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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 109


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Then keep your mouth shut if you can't defend something else as better, aye?

EDIT: Especially with you voting FE9 as most balanced, of all things. Soul.

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FE9 is pretty balanced because there aren't really many characters that could be rendered completely useless, unlike FE10. FE9 has those Paladins, I know. But like someone previously stated, scrubs like Rolf actually have a chance to redeem themselves due to BEXP, since, you know, BEXP here actually gives more than just 3 crappy stats (FE10 faps to Skill, Luck & Res).

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FE9 is pretty balanced because there aren't really many characters that could be rendered completely useless, unlike FE10. FE9 has those Paladins, I know. But like someone previously stated, scrubs like Rolf actually have a chance to redeem themselves due to BEXP, since, you know, BEXP here actually gives more than just 3 crappy stats (FE10 faps to Skill, Luck & Res).

Never mind the fact that the Paladins did a better job trivializing FE9 than the laguz royals trivialized RD (and BEXP doesn't even begin to make up for that). And in RD, you can't expect to get off with focusing on a few units as easily as you could in other FEs.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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FE9 is pretty balanced because there aren't really many characters that could be rendered completely useless, unlike FE10. FE9 has those Paladins, I know. But like someone previously stated, scrubs like Rolf actually have a chance to redeem themselves due to BEXP, since, you know, BEXP here actually gives more than just 3 crappy stats (FE10 faps to Skill, Luck & Res).

And that same mechanic you put so much love on can also be used the same way to break the game rather than balance it.

And by that definition, how is FE8 not balanced better?

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Never mind the fact that the Paladins did a better job trivializing FE9 than the laguz royals trivialized RD (and BEXP doesn't even begin to make up for that). And in RD, you can't expect to get off with focusing on a few units as easily as you could in other FEs.

Yeah but in RD you are still pretty much forced to use strong characters (Sothe, Haar, Titania, etc) that can also pretty much trivialize their parts of the game while most of the characters are overshadowed.

And that same mechanic you put so much love on can also be used the same way to break the game rather than balance it.

And by that definition, how is FE8 not balanced better?

Well, we're not using it all on one unit or just the Paladins.

I dunno about FE8, honestly. What about FE8?

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Well, we're not using it all on one unit or just the Paladins.

I dunno about FE8, honestly. What about FE8?

Why aren't we? Self-imposed challenges don't make balance.

In FE8 you can use the Tower to train trainees or Marisa. Why doesn't anybody concede that FE8 is balanced?

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Because it'd trivialize the game, like Richter said. :awesome:

The Tower is unviable for an effecient or even casually effecient run. That's why. :/

How does BEXP not trivialize FE9, should you pour all of it into Oscar ASAP?

How is the Tower unviable for any efficient run? You get infinite money throughout the game, and the turns aren't counted towards the final total. Also, you're ARGUING MY POINT, which is that FE9 is worse than FE8.

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But I can use your own defense against you as well.

Do you know why the people at TvTropes even say the trainees are "broken"? That's right, the Tower and Skirmishes. :/ That can be used on any unit, and it doesn't cost you any turns (worth counting) while FE9 costs you BEXP you can use on other units.

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It's uneffecient to pour all the BEXP to just one unit. One unit can't cover the whole game. Not even Seth can do that, and that's why Seth-soloes aren't effecient.

And about Tower/Skirmish-abusing FE8- Well, it's probably unviable because it's not part of the main game. It's similiar to how LHM isn't assumed in FE7 when it comes to HHM tier lists. I'm not really sure, I just think it's unviable because no one actually does this in their playthrough logs on SF.

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How is it inefficient to pour all the BEXP into one unit? Let's go for just BEXPing the fuck out of Oscar and lowturning shit with just him and Titania until Kieran arrives. That'll get you pretty far.

Ooh, or let's even attack a DIFFERENT point here! Hypothetical scenario: you're playing efficiently. Are you putting BEXP into Mist and Rolf? Or are you better off making your good units better? Interceptor, I think, once said that Fire Emblem rewards consolidation of resources, and he was right.

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I thought you were implying an Oscar solo, so...

Anyway, you aren't forced to use all that BEXP on the Paladins to trivialize the game. You can use it up on a fair group of other units like most normally would. It's At FE10 HM, you are basically forced to used the stronger character that trivialize most of the game. FE9 HM is still pretty easy and doesn't require you to trivialize the game with the Paladins, and you don't need to boss or reinforcement abuse to get the best out of other characters.

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There aren't really any truly balanced FE games though. They're all screwed up in one way or another. I actually don't think IS aims for balance really.

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There aren't really any truly balanced FE games though. They're all screwed up in one way or another. I actually don't think IS aims for balance really.

To be honest, that's the way I think.

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Yes it is, because for reasons I pointed out.

1: Making self-imposed challenges possible does not make balance. Giving BEXP to worse units (read: bexp is an equalizer) is a self-imposed challenge, because you're acting against the Golden Standard of Efficiency and this isn't RussiaFE.

2: As a corollary to 1, you're still better off giving the BEXP to units who will do more which it. Naturally, these are your good units. All this does, as you do it, is widen that gap between great units and bullshit like Shinon.

What you're saying is almost identical to saying FE6 is balanced, because of the infinite stat-boosters shop. Or FE4 is balanced - as long as you don't use Holy Weapons and only use sub-par pairings.

EDIT: And I wholeheartedly believe that all FEs absolutely blow for "balance" - but that doesn't mean they're all on the same level.

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Right, makes sense, but do women who don't need to reclass but DO need to promote to use Axes (Like Meg, Lachesis and Machua) count?

Yes, because it's a part of their promotion.

I was gonna vote Machua anyway. Her or Echidnaaaa~

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I think taking a RussiaFE style is effecient. "Effeciency" isn't "lowest turncounts possible", Interceptor said that before, and that is exactly what you're aiming for when you decide to trivialize the game with high-powered units with great mobility. Of course, taking on the RussiaFE style doesn't mean I'll go for weak scrubs either, but rather characters that are still strong but don't go trivializing maps in 5 turns and make it boring like that.

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