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(FE6) the one with roy


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Chapter 11: 11 turns

getting that hero crest/elysian whip/money bolt was just the biggest pain ever and probably cost me turns but man look at all this swag

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |11/00|27| 8|12|14|12| 8| 3
Chad  |07/--|22| 7| 5|15|10| 3| 1
Rutger|18/00|34|11|20|20| 6|10| 2
Zealot|--/04|37|11|13|13| 5|13| 7
Treck |15/00|34|13| 7|12|10|14| 0
Geese |13/00|36|12|10|11|11| 9| 0
Lalum |01/--|14| 1| 2|11| 9| 2| 4
Klein |--/01|27|13|13|11|10| 8| 6

Chapter 12: 9 turns

kindest rng ever

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |13/00|28| 9|13|14|13| 9| 3
Chad  |07/--|22| 7| 5|15|10| 3| 1
Rutger|18/00|34|11|20|20| 6|10| 2
Zealot|--/06|39|13|14|13| 5|13| 7
Treck |16/00|35|14| 7|12|11|14| 0
Geese |14/00|37|13|10|11|11| 9| 0
Lalum |02/--|15| 1| 2|12|10| 2| 4
Klein |--/01|27|13|13|11|10| 8| 6

Edited by Naglfar
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Chapter 12x: 9 turns

this chapter is just really weird

also isn't it just great when you fuck up the stats code box thing?

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |14/00|29| 9|13|14|13|10| 3
Chad  |07/--|22| 7| 5|15|10| 3| 1
Rutger|20/00|36|11|20|20| 7|10| 3
Zealot|--/06|39|13|14|13| 5|13| 7
Treck |17/00|36|14| 7|12|11|15| 0
Geese |16/00|39|14|10|12|12| 9| 1
Lalum |03/--|16| 1| 2|13|11| 3| 5
Klein |--/01|27|13|13|11|10| 8| 6

Chapter 13: 10 turns


also durandal

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |15/00|30|10|14|14|13|10| 4
Chad  |08/--|23| 7| 6|15|10| 3| 1
Rutger|20/02|42|13|23|21| 7|13| 5
Zealot|--/06|39|13|14|13| 5|13| 7
Treck |18/00|37|14| 8|12|11|15| 0
Geese |16/00|39|14|10|12|12| 9| 1
Lalum |04/--|16| 1| 3|14|12| 3| 5
Klein |--/02|28|13|13|12|11| 8| 7
Miledy|12/00|31|12|13|11| 6|13| 3

it's desert time again

fuck my life

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Chapter 14: 11+4 turns (Cecilia)

whoa is that a penalty?

that's a penalty.

actually I just realised I could have gotten the speedwings but didn't oh well

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |16/00|31|11|15|14|14|11| 4
Chad  |08/--|23| 7| 6|15|10| 3| 1
Rutger|20/05|44|16|25|22| 8|13| 6
Zealot|--/07|39|14|14|14| 6|13| 8
Treck |18/00|37|14| 8|12|11|15| 0
Geese |17/00|40|14|10|12|13|10| 1
Lalum |05/--|16| 1| 3|15|13| 3| 5
Klein |--/02|28|13|13|12|11| 8| 7
Miledy|14/00|33|13|14|12| 7|13| 3

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  • 2 months later...

look I'm doing this again

Chapter 14x: 8 turns

boots and wing to miledy

never actually beat this chapter before which means it's time for uncharted territory oh shit

uh, I forgot to add Sofiya last time?

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |16/00|31|11|15|14|14|11| 4
Chad  |09/--|24| 7| 6|16|10| 4| 1
Rutger|20/06|45|17|26|23| 8|13| 6
Zealot|--/07|39|14|14|14| 6|13| 8
Treck |19/00|38|14| 9|13|11|16| 0
Geese |19/00|42|15|11|12|14|10| 1
Lalum |06/--|16| 1| 3|16|14| 3| 5
Klein |--/03|29|14|13|12|12| 8| 8
Miledy|16/00|35|13|15|15| 7|13| 3
Sofiya|01/00|15| 6| 2| 4| 3| 1| 8

Chapter 15: 5 turns

easy peasy

sofiya fucked up two kills, what was IS thinking when they made her, 2 base skill with dark magic what the fuck

need an armory

Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |17/00|32|11|16|15|14|12| 5
Chad  |09/--|24| 7| 6|16|10| 4| 1
Rutger|20/08|47|18|27|24| 8|13| 7
Zealot|--/07|39|14|14|14| 6|13| 8
Treck |20/00|39|15| 9|14|11|16| 0
Geese |19/00|42|15|11|12|14|10| 1
Lalum |06/--|16| 1| 3|16|14| 3| 5
Klein |--/03|29|14|13|12|12| 8| 8
Miledy|17/00|36|14|15|16| 8|14| 3
Sofiya|01/00|15| 6| 2| 4| 3| 1| 8

