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What age do you think you will grow out of anime/videogames?


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I don't know if i could put them away. Mybrother said that i wasn't going to like it anymore when i was 13 and look at me now.

Video games and animes are a good addiction.

It's one of the more safer addictions. It's not going to give you cancer, or rabies, it's just going to make you like video games,


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Our generation is a big video game era. It will probably be normal for us to be playing video games when we're 50 or older.

What I plan to say to my kids-

"No homework till you beat this boss!"

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Our generation is a big video game era. It will probably be normal for us to be playing video games when we're 50 or older.

What I plan to say to my kids-

"No homework till you beat this boss!"

I would keep dying

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Our generation is a big video game era. It will probably be normal for us to be playing video games when we're 50 or older.

What I plan to say to my kids-

"No homework till you beat this boss!"

Mine would be

*hands kid's a really long RPG*

No school till after you defeat this game :)

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On as logical note, probably when I'm 30. Maybe if I'm 40. Whenever I get a full-time job, basically. Plus, all the guys who make intelligent systems what it is will either be dead or too old to think.

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Well, anime I don't think I'll be into my entire life, but video games? For sure.

Heck, even my dad still plays videogames whenever he finds a game he's interested in. I have to fight with him for the Wii!

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Man, that's an awesome dad. Does he play FE too?

Nah. I've tried to get him into it, seeing as he likes war games, but he either doesn't have the time to or is too busy playing something else.

He plays MarioKart often though (he unlocked everything, so guess who's file I play on XD), and Brawl with my brother sometimes. Lol.

He's also fond of the Resident Evil series. Silly Daddy.

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My dad watched me play Radiant Dawn and then he told me "If you don't tell me what this game is about I won't let you play it anymore". XD

So I gave him the manual. :D But he didn't play it...I was hoping he would...

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My dad watched me play Radiant Dawn and then he told me "If you don't tell me what this game is about I won't let you play it anymore". XD

My dad watched me playing RD too. He just made fun of the dialogue when Renning was like ARRRGHHHHHHHHH GRAGH and stuff.

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My dad found saying the characters names backwards amusing.

He did it for Tormod, once, and now whenever we talk about Fire Emblem the only thing he ever asks is "Have you leveled up Domrot yet?"


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Man....its been 16 years of gaming for me. My older brother taught me how to play sonic when i was 2 years old. Then i would always walk around with a gameboy. And ever since then, Its been all about the games.

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Man....its been 16 years of gaming for me. My older brother taught me how to play sonic when i was 2 years old. Then i would always walk around with a gameboy. And ever since then, Its been all about the games.

Same here, I got an SNES when I was about two month's old.

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In terms of anime, I used to be a total otaku, but I'm less of one now- I just got too busy for it, and I only follow a few series.

I think that continuing to play as an adult might actually be beneficial--if you have kids and they want to play games, it'll be easier to know what games are good for them, because you can play the game to find out.

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In terms of anime, I used to be a total otaku, but I'm less of one now- I just got too busy for it, and I only follow a few series.

I think that continuing to play as an adult might actually be beneficial--if you have kids and they want to play games, it'll be easier to know what games are good for them, because you can play the game to find out.

Continuing on with that, they would probably play less video games as well since they wouldn't be a forbidden fruit.

Plus, my family's problem with video games is that I don't spend enough time with them now. (Although it's mostly because we have no common interests when it comes to watching television.) If we were to play games with our kids, we could avoid that conflict. Although it does bring up the whole: 'which video game do we actually play' aspect.

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Mine get mad because I don't spend much time with them too, but it's not the games- I just don't really have much to say to them. They keep worrying about me 'cuz I'm quiet, but I don't see why they want my thoughts all the time. I think they (wrongly) blame games sometimes. Maybe because I spend a lot of time working on one that I'm making...

And I agree with the forbidden fruit thing. When my mom claims I'm going to rot my brain/eyesight/social life (what life?), I end up wanting to play more to prove her wrong. (Though she never accepts my proof.)

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Mine get mad because I don't spend much time with them too, but it's not the games- I just don't really have much to say to them. They keep worrying about me 'cuz I'm quiet, but I don't see why they want my thoughts all the time. I think they (wrongly) blame games sometimes. Maybe because I spend a lot of time working on one that I'm making...

And I agree with the forbidden fruit thing. When my mom claims I'm going to rot my brain/eyesight/social life (what life?), I end up wanting to play more to prove her wrong. (Though she never accepts my proof.)

I agree. These forums are pretty much all the social life we need.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family (as I'm sure you all do) it's just that we live in a different generation and certain things happening now are different from what they're used to.

I probably should go out more though. But I know I will once I get a car. (If I can pay for gas XP)

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I'm probably going to become more of a casual gamer once I become a junior in college and I have to start focusing on a major. I'm not that into anime, so I don't think I'll be into when I'm old. But I don't plan on ever completely abandoning video games.

And realistically, I don't think everyone will keep in touch after we all leave/this board dies. But I'd like to think that some of us at least stay in contact with each other. It doesn't matter though, 'cause that's a looooooong, loooong, loooong, way off.

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My father makes fun of me because he beat Wind Waker before I did. He also gave me competent tactical advice while I played Resident Evil 4 despite never playing the game himself. Funnily enough, like Songbird, I have been unable to get my Dad interested in Fire Emblem. He used to play the Pokemon TCG and StarCraft with me, but he now only plays Zelda games.

I don't necessarily expect to keep playing games as I get older, but I wouldn't be surprised if I do. I agee with Lyle Dayek that video games are very much a part of our time (but then again, arcades were a notable success in the 1970's and have since declined into obscurity). Anime is not as mainstream as video games in North America and Europe, but if it begins to entrench itself into popular culture as games have managed to do, then I may continue to watch anime as I get older. Otherwise I predict I'll stop before I'm thirty (but who knows what will really happen?).

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