentum, but I'll see what I can do. Maybe a recoil specifically for the miss frames or something?

edit: also




sort of did both of what you recommended: additional blur blurring into a recoil. Any better?


Edited by Aureola
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That sounds good. Although think about it, Fire Emblem animations are not know to be realistic. Ly's crit is an example. If you're going through all this trouble to make it look strong, with a bunch of charge-up and such, then it isn't exactly like Fire Emblem anymore. I do like the concept, though.

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Now I'm quite confused. Are you saying I should add a recoil for realism, or that I shouldn't, because it shouldn't be realistic?

We've already got examples of charging in fire emblem (Eirika, Paladin crit), and examples of lack of charge that look bad/silly (berserker non-crit attack, general and knight underhand throw without any wind up), and I know this animation would look extremely stupid without it, so I'm definitely keeping the charge. A cartoony style is no excuse for making a crappy animation.

Recoil on the other hand, I'm not sure about. If I can find a couple of good examples of existing animations with noticeable recoil, I'll do it, if not, I'll probably keep it how it was.

Edited by Aureola
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I'm saying that you said you've been making animations with the help of a 'How to make realistic animations' tutorial thingy, but then you show a reference that isn't. I'm confused. I know that some Fire Emblem sprites use charging and such, but why reference one without charging? aegsdgadhfsjfgjsh idfc

feel free to ignore me, I'm typng this without really even paying much attention to what shows up

EDIT: Can you create a sprite sheet that you could show? It might help me order my thoughts a bit.

Edited by Mercenary Lord
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It's not about 'realistic' animations, it's about good animations. You'll notice the tutorial I linked to is for use as a guide for a cartoony fighting game being made on the spriter's resource, nothing particularly fancy or realistic. The animation I referenced was for the recoil, obviously if I could find all aspects of the animation I'm making in one preexisting animation, I wouldn't be wasting my time making a new one.

Anyway, finished it up.


What you see here is all I have for this unit, beyond his still, but I'll see about cropping each of the frames into a sprite sheet when I get the chance.

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Well for that frame after the slash, the hand holding the sword looks...weird. Twisted, maybe, or something, and the shading is a bit off.

And don't worry, I have a de-gif'ifier' program that I forgot about.

also, I hope you're planning to do something about the frame timing. It's pretty slow.

Edited by Mercenary Lord
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Well for that frame after the slash, the hand holding the sword looks...weird.

I think he means the shading is making the middle lighter so that makes it seem as though his elbow is sticking the wrong way (did I get it right?). The other arm looks kinda wierd too, it looks too small in comparison with the other arm IMO.

Edited by Matt Snow
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that's pretty fuckin good. I like how the bandit just GTFOs at lighting speed XD

The only problem I see other than a guy swordfighting in a dress is how he lands. When he jumps back, it looks like he's getting ready for a clean landing, but then his landing is sloppy.

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Trying to fix the things Merc Lord and Matt Snow pointed out.

edit: missed a post

I think the problem with his landing is this


one frame, where he bends his knees more than they are at the initial landing. I was trying to make him bend into the landing to absorb the shock, though I think that frame may be unnecessary. (also the bandit flashes out because if I keep him in the whole animation I have to pick him out pixel by pixel if I want to insert it anywhere. Just easier this way.)

more edits:

Since it'll help me to explain the landing better and I was going to do it at some point anyway, have a sprite sheet.


you can see the frame I'm referring to in the second to last frame, where the knee bend is exaggerated after landing.

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