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Chapter 16: 11 turns

got the hero crest, this whole thing was a lot easier than I thought it would be

miledy getting the boss kill was a highlight though sadly I couldn't get the shield for her, sofiya still can't hit anything worth half a butt

stat boosters


Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Roy   |17/00|39|11|16|15|14|12| 5
Chad  |09/--|24| 7| 6|16|10| 4| 1
Rutger|20/08|47|18|27|24| 8|13| 7
Zealot|--/08|40|14|14|14| 6|14| 8
Treck |20/01|42|17|10|16|11|18| 3
Geese |19/00|42|15|11|12|14|10| 1
Lalum |07/--|17| 1| 4|17|14| 3| 6
Klein |--/03|29|14|13|12|12| 8| 8
Miledy|20/00|38|17|15|18| 8|15| 5
Sofiya|01/00|15| 6| 2| 4| 3| 1| 8
Fa    |01/--|16|17|17| 3| 7|17|26

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  • 1 month later...

Guess what I found my old turnlog(s).

If I post it here, maybe I'll have the motivation to finish it someday.

Chapter 8: 23 + 4 turns

Chapter 8x: 14 turns

Chapter 9: 15 turns

Chapter 10: 10 turns

Chapter 11: 11 turns

Chapter 12: 12 11 turns

Chapter 12x: 8

Lilina promoted at level 18. Marcus and Alan kept Roy moving. I got a couple of gems and an Elixir.

Chapter 13: 10

South path, as usual, Marcus and Alan rescue rushed. Barth’s plan to get the Body Ring was foiled by the reinforcements.

Chapter 14: 12 + 4

Wolt, Chad did the west side. A flier penalty was taken to lift people over the top. Sophia made it to the GR on turn 12.

Chapter 14x: 7

Standard throne rush. Alan ran up and bonked the Sage when within range. Then everyone helped to take down Ohtz.

Chapter 15: 4 + 4

Flier fun. Turn 1, Lilina over. Turn 2, pick up Roy, Turn 3, carry Roy over, Turn 4, kill Raeth, seize.

Chapter 16: 11

Damn it, Douglas, stop attacking people who kill you asdf. Despite the fact that Oujay and Marcus do chip damage, and Wolt can’t counter at all, you must attack Ray, right?

Everyone else went through the intestines. Once the door was breached, Alan and Ward went to break down Zeiss’s barrier. This had the added benefit of bringing Zeiss forward so Miledy could recruit him. Lilina and Forblaze one-shotted Narshen.

Chapter 16x: 10 turns

Chapter 17I: 7 turns

Chapter 18I: 7 turns

Chapter 19I: 9 turns

Chapter 20I: 6 turns

Chapter 20xI: 20 turns

Chapter 21: 13 turns

So unless I've screwed up my maths somewhere, I'm on 279 turns.

Edited by Kamekameha
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  • 1 month later...

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear draft thread

Happy birthday to you!

I got you a present...

It's an update!

Well, it's the thought that counts, right?

Chapter 21x - 11+4/294 turns

Yuno penalty to lift the team over the river.

Chapter 22 - 11/305 turns

This was less painful than I remembered, I guess because the reinforcements don't show up in time.

A smaller party concentrated on the right side move up; Alan goes left to trip that switch,

Wolt and Ward clear the right side, and the others go to the centre. Roy and Lilina charge towards

Zephiel and defeat him with a lover's crit.

Chapter 23 - 5/310 turns

Roy, Lilina and Alan assault the throne while the others divert the dragon knights and try to not die.

Chapter 24 - 14/324 turns

I had all the Divine Weapons (except Aureola) in play, not that it mattered much.

Through Alan and Lalum's effort keeping the party up, I managed a steady pace of 2 turns per throne.

Chapter F - 1/325 turns

Dance Roy, Win

Name   Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Bat Win
Roy     8.04 48 19 23 21 16 13 12 241  82  A Lilina, C Marcus, C Wolt
Alan   15.63 50 24 15 25 15 18  3 254 137  C Marcus, C Wolt
Lilina 20.00 34 30 17 19 22  8 24 226 150  A Roy, B Oujay
Wolt   12.06 39 16 23 18 14 12  4 163  81  C Roy, C Marcus, C Alan
Ward    9.13 53 22 17 10 16 17  2 190  80
Oujay  12.78 52 17 19 23 19 13  5 166  88  B Lilina, C Barth
Ray    10.64 34 22 19 16  9  9 17  93  62
Ellen   3.26 29 10 20 13 18  2 21  42   1
Lalum  16.92 22  2  2 20 21  7  8  83   0
Fa     18.03 39 17 16 13 30  8 16  31  20

Marcus  7.66 35 11 15 12 10 10  9 149  34  C Roy, C Alan, C Wolt
Barth   4.73 37 20 10 11  3 20  4  99  24  C Oujay
Wendy   1.17 Base                 Haha

Tactics A

Survival A


Weapon E

Time A

Funds D

Overall B

Edited by Minor Baldo
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