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(FE4) First Gen Draft


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Why was Ayra picked first round, yet Holyn lasted until the last pick?

I wondered that too actually. They have pretty much the same avaliablilty (Aira isn't doing anything in chapter 1) and Holyn has a level lead :/

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Prologue 13/13 Turns

Chalphy to Jungby - 6/6 Turns

Not going to abuse 2 points of strength on Siggy for a 5 turn clear.

Jungby to Evans - 7/13 Turns

Stupid Hand axe fighters and bowfighters got in the way too much, and Cuan was to hurt to help out. Midir got the speed ring village.

Stats after Chapter 1 Arena: Sigurd saving a full clear for later, stopped at the axe armour, Cuan cleared it, Midir couldn't beat the speedring mage.

Sigurd    13.24     44   17   0    16   14   9    11   3   Silv. Sword, Javelin
Cuan      09.50     39   19   0    12   14   6    13   4   Steel Lance, Javelin
Midir     06.63     33   10   0     7   12   3     8   0   Iron Bow, Speed Ring

Also, Cuan is getting Ardan's pursuit ring, because every other member of my team (sans Tiltyu) has Pursuit.

Chapter 1 - 25/38

Evans to Genoa - 5/18 Turns

Sigurd rush blargh. Cuan kills Kinbois. Midir sits on a forest and prays. Cuan kills most of the rest of Kinbois group. Aideen and Dew run like hell.

Genoa to Marpha - 6/24 Turns

Might have lost a turn recruiting Aira, but I think the Hero Sword was worth it.

Marpha to Verdane - 14/38 Turns

Some of the bandits had 0 hit on Sigurd and decided not to attack him in the chokepoint, then Sigurd couldn't ORKO the boss, and Cuan/Midir/Deirdre were out of reach. Deirdre dodged 4 hunters at 3 HP! Thank you Prayer!

Stats after arena.

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Let's see who I have!

Sigurd - He'll be soloing a good portion of the game.

Alec - Sigurd's dash buddy for the first two chapters.

Arden - Time to prove a point! Whatever it may be!

Lex - He'll make things much easier.

Dew - Sigurd's pal for chapter 4.

Lachesis - Staves!

Claude- More Staves?

Tiltyu - RNG bot.

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Why not? I'll start this later tonight hopefully.

First we have the freebies:

Sigurd: Manly on a stick, on a horse. The SSS will get 50 kills pretty quickly, I reckon.

Diadora: Maybe she'll get some lucky lover crits, not expecting much besides staffbotting.

Claude: He'll be my C4/C5 Staffbot when Diadora and Ethlin peace.

Tiltyu: I'm not expecting much of her, maybe some good wrathcrits here and there. She'll help Claude not get obliterated by the Orgahill Pirates in C3.

And now to my draftees:

Levin: He's gonna be death incarnate when Holsety rolls around, and yes, I do plan on getting Holsety for him. It's worth the extra turn or so.

Noish: He'll be a great asset in the Prologue, being the secondary killer of bandits that Sigurd misses as he charges forth. He'll have some good use later on, hopefully an early promotion will make him Sigurd the Second.

Ethlin: My Prologue staffspammer, she'll provide backup to Sigurd and Noish if necessary but otherwise she'll probably just spamheal. That Light Sword will be very useful later on.

Azel: He was kind of a tough choice for me but I can see good things if I play my cards properly.

Holyn: He's Sigurd without a horse or Tyrfing!

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Even though I've started, I'll do the same.

Sigurd - Jesus on wheels

Deirdre - Hopefully she will do something more than silence Sandima... but my hopes are not high.

Claude - I actually just noticed he was free!



Cuan - Will be awesome till he leaves. Will get pursuit halfway through chapter 2, till the end of chapter 3.

Sylvia - I think this was kinda risky, hopefully it works out.

Fury - Have the Hero Lance from chapter 3 onwards, and fly to boot.


Midir You have pursuit? And a Hero Bow? Maybe you're not so bad.

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Prologue: The Beat Alls 11 turns

I don't normally have this many units, this feels weird. Now, unlike some people, Sigurd happens to get two strength points, allowing Jungby to be taken on turn 5. Alec and Arden were pretty much taking hits but Alec looks after the castle and Arden prepares to be a RNG machine. Meanwhile, Lex was at the top of the map, pretending to do something.

