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Occupy Wall Street

Phoenix Wright

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This is why I sympathize with Wall Street.


Think about it. They're right.

Oh, Lord. Okay, let's see here...

1) "I didn't hear America complaining when the market was roaring to 14,000 and everyone's 401K doubled every 3 years." Well, you must have been deaf, because people were complaining pretty loudly when Wall Street people were getting bonuses so high that the money would enable them to buy small European countries.

2) "[T]he average Joes are still looking for a scapegoat.... Well, here we are." You say it like they blame you without base, but I'm pretty sure I keep hear you saying things like "we're going to take your jobs." You're going to continue on to say that you don't share any of the blame for the 99%'s misfortune?

3) "Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders--" Actually all of you who haven't been trained as teachers are very likely not capable. There's a very fine line between knowing material and being able to teach it--more specifically, to bend it in such a way that people of a certain age group can understand. ... And by the way, it'd be pretty funny if Wall Street people tried to teach 3rd graders math--the next generation taught by them would be telling us that 1 + 1 = 3. :>

4) "--and doing landscaping?" Oh, no, I'm sure you could do it, and get paid minimum wage for your sloppy work! Maybe less!

5) "We're going to stop buying the 80k car, we aren't going to leave the 35 percent tip at our business dinners anymore." I'm sorry, I thought people could only stop doing things that they were doing before. My bad.

6) "We're going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year--" Wait, what? Didn't you just say you didn't need a union? You can't take jobs with tenure because you're not part of a union. So which is it? Do you need a union or not? Because if you want a job with tenure then you need a union, too.

7) "[W]hen our fat a[ss]es land directly on Middle Class America and knock them to the bottom." Last time I checked, you guys were allergic to honest work. And the past has proven that you're absolutely awful at working Middle Class jobs. So, if you become the Middle Class, then... the 99% isn't sunk. All of us are fucked.

8) And a general comment. You know how the entire reason you're striking back is because people are protesting about you? Yeah, uh, maybe it's because of this "we're going to take your food" attitude of yours! You become predators, and you expect the 99% to be your prey? They're not just going to lie down and accept you tearing them to pieces. Maybe that's why they're fighting back.

No, Wall Street, if you survive, it'll only be ephemeral. Soon, you'll join everyone else, because you don't have the qualifications to do what the Middle Class does.


Note that I actually think both sides are being pretty stupid. The 99% that are occupying Wall Street know that there's a problem but they're not asking for something in particular, they're just crying "make it better!" And Wall Street responds that they'll throw the 99% to the dogs if it means saving their own asses.

Remember how, back in the 1780s, we had those fights between the federalists and the antifederalists? Well, guess what? They met each other halfway time and again. I'll spoiler it because I don't feel it's fully important, but if you don't believe me, I can prove it.

[spoiler=Here is how]The Great Compromise, which established a bicameral government where one house would have each state represented by 2 people and the other house would have states represented according to their population (satisfying the bigger states)- Article 1, Section 1; the 3/5 compromise, where all slaves would count as 3/5 a person (ignoring the stupidity of slavery itself) - Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3; Congress suspending the regulation of slave trade until the start of 1808 - Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 1; that the president would be chosen indirectly by electoral vote - Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 2; oh, and, uh, the entire bill of rights - the first ten amendments. I give the references because those things weren't just vague promises--they made it into the Constitution by which our country operates.

[spoiler=Reasons why they were federalists vs. antifederalists, and how they compromised]1) The smaller states, which mostly consisted of federalists, wanted equal representation in all states. The larger states, which mostly had antifederalists, wanted their population to give them weight to throw around.

2) The 3/5 compromise was a matter of the south vs. the north--but a lot of the antifederalist party was in the south.

3) Same as the above reason.

4) Simply that antifederalists wanted the republic to be as direct as possible, while the federalists wanted the central government to be stronger.

5) The antifederalists wanted a bill of rights so their freedom wouldn't be taken away. The federalists didn't want this because they were afraid of the listed rights being construed as their only rights. The stroke of genius is the bill of rights stated in their last two amendments... "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people" and "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Which is great. They just eliminated the federalist worry and still compromised.

And if you were wondering where I pulled the stats of antifederalists vs. federalists from, then here: http://gyazo.com/6289cda2fe3e57acd3acc0fd25cc30b8

... So if the federalists and the antifederalists were able to compromise then, why can't we now? Why is it that we butt heads instead of work together? Why can't we each just let go of our stupidity and avarice and give a bit of each side to make ends meet?

If they can do it, so can we. People just need to calm down and think clearly.

Wall street needs the 99% and vice versa. To think that we can function without each other... It's a hopeless dream on either side. We are the United States--not the "Divided States." So let's just come together like we're supposed to. We shouldn't be enemies to each other. We should be helping one another.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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I see that note and I thin a few things.

1. That's a protester's note that was made to satyrically look like a wall streeter's thoughts on this whole thing.

2. It's rather childish.

3. If it's made by a wall streeter for real, there is huge sarcrasm because basic math would say easily that 1% cannot really do the work of 99%, and is hilarious to think that suddenly collapsing the 1% would turn the whole rest of the 99% would suddenly be reduced to substandard life, like this is a third world country.

4. This note seems entirely made just to troll.

Regardless of who made that note, it's rather quite childish, and makes this entire debacle look immature. I would indeed say that wall street can't just say "we're a scapegoat that did nothing to deserve blame or punishment", but this is getting retarded. I don't care who made that note, this is just getting silly now.

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Education varies by state, and where I'm at, there IS no four months off. Furthermore, the amount of BS teachers have to deal with, from government to school administration to parents is insane. I'd love to see how someone on Wall Street handles five classes of kids, half of which who do not want to be there.

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