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[FE11] SOYO-Reclass Draft!


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Jake is now Beck. (jk)

Sal asked me to screw him over, right?

What better pick than the other terribad cavalier of C5? Vyland please.

Vyland has already been taken.

I was behind on the units list again, since I keep remembering to update the other parts and forget that one. Facepalm_emote_gif.gifFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

Oh god Curate Vyland... AMAZING!Also, how does one have draug as hero AND sorcerer?Are there any 0 % Str/Spd growth chars left?

Fixed. It's supposed to be Dolph, but I was tired when I edited it.

Edited by XiSrOn
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Is the drafter of Tiki allowed to use an undrafted royal cleric for free for tiki's falchion trick?

It would have to be Elice. Maria, Minerva, and Caeda all start at D/E staves .

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Is the drafter of Tiki allowed to use an undrafted royal cleric for free for tiki's falchion trick?

I'm leaning toward no since the falchion trick isn't required - it's just a nice bonus if you set it up right.

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She's still available for 20-24 though - so it's not as if she has no chance to make any contribution whatsoever. To handicap one unit would would also require consideration that other units be handicapped also.

If this had been mentioned as a possibility before Elice had even the vaguest possibility of being chosen (pre-round 6), I would be more open to considering it, but changing this now would almost nullify 13th's pick.

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How 'bout making Elice free for only Aum staff use? She starts at A, so it shouldn't be a problem.

That means getting the Aum staff, and that takes extra turns anyway.

The issue with that is that we don't know the motivation for 13th's pick (unless he chooses to reveal it) - he may have made the pick with the intent of falchion-tricking and by making it available to everyone it devalues his pick.

If this had been mentioned before Elice was in the realm of pickability - let alone picked - I would have considered it, but it's too late now. It's definitely something to consider adding to for future drafts.

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From what I can tell, he made that pick so that he wouldn't be stuck with Jeorge the Bishop or something equally cringe-worthy. . .but I'll be more than happy to see what he has to say about it!

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From what I can tell, he made that pick so that he wouldn't be stuck with Jeorge the Bishop or something equally cringe-worthy. . .but I'll be more than happy to see what he has to say about it!

I see both Matthis and Wrys as valid staffbotters due to superior availability - even Linde, despite costing turns, would be a more valid pure-staffbot pick..

Name  	HP 	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Wrys  	20 	0  	20 	20 	20 	40 	0  	45
Matthis 70 	10 	10 	20 	30 	30 	5  	35
Linde 	40 	0  	30 	35 	40 	60 	0  	35
Elice 	60 	0  	30 	50 	60 	80 	0  	30

Considering how Wrys and Matthis both have magic growths - wouldn't they be valid staffbot picks due to their vastly superior availability? (not to mention their lower turn costs than Jeorge)

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Under most circumstances, yes. But if it's between him and, say, Bantu, guess who I'm picking? Both cost the same amount of turns, recruit-wise, but I don't need to take extra turns to give Jeorge weapons.

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