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(FE4) Hey guys, this is an FE4 for KNICKERBOCKER KNICKERBOCKER draft


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GANESHIRE!: 9 turns clear = 9 turns total


ISAAC!: 7 turns clear = 16 turns total


To ...yeah!: 6 turns clear = 22 turns total

That was almost some horseshit, right there.

If I killed Dannan, Seized, and saved after Levin's conversation, the game blacked out. Some playing with savestates revealed that Celice was getting the Thief Sword and Levin's conversation was overriding the Send bit, so it would try to send the Thief Sword to storage but the game wasn't ready for that or something. So I Seized and canceled the conversation and then DIDN'T save and managed to move on, and that's left me with this:


Count the items, boys.

Strange, this, but okay.

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To YIED: 11 turns clear = 33 turns total

stupid stupid dumb

Goodbye, eight-item inventory.

To MELGEN: 7 turns clear = 40 turns total


To LEEN: 5 turns clear = 45 turns total

Okay, my opinion of Ares is shifting thanks to some new developments.

To ALSTER: 6 turns clear = 51 turns total

And SET. Leaf got home to spam the Arena before it was all over. Everybody lived except Len*.

To CONOTE: 9 turns clear = 60 turns total

Janne actually could have saved me a turn here by preventing Celice stopping off at the Church for looooooove. Oh well, went good. AND LEAF.

To MEASE: 6 turns clear = 66 turns total


Roddlevan might promote.

FINALLY TO GRUTIA: 12 turns clear = 78 turns total

To be fair, four of these were waiting for Altenna.

But I recruited Corple.

I tried selling all his shit to buy a Return Ring but fell short. Note to self: leave Corple with some bullshit rings if I want to recruit him next time.

Then I sold his Warp staff and bought it with Leaf. Then I Warped Mana to Corple Castle. Then I Returned Corple with Mana. Then I ran Corple out of home, Danced for him, and recruited Hannibal.

Then I had to wait five turns for Altenna. Fuck her.

To THRACIA: 4 turns clear = 82 turns total


HILA NOT DED: 4 turns clear = 86 turns total


To THE PLACE I HATE: 4 turns clear = 90 turns total

Stupid stupid hate.

To THE OTHER PLACE I HATE: 4 turns clear = 94 turns total

Leaf BARELY doesn't have enough RES to avoid Sleep so some shenanigans ensued.

To CHALPHY: 7 turns clear = 101 turns total

Fucking Alvis. Hate him. Big Shield stopped a 6 turns for this segment.

To EDDA!: 3 turns clear = 104 turns total


To DOZEL: 3 turns clear = 107 turns total


To FREEGE: 3 turns clear = 110 turns total

And now the hard part.

To VELTHOMER: 6 turns clear = 116 turns total


And JULIUS IN: 4 turns clear = 120 turns total


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261 turns total clear. I beat myself!



Top-notch, no Speed screwage to fuck me up later. A+, 10/10, and I finally realized he can use the Thunder Sword (/whatever other magic) to HILARIOUS effect. Like against the last Hand Axe Brigade in C6 - he ANNIHILATED them. I actually got it to 50+ kills.

Fond of Daisy.



Impressive, for what I expected. He chowed the children in C8 and managed to get enough money, somehow, to buy the Elite Ring. Then he promoted and actually contributed, ESPECIALLY on the Axe Knight Brigade in the Final. Still DEFINITELY not a second round draft (sooooooul :[) but certainly more than I'd hoped.

Mana's on his mind.



SUCH MOBILITY. Leaf is THE single best draft in FE4, period. And passing that Bargain Ring down to him? BEST DECISION EVER.

Janne, or something.



He got two of the Dark Knights, to be fair. I think I could do something with Corple in a later draft, but as this one stood he was practically useless. Now, he didn't really cost me any turns (maybe one, all told) so I won't complain TOO hard. But again, I think I have an idea for how better to levy him in a later draft.

Also, fucking FEWoD lied and Corple TOTALLY starts with A Staves, not B.

Something about Mana.




But he killed something, so he was worth it.



I didn't know Ares had Ambush. This does, admittedly, change my views of him.


He's better than Shanan, for true. Otherwise, he's just good. Better than most of the subs - not that that's saying much - and probably some of the children. Like Delmud. He's better than Delmud.

In love with Leen.



Oifaye got mostly relegated to dying in the Arena to fuel Corple's Physic spamming to desperately try to hit 20. Poor guy.

