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All Beorc units PT


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instead of reviving this; http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22112

I decided to start anew in a new thread.

after failing miserably last time, I decided to redo this, but to prevent that same fail, I leave behind all laguz.

The point of this PT is to get all my Beorc type (and yes, branded counts as Beorc type) units to level 20/20 by the end of the game. I will be doing this on easy mode, and won't be planning to abuse the 1 exp per unequipped battle.

currently I'm at chapter 17, day breaks (Oliver's 4-part chapter). my lowest leveled unit is Mist (level 16) (I'm counting Sothe's level x2, he's level 9, thus counts as 18 to me). My highest leveled unit are Stefan and Titania, both level 8 promoted.

how do you think of my current PT? Think I will make it? got any information that could help me achieve my goal?

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instead of reviving this; http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22112

I decided to start anew in a new thread.

after failing miserably last time, I decided to redo this, but to prevent that same fail, I leave behind all laguz.

The point of this PT is to get all my Beorc type (and yes, branded counts as Beorc type) units to level 20/20 by the end of the game. I will be doing this on easy mode, and won't be planning to abuse the 1 exp per unequipped battle.

currently I'm at chapter 17, day breaks (Oliver's 4-part chapter). my lowest leveled unit is Mist (level 16) (I'm counting Sothe's level x2, he's level 9, thus counts as 18 to me). My highest leveled unit are Stefan and Titania, both level 8 promoted.

how do you think of my current PT? Think I will make it? got any information that could help me achieve my goal?

Use BEXP. This isn't really that hard. I do it all the time. o.o

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Use BEXP. This isn't really that hard. I do it all the time. o.o

I use Bexp, and last time with laguz, I did get trouble with way too underleveled characters

now I'm doing fine I guess. except for Mist, all my units are promoted (leaving Mist unpromoted until last seal to save 100 exp). I just finished chapter 17.

I still have about 1000 Bexp left, should I save it up to distribute near the end, or just spend it all now?

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This is going to be tough, perhaps, because you only have a few bosses to throne abuse against. In fact, I think Ena and Bertram might be the only enthroned bosses besides Shiharam (sp?) who you don't have time to abuse against to due the chapter's turn constraints. You'll want to have your frailer units (mages) deployed in the earlier chapters because they will be likely OHKO'd by Ashnard and unable to level up adequately against him, assuming he gives exp when tinked (I don't remember, it might be only 1 exp which makes it negligible). Personally, I chose to use my BEXP to get good level ups on units with good - and thus more easily abused through reset - growths like Jill up to speed rather than distributing it to units evenly. You'd probably want to always use BEXP on your weakest EXP characters without leveling them up to maximize CEXP once the battles start.

Anyway, you should definitely take the opportunity to get your characters to 20/20 off of Bertram if it looks like you won't make it otherwise.

Healer EXP should be no problem considering that you can lock an enemy in a grid of 4, unequip weapons and let the enemy attack you until the healer is level 20, not to mention that Ena has an unbreakable weapon so you will want healers for that chapter.

Edited by Blue Mars
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thanks for your input, Blue Mars.

I don't think I'll have any problems getting healers up to 20/20 (including stave wielding mages), but I might get trouble with all those other characters.

up to promotion of all my characters I've been spending all my gained Bexp on them. now that everyone is promoted I don't have the problem of units dying too fast anymore, and thus I'm saving my Bexp to see who needs it near the end.

and next to Ashnard, does BK give experience? otherwise I would just aim on killing reinforcements that chapter. (Ike is now my highest leveled unit, level 20/10, and has around 21 speed, skill, strength and defense)

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