My cunning has no limits! I cross the bridge without letting the second army trigger, allowing me a manly turn 11 capture!

Sigurd  12 03 42 19 00 14 13 10 12 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Alec	03 18 33 09 00 10 11 04 07 00 Iron Sword
Arden   03 58 36 13 00 05 04 03 13 00 Iron Sword
Lex 	07 04 36 11 00 11 11 09 12 00 Iron Axe, Speed Ring


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Midir You have pursuit? And a Hero Bow? Maybe you're not so bad.

Have fun gluing him to my Aideen.

Sigurd: Sigurd

Diadora: A lot more useful in adraft than people think. :/

Claude: Free healing and Valkyrie, yay!

Tiltyu: You're a nice guy for giving Claude protection, Octavian. Though my opinion on Tiltyu in a draft remains unchanged, a terrible unit.

Ayra: Can Astra, and is full of awesome.

Jamka: Easy to recruit with drafted Aideen, and worth recruiting too.

Aideen: Amazing healer. Will be paired with Aideem because OCD.

Briggid: Ichival is fun, matches the rest of my lowish move team. It's all in fun though!

Fin: Sad that he leaves too early, but will help quite a bit. :)

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Chapter 2 - 28/66 Turns

Evans to the first castle - 10/48 Turns

Siggy's sword is near 50 kills, which is good, because dickface with the shield ring would be tough without it.

The first castle to dickface - 7/55 Turns

Turns out Cuan makes short work of him with a Hero Lance. Siggy recruited Beowulf, and got the elite ring before seizing.

Dickface to Sleep Staff - 6/61 Turns

Deirdre warped people back, the entiry Agusty and Sleep staff's dude suicided on Sigurd, who critblicked the boss, then seized.

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Chapter 1: Axe Country - 24 turns

Alec and Arden actually get to the General. Lex finds the Swordfighter a little too tricky. Lex ends up with the Hand Axe after finishing off that axe guy with Sigurd. A well placed axe and javelin mean Sigurd can capture on turn 5! Lex has literally no HP left so sits out. Dew baits the fighters until Sigurd and Alec arrive. A turn 12 capture soon occurs! Alec has somehow become mega-speed blessed!

Edain and Ethlin get their staves. Jamka eats Silver, I won't need his bow. Meanwhile Arden does jack all. Dierdre is killed but silences, Lex delays me two turns but I get a turn 24 capture!

Sigurd  12 03 42 19 00 14 13 10 12 03 Silver Sword, Steel Lance, Javelin, Skill Ring, Magic Ring
Dierdre 04 55 27 00 15 09 12 07 03 16 Silence, Aura, Circlet
Alec	11 76 37 11 01 14 18 04 10 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance
Arden   06 86 39 15 00 05 05 03 15 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword
Lex 	10 12 38 11 00 12 11 09 14 00 Iron Axe, Speed Ring, Steel Axe, Hand Axe, Hero Axe
Dew 	04 21 28 03 00 08 15 13 02 00 Iron Sword


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Alvis why is your AI screwed? D:







Wow, I never realized how difficult this chapter could be with only one draftee, in all my other drafts I've had at least 3 units.

Cuan penalty and Midayle penalty (he died trollface.png) because someone had to guard the castle, and Midayle joins in a bad spot. He did a good job distracting bandits though.

...Sigurd didn't get to do as much as usual this chapter, he was too busy running and seizing and such.


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Finished Chapter 2.

Sleep Staff Castle to Agusty - 5/66 turns

Cuan had the shield ring, so he took negligible damage from all off Zyne's mooks, then almost got killed because I forgot Zyne himself had a horseslayer. Fury was recruited without Penalty, thanks to Midir, who sat next to Aideen for almost the entire chapter. Fury grabbed Cuan's Hero Lance because he was fine with Silver + Pursuit, and cleared the arena. Cuan ended up killing Shagall too.


