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[FE8] My First FE8 draft.

Wen Yang

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Chapter 9 was quite annoying. No, I didn't keep restarting for the turncount, it was because people kept dying. Anyhow, I finally finished it and I really like this turncount here...

Chapter 9 (19/91)

This was a really really tough chapter. Joshaymin wore an Angelic Robe while Neimi put on an Energy Ring. Neimi levelled up early on (and gained Str!) and promoted into a Ranger. Ephraim burned some Reginleif's to take out the cavalry in front of the door and Neimi shot down the shamans. Ephraim and Joshaymin tanked some enemies in the narrow path, with Neimi supporting them. Franz talked to Amelia and did nothing else (undrafted). Eph's Javelin and Neimi's bows took out the archers/mages on the sides, and Neimi got a B support with Colm. Joshaymin, Ephraim, and Neimi charged to the boss while Colm waited near the north (without triggering the cav reinforcemens). Neimi got really lucky and got two crits against the boss, which is the main reason how I managed a relatively low turncount. Joshaymin finished off the boss, Colm got his Ocean Seal, and Ephy seized the throne.

UNIT       CLASS     LEVEL    HP     S/M     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES     WLV
Ephraim    Lord      13.32    30     14      14      17      14      8       6       Lance B
Colm       Thief     13.90    26     9       8       19      14      4       2       Sword C
Neimi      Ranger    2.09     29     14      12      14      7       8       9       Bow B, Sword D
Joshaymin  Myrmidon  15.07    39     11      18      (20)    12      6       6       Sword B

Chapter 10 (9/100)

Everybody charged ahead, ignoring the north village. Tana talked to Cormag (Killer Lance+possible penalty at Ch 15) and ran away to the middle of the water. Colm helped Duessel's squad in taking out the pirates and got some nice EXP. Ephy, Neimi, and Joshaymin crossed the bridges to the boss's territory. Joshaymin baited Beran to equip Longbow, and Ephy tried to kill him with Reginleif. I would have had this in 8 turns but Ephy just couldn't double him. Got both the Killing Edge and the Horseslayer (maybe I can finally stop burning Reginleifs now). On Turn 9, Cormag rescued the idiot sitting on the village while Colm went to get the Hero Crest in it. Ephy finished off Beran with the Reginleif and ended the chapter.

UNIT       CLASS     LEVEL    HP     S/M     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES     WLV
Ephraim    Lord      15.55    32     16      14      18      15      8       7       Lance A
Colm       Thief     16.90    29     10      9       (20)    15      4       4       Sword B
Neimi      Ranger    3.03     30     15      13      14      8       8       9       Bow B, Sword D
Joshaymin  Myrmidon  16.25    40     11      19      (20)    12      6       6       Sword B

Only one turn behind Shinori now...

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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Chapter 12: 9/134 turns

I could have ended it on turn 8, but Moulder was 1 heal away from level 10, so I waited. Amelia got a ton of Exp soloing the ship on the right.

Tana receives a Dragonshield

Moulder is promoted.

Ewan gets his 10/1 in the tower.

Name	Class	Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika	Lord	20.00	31	15	20	19	15	11	8
Moulder	Bishop	10/1.0	29	8	10	12	2	7	8
Artur	Sage	20/8.99	35	22	19	23	7	10	20
Ephraim	Lord	18.2	35	19	17	19	15	13	4
Tana	Peggy	13.33	25	13	12	20	16	11	9
Amelia	Cav	15.70	38	14	12	19	18	13	8
Dozla	Zerk	1.46	43	16	11	9	4	11	6
Ewan	Mage	1.0	21	8	5	11	11	2	11

Chapter 13: 11/145 turns

Amelia soloed the right side of the map, while the rest took on the left side. Juicy Exp all round. :3:

Amelia receives a Talisman and an Energy Ring.

