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PMU Efficiency Playthrough


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Chapter 8 7/76 turns

Rickard went shopping. I tried to get Radd or Rickard to compete in the arena, but they suck. It's too bad, I could've used a some extra funds.

Somehow I lost 2 turns this chapter, which is weird because when I was playing I thought it was only one turn. My strategy was simple, but difficult to execute. I had to kill all the units who are aggressive, and block of the ones that wait a turn. Barst and Darros do good enemy phase damage, thankfully. Lena also helps by countering one of the knights.

Funny story, I didn't know that Horsemen could cross mountains, and Vyland died. That particular run wasn't going very well anyway. When I tried again, I knew that Barst had to help Darros block the mountain pass. The mountain happens to give him extra survivability which is good. Everyone does pretty decent damage, though some need a forge to help (Roshea, Lena). Marth even got to help out, which must be the source of my 2 missing turns.

Kannival goes down to Cord (Ahi), Vyland (Ahi), and Draug (Devil Axe). Thanks to Roshea for trading the forge between Cord and Vyland! Everyone else had to retreat as the rest of the eastern enemies were advancing, and almost everyone got a little bit of exp on the last turn.

Looking ahead, Jagen is not going to be deployed. I'm not really sure how good Radd is going to be. At least he won't die easily.

Unit	Level	Exp	Class	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon Ranks
Marth	5	41	Lord	21	7	0	6	9	10	7	0	Sword C
Caeda	10	76	Archer	19	6	0	9	18	17	10	0	Bow D
Jagen	4	23	Master	23	5	1	18	15	2	7	3	Sword B
Draug	8	35	Fighter	26	7	0	7	13	3	4	0	Axe D
Gordin	12	40	Curate	21	0	2	6	6	8	5	7	Staff C
Wrys	6	1	Archer	18	5	2	8	8	5	6	0	Bow D
Barst	11	1	Merc	25	10	0	15	16	9	9	0	Sword D
Cord	9	36	DM	18	3	4	5	10	8	6	4	Tome D
Darros	8	93	Knight	26	8	0	3	1	5	17	0	Lance C
Lena	9	27	Pegasus	17	5	3	12	14	14	8	5	Lance D
Roshea	5	67	Myrm	22	5	0	13	13	4	4	0	Sword E
Vyland	7	34	Mage	21	0	5	4	6	3	2	5	Tome D
Rickard	1	11	Thief	Base								
Athena	11	75	Cleric	25	6	1	4	5	6	4	9	Staff E
Caesar	3	90	Pirate	22	6	0	1	8	6	6	0	Axe E
Radd	1	11	Cav	20	6	0	1	5	1	9	0	Sword D, Lance E

Tank MVP: Darros

Damage MVP: Darros

Healer MVP: Gordin

Unit	Tanks	Damage	Heals
Marth	1	41	0
Caeda	3	73	0
Jagen	0	0	0
Draug	1	17	0
Gordin	0	0	33
Wrys	0	1	0
Barst	3	74	0
Cord	0	38	0
Darros	18	82	0
Lena	2	60	0
Roshea	3	17	0
Vyland	0	27	0
Rickard	0	0	0
Athena	0	0	16
Caesar	0	12	0
Radd	0	3	0

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Darros is always useful! Well...maybe not this chapter...

Chapter 9 6/82 turns

The pirates are only irritating because they have axes and can cross water. Caesar and Lena can cross water as well, so they engage the first wave of pirates. Rickard opens the door and Marth follows behind. All of the enemies are fairly weak. The biggest problem is keeping a wounded Radd out of harm's way. I take a few risks by trying to get Radd's lance rank up.

Rickard collects the Bullion and the Goddess Icon (for either Radd or Draug).

Mannu was killed by Vyland (x2), Cord, Draug (Devil Axe), and Lena. If I had been super patient, I could have gotten a 5 turn clear by waiting for Vyland to crit Mannu for 33 damage (he has 32 HP on H3). However, I had gotten a magic growth for Gordin. Those don't come along very often.

Unit	Level	Exp	Class	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon Ranks
Marth	5	71	Lord	21	7	0	6	9	10	7	0	Sword C
Caeda	10	91	Archer	19	6	0	9	18	17	10	0	Bow D
Draug	8	69	Fighter	26	7	0	7	13	3	4	0	Axe D
Gordin	13	15	Curate	21	0	3	7	6	8	6	8	Staff C
Wrys	6	31	Archer	18	5	2	8	8	5	6	0	Bow D
Barst	11	65	Merc	25	10	0	15	16	9	9	0	Sword D
Cord	9	54	DM	18	3	4	5	10	8	6	4	Tome C
Darros	9	12	Knight	27	8	0	4	1	5	17	0	Lance C
Lena	10	47	Pegasus	17	6	3	12	14	15	8	6	Lance D
Roshea	6	44	Myrm	23	6	0	14	13	4	4	0	Sword D
Vyland	7	70	Mage	21	0	5	4	6	3	2	5	Tome D
Rickard	1	11	Thief	Base								
Athena	12	5	Cleric	25	6	1	5	6	6	4	10	Staff E
Caesar	4	34	Pirate	23	6	0	1	9	6	6	0	Axe E
Radd	2	53	Cav	21	6	0	1	6	4(2*)	9	0	Sword D, Lance E