Sigurd    26.00     58   24   0    26   23  18    19   8   Silv. Sword, Javelin, Skill, Barrier, Speed, Return
Cuan      22.81     53   24   0    16   18   8    23   4   Silv. Lance, Javelin, Pursuit
Midir     06.63     33   14   0     9   16   4    10   0   Steel Bow
Beowulf   15.21     42   18   0    15   11   4    14   0   Steel Sword, Hero Sword, Armourcutter
Sylvia    01.80     28    3   0     4   12   6     1   5   Slim Sword
Fury      11.18     34   11   1    12   19   8     9   9   Hero Lance, Light Sword, Slim Lance

Chapter 3 - 18/84 Turns

Agusty to Madino - 4/70 Turns

Sigurd and Cuan ran north, and killed everything in their way. Sigurd killed the boss with a silver sword blick.

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Chapter 2: Redneck Country - 30 turns

Sigurd clears some of the arena, Dew and Arden fail miserably. Dew also passes his cash onto Dierdre so she can warp and stuff.

I really don't care that much about the knights so one of them bites the dust. Elliot dies, the next place is captured on turn 10. The Nodion Knights are sacrificed, Sigurd and Alec team up to take Anphony on turn 17, getting the Elite Ring! Lex is in position, ready to take on the following bad guys.

After returning home, Sigurd runs back to help the others. Dew starts looting the villages whilst Lex takes on the upcoming army, putting a decent sized dent in it. I don't even use Silence, which is weird because I usually do. Capture on turn 25! Arden is warped back to murder Fury.

A mad rush sees Sigurd killing Shagall on turn 30! And Arden survived!

Sigurd  24 10 55 24 00 22 16 16 15 03 Silver Sword, Javelin, Skill/Speed/Return/Elite Rings, Libro
Dierdre 08 90 31 00 18 10 13 08 04 18 Silence, Aura, Circlet, Warp, Relive
Alec	16 73 41 14 01 17 20 07 11 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance
Arden   08 41 41 15 00 05 05 03 17 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Pursuit Ring
Lex 	21 30 47 15 00 15 14 10 21 00 Iron Axe, Speed Ring, Steel Axe, Hand Axe, Hero Axe
Dew 	05 01 29 03 00 08 15 13 02 00 Iron Sword, Cutter
Lachy   05 66 28 08 08 09 13 07 08 10 Prayer Sword, Live 


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Madino to Sivail - 6/76 Turns

Sigurd returns home, and the next turn he is danced by Sylvia, and Siggy murders all the cross knights but two and Eltshan with a Javelin. Cuan finished Elty with a horseslayer, and he and Sigurd ran towards Shagall. Meanwhile, Beowulf grabs Ayra's hero swords and finished his arena (he got stuck on the dark mage before) and goes north to wait for the pirates. Fury gets the strength village, Midir gets the restore staff, while being chased by Aideen. Siggy critblicks Shagaal on turn 10.

Sivail to Orgahill - 8/84 Turns

Sigurd returned home, was danced by Sylvia the next turn. Beowulf ORKO'd all the pirates (including the boss) with the hero sword, (except the hand axe ones) while Fury went to help Claude and Tiltyu. Beowulf sold the Leg Ring, and Siggy bought it the next turn, and he ran to the boss, and ORKO'd him with the Silver Sword. Cuan will be missed, but Beowulf will promote next chapter, so it won't be too bad.

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Hokay, let's see if I can actually do this shit.


Chalphy to Jungby, or Sigurd shows off his manliness, part 1: 7/7 Turns

What? Blasphemy! Not a six turner? Well...the RNG is a bitch. So to prevent death to Sigurd I had him take out the Hunter instead of going for DiMaggio immediately, allowing him to counter and then obliterate him on the next Sigurd Phase.

Anyway, Sigurd and Noish charge ahead, kill Verdanes, Azel soloes the top part of the map with his sexy range, ORKOing all of the bandits and getting lots of gold. Ethlin chills and heals Noish and gets some sweet sweet criticals in the process.

Jungby to Evans: 8/15 Turns

Noish gets the Speed Ring, he's gonna need it with his shitty attack speed. Everyone else has dodging ability, so Noish it is.

