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(FE4) Hey guys, this is an FE4 for KNICKERBOCKER KNICKERBOCKER draft


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Is Soul going to show before his 24 hours are up? I mean, besides EARLIER TODAY when he was online and didn't pick or format the OP or do fuckall.

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The process itself hasn't bothered me, but my patience with Soul is running very thin.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and when I gave him a cheeky reminder to update, he was apparently online long enough to say simply "fuck you" and then not update. What a guy.

EDIT2: Oh, nevermind. He was online long enough to say "fuck you" and then not update for a solid hour, according to his profile.

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Roddlevan's gona, Psych.

At least, I presume that's who Roddy was given that SOUL'S TOO LAZY TO UPDATE THE OP.

Hey it's not my fault Psych sucks enough to miss something right in front of him. Yeah.


Is Soul going to show before his 24 hours are up? I mean, besides EARLIER TODAY when he was online and didn't pick or format the OP or do fuckall.

But I was at school. I had enough time to do just that.

Anyway, go go, Mana (x3) & Midir.

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Hey it's not my fault Psych sucks enough to miss something right in front of him. Yeah.

Absolutely uncalled for, dude. Seriously. Especially given who's at fault here (HINT: IT'S NOT FULLY PSYCH)

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I also don't check the last page. I open the thread, see who's left and type in the box at the bottom. It's not my fault if I haven't drafted for like 3 days and the OP has not been updated in that time frame.

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I also don't check the last page. I open the thread, see who's left and type in the box at the bottom. It's not my fault if I haven't drafted for like 3 days and the OP has not been updated in that time frame.

Last page? LAST PAGE!? It was two posts above you!

Anyway, on a serious note, I don't blame you. ;/

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Since I know Soul's not dumb enough to draft me Sharlow, I guess I can presume my team's done. Let's type!



...yeah, okay, why not I guess. At least he's better than Alec or Noish?


Goes away, but at least she's good for four chapters.


Despite a slight personal bias towards him, he's not that great.


Dancers are always appreciated. Right?


Oh look at who gets to use Levin AGAIN. I'm getting sick of his spectacularly bescarfed mug. Doesn't make him less useful, suppose.


...I feel kinda fucked, to be honest. My C4 and 5 team will be Sylvia, Levin and Midir. Yeah, that sounds like fun. My Competent Fighters Brigade is Sigurd, Levin and Cuan. My Competent Fighters Who Can Get Anywhere Brigade is Sigurd and Cuan. My Competent Fighters Who Don't Disappear And Have Some Facking Move Brigade is Sigurd.

OH WELL. I've done it with worse before?





Borderline worthless.


Haven't ever used her, but suspect worthless. At least she'll get C Staves if ever I promote her.



Leaf is probably the only draft I'm really happy about in this whole bunch to be honest.


Not worthless, per se, but not exactly good.


Dancers in Gen 2 aren't particularly amazing, but I'm sure she'll contribute more than half this list.






If she didn't save Tyrfing and recruit Arion, I might be tempted to just off her tits.



I can't complain too much because at least I have Leaf, but still. Disappointment is written on my stony face.

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God. Has nobody started yet?

Prologue: 15 turns (7 to Jungby, 8 to Evans)

I wasn't ready for how much I'd have to think just to make this work. It took a few tries before I finally got it done with a mix of early and late-coming ideas.


Lord Knight lv11.57


He's clearly the only reason FE4 drafts even work. As the only unit capable of mowing down the entire map and (usually) not dying after a couple hits, he ended up doing all the work. He picked up the speed ring, and he was blocked off by a mob of enemies at the end, so I ended up losing two turns, hopefully with the speed ring helping me win them back later. He did get a near-perfect level up once, though.

HP:  41
STR: 16
MAG:  1
SKL: 15
SPD: 13+5
LCK: 10
DEF: 10
RES:  4


Axe Knight lv8.76

Ambush, Elite

Lex is pretty cool. Sigurd had two plainly obvious advantages over him here, those being Pursuit and avoid. After saving the northern village, he was basically glued to the church next to it for half the chapter, both to get himself into as much combat as possible and to keep Azel out of it, since he couldn't get back to Chalphy without running into enemies. The result was plenty of self-improvement, and while he did go to save the village Sigurd passes on the way from Jungby to Evans, he didn't really help clear the chapter any faster at all.

