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(FE6) the one with roy


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What makes FE6 Bartre good, I never do understand it.

While Bartre is slow, he's enormously strong. In many ways, this makes up for his lacklustre skill and speed. For example, he can 2HKO Nomads in Sacae with an Iron Bow. This is far more accurate than Echidna with a Hand Axe (who doesn't 2HKO iirc), and Bartre is also significantly more durable since he faces less crit. Bartre can pull off good things with the Brave Axe as well. He's only one or two points off of 2HKOing Paladins with it, for example. And his enormous 49ATK with a Steel Bow OHKOes unpromoted flying units. For Fir fanboys out there, their fast support is also desirable.

Or, consider that Bartre has 1 less attack than base level Klein when Klein is using a Silver Bow and Bartre is using an Iron Bow.

EDIT: And that's on Hard Mode! I didn't realise this was NM. In that case, Bartre is beating Klein in basically everything except for a small speed and skill deficit (like 2 points) and a resistance lead (but Bartre. Why people took so long to pick Bartre up, I don't know.

Edited by Anouleth
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In that case, Bartre is beating Klein in basically everything except for a small speed and skill deficit (like 2 points) and a resistance lead (but Bartre. Why people took so long to pick Bartre up, I don't know.

My guess is that they'd rather have the high-skill Echidna in a game where hitrates are just so plain suck-tastic all around, or maybe it has something to do with how he compares to Gonzo if you can actually tolerate getting him to 20/1 with those suck-tastic hitrates (I never tried using him but damn that's a nice promotion he gets). Of course, Gonzo does have a bit of an availability problem if you want to compare him to Bartre on that basis, and I'm certainly not denying that Bartre looks pretty manry here. Personally my temptation is to compare Bartre to FE7 Hawkeye; at least superficially, Bartre doesn't look so good in that comparison to me, but you might well not be able to do any better in FE6.

But I am totally not here to do the tier list thing :O

(also, "but Bartre" what?)

Personally, I'm surprised it took so long for anyone to pick up a thief. This is a long game, and the Ch 6 treasure seems super-useful to me (the main advantage Chad has over Astohl, really - since yadda yadda average stats, Chad isn't realistically going to be anywhere near lv 10 by the time you get Astohl on any normal playthrough. Really stats don't matter all that much for thieves at all, but I do like them having a little durability just in case...).

I noticed that Naglfar not only doesn't have a healer, but doesn't even have a magic user yet. And only Sophia's left. I wonder how well that will work out... (well, he did get Miledy and Rutger and Chad, plus Marcus is common, so it shouldn't be too bad)

For Jake, it seems like it will be hard to recruit Zeiss without incurring a penalty with Miledy? :s Or at least she'll need an escort... The rest of that team looks really solid, except Dorothy IMO. Those first 5 picks should work really well together, with Dieck -> Shin -> Percy ensuring good combat for the whole game, Saul for healing, and Lugh as a rising star.

I'm just curious, But, which of the axe men is the better one, Lot or Ward.

Ward is massively stronger and luckier, and will eventually overtake Lot in skill. Lot is faster and more durable, also by a pretty significant margin. I would personally prefer Lot, because I find the hitrate problem more annoying in the early game than the late game (fuck Leygance, man. Seriously.) and because I'd expect to have the manry-Str (or Mag) role decently well covered by others in late game.

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Geez, Chapter 6 really does have some monster items. You wait until after Chad's been drafted to pitch in, zahlman? sad.gif

Is the penalty for undrafted units per action, or just overall?

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Geez, Chapter 6 really does have some monster items. You wait until after Chad's been drafted to pitch in, zahlman? sad.gif

Well, yeah, I wouldn't want to bias things needlessly in favour of whoever has the next pick after my post. :P

(Also don't forget the Gold there which could buy you an extra stat booster or promotion item of your choosing.)

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I noticed that Naglfar not only doesn't have a healer, but doesn't even have a magic user yet. And only Sophia's left. I wonder how well that will work out... (well, he did get Miledy and Rutger and Chad, plus Marcus is common, so it shouldn't be too bad)

I was aiming for Saul, but Jake ninja'd him, as usual. I didn't feel that mages are exactly necessary either, with Warp banned. I think I'll manage.

Is the penalty for undrafted units per action, or just overall?

Overall, like in every good draft ever.

Please switch Igrene with ashtol.

I really need him

You are whoalate.

Why does Jake only sign in every other day?

Edited by Naglfar
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I was aiming for Saul, but Jake ninja'd him, as usual. I didn't feel that mages are exactly necessary either, with Warp banned. I think I'll manage.

Well I mean you're also giving up on Purge/Bolting, Restore, effective tanking of status staves, effective tanking of magic in general (I'm guessing you're going to need a LOT of Pure Water)...

But yeah, I think you'll manage too. :) I'm guessing you're planning on Sacae route?

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According to the majority of the internet I will be sent to Ilia route by default due to my lack of pegasus knights and nomads. Hence me picking Juno.

Durr. Have fun with status then :) Wait, this is normal so it shouldn't be too bad...

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^ @ Dr. Will no and no

Villages are always no

I think he asked that question the opposite way around from what you were expecting... :

Anyway... IYAM, it's not "visiting the village" that's the problem (because that's just moving to the square), it's collecting an item. Since you explicitly can recruit with undrafted units, I would say that should apply to Lugh and Karel as well, making one village anyone can visit and one village that undrafted Fir or Bartre can visit. (I mean, I guess you could say "they weren't explicitly allowed to select Visit in the menu", but then the same logic applies to Talk. Maybe undrafted units are supposed to recruit just by standing there and looking awesome? ;P)

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Visiting villages is not on the list of things undrafted units can do, and luring things away shouldn't be necessary anyway...

Jake is getting Astohl because my patience with his frankly insufficient amount of spare time has run out, and if he's not back by the time his last pick comes around I'm picking that too.

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Visiting villages is not on the list of things undrafted units can do, and luring things away shouldn't be necessary anyway...

Jake is getting Astohl because my patience with his frankly insufficient amount of spare time has run out, and if he's not back by the time his last pick comes around I'm picking that too.

cool i get astohl

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