Tank MVP: Caesar

Damage MVP: Barst

Healer MVP: Gordin

Unit	Tanks	Damage	Heals
Marth	0	10	0
Caeda	0	6	0
Draug	0	53	0
Gordin	0	0	51
Wrys	1	33	0
Barst	2	100	0
Cord	0	13	0
Darros	2	17	0
Lena	2	46	0
Roshea	2	15	0
Vyland	2	42	0
Rickard	0	0	0
Athena	0	0	16
Caesar	3	9	0
Radd	0	36	0

Chapter 10 in progress

Another difficult chapter. Gordin and Jagen have the highest levels, so they get some bench action.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this was a difficult chapter and I had a lot of things to do. Plus I just got New Mystery imported, which is a lot of fun. I also didn't want to do the really hard strategy that I kept failing at (it was close sometimes), so I started the promotion fun (which took a while because I kept forgetting to hit the WiFi shop at the right times noes.gif).

Chapter 10 9/91 turns

Well, I need to promote some units to make things easier. I'd have had a decent run if Wrys hadn't missed, forcing Draug to not pull a knight who then went after Rickard and trapped him. It was a rough outing.

So here I am, saying, "I have to buy some promotion items anyway." So I go ahead and promote Athena and Caeda. Things are looking up now. Jagen is benched automatically, and I decide that Athena will join him. For reference, since I'll be avoiding some promotions (Barst, Lena, etc.), I will force the promotion of any character who reaches level 20. Beck and Tiki will also count as promoted units when I get them.

I don't know how I came close to finishing this chapter without Caeda. She, Barst, and Lena ran with Marth, while everyone else went to kill the Sniper and collect loot.

The first obstacle was the four cavaliers that rush the group right away. Caeda countered one on EP and Darros finished it off with a Riders Bane hit. Caeda ORKO'd another with the Wingspear, and Lena and Barst teamed up to kill a 3rd. The last one hit someone and died next PP.

The Dracos were easy, I had Lena trade Caeda the forged Lei, and she countered them down to 12 HP. She finished one off with Javelins. Lena (from range) and Barst teamed up to exactly kill the other (saved Barst from taking a counter-attack). Somewhere in here I save-scummed so that Cord got a crit on the thief and I got a Levin Sword. He countered the Knight and Vyland got the KO. Rickard got the physic. For some reason, the second knight didn't want to attack, so everyone here sat around. At least Gordin did some healing and physic-ing.

The Peg Knights were a joke, as always, and Lena made the last battle save. Marth moved into position and crit on EP to ORKO the wandering knight who guarded Zharov. Caeda moves in to attack Zharov, dealing 32 damage and taking none (she would have taken only 6 or 8 or something like that.) Marth positions himself so that the Cleric can't heal Zharov.

Barst goes in with the Killing sword on the Master Seal Hero, but doesn't get the crit. Lena supports with a Javelin strike. Gordin uses one more physic use to heal Barst. The scene in the Sniper room is frantic, but I have (barely) enough units to kill the knight, archer, and surround the Sniper. No thanks to Cord missing one of his attacks on the knights, however. All's well that ends well? We'll see how this team continues to perform as we move along.

Oh yeah, and Barst was able to finish off the Hero.

Unfortunately, I forgot to differentiate my stats between battle saves, so the data was a bit messed up, but my MVPs are obvious this time. Caeda ran away with the offensive and defensive awards, and Gordin, being the only healer, was the best healer.

Unit	Level	Exp	Class	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon Ranks
Marth	6	1	Lord	22	8	0	6	10	11	7	0	Sword C
Caeda	2	68	Paladin	26	8	0	12	22	18	12	6	Sword E, Lance C
Jagen	4	23	Master	23	5	1	18	15	2	7	3	Sword B
Draug	9	29	Fighter	27	8	0	7	13	4	4	0	Axe D
Gordin	14	59	Curate	22	0	3	7	6	8	6	8	Staff C
Wrys	6	64	Archer	18	5	2	8	8	5	6	0	Bow D
Barst	13	9	Merc	27	10	0	16	16	9	9	0	Sword C
Cord	10	35	DM	18	3	4	5	10	9	6	4	Tome C
Darros	9	64	Knight	27	8	0	4	1	5	17	0	Lance C
Lena	11	1	Pegasus	18	6	3	12	14	15	8	6	Lance C
Roshea	6	54	Myrm	23	6	0	14	13	4	4	0	Sword D
Vyland	8	87	Mage	21	0	5	4	6	4	2	5	Tome D
Rickard	1	11	Thief	Base								
Athena	1	0	Falcon	29	12	1	9	10	6	10	10	Sword C, Lance D
Caesar	4	59	Pirate	23	6	0	1	9	6	6	0	Axe E
Radd	3	29	Cav	21	7	0	1	7	4(2*)	9	0	Sword D, Lance E

Edited by Whitefang
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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried to make progress! It worked!