Artur receives a Goddess Icon

Amelia is Promoted

Tana is Promoted

Name	Class	Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eirika	Lord	20.00	31	15	20	19	15	11	8
Moulder	Bishop	10/2.13	30	8	11	13	2	8	8
Artur	Sage	20/9.74	36	22	19	24	10	10	21
Ephraim	Lord	19.60	37	20	17	19	15	14	4
Tana	Falco	17/1.0	34	17	15	22	18	14	15
Amelia	Paladin	18/1.0	41	18	13	22	20	15	13
Dozla	Zerk	1.82	43	16	11	9	4	11	6
Ewan	Mage	2.63	21	8	5	12	11	2	12

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Ch. 5 - 10 turns

Lute went around the villages at the bottom for the Dragonshield, while everyone else went north. Recruited Joshua for his Killing Edge, got the Guiding Ring. Lute got to finish off the boss, yay EXP.

Chapter 5x - 8 turns

Got Orson's Silver Sword, not the rest of his items since Forde "died".

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES  
Eirika  Lord    14.40    24      9     16      18      13       6       3
Garcia  Fighter 11.62    32     13     9       8       6        11      3
Lute    Mage     3.17    18      8     7       7       9        5*      6
Forde   Cav      6.83    24      7     8       8       7        8       2
Ephraim Lord     6.09    24      9     10      13      8        7       3
Orson   Paladin  3.92    34     15     13      11      4        13      7

Ch. 6 - 6 turns

Went north around the mountains. Didn't get either the Halberd or the Elixir.

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES  
Eirika  Lord    15.09    25     10     17      18      14       7       3
Garcia  Fighter 13.51    33     15     12*     9       8        11      3
Lute    Mage     4.19    19      9     7       8       9        5*      7
Forde   Cav      6.83    24      7     8       8       7        8       2
Ephraim Lord     6.09    24      9     10      13      8        7       3

Ch. 7 - 8 turns

Took a while to realize that Eirika could cross the river. Lute killed a few soldiers near the starting area, Garcia got rid of some of the enemies who would have slowed down Eirika.

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES  
Eirika  Lord    16.40    26     10     17      19      15       7       3
Garcia  Fighter 14.37    34     16     12*     9       8        11      3
Lute    Mage     6.05    20     11     7       9       11       5*      8
Forde   Cav      6.83    24      7     8       8       7        8       2
Ephraim Lord     6.09    24      9     10      13      8        7       3

Ch. 8 - 8 turns

Eirika's team went straight for the throne, with Garcia clearing out all those knights. Ephraim just ran away in the same direction, since I didn't want to deal with any other enemies on top of those Cavalier reinforcements when all I had was a two-use Vulnerary and one Elixir. Tirado somehow didn't activate Big Shield at all.

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES  
Eirika  Lord    18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Fighter 16.96    35     17     13*     10      9        12      3
Lute    Mage     8.41    20     12     8       10      12       5*      8
Forde   Cav      7.85    26      8     9       10      8        9       3
Ephraim Lord     7.85    25     10     11      14      8        7       3

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Ch. 9 - 19 turns

Promoted Lute just before the corridor so she could get more staff WEXP. Franz recruited Amelia for her Speedwing. Forde went north to try to get the treasure, but Ephraim was able to seize before he got to the chests.

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord    11.65    29     12     13      15      10       9       4 
Eirika  Lord    18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Fighter 18.60    37     18     14*     10      10       12      3
Lute    Sage    10/2.46  25     14     9       11      14       8*      14
Forde   Cav     11.33    28     9      10      10      8        9       4

Ch. 10 - 8 turns

Promoted Forde so he didn't die. Garcia got the Speedwing. Forde carried Ephraim southwest to recruit Duessel, and grabbed the Hero Crest. Garcia and Lute followed while killing most of the enemies left behind. Killed a whole lot of enemies on the southeast island. Duessel 2RKO's Beran with the Silver Axe.

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord    12.69    30     13     13      16      11       10      4 
Eirika  Lord    18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Fighter 19.10    38     19     15*     13*     10       12      3
Lute    Sage    10/3.06  25     15     9       12      14       8*      15
Forde   Paladin 11/1.50  30     10     11      11      9        11      5
Duessel GK      9.32     42     17     13      12      8        17      9

Ch. 11 - 8 turns

Ephraim critted the boss, and dodged a whole lot of Mogalls. Dozla and L'Arachel both survived without having to waste their Elixirs. Duessel got S Lances.

