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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 109


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*begins thinking why some people think FE9 is the most balanced FE when mounts dominate the game six ways to Sunday*

Edited by Metal King Slime
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*Starts wondering why some people think FE10 is the most balanced FE*

Less units who trivialize maps. Haar, Nailah, The Black Knight, Sothe, Tibarn, Giffca, and Caineghis are all units in particular who are basically invincible at some point in the game. And other than the BK, they all have ridiculous movement, and 2 have flight. You have to assume at some point IS said to themselves "Do you think this will be balanced? Awh, fuck it."

I wish more people would think about the balance in this game before constantly talking about how horrible it is, but I guess I need to do this again. RD's balance, dare I say it, is fairly good when you think of what IS probably wanted to do with balance and variety. The Laguz royals are available only for a small portion of the game, a lot of which is when you need to split your team into 3 anyway, and lack 1-2 range. Sothe starts great but gradually gets worse. Black Knight only really has 1-9 as his shining moment; he's still a powerhouse in 1-E but has bad mobility and he doesn't show up in time on 3-6 to be significant most of the time. Haar is the only one the list who really is broken, but I never said the balance was perfect.

Other than that, the game still has a decent variety of good characters, average characters, and bad characters, and in general they can be good by the end if you put the right effort into them. Who wants to have the same experience every time? A perfectly balanced FE game would have no replay value.

I, too, think balance in FE10 is fairly good compared to the rest of the FE games. No one unit trivializes the entire game for obvious reasons. Part 4 requires a large amount of good units; relying only on royals plus Haar yields generally suboptimal clears (see my 0% videos). The only outstanding negative is the existence of extremely bad units, which I think could be improved, but compared to most other FE games where 1 unit is leagues better than the rest or where one strategy can skip half of the game, FE10 isn't that bad.

Most balanced is arguable. Least balanced is laughable.

*begins thinking why some people think FE9 is the most balanced FE when mounts dominate the game six ways to Sunday*


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I think BEXP balances out 9 to an extent, since characters that would normally be terrible(like Rolf) can be made decent for a relatively low cost.

Best: FE7. Other than Marcus and the characters in bottom, almost all characters are fairly competent while not dominating the game. Prepromotes are generally equal to similar trained units at jointime.

Worst: FE12 (New Mystery). About half the characters are absolute garbage upon joining, with no easy fixes really.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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*Starts wondering why some people think FE10 is the most balanced FE*

While there are many good units in FE10, there is no unit that completely trivialises a huge portion of the game. Even Haar is limited to about a third of the game and has some flaws (as opposed to someone like Marcus who is essentially perfect for 9/10ths of the game). Moreover, the game actively rewards training a decent-sized team, and also rewards training sub-optimal units. The difference between my Part 4 turncounts and dondon's 0% growth turncounts on the same chapters is very large, for instance. I can't say the same about many other Fire Emblems, where training a decent sized team or bothering with lower tier characters is usually a waste of time. Can you really say that for example, FE9 Zihark provides any payoff? Not really.

Finally, there are very few useless characters. In an efficient playthrough, you can make use of almost every character in the game. The only characters who are really unusable are like, Lyre/Oliver/Kyza. Even Astrid and Fiona have maps where they can contribute. This is again, in contrast to many other Fire Emblems where as much as half of the cast will be discarded as trash in efficient play.

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Most: FE7 - I have to admit, there wasn't too much up with FE7. A lot of characters were usable, the WT wasn't bad either.

Least: FE4 - Whilst my favourite, I can't deny that a lot of stuff was broken.

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Most balanced- Uh... I'm going to vote for 7. Even the prepromotes were usable( like Geitz, Marcus and Vaida.)

Least balanced- FE 10. Th thing about 4 is the fact that we can basically decide the difficulty of the later half. But in FE 10, it is guaranteed that we're stuck with the oerpowered GMs.

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Most: probably FE10 by virtue of being the least unbalanced; for every crazy laguz royal and mastery skill there is an equally overpowered enemy somewhere (probably 4-E)

Least: FE4, which I expect to win by a landslide. Additional mention to FE2, have a look at its items page (speed ring and angel ring wut? (also 1-5 archers))

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I think BEXP balances out 9 to an extent, since characters that would normally be terrible(like Rolf) can be made decent for a relatively low cost.

I think BEXP doesn't really come close to making up for the fact that mounts pretty much trampled FE9's game balance (and that's saying nothing of what Aether Ike does on top of it).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Most: FE7; Most of the units in the game had something going for them. There weren't really many of those units that are completely useless, and the stats end game are fairly balanced.

Least: FE4; Love this game, but.. yeah. (see holy bloods, holy weapons, lovers, etc)

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Giving a vote to best/worst female axe user as well---though, make reclass not count. Like, you can't vote for, say, Yumina for best female axe user because she can go DK through reclass (not sure why anyone would do that), has to be standard class.

Right, makes sense, but do women who don't need to reclass but DO need to promote to use Axes (Like Meg, Lachesis and Machua) count?

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Da Best: Uh... FE7 I guess?

Not Da Best: Uh... FE10 I guess?

Giving a vote to best/worst female axe user as well---though, make reclass not count. Like, you can't vote for, say, Yumina for best female axe user because she can go DK through reclass (not sure why anyone would do that), has to be standard class.

Drat. I would have voted for DracoKnight!Yumina!

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Most Balanced: My vote's gonna go to FE10. Especially since you don't have one powerful unit throughout the whole game. Honorable mentions go to FE7 where basically everyone is fairly usable. And although I haven't played it, FE5. Fatigue FTW. And FE9 as well for much of the same reasons I'm giving FE7 an honorable mention.

Least balanced: FE4. Part 1? Basically a stomping ground for Sigurd, Lex, Cuan, and later, Levin. Part 2? Basically a stomping ground for Shanan, Alex, a Holsety wielding Arthur or Sety, and later, Celice. Dishonorable mention goes to FE8 because of Seth throughout the main game, and Bishops throughout Creature Campain. Also FE6, because I don't see what's so balanced about having meh to crappy units in a little over half of your team while Rutger, Alan, Lance, and later, Percival and Miledy are the ones killing most of everything. And FEs 11 and 12, because most prepromotes and unprepromotes can't do much of anything.

Edited by Cybernetic Ghost
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FE10 is REALLY balanced:

- Fast Armormed enemies that shouldn't be fast!

- Sucky enemy Paladins that shouldn't be sucky!

- Enemy Tigers that 2HKO most of your characters in DB's Part 3!

- Laguz Royals!

- Overpowered Mastery skills!

- The fact that weaker characters are pretty much useless in HM.

- BEXP cut 75% in HM along with buffed enemies.

It has everything. :awesome:

By the way, Mages couldn't be any more suck in this game than any other.

Edited by Soul
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