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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 112


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Best: Shinon. An asshole who loves to get drunk? I know way too many people like that.

Worst: Micaiah. Discounting laguz and mamkutes for obvious reasons, she is definately one of the least realistic characters in the series.

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nom: Best/worst Character that looks really badass but doesn't have the stats to make up for it cuz he sucks big time. So best is badass with bad stats, and least is badass with really awsm stats. To clarify.

I'm not sure about this...

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Worst: Micaiah. Discounting laguz and mamkutes for obvious reasons, she is definately one of the least realistic characters in the series.

She's sorta halfway one of them, you know.

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But at least she can't transform into a giant dragon/beast/bird/whatever, which was my primary reason behind disqualifying laguz. On the other hand, she can use magic, speaks an ancient language and somehow becomes queen of a country she had no relationship to the royalty of, so yeah, she gets my vote as least realistic.

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I'm gonna be judged for this nomination but I also wanna nominate Best/Worst Incestuous Pairing. Hell, FE is full of it.

MOST: Brunya

Absolute loyalty to a higher power? Been there, seen it.

LEAST: Micaiah

I mean there's plenty of generic people in the world but Jesus H. Christ Micaiah.

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Whatever floats your boat...

Yeah, my boat doesn't float on that topic, just something I want to know because it might affect what I would barely squeeze out as a Best vote. Either way my Worst vote is the same.

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Nominate: Best/Worst hair

If you take a look at the first post, you will see that it contains a list of the winners and losers of previous rounds. And what is the third round listed? Oh, is it Best/Worst Hair?

Previous winners (Best)

Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan

Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan

Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie)

Previous winners (Worst)

Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie)

Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia

Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie)

So, I'm afraid that Best/Worst Hair has already been done.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Most: Neimi

-Just an average girl who grew up in a village hunting with her grandfather, and then joins the war. Nothing crazy about that.

Least: Volke

-I mean, who asks for THAT much money just to answer a simple question?

NOMINATE!: Most/ Least Deceptive/ Disappointing Character

Edited by NyanKitteh
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