Something about Mana. Speaking of...



Leaf really just usurped her, and then Corple. She didn't really do anything.

Fond of Carpool. Dumb bitch.



I'm still convinced Julia and Celice can do everything in Gen 2 until C10, where Julia leaves and you actually need other units. Needless to say, I love her.

No feelings for anybody. BUT ME!



stupid fucking 5 turn costing bitch

And she didn't really do anything besides recruit Arion. Tyrfing, you say? Look to our Ensemble Darkhorse...



Saved Tyrfing. Killed shit. Gathered shit. Relived people. Had I not made the stupid dumb mistake of giving Cuan the Hero Lance, she would have been much better. I was VERY surprised at how well Femina performed, and would draft her again. Er, once.

Fond of Buttface.



stab stab. Yay, Dancers! I REALLY needed the Thief to bolster poor Leen, but I was still happy enough with what she gave. She just enhances the SHIT out of Leaf, and vice versa...

Lovin' dat Ares.



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Prologue 14 turns

Sigurd rushes forward and seizes while Alec and Azel are in the north. Midayle comes out and runs to the East out of range. Sigurd takes the Silver Sword from Alvis and crosses the bridge. He seizes Evans on turn 14.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items 
Sigurd  11 44 41 17 00 13 13 11 12 03 Iron Lance Silver Sword Speed Ring
Azel    03 60 32 00 11 07 11 03 02 06 Fire
Alec    04 08 33 09 00 11 10 06 07 00 Iron Sword

Chapter 1 25/39 turns

Sigurd rushes forward as Azel and Alec clean up behind. Aideen is recruited and warps some undrafteds back to the home front. Sigurd solos Jamka's brigade as Azel, and Aideen save some villages. Sigurd recruits Deidre and takes on the bow units with a Javelin on a forest. Diedre Silences the boss, and Sigurd kils him on turn 25.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items  
Sigurd  17 63 48 20 00 17 14 13 13 03 Iron Lance Javelin Silver Sword Speed/Skill Ring 
Azel    07 70 32 00 13 08 14 05 02 06 Fire 
Alec    06 22 35 10 00 12 10 07 07 00 Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Iron Lance
Aideen  06 40 31 01 13 08 09 12 02 10 Warp, Relive
Diadre  07 75 30 00 17 10 12 07 03 18 Aura, Circlet, Silence

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So I'm confused. I was looking through the drafting today and saw I was drafted Arden. But it was never put on my team list. Not a big deal but that's really stupid.

Now on to chapter 2

Chapter 2, Rise of Azel 42+3/70 turns

Sigurd rushes forward while the others trail. Sigurd goes around and seizes the second castle. Then the third. I have Levin take down one bandit and Aideen goes and gets the Bargain Ring village. Azel gets the elite ring and goes back to where the reinforcements come. Sigurd is returned and.......Diadre, with use of prayer CLEARS THE ARENA, as does Azel. Sigurd rushes forward and seizes the last two castles.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items  
Sigurd  24 02 56 24 00 22 16 18 14 04 Iron Lance Javelin Silver Sword Speed/Skill/Shield/Barrier Ring 
Azel    21 22 43 02 21 12 21 09 05 06 Fire, Thunder, Elite/Magic Ring, Slayer
Alec    10 83 37 13 00 12 13 07 07 00 Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Iron Lance
Aideen  10 45 34 03 13 08 09 15 04 10 Warp, Relive, Return, Bargain
Diadre  12 66 33 00 20 10 12 08 04 22 Aura, Circlet, Silence

Chapter 3 26/96 turns

Sigurd rushes with Azel as a running mate. Azel with a light sword is great and Sigurd keeps rushing. I get Claude and Tiltyu and Sigurd seizes on turn 26.

Chapter 4 32/128 turns

Sigurd rushes, Dew comes along pairings are started. Aideen returns Sigurd after he seizes the top right castle. Sigurd skips Silesia and seizes the last castle on turn 32.

Chapter 5 23/151 turns

Claude and Aideen fall in love and Claude gives Aideen a rescue staff. Sigurd just rushes and Azel actually solos the Thracian Draco-Knights on a castle. Sigurd seizes on turn 23.

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Gen 1 Final Analysis

Sigurd Beast among Men


Sigurd did Sigurd things, like killing people.

Aideen She's a Nice Staffer, Married to Claude


Very good. I wouuld definitely pick her over Brigid or maybe even Lachesis. She has her great avaliability and utility.



Pretty useless.