HP:  37
STR: 10
MAG:  0
SKL: 10
SPD: 11
LCK: 10
DEF: 11
RES:  0


Lance Knight lv1.86

Pursuit, Prayer

Fin is sort of comparable to Lex here. While he was also unable to contribute to turncount, he had the extra problem of dying even faster than Lex, with his lower stats and WTD. At any rate, he was useful for guarding Chalphy with the castle's healing keeping his HP high. I'm sure his performance will pick up in the following chapters.

HP:  32
STR:  9
MAG:  0
SKL:  8
SPD: 10
LCK:  8
DEF:  7
RES:  0

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Prologue, The Epic Journey Begins 15 turns

Sigurd rushes forward while Alec takes the north. Azel shows up and takes a village. Sigurd continues down and I am ready to take a penalty for Midir when for some odd reason all the enemy units attack Sigurd. Sigurd picks up the speed ring and then the silver sword and seizes on turn 15.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Items 
Sigurd  11 37 41 17 00 13 14 09 12 03  Silver Sword, Speed Ring, Iron Lance, Steel Sword
Alec    05 66 33 09 00 11 12 04 08 01  Iron Sword
Azel    01 49 Base                     Fire 

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It's really weird being further ahead than everyone else in a draft.

Chapter 1: 35 fucking turns (8 to Genoa, 8 to Marpha, 19 to Verdane)

Goddamn. There was a fair bit of fumbling around here, since I didn't really know what was happening, but I did start with some arena-ing. Fin levelled up plenty from this and mostly got absolutely fucking nothing worth the time. A couple levels were blank. Aren't his growths better than this? Thank god for the conversation with Cuan, giving him much-needed strength and defence. Meanwhile, Sigurd got damagier and dodgier, and Lex got tankier (but still can't dodge for ass). Ayra kind of died, but that's fine, she and Shanan can live happily ever after in Dark Sage's playthrough.

Aideen almost wasn't around to recruit Jamka because I forgot about him, actually. She rushed back to where she was supposed to be, and somehow managed to get there in time. She also got the Return and Warp staves that I guess Deirdre is someone will use.

For keeping everyone alive at the end, everyone was useful, even javelin!Fin. It'd be great if Sigurd and Jamka weren't the only particularly dodgy ones on forest tiles, though. In the end, I had to postpone seizing for a turn so Lex could get his stupid axe.

I really miss vulneraries right now.


Lord Knight lv17.85


Continued to be awesome. Unfortunately, he does get hit occasionally, and there's only one viable spot to heal him, which meant I couldn't just put him wherever I wanted. He doesn't need to be invincible to easily be the best unit I have by far, of course. He killed the boss in one round. Picked up the skill and magic rings, handy.

HP:  47
STR: 19
MAG:  1+5
SKL: 15+5
SPD: 14+5
LCK: 11
DEF: 13
RES:  5


Shaman lv5.36


Didn't see much action, since she joined late in the chapter. She did get a few shots in though, and indeed Silenced the boss so I could do stuff.

HP:  27
STR:  0
MAG: 15
SKL:  9
SPD: 13
LCK:  6
DEF:  3
RES: 18


Axe Knight lv15.36

Ambush, Elite

Lex was weird here. He still has his durability problems, since regardless of his great concrete durability, you can't dodge a damn thing with an axe. Elite is really the only reason he's keeping up with Sigurd in level. He will be a lot better from now on, with his Hero Axe letting him double (and also helping him dodge stuff!), and healers existing to heal him. As well as the hero axe, he also got a steel and hand axe. Lucky him.

HP:  42
STR: 13
MAG:  0
SKL: 11
SPD: 11
LCK: 11
DEF: 14
RES:  1


Lance Knight lv7.69

Pursuit, Prayer

This little piece of shit. He took potshots and got lucky on the field, which was helpful. Unfortunately, he wasn't nearly as lucky while levelling up, and...

...Just look.