UNIT    CLASS   LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord    16.07    33     16     15      18      13       10      4 
Eirika  Lord    18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Fighter 19.72    38     19     15*     13*     10       12      3
Lute    Sage    10/3.65  25     15     9       12      14       8*      15
Forde   Paladin 11/1.79  30     10     11      11      9        11      5
Duessel GK      11.27    44     17     14      13      9        18      9

Ch. 12 - 6 turns

Everyone except Garcia took the right bridge. Garcia lured out a lot of the annoying enemies like that Zanbato cavalier so they didn't kill Forde, while Forde held off a bunch of monsters trying to go bother Lute. Dozla was nothing but a roadblock. Ephraim and Duessel killed the boss, and Garcia recruited Ewan.

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord      17.42    34     17     16      18      13       10      5 
Eirika  Lord      18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Warrior   19/1.55  41     20     17*     13*     10       15      6
Lute    Sage      10/4.13  25     16     9       13      15       8*      16
Forde   Paladin   11/2.48  30     10     12      11      9        11      6
Duessel GK        12.35    45     17     14      13      9        19      9
Dozla   Berserker 1.29     43     16     11      9       4        11      6

Leveled Ewan in the tower:

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ewan    Shaman    10.00    22     10      5      12      8        2       10 

Edited by Kay
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ch. 13 - 10 turns?

I'm not sure about the turncount, since the last enemy suicided and I forgot to check it beforehand. Forde and Duessel went left, Garcia and Ewan went south, Ephraim, Lute, and Dozla took the middle. Got the Barrier staff, the Energy Ring, and the Talisman, didn't get the Halberd. Lute used the Dragonshield.

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord      19.62    35     19     17      19      15       10      5 
Eirika  Lord      18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Warrior   19/2.83  42     21     17*     13*     11       15      6
Lute    Sage      10/4.89  25     16     9       13      15       10**    16
Forde   Paladin   11/3.33  31     11     12      12      9        11      6
Duessel GK        12.81    45     17     14      13      9        19      9
Dozla   Berserker 2.53     44     17     11      9       4        11      6
Ewan    Shaman    4.92     24     11     6       13      10       2       11

Ch. 14 - 12 turns

Ephraim used the Talisman. Ephraim, Lute, and Duessel took the right path, Garcia went left toward the throne, Forde killed mages in the northwest. Ewan cleaned up after Forde and Garcia, then grabbed the treasure in the room to the south. Dozla... kinda hung around to make sure Ewan didn't die. Got everything except the Guiding Ring.

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord      20.00    36     19     17      19      15       10      7* 
Eirika  Lord      18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Warrior   19/4.30  44     22     18*     13*     11       16      6
Lute    Sage      10/5.85  26     17     9       13      15       10**    16
Forde   Paladin   11/4.07  31     13*    13      13      12*      12      6
Duessel GK        13.48    46     17     14      14      9        19      9
Dozla   Berserker 2.98     44     17     11      9       4        11      6
Ewan    Shaman    10.01    28     15     8       15      12       4       12
Rennac  Rogue     1.01     28     10     16      17      5        9       11

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Chapter 11 (9/109)

Okay, this was a nightmare, because Ephraim was the ONLY person who could attack at 1-2 range at the same time. So I bought a huge number of Javelins solely for Ephraim, and a Torch Staff for L'Arachel. Anyhow, I promoted Colm and Joshaymin, and made Ephy enter the second ship alone. Colm, Joshaymin, and Neimi remained at the first ship throughout the entire battle and took out the reinforcements that came in later. Ephy was drinking Vulneraries and throwing Javelins to demolish the second ship. Was forced to talk to L'Arachel because his critical condition required some Mending. He remained at the chokepoint while L'Arachel took a Torch Staff from the supply and started spamming it for WEXP and EXP. Neimi got lucky with a Short Bow crit and eliminated the boss, and Dozla remained green.

UNIT       CLASS        LEVEL    HP     S/M     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES     WLV
Ephraim    Lord         (20)     35     19      15      (20)    18      12      8       Lance A
Colm       Assassin     1.62     32     12      9       20      15      6       6       Sword A
Neimi      Ranger       4.30     30     16      13      15      9       8       10      Bow B, Sword D
Joshaymin  Swordmaster  1.20     45     13      19      20      12      8       7       Sword A
L'Arachel  Troubadour   3.80     18     6       6       10      12      5       8       Staff D

Oh, hey, L'Arachel's apostrophe turns the whole line green, probably waiting for the second apostrophe.

