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Pokemon Genesis Mafia Wins!

Fear The Pika

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So, I have a final tomorrow... I'm going to extend the night phase until Thursday, same time. I'm going to be busy until then.

Eclipse has been subbed in for Levantamos (Due to her not knowing anything about the game except her own role)

Mysterio has been subbed in for Kumquat.

I'll give you two the relevant info tomorrow night.

Edited by Fear The Pika
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Yay, I

Teh foq, I pressed something that made me post accidentally. '_'

Just saying that I'm back. And, wow, just how many trainers are there? Or is Blue one of the Rockets?

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I extended the phase by a day for the replacements to catch up on anything they need to know. I've sent out all role PMs (PM me if you didn't get one and you should've), here's the update.

It was an interesting night. Three people were found dead that morning. JBCKW had his face punched in, and Kirsche and Strawman the Ducksawducky had died of some unknown cause. They were...


You are Green, formerly a little thief and con artist, but now a respectable trainer. But you still have those skills, even if they are a little rusty. How could you possibly resist the temptation to try to find Mew, the most adorable Pokemon ever? But Team Rocket is here, so you have to get rid of them, now. How will you do that when all of your Pokemon but one Squirtle have vanished, though? Ah well, Squirtle is still cute, right?

Items: 3 Poke Balls, 300 Poke

ROLE: Trainer Stalker

Once during the night, you must choose to either:

A. Use the power of one of the Pokemon you have (the same power cannot be used on consecutive nights).

B. Go to an area to search for a wild Pokemon or a trainer battle (if you have more than one Pokemon, you must chose which Pokemon you're using when you pick your area. The mechanics for battles, both wild and trainer, and wild Pokemon encounters will not be revealed. If you have no Poke Balls, you may not choose this option.)

C. Follow a player to the area they go to and learn their allignment.

D. Go to the Poke Mart and buy Poke Balls. You must buy at least one Poke Ball. If you do not have 100 Poke, you may not choose this option.

You are in a mason group with Kirsche(Squirtle). Pokemon you capture get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you die, any Pokemon that you have captured die with you.

Win Condition: All Rockets and their Pokemon must be dead.

Squirtle (Type: Water)

You are Squirtle, and you do nothing. Well, almost nothing. You have a shell, which you can hide in, but that's about it. You can't wait to level up, can you? Maybe if you do you'll actually be useful.

Lv. 5

ROLE: Cower

Any role that targets you has a 25% chance of failing.

You are in a mason group with JBCWKitty (Green). Pokemon Green captures get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you Green dies, you die.

Win Condition: All Rockets and their Pokemon must be dead.

Pikachu (Type: Electric)

Lv. 6

ROLE: Thunderwave.

If Green decides to activate your ability, he will choose one person for you to target. That person must have at least one line of slurred speech in every post during the next day.

You are in a mason group with JBCWK (Green) and Kirsche. Pokemon Green captures get added to your mason group, and you may talk to any living player in your mason group via Facebook/AIM/Skype/PM/whatever at any point during the game. If you Green dies, you die.

Win Condition: All Rockets and their Pokemon must be dead.

Everyone claims to have heard

during the night.

Mysterio showed up with a bandaged arm, looking battered and bruised.

One, Pokemonless trainer groaned in frustration that he could not find the last wild Pokemon, but nobody could tell who it was.

Begin Day 3

Day 3 ends at 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, October 18th (10/18)

Votes needed to lynch: 5

Edited by Fear The Pika
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Wow, what an interesting discussion. I guess there's no SK, and probably no vigilante, since there's probably only been one kill each night. It's possible another killer targeted a Pokemon that was dying anyway, though.

##Vote: Luka Megurine

Say something.

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Actually, while pressure voting for Rein might get him to post, it's still not discussion. So, a question for everyone. What do you think the Pokemon to Trainer ratio of the remaining players is?

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