HP:  33
STR: 10
MAG:  0
SKL: 11
SPD: 11
LCK: 11
DEF:  8
RES:  0


Bow Fighter lv8.41

Pursuit, Continue, Charge

This is what an archer should be, really. If you're going to have unspectacular movement and a shit enemy phase, at least have a bunch of keep-attacking skills, the speed to use them, and a killer bow that essentially lasts forever. He mostly slaughtered the archers at the end. He made me think back on all the archers we've had since, and wonder, why can't they be something like this? Which is funny because that's been on my mind lately anyway.

HP:  38
STR: 12
MAG:  0
SKL: 14
SPD: 16
LCK:  6
DEF: 10
RES:  0

So far that's a round 50 turns.

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YOINK! JUNGBY: 6 turns clear = 6 turns total

So at least I got Midir.

To ...hell, I can't remember this shit: 7 turns clear = 13 turns total

That's a clear to be proud of. :D

To GENOA: 5 turns clear = 18 turns total

Had a /GENIUS moment and now Ayra won't give me shit. Well, I guess she could have Astra'd Sigurd but she didn't.

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Goddammit I REALLY want to get to Gen 2 because I think I had a super idea for Corple.


To MARZIPAN: 6 turns clear = 24 turns total

Stupid Gandolf and his stupid health. And stupid not being able to Canto after Talking.

Through FUCKISTAN, GB: 11 turns clear = 35 turns total

THIS IS GOOD. Cuan got a STUPID string of Continues on Jamka's brigade and offed like half of them, letting me push straight through. Deirdre Silenced Sandima to let Sigurd have his 2x25dmg (he had to roll str during the last EP to get the 1RKO. whew.) and win!

To NODION: 4 turns clear = 39 turns total



To HERHEIN: 6 turns clear = 45 turns total

This is going really well, truth be told. Levin time!

To ANPHONY: 8 turns clear = 53 turns total

Whatshisface took a little bit of killing, but everything worked out in the end.

To MCKILLFACE: 9 turns clear = 62 turns total

Everything went better than expected, with Cuan giving Ethlin a Lovercrit and then Cantoing into place to give Cuan a Lovercrit to clear Shi's path. :D

Also, I couldn't bring myself to kill Fury. So she lived.

To SHAGAAL: 6 turns clear = 68 turns total

Run run chop chop.

FUN FACT: Sylvia has 35000 gold right now from hitting villages. Dunno what I'm going to do with it besides pass it down to Leen, though.

Forgot the first AGAIN but THROUGH ELTSHAN AND SUCH: 12 turns clear = 80 turns total

Stalling for the Life Ring is :lol:


To ORGAHIL: 7 turns clear = 87 turns total

Perfect. Delightful. Ethlin leaves me at level 19, but with optimal gear for Leaf.

To THOVE: 14 turns clear = 101 turns even

Charge! Support!

To SILESIA: 10 turns clear = 111 turns total

Hate the death of Mahnya. Why does it take so long?

To ZAXON: 5 turns clear = 116 turns total

Blah. Something about this map was harder than usual for some reason. Maybe it was because I'm desperately trying to scavenge money for Shi because I realize I did something kinda dumb.


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To LUBE: 6 turns clear = 124 turns total

A little bit more planning could have made this 5, but I won't complain. Not here.

To PHINORA: 4 turns clear = 128 turns total

Mmm, the motherland.

Time to kill Alvis and ...no, wait, I have to wait for my revenge because he hasn't betrayed me yet.


To THE MOTHERLAND: 13 turns clear = 141 turns total

This could have been much faster. Dickface (what's his name, seriously?) had this magical ability to just hang in the back of his squad and respond to no baiting. However, it couldn't have been any faster because the TURN Sigurd was to talk to Ida, Levin and Sylvia finally made Leen. That shouldn't have taken so long, especially considering I had the foresight to fire up the jealousy conversation in C4.






Performed admirably throughout, including staving off the entire Thracian invasion in C5 so Levin and Sylvia could go someplace quiet and fuck - and thereby saving me four entire turns.


If all Levin did was fight all the Cross Knights, he'd be a fine draft.


I did feed it to her just so I could put that up there again.

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