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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Chapter 12 (6/115)

Okay, this was much easier, although it still took a few attempts to get it right. I realized that I foolishly sold all the basic axes (no Hand Axes!), so Dozla had to stick with the expensive Iron Axe from the Preparations Armory. Anyways, everybody took the right bridge and headed straight north, except Colm, who stayed back to deal with the enemies in the other ship. Ephraim and his Javelin took the right fork while everyone else tried to squeeze through the left. Neimi went to recruit Ewan, L'Arachel was mending something every turn (except turn 1), and Ephy charged to the boss and got an Axereaver crit. Got the Guilding Ring (which L'Arachel may never use), Elfire ($$$), and the Swordslayer (for Dozla, I guess?).

UNIT       CLASS        LEVEL    HP     S/M     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES     WLV
Ephraim    Lord         (20)     35     19      15      (20)    18      12      8       Lance A
Colm       Assassin     2.74     33     13      10      20      16      6       6       Sword A
Neimi      Ranger       4.86     30     16*     13      15      9       8*      10      Bow A, Sword D
Joshaymin  Swordmaster  1.67     45*    13      19      20      12      8       7       Sword A
L'Arachel  Troubadour   4.41     18     6       7       11      13      5       8       Staff D
Dozla      Berserker    1.25     43     16      11      9       4       11      6       Axe B
Marisa     Myrmidon     5.00     23     7       12      13      9       4       3       Sword D
Ewan       Pupil        1.00     15     3       2       5       5       0       3       Anima E

Also, I realized I now have my entire army, aside from Eirika, that I'll be using for the rest of the game... which is a bit sad, because it seems kinda weak. The people with the green names in particular seem to be struggling quite a bit, for now.

Tower of Valni (--/115)

Okay, I had Ewan attack an enemy (it gives a big chunk of EXP), and then retreat. I repeated this continuously. If he got a horrible level up (like, one stat only), I reset. Strangely, it appears that the level up he gets from a restarted attempt is always fixed, which led to him gaining Magic in every single level up...

UNIT       CLASS        LEVEL    HP     S/M     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES     WLV
Ephraim    Lord         (20)     35     19      15      (20)    18      12      8       Lance A
Colm       Assassin     2.74     33     13      10      20      16      6       6       Sword A
Neimi      Ranger       4.86     30     16*     13      15      9       8*      10      Bow A, Sword D
Joshaymin  Swordmaster  1.67     45*    13      19      20      12      8       7       Sword A
L'Arachel  Troubadour   4.41     18     6       7       11      13      5       8       Staff D
Dozla      Berserker    1.25     43     16      11      9       4       11      6       Axe B
Marisa     Myrmidon     5.00     23     7       12      13      9       4       3       Sword D
Ewan       Shaman       1.00     19     14      9       14      9       2       8       Dark D

Okay, I should probably use the Speedwing and Dragonshield that are waiting in my supply, but I can't make up my mind on who should get them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ch. 15 - 7 turns

Promoted Ewan, gave Lute the Angelic Robe.

Duessel and Garcia wiped out all the enemies along the south side, which was bizarrely expedited by Garcia randomly going north toward the middle of the desert at one point. Ephraim, Eirika, and Lute killed Caellach, Ewan went northeast to deal with the Berserker and keep all those pegasi from bothering Eirika. Used up Knoll's Nosferatu tome, got the Wyrmslayer, Boots, Body Ring, and Warp. I'm still annoyed about Eirika's failtastic levelup of 0 stats.

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES 
Ephraim Lord      20.00    36     19     17      19      15       10      7* 
Eirika  Lord      19.51    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Warrior   19/6.60  45     23     19*     13*     11       16      7
Lute    Sage      10/7.09  34*    19     9       13      15       10**    17
Forde   Paladin   11/4.19  31     13*    13      13      12*      12      6
Duessel GK        14.82    47     17     14      14      10       20      9
Dozla   Berserker 2.98     44     17     11      9       4        11      6
Ewan    Summoner  2.98     31     16     9       18      13       5       16
Rennac  Rogue     1.02     28     10     16      17      5        9       11

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  • 3 weeks later...