Turn Eleven arrives and the greatest weapon in FE4 arrives: Sigurd's Silver Sword. Bandits beware. Good thing, too, the Steel Sword (with 20 kills already) was at 4 uses left. Too bad both Ethlin and Noish already have Critical. Maybe Holyn will like that in C2.

Anyway, more of the same, Sigurd kills everything, Ethlin and Noish are a great duo, and Azel falls behind a bit but sneaks in a kill near the end. Everyone gets a last minute attack in before Sigurd kills Gerrard and seizes.

And stats time for post-prologue ness.

Unit      LV  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Equip
Sigurd    11  41  16  1   14  14  11  11  4   Silver Sword (5), Steel Sword (22), Iron Lance
Noish     5   35  11  0   7   13  5   8   0   Steel Sword (3), Speed Ring
Azel      3   32  1   12  7   9   3   2   6   Fire (6)
Ethlin    4   31  5   8   11  12  9   6   6   Slim Sword (5), Live Staff

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I can't remember the castle specific seizes, but

Chapter 4 - 23/107 Turns

Leg Ring Sylvia is awesome.


Sigurd crit blicked stuff, Tiltyu hid in a corner, Claude healed occasionally, and Fury Hero Lanced stuff, while Beowulf Hero Sworded stuff.

Sigurd    30.00     62   30   2    22   25  19    24   8   Silv. Sword, Javelin, Skill, Barrier, Speed, Power, Shield
Cuan      22.81     53   24   0    16   18   8    23   4   Silv. Lance, Javelin, Pursuit
Midir     27.50     47   21   2    16   22   6    15   4   Hero Bow, Silver Bow
Beowulf   28.54     54   23   0    27   19   8    18   5   Steel Sword, Hero Sword, Armourcutter
Sylvia    05.60     28    4   1     4   13   7     2   6   Leg Ring, Return
Fury      21.14     40   15   8    17   26  10    12  15   Hero Lance, Light Sword, Slim Lance, Silv. Blade, Live, Silv. Lance
Claude    25.63     36    0  23    14   15  10     5  23   Reserve, Libro, Wind, Recover
Tiltyu    10.57     34    0  15    18   13  12     1  10   Tron, Magic Ring

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Horace, that chapter 3 was scary! You may dance your way to victory ^^.

Chapter 3: Pirate Country - 21 turns

Lex clears the arena and promotes, getting his hands on the Pursuit Ring! Alec gets stuck on the Duke Knight, Arden on the Dark Mage and the weenies on the Armour. Dew also steals the Light Sword and Elite Ring.

They head out, Sigurd, Alec and Lex go to take the castle, Dew gets in position for the Cross Knights and I don't know what Arden's doing. Jacobean is killed on turn 5, Alec's Cutter really got him a few good kills!

Dew dances with the Cross Knights, Elty reduces Sigurd to 2HP, but him and Lex charge forward. Shagall falls on turn 12! Alec and Arden are almost ready to take the pirates, Alec even got Restore. Lachesis has been returning the whole time too. Arden takes the Strength village.

By some cruel twist of fate, Arden ends up with the Leg Ring. He's not actuall that bad, which is surprising. Sigurd has returned home and then stormed through the path that was cleared for him. Usual antics from Claude's threesome. Capture on turn 21!

Sigurd  26 70 57 25 00 22 16 17 16 03 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Silver Blade, Skill/Speed/Return/Power rings
Dierdre 10 46 31 00 19 10 13 08 04 20 Brainwash
Alec	19 73 43 14 01 18 21 07 13 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Iron Lance, Cutter, Restore, Clipper
Arden   12 76 45 20 01 06 06 03 19 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Leg Ring
Lex 	25 32 49 22 00 16 17 11 25 03 Iron Axe, Speed Ring, Steel Axe, Hand Axe, Hero Axe, Pursuit Ring
Dew 	20 21 41 08 02 13 19 16 06 01 Iron Sword, Light Sword, Elite Ring, Shield Ring
Lachy   13 24 33 10 08 11 15 11 12 10 Prayer Sword, Live, Return, Slim Sword
Claude  22 55 35 00 22 14 15 11 05 21 Reserve, Valkerie 
Tiltyu  06 44 29 00 10 16 11 10 01 09 Tron, Thunder


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