Tiltyu...Also Sucks


The kids better be worth it.

Claude another Staff-Bot


See that pursuit ring. It's me throwing Lester a bone.

Azel 2nd best character


Once he promoted he was unstoppable. He soloed the Thracian Horseslayer brigade and got capped speed on promotion. Once Wind came about he was gone.

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Chapter 6 Rescue Shenanigans 26/177 turns

Celice is rescued forward on the first turn and takes off. Oifaye, Tristan, and Lester follow and kill. Celice keeps rushing only stopping to give Julia Rezire. Arthur comes in and gets a few kills. Celice seizes on turn 26.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items  
Celice  13 14 50 17 04 13 10 17 12 03 Silver Sword Life/Power/Leg/Speed/Elite/Barrier Rings
Julia   05 32 26 00 15 08 14 07 04 15 Relive Rezire
Oifaye  17 32 42 17 09 18 17 08 18 08 Cutter Javelin
Lester  03 76 28 07 05 07 09 10 07 03 Pursuit/Skill Rings Iron Bow Valkyrie
Lana    09 25 36 04 15 10 11 15 04 12 Rescue Reserve Recover Libro Warp Live Bargain Ring
Tristan 06 33 33 12 01 11 10 05 12 00 Hero's Sword
Arthur  03 33 30 01 10 09 10 07 02 06 Magic/Shield/Skill Rings Elfire Thunder Wind

Chapter 7 30/207 turns

I rush forward while Celice goes north. Once he cleans up Lana rescues Celice and Shanan across the desert. From there they storm the castle while Daisy gets money. Arthur recruits Tinny while Aless is rescued away and Tristan solos Jabarro's brigade. Shanan gets the boss kill and Celice seizes on turn 29. Oh and Daisy, Shanan, Tristan, Arthur, Celice and Oifaye cleared the Arena

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items  
Celice  21 28 63 20 05 18 11 20 16 06 Silver Sword Life/Power/Leg/Speed/Elite/Barrier Rings
Julia   10 49 31 00 20 09 15 07 07 17 Relive Rezire
Oifaye  18 56 43 18 09 19 18 09 18 08 Light Sword Slim Lance
Lester  07 65 33 07 06 08 12 14 07 05 Pursuit/Skill Rings Steel Bow Valkyrie
Lana    20 15 48 06 22 16 14 22 08 17 Rescue Reserve Recover Libro Warp Silence Bargain Ring
Tristan 14 07 41 17 02 15 12 05 15 02 Hero's Sword Shield Ring
Arthur  03 33 30 01 10 09 10 07 02 06 Magic/Shield/Skill Rings Elfire Thunder Wind
Shanan  18 88 44 20 01 26 23 11 15 04 Steel Blade, Silver Blade, Balmung
Daisy   05 44 27 03 02 05 14 06 03 04 Sleep Sword Iron Sword
Tinny   Base 

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Chapter 8 16/217 turns

Sigurd rush with a Shanan assist. Daisy got all the civilians and that's really all I have to say.

It's nitpicky of me, but bad 2p. :D

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Chapter 9 16/233 turns

Celice rushes forward while everyone else stays back. Arthur and Tristan promote. Tristan is much better than I remember him being anytime I have used him. Kill Hannibal, Kill Arione's troops helped by a shield ring. Go around Arion and Seize. Lester was actually useful!!

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items   
Celice  29 68 75 25 07 22 18 22 22 10 Silver Sword Life/Power/Leg/Speed/Barrier/Shield Rings 
Julia   Entranced                     Relive Rezire 
Oifaye  22 37 46 20 09 22 20 09 19 08 Light Sword Slim Lance Silver Sword Clipper Hero Lance
Lester  14 23 41 07 08 09 14 20 10 07 Pursuit Ring Steel/Hero/Killer/Silver Bow Valkyrie 
Lana    27 98 55 08 27 23 18 28 13 20 Rescue Reserve Recover Restore Warp Wind Bargain Ring 
Tristan 22 78 50 21 04 26 19 05 20 06 Hero's Sword Shield/Skill Ring 
Arthur  21 05 49 11 25 21 22 16 14 11 Magic/Skill Rings Elwind Tron Slim Sword
Shanan  24 80 53 21 01 30 23 11 18 05 Balmung, Iron Sword 
Daisy   12 63 27 03 02 06 17 08 04 04 Sleep Sword Iron Sword 
Tinny   12 80 38 03 13 16 15 13 02 07 Elthunder Wind

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