Restarted from a previous save point at the start of Ch. 11.

Ch. 11 - 8(?) turns

Ch. 12 - 6 turns

Lost my notes for these chapters, so I don't have stats or anything. Strategies were the same as before, except for promoting Garcia to a Hero at the beginning of Ch. 11 instead of a Warrior. I'll doublecheck the turncounts at the end of the game. Sorry about that.

Ch. 13 - 10 turns

Lute used Ewan's Dragonshield. Dozla went across the river to tank on the forest tile and waste Boltings, Duessel and Forde went east, Garcia and Ewan went south, Lute and Ephraim went through the center of the map. Got the Barrier staff and the Talisman, missed the Halberd.

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES    WLv.
Ephraim Lord      18.00    35     16     16      18      14       12      5      A
Eirika  Lord      18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Lute    Sage      10/4.82  25     16     9       13      15       10**    15    AaDlCs
Forde   Paladin   11/3.75  31     11     13      11      9        11      5     CsBl
Duessel GK        11.87    44     17     14      12      10       19      9     AsAaAl
Dozla   Berserker 3.39     45     18     12      10      5        12      6      B
Ewan    Shaman    4.67     20     15     5       13      13       3       8      D

Ch. 14 - 14 turns

Ephraim got the Energy Ring and the Talisman. Deployed L'Arachel, ended up paying Rennac anyway. Garcia opened the west door and lured enemies out of Duessel's way, as well as wiping out most of the reinforcements on that side. Ewan pretty much soloed the center room. Ephraim, Duessel, Forde, Lute all went east, leaving Forde behind for a while to deal with reinforcements. Got the Angelic Robe, Hammerne, and the gold, missed the Guiding Ring and the secret shop.

UNIT    CLASS     LEVEL    HP     STR    SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES    WLv.
Ephraim Lord      20.00    37     20*    18      18      14       12      7*     A
Eirika  Lord      18.69    27     11     18      20      16       7       3
Garcia  Hero      19/6.03  45     23     19*     15*     12       16      5     SaCs
Lute    Sage      10/5.84  26     16     9       14      15       10**    15    SaDlBs
Forde   Paladin   11/5.00  33     12     14      12      12*      12      5     CsAl
Duessel GK        12.64    45     18     14      12      10       20      10    SsAaAl
Dozla   Berserker 4.26     46     18     12      10      5        12      6      A
Ewan    Shaman    10.40    22     17     7       14      14       5       11     C
Rennac  Rogue     1.31     28     10     16      17      5        9       11     B

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  • 1 month later...

It's been a while, but I have an update!

Chapter 13 (10/125)

After a billion attempts, I finally made it without anyone dying. Unfortunately, this outcome resulted in nobody gaining Str... except Marisa, yay! So, anyways, I had Colm and Neimi take over the east side by themselves and they did pretty well. Dozla, L'Arachel, Ewan, Joshua, and Marisa headed west, but slowly, because Selena's Bolting and generic pegasi were getting annoying. Ephraim crossed the river directly south and took out every single enemy in the center, including Selena that was slain by Reginleif. I was unsure of whether Selena would have attacked a Javelin!Eph instead of Bolting, so I didn't take the chance and wasted some Reginleifs. Joshua and Dozla took care of the south, with a little help from Ewan. Marisa tried to lure in the lone Mage in the east, but I realized she wouldn't handle it and had L'Arachel rescue her away while Ephy took care of him instead

UNIT       CLASS        LEVEL    HP     S/M     SKL     SPD     LCK     DEF     RES     WLV
Ephraim    Lord         (20)     35     19      15      (20)    18      12      8       Lance A
Colm       Assassin     4.43     35     13      11      21      17      7       7       Sword S
Neimi      Ranger       5.36     30     16*     13      16      9       8*      11      Bow A, Sword D
Joshaymin  Swordmaster  2.13     46*    13      19      21      12      8       8       Sword S
L'Arachel  Troubadour   5.15     18     6       8       12      14      5       9       Staff C
Dozla      Berserker    1.94     43     16      11      9       4       11      6       Axe B
Marisa     Myrmidon     6.22     24     8       13      13      9       4       3       Sword D
Ewan       shaman       5.91     16     11      11      14      9       2       9       Dark D


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