Voting is done guys...(so glad I'm not doing H5) though I might do an inefficient quick run with this team on H5 just to say I did it. Though I'd rather take the team into FE12 when I unlock the restriction on class changing.

Chapter 11 10/101 turns

I don't know if I can do it in 200 or less. I'll keep trying!

I thought this chapter would be pretty hard, but it was tame compared to previous chapters. I avoided Khozen and the Sniper, which means no good loot sadly.

The first step I took was to warp Darros into the northern area on a fort. He was pretty grumpy about this, but +2 Def later and he was impenetrable except to the Stonehoist guy. By the time I had gotten there, only one wandering enemy remained, and Lena mopped him up. But before that...

Lena and Athena went east to clear out some mercs so that I could send some folks shopping. They had a good deal going. Athena started it off by countering with an Iron Lance, then she would strike from range, Lena would trade with her to get the Iron Lance equipped and finish off that enemy. Then they both would counter and the process repeated. Sadly, they weren't worth much XP, but oh well.

Radd tried to tank one merc and did poorly. Barst had to kill it. Roshea and Draug finished up the last one. Marth even got in on the action a little here! He needed some action, too. He sucks.

Barst takes the second save, and Cord+Athena defeat the Thundershot ballistician. Everyone tiptoes around the Sniper/Khozen attack range and Barst and Darros kill the Stonehoist ballistician. I have to kill the Cavalier on the gate with Barst+Cord, which sadly meant I only had Vyland to attack the boss. He had no chance to kill him, unfortunately. I could have risked Athena flying in, but if Khozen had moved the Sniper would have gotten her. I didn't feel like starting over again (Marth got hit by Jake and Stonehoist.)

In summary, Radd, Caesar, and Wrys suck. Wow do they suck. Caesar and Wrys didn't even do anything. At least Radd did some damage. I had Radd double Jake for 0 damage just for the weapon exp. Barst is still awesome, especially now that he can use the Killing Edge. Lena is surprisingly useful because she is a Pegasus Knight. I will continue warping Darros to slaughter the enemy as needed (might change to Barst on promotion). Athena rocks with Levin Swords and Javelins!

Looking ahead, I have to figure out a way to get Wrys to the arena or something. I need to get him to level 10 so I can promote him and try to bench him. The next chapter I lose 2 deployment slots. At the moment this is Gordin and Barst (Ouch). In addition to those two, Lena, Darros, and Cord are ready for promotion. They would go to Sniper, Berserker, and Horseman respectively. Promoting all 3 (using my remaining seals from wifi shop) would give me Barst and Gordin, then I would probably select Lena for this mission, saving Darros and Cord for later. I'll try it without doing that first.

I have to collect the master seal, which means I may as well collect the boots, too, though who knows how effectively I'll be able to use them.

Stats time!

Unit	Level	Exp	Class	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Weapon Ranks
Marth	6	11	Lord	22	8	0	6	10	11	7	0	Sword C
Draug	9	39	Fighter	27	8	0	7	13	4	4	0	Axe D
Gordin	16	45	Curate	23	0	3	8	8	9	6	8	Staff B
Barst	13	72	Merc	27	10	0	16	16	9	9	0	Sword C
Cord	10	75	DM	18	3	4	5	10	9	6	4	Tome C
Darros	12	91	Knight	29	8	0	5	1	7	19	0	Lance B
Lena	12	22	Pegasus	18	6	3	12	14	16	8	7	Lance C
Roshea	7	24	Myrm	24	6	0	15	13	5	4	0	Sword D
Vyland	9	6	Mage	21	0	5	5	7	4	2	5	Tome C
Athena	1	61	Falcon	29	12	1	9	10	6	10	10	Sword C, Lance D
Radd	3	69	Cav	21	7	0	1	7	4(2*)	9	0	Sword D, Lance E

Tank MVP: Darros

Damage MVP: Darros

Healing MVP: Gordin

Unit	Tanks	Damage	Heals
Marth	1	11	0
Draug	0	9	0
Gordin	0	0	66
Barst	2	74	0
Cord	1	40	0
Darros	70	192	0
Lena	5	39	0
Roshea	1	25	0
Vyland	1	16	0
Athena	3	80	0
Radd	1	6	0

Edited by Whitefang
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