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Quick question about kills on weapons in FE4.


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Although I know different weapons have different advantages I tried to make this theoretical example as bland as possible so as to not raise bias. Needless to say I will be raising kills on Hero and Holy weapons as much as possible as a priority.

But say in the early stages (first generation) of the game I have two magic tomes of equal might, one with 22 kills on it and another with 0 kills on it. Would you guys say it's better to raise the 22 kill magic tome to 50 or even 100 before starting on the other magic tome? or keep the kills on both tomes as even as possible?

the way i've played in the past i've tried to do the even kill thing but recently i've been thinking it's horribly inefficient to have two weapons close to critical range as opposed to at least one weapon with the critical skill attached. i'd like your opinions please (with discussion if you could).

thanks for reading ^_^

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If the tome in question is a C Rank tome, it's often not even worth it. The only tome that should realisitically get any amount of kills is Levin's Elwind, and mayyybe Azel's fire tome.

Don't worry too much about weapon critical. Obviously, Sigurd is going to kill a lot of stuff with that silver sword of his, and whoever has the hero sword is going to be doing stellar damage with that too.

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Dumb question about wep kills but what is even the point of it i never stuided the game mechanics about it to figure it out so idk

FE4 (seisen no keifu, genealogy of the holy war) automatically adds the critical skill to any weapon that gets kills of at least 50. you can see the kills on a weapon by pressing "X" on it, it's the number next to the stars at the top

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FE4 (seisen no keifu, genealogy of the holy war) automatically adds the critical skill to any weapon that gets kills of at least 50. you can see the kills on a weapon by pressing "X" on it, it's the number next to the stars at the top

awesoume did not know that thanks that will be useful for my next playthrough which i hope to start soon

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awesoume did not know that thanks that will be useful for my next playthrough which i hope to start soon

use my pre-promote pursuit set (located in this forum) if you don't have any previous plans for pairings =P

you can also use the enemy reinforcement list (also located in this forum) which i am confirming step by step if you're not doing a ranked run / like to maximize your exp.

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Ive used most of the good pairings i want to try something a bit more challenging.

It would be nice to back off the holy weapons a little too but im not sure who to pair levin with or ayra

It would be nice to "dumb down" ayras kids since they have always owned the battle field on there own no matter who i seem to pair them with but i dont want them to be useless i just want some of the other charcters to shine a little more like delmud and nanna i would love a better fee (even though she usually turns out godly for me no matter what)

Also the less exp i can get the harder i can make it, i dont want to use a patch or anything cause i want to pay attention to the story again been awhile since i ran through the story itself

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They may not have mounted movment but as far as i can tell thats never stopped them on all my playthroughs they can solo most chapters easly and end up capping a few stats either just before premotion or a little after

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Generally, footunits have vastly better raw offensive parameters, but due to the size of FE4 maps, and -3 instead of -2 against promoted cavalry, they are greatly shafted by how much faster a mounted unit moves when you're playing more efficiently. Of course, if you don't, then they're OP'd to hell and back.

I give Lakche the Leg ring, though, since she's my favourite female character in the entire series, but most efficient players put that on Celice or Leen, and for good reason.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Generally, footunits have vastly better raw offensive parameters, but due to the size of FE4 maps, and -3 instead of -2 against promoted cavalry, they are greatly shafted by how much faster a mounted unit moves when you're playing more efficiently. Of course, if you don't, then they're OP'd to hell and back.

I give Lakche the Leg ring, though, since she's my favourite female character in the entire series, but most efficient players put that on Celice or Leen, and for good reason.

I agree with Leg Ring / Knight Ring on Celice as it essentially starts him off as Sigurd being able to attack then seize subsequently. This is only if you don't really put your dancer to use for moving mounted units (she'll be stuck moving foot soldiers).

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They may not have mounted movment but as far as i can tell thats never stopped them on all my playthroughs they can solo most chapters easly and end up capping a few stats either just before premotion or a little after

You have to excuse some fans, their ideas of "best" and "bad" are dependent not on the game, but in how they view the game.

I once paired Ayra with Arden, and even then they were still pretty awesome.

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You have to excuse some fans, their ideas of "best" and "bad" are dependent not on the game, but in how they view the game.

I once paired Ayra with Arden, and even then they were still pretty awesome.

i think a no skiller parent like claude would really make them as difficult to use as possible. they would be able to use staves magic swords to probably make up for it. i dunno.

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You have to excuse some fans, their ideas of "best" and "bad" are dependent not on the game, but in how they view the game.

This is absolutely uncalled for. I was only pointing out that Ayra's kids did not excel in a certain important parameter, one that is no less important than the parameters that will let a player perceive them to be excellent characters. You do not have to barge into every topic and make a remark with a "holier than thou" attitude about how you think a certain playstyle is limited in its freedom.

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You do not have to barge into every topic and make a remark with a "holier than thou" attitude about how you think a certain playstyle is limited in its freedom.

Thankfully, I have you to watch my boot every time, coming from the clouds into your little play-pens.

Remember, if you can't stop yourself from feeling things you perceive without evidence, you can stop your reaction full-stop by setting my user account to 'ignore' in the board settings. It might be good for you. If only so you don't get too cozy with the concept of defining something rather than observing.

Edited by Celice
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Ayra's kids are pretty much impossible to screw up. Ardan!Ayra is good, Dew!Ayra is good, Claude!Ayra is good with the added bonus that they are immune to status staves...

DewxAyra is one of my favourites, they love Dew's growths and bargain. Free Elite Ring!

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DewxAyra is one of my favourites, they love Dew's growths and bargain. Free Elite Ring!

mm but wouldn't it be more efficient to just pair lex with aira to get both kids elite all the time; i honestly think the strength and defense stats are usually where aira is lacking so lex could make up for those in addition to elite (plus silver blade / thunder sword kill set up isn't that hard with a promoted lex imo)

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mm but wouldn't it be more efficient to just pair lex with aira to get both kids elite all the time; i honestly think the strength and defense stats are usually where aira is lacking so lex could make up for those in addition to elite (plus silver blade / thunder sword kill set up isn't that hard with a promoted lex imo)

Both have the same Strength growth, the defense isn't that different either. Even on an efficient run, Dew has more than enough time to pair with Ayra, plus Lex isn't sporting fantastic hit rates against swords. Regardless, both are pretty good choices. I find that permanent Elite isn't quite necessary on them, someone like Patty might appreciate it.

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mm but wouldn't it be more efficient to just pair lex with aira to get both kids elite all the time; i honestly think the strength and defense stats are usually where aira is lacking so lex could make up for those in addition to elite (plus silver blade / thunder sword kill set up isn't that hard with a promoted lex imo)

Sol. Plus anything the kids could ever want - like, say, a Knight Ring when Celice is done with it. Plus, Dew!Skasaher actually has an arguably better - and certainly comparable - growth spread than Lex!Skasaher. Didn't bother to check Lakche because I'm not awake yet.

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